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"三支人才队伍"即企业经营管理人才、专业技术管理人才、专业技能人才(工人技师)队伍."三支人才队伍"建设就是走三支人才队伍一起抓,两条路同时发展的道路,即企业经营管理人才、专业技术管理和技能人才.  相似文献   

长期以来,传统特大型国有供电企业在人才的使用和激励上存在着制度性缺陷.由于过去一直沿用垂直一体化的岗位设置模式,造成了人才结构不够合理、高层次技术和技能人才缺乏、人才成长速度与企业发展要求不相适应等问题,在人才的使用和激励上存在着职业"晋升导向单一,发展渠道不畅,有效激励不够,人才成长缓慢"等制度性缺陷,从而造成了"千军万马过独木桥"的现状和"官本位"的思想,不利于技术技能人才的健康成长.  相似文献   

正技能等级评价是在2018年国家职业资格证书制度改革过程中建立并推行的一种新型的技能等级评估制度,是企业根据相关规定对职工技能人才进行的一种自主评价。根据"谁用人、谁评价、谁发证、谁负责"的原则,人力资源和社会保障部建立职业技能等级制度。企业是用人的主体,需要什么样的人才,就培养什么样的人才。企业根据实际生产情况确定被评价的职业(工种)范围,  相似文献   

正研究背景供电企业是集技术性、专业性和知识性于一体的技能密集型企业。长期以来,供电企业在加强人才队伍建设中,复合型技能人才不断涌现,使供电企业整体实力明显增强,在电力企业发展中起到了重要作用。尽管如此,在当前国家电网公司以"四化"要求加快推进"两个转变"的新形势下,复合型技能人才数量和质量仍难满足电力企业快速发展的需要。新时期新任务,对供电企业复合型技能人才培养提出了新的更深更高的要求,如何顺应这一形势的发展,尽快  相似文献   

"两核"重组以来人才工作回顾 1.人才队伍建设取得积极成效.人才规模及质量不断提升.高层次人才选拔引进取得新突破.技能人才培养评价体系初步建成. 2.人才工作体系化、标准化水平大幅提升.发布"一规划、一标准、一意见、一纲要"四个顶层文件.系统谋划,研究制定集团公司"十四五"人力资源发展规划.首次在中央企业运用质量管理体...  相似文献   

打造人才、科技、模式、管控"四大"优势 放大人才优势.继续做大房建人力资源总量,加快引入房建成熟高端人才、整建制设计团队、专业技术技能人才,扩大建筑专业毕业生招聘占比.全面扩大培训覆盖范围,加快内部技术干部转岗培训,多频次开展房建业务培训.  相似文献   

以理念变革和方法创新推进职工素质工程建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐州矿务集团(以下简称"徐矿集团")是有125年煤炭开采历史的国有特大型企业,在册职工7万余人,年产原煤2000多万吨.近几年来,徐矿集团把深化"创争"活动,提高到事关企业兴衰成败和健康发展的战略高度来认识和把握,以培养技术技能型、复合技能型和知识技能型人才为重点,大力实施职工素质工程,提高职工的学习能力、创新能力、竞争能力和创业能力,推进职工队伍的知识化进程,不断发展工人阶级先进性,为企业转型崛起、可持续发展提供了智力支持和人才保障.企业营业收入连续三年以25%以上的速度增长,徐矿集团也相继荣获全国企业职工培训先进单位、全国职工教育优秀科研单位、全国创建学习型组织示范单位和优秀单位、全国"五一"劳动奖状、中国优秀企业文化奖等称号.  相似文献   

企业工会组织是带领职工学习提高职工劳动技能的主要力量;负有培养知识技能性、技术技能行、复合技能型人才的神圣使命.  相似文献   

<正>人才,是企业发展的基石和动力。企业发展需要依靠科学技术,核心竞争力是人才。对于水电行业来说,一支技术精湛、本领过硬的人才队伍在企业发展中发挥着中流砥柱的作用。序·源起水电企业间的交流多局限于生产管理和技术层面上,四厂联合技能竞赛对于水电行业来说实属首创。各企业都深知人才强企的重要性和必要性,联合技能竞赛,对激发技术人才队伍自我提升、赶  相似文献   

技能人才是我国人才队伍的重要组成部分,是支撑中国制造、中国创造的重要力量,特别是高技能人才是企业高质量发展的重要组成部分,是支撑企业现代化建设的重要力量。培养更多高素质技术技能人才、能工巧匠、大国工匠,必能为全面建设社会主义现代化国家提供有力的人才和技能支撑。  相似文献   

尽管近几年受传统发展模式以及就业环境的影响,工商管理专业的发展出现了一些困境,但从安博教育集团发布的专业景气度指数以及社会对工商管理专业人才的需求趋势来看,该专业在本科教育中有其存在的必要性。为解决这种困境,当前有四种模式可供各大本科院校在专业建设上借鉴:一,开设工商管理高级班,培养高层次、国际化管理人才;二,与热门专业和行业嫁接,突出专业方向;三,以传统工商管理专业培养模式为依托,加大实践教学力度;四,整合社会资源,培养创业管理人才。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,纺织相关企业对纺织工程专业人才的要求也愈来愈高。《纺织材料学》作为纺织工程专业基础课,对培养学生创新实践能力和解决实际问题能力等方面有举足轻重的作用。本文对此理论课教学内容进行优化整合,创新实验课程体系并对教学方法和教学手段进行研究改进,提高《纺织材料学》教学质量,有利于培养新型应用型复合人才。  相似文献   

