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One of accounting's oldest issues, accounting for interest costs, has become a subject of increased concern in recent years. This study empirically addresses the issue of whether the cost of equity capital should be charged against income. Fourteen measures of the cost of equity capital are examined. The empirical tests involve contemporaneous correlation of accounting betas for each income measure with market betas for a sample of 200 companies. The results of these association tests indicate that income measures, net of the cost of equity capital, may have greater information content than income as presently reported.  相似文献   

SEC Accounting Series Release No. 177 required independent auditors to make a limited review of summarized quarterly data included in annual reports. This paper examines the reaction of investors to earnings announcements based on financial statements subject to limited review relative to announcements when no auditor involvement was required. The reaction of market participants is measured by an abnormal daily return metric of the common stock surrounding the published earnings announcement in The Wall Street Journal. As hypothesized, no difference in investor reaction is observed for the sample of firms subject to limited review for the 1977 fiscal year, but exempt in the 1976 fiscal year.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to address the reliability of dividend signals. To determine if dividend signals are followed by changes in earnings in a direction consistent with the signal, the dividend-earning relationship is examined using both Granger tests of causality and nonparametric tests. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that dividend signals are followed by unanticipated changes in earnings in the subsequent two quarters.  相似文献   

The efficient markets hypothesis in finance suggests that as equity markets are liberalized and made more open to the public, equity prices should reflect the increased availability of information and be more efficiently priced. In this paper, we examine whether emerging market equity prices have become more efficient after financial liberalization. Using two sets of financial liberalization dates, a battery of econometric tests, and data from sixteen countries and three composite portfolios, we find that in spite of theory suggesting the opposite, liberalization does not seem to have improved the efficiency of emerging markets. In fact, most of our statistical tests indicate that the markets were already efficient before the actual liberalization.  相似文献   

In this paper we measure the ability of firms to time bond-refunding decisions. The timing performance achieved on a sample of 161 public utility bond refundings is compared with the timing performance achieved by three benchmark models. We find that firms achieve levels of timing performance significantly better than the random selection and 100-basis-point benchmark models, but not significantly better than a stopping-time model based on present value analysis.  相似文献   

This paper provides an ex-post analysis of a multifactor return-generating model using the factor scores obtained from a common factor analysis of industry-based portfolios. For the 1975–1980 time period, the correlations among common stock returns can be adequately explained by a three-factor model. Furthermore, ex post, at least three factors are priced in the stock market. A brief economic interpretation of the proposed common factor is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the statistical properties of a mixed stochastic process and conducts a thorough empirical test of the process for an extensive group of common stocks and portfolios of stocks. It is found that a homogeneous diffusion process does not adequately describe stock price fluctuations and that there are significant discontinuities in the sample paths of stock prices. This result holds for both individual stocks and portfolios of various sizes. The statistical fit of a particular mixed diffusion-jump process to sample data is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The assumption that changing expected cash flows and discount factors affect a security's return is at the foundation of many financial models. This study examines empirically the hypothesis that expected stock return variability is a function of cash flow and discount rate uncertainty. Maximum likelihood estimation techniques and expectational data are employed. Strong, positive relationships are found, verifying the foundations of the ex-ante models with ex-ante data and providing a better understanding of security markets by explaining, in part, the causes of expected stock price variability.  相似文献   

Because they are scaled by price, the ability of size (i.e., the market capitalization of a firm) and the book‐to‐market equity ratio to determine expected returns may, according to Berk (1995) , reflect only a simultaneity bias. The two‐stage least squares approach is used to control for this bias and to investigate the economic meanings of these variables. We discover that size and the book‐to‐market ratio contain distinct and significant components of financial distress, growth options, the momentum effect, liquidity, and firm characteristics. Our findings support Berk in his contention that that size and the book‐to‐market ratio reflect a combination of different economic mechanisms that are misspecified in the expected return process.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that the small-firm effect can be explained on the basis of investor preference for positive skewness. Traditional stochastic dominance methodology is extended to consider portfolios including variable weights of investment in a riskless asset. Including a riskless asset provides the result that small-firm portfolios stochastically dominate all other portfolios. This result, which is derived on the basis of 19 years of monthly returns, indicates that the small-firm effect cannot be fully attributed to tax effects, benchmark error, or incorrect assumptions of the CAPM about investor risk aversion.  相似文献   

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