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大中型船企是我国船舶工业的支柱型企业,造船产量和手持订单占总量的70%以上。面对日益严重的金融危机冲击,大中型船企同样面临着各种风险。在当前形势下,如何加快企业生产方式的转变和结构调整,增强可持续发展的能力,确保企业平稳发展,是各企业需要认真思考的问题并为之努力的方向。本刊推出“大中型船企过冬”专题,希望能给相关的企业在应对危机方面提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Shanghai Deep Sea Fisheries Co. Ltd, formerlyShanghai Deep Sea Fisheries Co., which was setup in 1985, is a big industrial State-ownedfishing company combining fishing, industrieration and development  相似文献   

OPEC countries, which produce 40% of the world's oil, are step ping up efforts to secure their market share in China as the group competes with Russia to supply the world's fastest-growing energy market.  相似文献   

On January 6, 2003, CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. (CITICS hereafter) issued A-shares in the Shanghai Stock Exchange to become the first public listed securities company through IPO in China. CITICS’s net capital rose to about 5 billion yuan, much higher than any other competitor. This teaching case aims to demonstrate how a company gains first-mover advantage as being the first company to go public in an industry, how its competitors respond by changing their strategies after the IPO, and consequently, how a series of relevant events influence the competition. This case offers important implications for understanding the competitive dynamics of a securities company in China.  相似文献   

仰炬  张朋柱 《商业研究》2005,(6):160-163
随着我国加入WTO及世界经济一体化 ,我国在医药流通领域的管制将于 2 0 0 5年放开。以我国医药零售业的代表企业———深圳一致药业股份有限公司、上海华氏大药房有限公司为例同世界巨头———CVS和Walgreen在企业的发展历史、赢利模式、绩效评价指标分析等方面做横向比较 ,找出我国医药零售企业和世界巨头的差距 ,在此基础上才能从产业组织结构优化的角度制定出相应的措施  相似文献   

上海船厂船舶有限公司实施精度控制、工时/物量管理两大措施,今年以来,面对金融危机给造船业带来的冲击,上船公司——  相似文献   

2005年以来,国际海事组织(IMO)、欧盟(EU)等相继出台了油船和散货船结构共同规范(CSR)、船舶燃油舱保护规则、船舶气体排放标准(IMO Tier2)、涂层新标准(PSPC)等四大新规范,这预示着船舶企业之间的新一轮竞争拉开了帷幕。  相似文献   

上海上上不锈钢管公司向北美萨勒姆钢铁公司出售不锈钢管供其在美国转售,后因质量问题,萨勒姆公司在其住所地美国新泽西州联邦地方法院对上上公司提起诉讼。上上公司依《联邦民事诉讼规则》第12(b)(2)条提起撤案动议,认为法院不具有属人管辖权,请求驳回原告起诉。法院认为上上公司与新泽西州间存在最低联系、且对其行使管辖权不违反传统的公平与实质正义观念,因此,法院驳回了上上公司的撤案动议。本文介绍了该案的基本案情、归纳了法院的裁决理由、并对本案作了简要评析。  相似文献   

赵静 《国际商务研究》2016,30(2):77-86, 96
<正>2015年6月6日,由上海对外经贸大学和上海社会科学院联合主办的"‘一带一路’战略下的国家与区域经济发展"学术研讨会在上海对外经贸大学松江校区举行。上海市世界经济学会会长张幼文教授、上海社会科学院副院长黄仁伟、对外经济贸易大学副校长林桂军、中国人民大学重阳研究院王义桅教授、中国与全球化智库研究院"一带一路"研究所执行所长黄日涵以及来自上海对外经贸大  相似文献   

美国对华蜂蜜反倾销已历时14年多。上海东源公司等不服美国商务部在第二次行政复审中对替代国价格的认定,在美国国际贸易法院提起诉讼。本文在介绍基本案情的基础上,对美国国际贸易法院的判决做了归纳,并对本案涉及的主要法律问题进行了评论。  相似文献   

