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2010年,国家电网公司依据国家及行业有关工程建设质量标准、规范,编制了《国家电网公司输变电工程质量通病防治工作要求及技术措施》,对输变电工程常见的质量通病从技术角度提出具体防治措施。华北电网有限公司积极学习、宣贯本措施和相关文件,在基建管理中进一步落实输变电工程质量通病防治工作责任,  相似文献   

WTO的管辖范围( 1)有关货物贸易的多边协议。具体包括 :《1994年关贸总协定》、《农业协议》、《关于卫生和动植物检疫措施的协议》、《纺织品与服装协议》、《贸易的技术性壁垒协议》、《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》、《反倾销协议》、《海关估价协议》、《装船前检验协议》、《原产地协议》、《进口许可证协议》、《补贴与反补贴协议》、《保障措施协议》。( 2 )《服务贸易总协定》及附件。( 3 )《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》。( 4)《贸易争端解决程序与规则的谅解》 ,即关于贸易争端解决的有关协议及程序。( 5 )贸易政策审议机制。负…  相似文献   

经济增长方式实现由粗放型到集约型的根本转变,远比设想的要缓慢,究其原因主要在于国有企业改革艰难,企业管理决策水平提高仍缺乏制度上的保证。 一、提高企业管理决策水平的制度前提及措施 作为经济增长方式转变的关键的企业管理决策水平,其提高虽与管理者的素质有关,但更依赖于有关的制度条件及措施。  相似文献   

中国入世时作出了有关特别保障措施的承诺。近年来,WTO其他成员方针对中国纺织品的进口制订实施特别保障措施的立法和启动调查乃至实施限制措施有愈演愈烈的趋势。因此,对WTO多边贸易法律框架下针对我国纺织品实施的特别保障措施问题进行研究,对于正确认识我国与国外的纺织品贸易磨擦产生原因及应对策略有积极的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

从运行角度介绍除气冷凝器压力异常的原因分析、异常现象及处理措施,对除气冷凝器压力控制有关运行经验进行阐述。  相似文献   

简述了饮水安全的定义及有关标准;回顾了我国政府解决农村饮水安全问题的历史;介绍了我国农村饮水安全工程的现状、特点及保障农村饮水安全的措施.  相似文献   

轻汽油醚化单元涉及蒸汽压高、易挥发的轻质馏分和有毒、易挥发的甲醇物质,其项目建设存在较大的环境风险。以某催化汽油醚化项目为例,对石化轻汽油醚化项目可能存在的火灾危险、有毒有害风险、污水及固体废物排放污染风险以及噪声污染风险等方面的环境风险源、风险程度及需要采取的技术措施进行分析,提出石化轻汽油醚化项目应从总体上对有关环境风险进行判断,并从项目建设期的项目建设地址、工艺及设施设备配置,以及项目运营期的风险管理方面制定相应的风险策略和应对措施。结果表明,探讨石化轻汽油醚化项目环境风险管理问题,可以引起更多有关人员的关注,采取措施后可降低和消灭环境事故的发生。  相似文献   

随机对照试验(Randomized Controlled CIinical Trials.RCT)是按随机化的原则把研究对象分到研究组和对照组,然后分别接受相应的处理(治疗),在一致的条件及环境里同步地进行研究和观察处理效应。RCT有明确的研究目的、治疗措施、疗效的判断指标、研究对象(病例的选择及排除标准)、病例数及观察期限。  相似文献   

材料安全数据表(MSDS)是用来阐明化学品的理化特性以及对使用者的健康可能产生的危害的一份文件,它提供了有关化学品的基础知识、防护措施和应急行动等重要信息。本文介绍了MSDS的含义及功能,阐述了学校实验室引入MSDS的必要性,通过建立化学品标签为化学品使用者提供清晰的危害性认识和合理的防护措施建议,并在日常实验教学中提高实验室管理人员及学生的安全意识和规范意识。  相似文献   

介绍了俄罗斯、美国消防协会及API有关站场油库防火堤的标准,就国外油库防火堤的设置、尺寸、容量、材料、防渗措施等内容进行了比较和分析,指出了国外相关标准中值得借鉴的地方,对改进我国的标准技术水平有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Using data on 1,360 savings and loan (S&L) institutions, we compare two non-parametric methods for measuring efficiency: data envelopment analysis (DEA) and algebraic methods based on Varian (1984). We show that both methods are vulnerable to measurement error, although both theoretically and empirically we find the Varian-style measures to be less vulnerable. Because we have data on the future insolvency of our S&Ls, we can directly compare the two methods by seeing which does a better job of predicting insolvency (working under the hypothesis that efficiency and insolvency should be negatively correlated). We find that various measures perform very similarly, except for the technical efficiency measure in DEA. Importantly, this last measure frequently yields the implausible result that efficiency and insolvency are positively correlated, possibly because it does not account for factor prices.  相似文献   

