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硅谷银行金融集团是科技金融领域的领导者。周内众多的城市商业银行也纷纷将硅谷银行作为学习的榜样,将科技金融作为业务拓展的重点。城商行开展科技金融业务既要借鉴,但又不能照搬硅谷银行的经验。首先,要根据地域特征,明确目标客户定位;其次,要注重专业人才的培养和专家队伍的建设;第一,只能以间接方式积极歼展与VC/PE的合作;第四,利用地缘优势,与地方政府共同搭建科技金融服务平台。  相似文献   

金融支持科技农业发展问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,辽源银监分局积极督导辖内银行机构调整信贷结构,优化产业布局,加强农业科技资源与资金资源结合,扶持了一批成长性强、前景好的农业科技型企业,引领农业经济迅猛发展。但科技农业发展仍面临融资障碍,须进一步加大信贷支持力度。  相似文献   

李克强总理在达沃斯论坛上提出了“大众创业、万众创新”的概念,由此可见科技创新的重要性,科技创新是企业生存发展的动力。目前,虽然我国政府和企业都非常重视科技,但整体创新能力不强。另外,金融的概念也未能发挥真正作用,未能服务于现代科技型企业的创新和生产活动。究其原因除了历史原因外,科技金融创新体系激励机制的缺失也是重要原因。这就要求地方政府强化政府职能,运用多种手段,鼓励和支持科技金融行业发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether industry technological changes affect the timing of venture capital-backed IPOs. Venture capitalists (VCs) shorten incubation periods and take portfolio companies public when the industry exhibits high levels of technological change. This technology timing of IPOs reflects the VCs' efforts to raise future capital. In particular, during periods of greater technological change, VCs that conduct IPOs after shorter incubation periods obtain more subsequent funding. However, portfolio companies with shorter incubation periods earn fewer patents, are less likely to survive, and experience worse stock returns after their IPOs. These findings provide new insights into VCs' strategic exit decisions due to changes in the technological environment, as well as how their decisions affect the post-exit performance of their portfolio companies.  相似文献   

近几年,国际经济关系日益复杂,中国迫切需要借鉴国际先进经验,对国内科技产业发展战略进行优化,以完成科创全产业链升级。由于中以在全球高科技产业链中存在较强互补性,中以两国在科创领域的经贸合作在过去几年持续升温。作为全球科创强国,以色列科创产业的优势恰恰对应着中国科创产业的弱势环节,这使得加强与以色列在科创领域的合作、挖掘以色列科创体系中适合我国的策略并加以借鉴具有重要现实意义。然而,现存文献对以色列科创产业的梳理并不全面,中国相关部门难以做出政策指引。本文阐述"金融支持"和"政策支持"对以色列科创产业的重要贡献,剖析以色列科创产业最新特点,最后,结合上述分析与中以合作现状,为中国借鉴以色列先进经验发展自身科技产业、改善中以合作提供政策建议。  相似文献   

创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,科技型中小企业技术创新能力的提高对增强市场竞争力和国民经济可持续发展都具有十分重要的作用。美国、日本、德国科技型中小企业发展的历史较长,积累了较为丰富的技术创新经验,学习和借鉴对我国科技型中小企业技术创新具有较高的指导意义。文章总结分析了美国、日本、德国科技型中小企业技术创新的经验,并得出健全法律法规体系、加强财政金融支持、完善社会服务体系、构建技术人才激励模式的启示。  相似文献   

基于从综合服务能力、可持续发展能力、基础服务条件和孵化效益四个方面,构建科技业孵化器评价指标体系,运用模糊层次分析法确定各指标的权重。实证结果表明:科技项目申报资助额、经营服务管理水平、高素质员工比例和科技创新基金年平均投入量是衡量科技企业孵化器运营绩效的重要指标。  相似文献   

促进产学研合作的财税政策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主科技创新活动是一项复杂、连续的、融技术、资本和制度于一体的科技经济活动,在创新过程中,必然要涉及许多不同的组织机构,具有明显的跨部门性,要求各种机构之间建立紧密的合作关系。在国家创新系统中,自主科技创新的财税政策就是要为自主科技创新提供资金和环境支持,促进产学研有机合作。本文基于我国产学研合作中存在的问题及财税政策作用的不足,借鉴国外产学研合作的财税政策经验,探讨促进我国产学研合作的财税政策支持,提出通过推动国家科技计划的实施、高新区财税政策的优化、创新地方政府在产学研合作中的财税支持及完善促进军地产学研合作的财税政策等方式促进产学研合作。  相似文献   