In the 1980s a number of large corporations restructured their diversified businesses through divestitures. It is hypothesized that restructuring activity focused on firms at intermediate levels of diversification (e.g., related-linked) which have a mixture of related and unrelated business units. Results confirm this hypothesis which explains that such mixed corporate strategies create organizational and control inefficiencies in managing both related and unrelated types of business units. Restructured firms were also found to move towards two types of different internal capital markets (related and unrelated). Most restructuring firms moved toward lower levels of diversification (e.g., related-constrained), although some moved toward higher levels of diversification (e.g., unrelated business). Also, this study finds restructuring firms that changed their corporate strategy by reducing diversified scope increased their R&D intensity. Firms that restructured and increased their diversified scope decreased R&D intensity. This result suggested a partial substitution between diversification and R&D activity.  相似文献   

罗春明 《电力技术经济》2005,17(3):39-41,51
电力多种经营企业由于受到当时安置型特性所决定,在市场化发展面前,表现出十分脆弱与无力。随着电力工业深化改革和发展,多经企业只有市场化发展的道路可走。因此,企业必须按照市场规则规范自身行为,理清与主办单位的产权、业务、管理关系,开创独具特色的管理模式,才能立信于市场,提升竞争能力,得到持续健康发展。  相似文献   

高技能人才培养模式关系到学校的教学质量和毕业生的就业率。本文通过探讨高职院校高技能人才培养中出现的问题,以V学院为例,提出了高技能人才培养模式的具体优化策略。通过创新人才培养理念、完善校企合作多元化人才培养模式、加强人才培养平台建设、创新职教集团合作发展模式、“1+X”证书制度提高学生专业技能等途径,提高了学院的教学发展和竞争力。  相似文献   

Research summary: The dominant view has been that businesses that are more related to each other are more often combined within diversified firms. This study uses a dynamic model to demonstrate that, with inter‐temporal economies of scope, diversified firms are more likely to combine moderately related businesses than the most‐related businesses. That effect occurs because strong relatedness reduces redeployment costs and makes firms redeploy all resources to better performing businesses. The strength of that effect depends on inducements for redeployment measured as the current return advantage of one business over another business, volatilities of business returns, and correlation of those returns. This study develops hypotheses for those relationships and suggests empirical operationalizations, encouraging empiricists to retest the implications of relatedness for the dynamics of corporate diversification. Managerial summary: It is believed that diversified firms are more likely to combine more‐related businesses because relatedness enables sharing of resources between businesses. Indeed, a firm can apply knowledge created in one business to another business, avoiding costly duplication in knowledge development. Resource sharing also adds value when a firm offers several products, adding the convenience of one‐stop shopping and charging higher prices. However, resource sharing is not the only motivation for corporate diversification. In environments where profitability of businesses changes frequently, firms diversify by redeploying part of resources from an underperforming business to a better performing business. This study uses a dynamic model to demonstrate that, with that second motivation for corporate diversification, firms end up combining moderately related businesses rather than the most‐related businesses. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从油田多种经营企业培育、发展名牌产品的重要性和紧迫性入手,全面论述了油田多种经营企业争创名牌的切入点和重点加强的工作。  相似文献   

This paper hypothesizes that tight financial controls associated with large diversified M-form firms lead to a short-term, low-risk orientation and thereby lower relative investment in R&D. Further, it is hypothesized that increasing levels of diversification require different control systems which have significant implications for investing in R&D. Results of the study of 124 major U.S. firms suggest that less diversified U-form firms invest more heavily in R&D than more diversified M-form firms after controlling for size and industry effects. Additionally, dominant business firms invested more in R&D than either related or unrelated business firms. Finally, the relationship between R&D intensity and market performance was negative for related and unrelated firms. The findings suggest that the market evaluates R&D investment more positively for firms that are organized to seek synergy than for those that are organized to pursue a hedging (or diversification) strategy.  相似文献   

Prahalad and Bettis (1986) have proposed that the successful management of highly diversified firms can be attributed to the concept of a corporate “dominant logic” that guides all of its business units. We argue that dominant logic addresses the problem of balancing the needs of business units against those of the corporation as a whole. We also suggest that the presence of a clear and consistent dominant logic must lead to a high degree of consistency in the strategic moves that are undertaken by each of the business units within the diversified firm. Based on a study of the joint ventures initiated by General Electric between 1984 and 1993, we show that the design of these ventures follows a pattern that is consistent with the presence and influence of dominant logic. Finally, we demonstrate that the early failure of joint ventures can generally be linked to a shift away from this dominant logic. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高等职业教育的目标和任务是培养集生产、服务、管理于一体的一线高技能人才。目前,高职纺织品艺术设计专业的课程设置和职业能力与市场和职业需求出现脱节现象。纺织品艺术设计专业是交叉学科,如何正确处理艺术与技术的关系,并把这种关系融于课程设置中是本专业的关键。山东是纺织大省,纺织品艺术设计人才的培养对于纺织行业的发展起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

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