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投资海外资本市场,首先要有远见——在经历了2000年的流血上市以及其后的绵绵惨跌,谁能想到中国概念股在2002年8月突然“牛”起来,搜狐最高时达到35美元,新浪和网易扮演着纳斯达克股市领涨的角色。尤其是网易,目前的股价与历史最低价相比已狂涨67倍多。 相似文献
随着纳斯达克股指数的狂跌,曾令互联网英雄们深信不疑的圈钱神话,瞬时间变得黯淡无光。纳斯达克的“大雪”,对财大气粗的美国网络大鳄而言不过是一个微不足道的喷嚏,反观国内互联网界则如重伤风一般,锐气严重受挫。 相似文献
一个国家或地区的高科技产业水平将决定其未来的经济命运。在全球性的经济结构大调整中,中国的高新技术企业能否筹集到发展所需的资金,实现企业的高速扩张,缩短与发达国家之间的差距备受世人关注。从对美国纳斯达克的上市标准分析看,中国高新技术应该到纳斯达克上市融资,这是中国高新技术企业高速扩张的一条捷径。 相似文献
近日,分众传媒CEO江南春向记者证实,分众传媒已经确定了上市的具体时间,2005年3-5月份将在美国纳斯达克挂牌上市,预期融资金额为1.5亿美元,公司市值也将因此达到4亿美元左右。该计划若顺利实施,分众传媒将成为纳期达克第一个中国传媒概念股,作为一个靠资本养育长大的新型媒体,上市计划标志着分众传媒一系列的资本运动走到了一个顶点。 相似文献
China sped up its progress toward the opening of its stock market in the post-crisis period after 2010. This study aims to investigate the risk contribution of the Chinese stock market to four representative developed markets. The significance and dominance of the risk contribution are tested with the extended Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic by a bootstrap strategy. The results show a significant risk contribution of China to all the four developed countries. The dominance testing result shows clear regional effect in the risk contribution. The determinants of the risk contribution by macroeconomic variables are also identified in a forward-looking way. 相似文献
China is very likely to become Nasdaq's biggest source of non-U.S,listings by the end of 2007,according to NASDAQ Stock Market Vice Chairman Michael Oxley. Although Oxley declined to give the specific number, there must be at least 23 more Chinese firms to be listed by year end for China to catch up with Israel,Nasdaq's current biggest source of non-U.S,listings,who has about 70 listed companies on the market. 相似文献
In this paper, we identify the dynamic influence of financial institutions based on a complex network modelling method. We first construct a financial network based on stock comprehensive evaluation (SCE), which is obtained by the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS). Then, the dynamic influence of financial institutions is identified by iterating the static influence of each network. The results indicate that (i) the dynamic influence of financial institutions is greater than their static influence in analysing the evolution of influence and (ii) banks and securities institutions play an important role in the financial system. 相似文献
新时期企业行政管理探析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
随着现代管理理念的多元化趋向,企业行政管理凸显了许多实质性问题.新形势下,优化企业人才资源,规范企业行政管理行为,建构科学的企业行政管理体系,成为推动现代企业健康发展的保障. 相似文献
李观平 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(19)
随着我国经济体制改革的进一步深化.现代企业制度的逐步建立和完善,作为企业自我约束机制中的关键一环,内部审计部门在企业中发挥的作用日益明显,已然成为我国企业现代化管理体系中不可或缺的重要部分,也为越来越多的企业所重视.本文笔者从企业内部审计部门的基础性职能、特点入手,分析我国企业现阶段内部审计环节存在的一系列问题,并提出个人的几点完善建议. 相似文献
This paper shows that analyst coverage networks (ACN) play an important role in explaining stock return commonalities across Latin American stocks. First, pairs of stocks connected by analysts exhibit higher comovement and excess comovement. Second, firms easily traded by foreign investors are more strongly affected by common coverage. Third, international analysts are an important source of across-country excess comovement. Finally, by creating the network at the brokerage house level and exploiting exogenous changes in ACN around the MSCI LATAM Index reviews, this study addresses endogeneity concerns related to the effect of ACN on commonalities. 相似文献
黄庆耀 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(19)
作为关系到老百姓生活质量的重要产业部门,医院担负着重要的社会责任,近几年随着经济政治体制改革的不断深化,我国各级医院的产权关系发生了很大的改变,逐步变为自负盈亏、自我发展的独立法人.面对愈加开放的市场,医院面临诸多新问题,本文笔者从全面预算管理的角度分析新时期医院财务管理工作的问题,并提出相应的完善措施. 相似文献
复苏期我国股票市场投资策略分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国目前处于经济复苏期,在宏观经济企稳回升的同时,伴随着国际经济环境的复杂多变,经济运行的不确定性和复杂性有所增加,宏观调控面临的"两难"问题逐步增多。股票市场作为国民经济的晴雨表,既面临着新的投资风险,也孕育着一定的交易机会。充分利用投资机会,规避风险,需要在投资理念、投资方法、投资技巧等方面采取有效策略。 相似文献