科技是第一生产力。近年来,浙江省政府坚持创新强省、制造强省,强化高新企业、高新技术、高新平台支撑,大力引进高端人才,打造“产学研用金、才政介美云”十联动创业创新生态圈。本文从浙江科技保险实践情况出发,借鉴已有研究成果和实践经验,检视当前存在的不足与问题,提出符合发展实际的对策和建议,为推动浙江科技保险技术进步提供新的思路和途径。  相似文献   

This commentary is inspired by my participation in the conference on post normal science: New Currents in Science: The Challenges of Quality, 2016, Ispra.First, I will describe Japanese commitment to PNS, which consists of a part of the long history of the Japanese response to European citizens' science/technology movement, in the framework of the introduction of Post-Normal Science in East Asia.Then I will re-examine the relationship between techno-science and democracy after 3/11 Japan, where triple disaster has radically changed the relationship between science/technology and society, and hence the very nature of Japan as a democratic society. Japan had been returning to an authoritarian state and technocratic nation in the aftermath of 3/11. As for the citizens' sphere, since 3/11, Japanese society has been badly divided; in fact, the current division of Japanese society is as bad as that of the Trumpian US.I have applied several conceptual tools to analyze this post-3/11 situation of Japan, that it was created by a combination of 'disaster capitalism' (a concept described by Naomi Klein (2008)), and 'normalcy bias'. The new political climate in post-3/11 Japan results in part from the politics of emergency, and partly from the manipulation and distortion of democracy.From the viewpoint of democracy and science, cases of thyroid cancer in Fukushima and its surroundings are a serious and even pathetically painful issue. One hundred seventy two children in and around Fukushima have already had their thyroids removed in surgical operations. But any suggestion of causality between the Fukushima incident and thyroid cancer is officially rejected. It is announced by the authority's voice that "radioactivity risk is safe, take it, because risk creates chance", like the proclamation given in the novel 1984 by George Orwell. Behind this is another historical psychology, that Japan has overcome Hiroshima and Nagasaki and made a great success in economic development. Post 3/11 Japan is judged as not a good place to discuss science and technology in a deliberate manner supported by a reasonable democracy with mutual understanding and value-free examination of techno-science in action. But, in this time of serious social divide and political populism, can PNS and a citizens' science approach now lead the way to fill in the gap? Are there any lessons from PNS that can be applied to post3/11 Japan? The question is still open.  相似文献   

Ian Miles 《Futures》1974,6(3):240-252
Acknowledgement of the insights that have already been gained from survey research and other methods common in social science has been a major omission of social forecasters. The author suggests that experts involved in futures research should broaden their horizons and regard social changes not necessarily as the result of technological ones, but quite often as the cause. Examples of recent survey research are chosen to illustrate some ways in which socio-psychological data can be utilised in forecasting studies.  相似文献   

中国区域技术效率的差异及其原因探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将技术要素作为内生变量纳入随机前沿模型,对2003~2011年中国不同区域的技术效率水平进行测度,并重点分析造成区域技术效率差异的原因。结果显示:整体来看,我国平均技术效率水平稳步上升;从区域角度来看,东部地区平均技术效率水平最高,高出中部地区约3.04%,高出西部地区约7.87%,且三大地区之间的技术效率差异呈现收敛趋势;科技投入、高科技产业规模、人口素质、经济外向度和地方保护是当前导致区域技术效率差异的关键因素。  相似文献   

Stakeholder risk and benefit perceptions and attitudes towards a technology matter for the societal response to these technologies. This is especially the case for technological innovations where the public has no direct experience with the technology and its applications. In such cases, expert views are the main source for public opinion formation. Stakeholder risk and benefit perception, and their effect on attitudes towards a new technology (nanotechnology) and its applications were examined in two studies. In a survey, the effect of risk and benefit perception on attitudes to nanotechnology in specific application domains (energy, water, food and medicine) was examined. While risk and benefit perception predicted much of the variance in attitude, experts were more positive about medicine applications and more negative about food applications than could be explained through risk and benefit perception. In the second study, expert focus groups were asked for reasons why food and medicine were seen as more negative and positive than based on the risk and benefit perceptions as measured in the survey. For medicine, the urgency and unique potential of nanotechnology was seen as a reason as why this domain was liked more. For food, the high level of uncertainty about risk assessment and about exposure of consumers and the lack of urgency in applying nanotechnology to food was seen as a reason this domain was liked less. In addition, experts voiced concern about potential negative public response to food applications as reasons for their negative attitude. These results thus suggest that both risk and benefit perception consist of multiple dimensions that require further exploration.  相似文献   