Determinants of technology cycle time in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The focus of this study is to examine different factors that influence a firm's technology cycle time. The U.S. pharmaceutical industry is analyzed from 1977–1991. Specifically, the sample includes 21 firms that (a) primarily produce brand ethical drugs, (b) are publicly-owned companies, and (c) have pharmaceutical sales account for a substantial portion of company sales.
Our measure of faster technology cycle time is positively correlated to measures of the knowledge base level of firms, the breadth of firms' knowledge bases, size, and age; it is negatively correlated to advertising expenditures and the percent of US. firm sales to total sales. However, the most notable finding is that technology cycle time is significantly faster for firms that predominantly generate new knowledge internally, and slower for firms that rely more on external sources of new knowledge.  相似文献   

从竞争范式到垄断范式   总被引:35,自引:14,他引:35  
本文以新经济为时代背景,综合经济全球化、经济网络化和经济知识化这三大基本趋势,从企业自身和社会福利角度对垄断效应进行了深入分析。探讨了现代垄断不同于传统垄断的重要特征,指出从竞争范式向垄断范式过渡的合理性和必然性。在此基础上,对我国企业发展和产业政策提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

阐述了加强标准化工作在提高企业物资管理水平方面的意义和作用。结合企业物资供应工作实际,提出加强标准化工作的有效措施一指出,石油物资部门应加强产品标准的收集、管理标准和工作标准的实施及监督、标准化知识教育和培训工作。  相似文献   

房地产投资风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对房地产投资开发过程中所存在的各种风险进行了分析,运用数学和概率统计的知识,分析了衡量房地产投资风险大小的几种方法,并提出了针对各种潜在风险的规避与控制措施。  相似文献   

Previous findings that related diversification creates value have been called into question over concerns about methodology and measures. Reviewing existing theory to consider how a firm's knowledge base interacts with its product market activity, I address several of these concerns by creating a measure of technological diversity based on citation‐weighted patents. The measure indicates a firm's opportunity for corporate diversification based on economies of scope in valuable knowledge assets, is defined for both single‐ and multibusiness firms, and is not correlated with more fundamental aspects of diversification, such as the number of businesses in the corporate portfolio. Evidence from a large sample of firms shows the positive relationship between diversification based on technological diversity and market‐based measures of performance, controlling for R&D intensity and capital intensity as further indicators of the type of assets underlying diversification. Results hold when controlling for the endogeneity of diversification and performance in a cross‐sectional sample or when controlling for unobserved factors using panel data. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between product innovativeness and groups of outcomes flowing from the computer software product development process and the associated knowledge acquisition process. Data from interviews of managers in 94 software projects are analysed, and three groups of outcomes are measured: project performance, knowledge enhancement, and the strengthening of linkages to external actors/sources. The high innovative products show higher project performance for all measures of project performance compared with low innovative products. Similar results were found for all measures of personnel knowledge enhancement outcomes. Changes in the importance of linkages to nine different external sources of knowledge used by the firms during the knowledge acquisition process, also show some positive outcomes with respect to rising innovativeness levels. Strengthening of external linkages is found for 66% of the investigated linkages between one or two innovativeness levels. Of these, the linkages to hardware manufacturers, co-operation partners, and universities and other research institutions show strengthening when high innovativeness products are compared with low-level products. As the project performance and knowledge enhancement outcomes are due, in part, to knowledge gained within linkages to external actors/sources, managers could consider whether giving special attention to managing these linkages would be a winning innovation strategy for their particular firm.  相似文献   

Technology education is a well-established field of knowledge whose applications have many ramifications. For example, technology education may be used as a tool in meeting the challenges of sustainable development. However, the usefulness of technology education to the sustainability debate as a whole and to education for sustainable development in particular, has largely been overlooked in the past. Indeed, there is a paucity of academic studies which examine the contribution technology education may provide to education for sustainable development. On the basis of the need to address this knowledge gap, this paper reviews the state of affairs in relation to education for sustainable development and considers its links and appropriateness to technology education. A further objective of this paper is to present examples of initiatives and existing practices around the world, drawing partly from the results of the 1st European Conference on Education for Sustainable Development held in Greece in October 2007, as well as from other initiatives undertaken in Europe and North America. Finally, some measures that may be adopted in order to enhance the contribution of technology education to education for sustainable development are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper reports on research concerning the level of knowledge assets possessed by firms in business-oriented vs. consumer-oriented industries. Further, the research also covers the level of competitive intelligence activity in these industry groups, estimating the level of interest of competitors in acquiring another firm's knowledge assets. From this information, we can begin to develop ideas about what types of firms and industries can really benefit from knowledge management systems and investment, as well as which can benefit from knowledge protection systems. As a result, the issues of knowledge management and knowledge protection become much more strategic and more obviously dependent on circumstances. Such a conclusion begs the question of what measures will help us to determine important circumstances and optimal knowledge strategies for competitive advantage, clearly opening up the field to a wide range of future research streams.  相似文献   

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