上海港港口物流发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着中国经济的快速发展,上海国际航运中心建设进程的推进,上海港作为国内第一大港,其港口物流也进入快速发展阶段。在上海港港口物流发展进程中,既存在机遇又存在挑战。本文对上海港港口物流发展的优劣势进行了分析。在此基础上,运用BCG矩阵分析上海港港口物流业务。根据分析结果,指出上海港港口物流业务的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着上海建设"金融中心"和"航运中心"战略的深入实施,对上海发展作为金融业和航运业联接纽带的航运金融业提出了迫切要求。因此,本文对上海发展航运金融业进行SWOT分析,并结合世界主要港口发展航运金融的经验,提出上海发展航运金融的路径选择和政策建议。  相似文献   

Increasingly, multinational enterprises manufacture locally in China, for reasons of cheap labour or as a means of more efficiently penetrating the vast Chinese market. However, the literature suggests a range of problems associated with local manufacturing, such as the sourcing of locally produced components and materials. This study looks into the case of Braun Electric (Shanghai) Co Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Braun AG of Germany, which produces electric foil shavers in China, examining its reasons for local sourcing, associated problems and resulting strategies. The case study is based on a two-week research visit to the company in January 1996.  相似文献   

本文首先基于领导理论发展主线的成果提出团队领导力的概念,指出其理应成为现代管理团队发展的一项核心能力;认为团队领导力体现于团队角色和经理角色的交叉域,每种团队角色都对应一种或几种经理角色,具有不同特色的领导职能,它们相互紧密啮合、缺一不可,都是团队领导力不可分割的部分。文章并以复星集团的五人团队为例,分析了其特点和对团队领导力的成功运用。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了中国(上海)自由贸易试验区建设的背景、核心、自贸区建设关键因素及相互关系,指出:渐进式改革是中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的必然选择,发展离岸金融是上海跨越区域金融中心的重要一步,在上海自贸试验区建设离岸人民币中心并由上海清算所实现双向人民币资金池统一清算、结算、交割,同时监管银行离岸市场和在岸市场头寸,动态调整渗透程度;此外,上海清算所还可以在自贸区试点以大宗商品场外交易为核心的OTC市场作为国内期货市场配对交易、现货市场创新交易、规避风险的完善和补充,使各交易主体打通基于国内外金融衍生全品种的风险管理体系,更有效的管理和控制风险、发现价格。  相似文献   

Shanghai and the city of Hamburg in Northern Germany have been sister cities since 1986. A visit of Shanghai's mayor Han Zheng to Hamburg in November was a good opportunity to further strengthen the ties between the two cities.  相似文献   

Counterfeiting has become an enormous global challenge for brand owners. Companies recognize that solely legal protection measures are not sufficient to handle this problem. A comprehensive protection concept seems to be necessary to secure their future performance especially in the fast growing Asian markets. Based on experiences of Western brand owners in China, this article provides guidance for companies to develop and implement appropriate strategies to fight against Chinese counterfeiters. Wolfgang Saueressig Bosch Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. — Senior Manager Brand Protection Automotive Asia-Pacific Quality Brands Protection Committee under China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment — Chair Automotive Industry Working Group  相似文献   

本文利用信息传播速度模型讨论证券市场信息的有效性。发现在上海证券交易市场上信息传播速度对上证指数条件波动率的影响具有随时间变化逐渐扩大的趋势,而在纽约证券交易市场上信息传播速度对道琼斯指数条件波动率的影响相对稳定。表明上海证券市场消化新信息的效率明显低于纽约证券市场。实证结果较好地刻画了中美证券市场信息流动的基本特征。  相似文献   

Shanghai is a renowned international metropolis drawing more and more,aitention from all over the world.Situated on the estuary of Yangtze River.  相似文献   

The people of Shanghai, like all of China are desperate to get their hands on as many skills as possible in pursuit of their careers. The biggest problem that they face is making sure that the qualifications they are pursuing are worth more than the certificate they are printed on and that they are not simply available to buy over the Internet. However, there is now a new program that is available to all in Shanghai with an international reputation, the CASS Business School MBA.  相似文献   

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