INCASE, a web‐based electronic learning (e‐learning) environment, has been built to enable rapid expertise development in novice‐level professional knowledge workers. This paper describes the theoretical underpinnings (constructivist epistemology) behind INCASE and uses a design science methodology to describe its design, construction, instantiation, and validation. The INCASE system addresses a fundamental problem in knowledge worker domains where experience is a necessary component of expertise development and a barrier to the rapid development of domain experts. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines how technological uncertainty affects current investment; specifically, what is the impact on a firm’s investment in an existing technology when an improved technology might arrive in the future. The firm can invest in the current technology and upgrade to the new technology after its arrival (sequential investing), or it can bypass the current technology and invest directly in the new technology (leapfrogging). The main result is that, in the presence of market risk, future technological uncertainty has a non-monotonic effect on investment, with the investment trigger being a U-shaped function of the expected speed of arrival of the new technology. In this U-shaped relationship, the investment trigger starts rising later if the new technology is more attractive and also when volatility and interest rate are high and growth rate low; thus, technological uncertainty is more likely to have a positive effect on investment under these conditions. Finally, we apply the model to the sequential versus leapfrog investment decision, and find that leapfrogging becomes more attractive relative to sequential investment when interest rate and new technology earnings enhancement are higher, and when market volatility, growth rate and new technology investment cost are lower.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather events (e.g. flooding, heat waves, and wildfires). As a result, it is often reasoned that as more individuals experience unusual weather patterns that are consistent with changing climate conditions, the more their concern about global warming will increase, and the more motivated they will become to respond and address the problem effectively. Social science research evaluating the relationships between personal experiences with and risk perceptions of climate change, however, show mixed results. Here, we analyze a representative statewide survey of Floridians and compare their risk perceptions of five-year trends in climate change with local weather station data from the five years preceding the survey. The results show that Floridians are unable to detect five-year increases in temperature, but some can detect changes in precipitation. Despite an inability to detect the correct direction of change, respondents were significantly more likely than not to correctly identify the season in which most change occurred. Nevertheless, compared to local experience, risk perceptions of climate change were more strongly predicted by subjective experiences of environmental change, personal beliefs about climate change, and political ideology. Results from the study suggest that long-term changes in climate patterns and extreme weather events need to be interpreted by weather and climate experts within the context of climate change; individuals cannot be expected to detect or comprehend such complex linkages directly.  相似文献   

大学生科技道德教育浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技道德是在科学技术研究、开发、应用及决策活动中用于调节人与人、人与自然关系的行为规范和准则。在高科技时代,科技道德引起人们前所未有地关注。对大学生进行科技道德教育是一项十分紧迫的任务,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

21世纪,科学技术日新月异,以信息技术、生物技术为代表的高新技术及其产业迅猛发展。在以经济实力、国防实力和民族凝聚力为主要内容的综合国力竞争中,能否在高新技术及其产业化领域占据一席之地已成为竞争的焦点,成为维护国家主权和经济安全的命脉所在。实践证明,科技进步、高新技术及其产业已成为经济增长最重要的源泉,技术创新对社会发展和进步具有决定性的作用。  相似文献   

This article examines issues in the philosophy of science and the sociology of knowledge with a view to understanding their relevance to technology and technical change. The argument is developed that, while there are important areas of similarity, two significant differences lie in the social complexity of technological communities and in the extent to which market vulnerability prevails.  相似文献   

Ren Kemp 《Futures》1994,26(10):1023-1046
The present environmental problems call for more environmentally benign technology. This article examines the possibilities of achieving radical change in technology like a shift away from hydrocarbon-based energy technologies. We provide an explanation as to why such a change is likely to be a gradual and slow process. Radical technologies often have long development times and require for their operation special skills, infrastructure and all kinds of institutional changes (organizational changes, regulation, new ideas and values etc). Furthermore, the short-term costs are likely to be high as the new technologies have not yet benefited from dynamic scale and learning effects (that result in cost reductions per unit of output and evolutionary improvements in the technology). The article also provides some answers as to how it is possible for firms with restricted technological capabilities to bring about a shift into a new technological regime—emphasizing the importance of early market niches, available knowledge that may be used, institutional support, and the role of expectations. Finally, niche management is examined as a way of managing the transition towards a more environmentally sustainable energy system.  相似文献   

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