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创新看点:产品战略、组织架构、运营机制、渠道营销等各个方面的持续创新突破,使得美的这个拥有41年历史的中国家电企业,依然保持着高增长的充沛活力。 相似文献
在中国传统文化中,2008是个吉利的数字,但2008年对中国纺织行业来说却并不那么幸运:人民币持续升值大大增加了纺织企业的生产成本,打击了企业的经营信心;新《劳动合同法》的实施使得纺织企业劳动力成本急剧上升;原材料、能源价格持续上涨造成全行业利润不断下滑;从紧的货币政策造成企业资金供应十分紧张;国际经济环境的恶化更是抑制了国际市场的需求,加剧了市场的不确定因素……,内忧外患使中国纺织企业面临着最为严峻的考验。 相似文献
《国际石油经济》编辑部 《国际石油经济》2009,17(1)
编者按:2008年,世界政治、经济领域焦点、热点不断,一些重大事件的发生和趋势的扭转呈现突发性强、变化急剧的特点.举世瞩目的中国也经历了悲与喜、冰与火的两重天.石油作为重要的能源和特殊商品,在一定意义上是政治经济的聚焦点,更是经济走势的风向际.在刚刚过去的一年中,全球金融危机与油价巨幅涨跌相伴而生,能源安全与气候变化向人类发出警告.面对危机与挑战,世界期待中国发挥更大的作用,中国也在努力作出自已的贡献. 相似文献
成本是企业绩效管理的核心问题,它是衡量企业投入产出比的根本尺度。为了降低成本,北京华联印刷有限公司成立公司采购委员会,实现集中管理 相似文献
Enhancing Synergistic Innovative Capability in Multinational Corporations: An Empirical Investigation 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Ajax Persaud 《Journal of Product Innovation Management》2005,22(5):412-429
A substantial amount of research has focused on determining and classifying the structures of the global research and development (R&D) organization of multinational corporations (MNCs). However, little research has been undertaken to show how the various R&D structures adopted by MNCs affect their abilities to generate and deploy innovations globally. This study initiates analysis and discussion of this latter dimension, providing empirical evidence of the relationship between the coordination structures and innovative capabilities. Specifically, this study investigates how intrafirm collaborative relationships among globally dispersed R&D units of MNCs enhance the synergistic innovative capabilities of the MNC group. The nature of the collaborative relationships among globally dispersed R&D units is evaluated in the context of four well‐established structural constructs: autonomy, formalization, socialization, and communication. Synergistic innovative capability is defined as a higher‐order ability to accumulate and deploy new knowledge or to recombine existing knowledge to create new innovations more effectively and efficiently due to collaboration among globally dispersed R&D units. It is measured using 10 items commonly used in innovation management research to measure the innovativeness of firms. The analysis is based on survey data collected from 79 R&D units belonging to North American, Japanese, and European MNCs in the telecommunications, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, chemical, and automotive industries. In addition to the survey data, seven highly experienced R&D executives who have worked for several companies were interviewed by telephone in order to obtain a richer perspective of issues and a better context from which to interpret the statistical results. Respondents included personnel from the levels of director, managing director, and vice president who were directly responsible for participating R&D units. The data were analyzed using partial least squares, a structural equation modeling technique that works well with small datasets. The results indicate that synergistic innovative capability has four distinct dimensions uniquely related to the structural variables defining the nature of collaborative relationships among globally dispersed R&D units. The four dimensions of synergistic innovative capabilities are labeled strategic R&D synergy, managerial and operational synergy, knowledge management synergy, and innovative proficiency synergy. The research and managerial implications of the findings are discussed in this article. 相似文献
《国际石油经济》编辑部 《国际石油经济》2011,19(1)
1 美联储二次量化宽松国际油价创两年新高2010年11月3日,美联储宣布启动第二轮量化宽松(QE2)计划,拟在2011年二季度之前购买6000亿美元的长期美国国债.消息一出,美元汇率大跌,WTI原油期货及其他大宗商品急剧上涨. 相似文献
中国民营企业“走出去”竞争力50强研究——基于2008年中国民营企业“走出去”与竞争力数据库的分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
通过对民营企业"走出去"竞争力50强的分析表明,到目前为止我国劳动密集型产业领域的民营企业。特别是东部沿海地区省份的民营企业,在"走出去"方面已经取得了较为显著的发展成就,也促成了一些有较强国际竞争实力的企业,这些企业通过实施"走出去"战略,在开展国际贸易、开拓国际市场方面,已经取得了相当广阔的发展空间。但是,总体看来,当前我国民营企业"走出去",实际上还处于起步阶段。"走出去"的表现形式主要是开展出口业务。"走出去"竞争力较强的民营企业主要集中于劳动密集型产业。高新技术产业比较少,生产产品附加值较低。对于那些着手实施海外投资的企业,多数从事的仍然是贸易领域以及矿产等资源开发领域,且投资规模仍普遍偏小。 相似文献
2003年年度大盘点如约而至。在这一年里,我们共同见证了伊拉克战争的硝烟、中俄石油管线的风波、我国新一届政府为确保油气供应安全而推出的一系列重大举措。BP与秋明的战略结盟……。聚焦2003年的世界石油舞台,尽管重大石油经济事件达到30余起,但焦点似乎相对集中在中东、俄罗斯和中国。这些事件不仅给我们以震撼、思考和回味,而目预示着世界石油格局的重大变化。 相似文献