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研究目的:验证土地市场发育对农地非农化的作用方向,估算其对农地非农化的作用。研究方法:理论分析与面板数据模型相结合。研究结果:(1)全国土地市场化水平不断提高,90%以上省份处于转型期土地市场经济阶段;(2)土地市场发育与农地非农化之间呈负相关关系;(3)1999 — 2005年,全国因土地市场发育而得到抑制的农地转为建设用地数量为25624.79 hm2,占农地转为建设用地总量的1.76%,土地资源市场化配置对于农地非农化的抑制作用还不高。研究结论:缓解农地保护压力的制度供给和政策调整可从两方面开展:(1)提高拍卖出让方式比例,出让方式由低市场化方式向高市场化方式转变,提高土地市场化水平;(2)加强土地市场法规建设、规范土地市场,促进土地市场健康发展。  相似文献   

研究目的:定量评价征收和出让土地中的政府干预对土地资源从农业用地转为城市建设用地的配置效率的影响。研究方法:建立包含征收、一级出让和二级转让的多市场均衡模型,并进行实证研究。研究结果:1999—2005年征收和出让土地中的政府干预造成江西省鹰潭市农地资源被城市建设用地过度占用达183.48 hm2,占总非农化面积的33.73%。研究结论:征收和出让土地中的政府干预造成农地过度非农化,致使农村和城市土地利用效率的降低。  相似文献   

Based on surveys on rural land-use change at village scale in Yucheng City, Shandong province, this paper presents how land-use change takes place in response to inhibitive institutional forces in light of an outmoded land ownership system and unreasonable land use rights administration, and discusses it in the broader social context of industrialization, rural depopulation, a dual-track land market, and land use legislation. Spatial comparison of land use maps interpreted from aerial photographs in different period unveils a decrease in arable land for farming, and an increase in rural settlements, facilities land and unused land. Despite rural depopulation, rural settlements area nearly tripled during 1967–2008. Nearly all newly gained non-agricultural land originated from farmland at the village fringe while formerly facilities land and unused land had been converted to residential use and it was abandoned later. Thus, the destructive farmland conversion from productive use to non-agricultural uses took place at multiple stages. Questionnaire survey of 1650 households in 48 villages in Yucheng City indicated that 41% of the households had multiple dwellings, even though some of them are not occupied or even ruined. This finding may damp the rosy picture of the reportedly slowdown in China's farmland reduction in recent years as these destructive changes are too small to detect from satellite imagery, and it will also provide a practical scientific basis for constituting more strict farmland protection objectives and strategies for China in the near future. In order to hold back the destructive conversion trend from farmland to non-agricultural uses, the authors argue that policy and institution innovation concerning land use and urban–rural development in China needs feature highly in the government's agenda.  相似文献   

典型国家(地区)农地流转的案例及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农地流转和适度规模经营已成为新时期我国农村改革的重大政策之一。该文选择了美国、日本、中国台湾和越南作为不同土地制度、资源条件背景下农地流转的典型案例,侧重介绍这些国家(地区)推行农地流转和规模经营的做法和经验,总结得到土地流转机制建设的四点启示:(1)土地产权边界清晰是农村土地流转的前提条件;(2)经营权与所有权的分离加速了农村土地的流转;(3)相关配套机制的完善是农村土地流转的重要保障;(4)专门的中介机构为农村土地充分流转提供了平台。  相似文献   

荷兰农地非农化中政府的强势角色及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭荣 《中国土地科学》2009,23(12):69-74
研究目的:分析市场经济体制下荷兰政府在农地非农化过程中积极参与市场运作和强势控制市场的原因,及其对转型期的中国农地非农化改革的借鉴意义。研究方法:流程分析法和归纳法。研究结果:通过流程分析归纳总结了荷兰农地非农化过程中政府、农民、私人投资者等利益相关者的行为选择。研究结论:荷兰在土地产权设置、土地规划体系、土地市场运行和政府参与市场的作用等方面值得中国借鉴。  相似文献   

Facing a substantial loss of farmland in the reform era, the Chinese central government established a highly centralized land management system in 1998 to guarantee its capacity to meet the domestic food needs. In order to maintain high-speed economic growth, local governments in China made great efforts to circumvent the stringent constraint on land use by launching various innovative land management schemes, among which Zhejiang's rewarded land conversion quotas (RLCQ) trading scheme, a program similar to the transfer of development rights (TDR) in Western countries, has attracted a lot of policy and scholarly attention. In this research, we first provide an overview of China's farmland protection policy and the RLCQ trading scheme in Zhejiang Province. Then, using the system GMM estimator for economic growth models and a panel dataset of 69 local jurisdictions in Zhejiang Province covering the period of 1989–2008, we assess the impacts of RLCQ trading on local economic growth. The empirical results corroborate our hypotheses that participation in land quota trading in general led to faster local economic growth, and that the trading had a stronger and more lasting impact on the economic growth of the quota buyers than on that of the sellers. The analysis suggests that in order to balance the competing goals of economic development and farmland protection, market-based land management tools have a good potential for further development in China and other countries confronting similar challenges.  相似文献   

国外农地转用价格的确定方法   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
研究目的:分析和介绍国外农地转用价格的确定方法,为中国农地转用价格的理论研究和实践提供借鉴.研究方法:文献资料法和比较分析法.研究结果:农地转用价格的确定方法可以分为三类,依据土地收益确定农地转用价格;依据对土地价格影响因素的量化分析确定农地转用价格;依据已有的经济学模型或经验公式确定农地转用价格、确定农地转用价格.研究结论:农地转用价格是土地价格的一种特殊形式,进行中国农地转用价格的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

The governance of the commons depends on collective action by resource users, which may be influenced by land use dynamics and changes in livelihood. We examine the case of China that has experienced massive outmigration of its rural population and significant changes to its land use policy. We contribute to the literature by examining the interaction effects of farmland use rights trading and rural labor out migration on collective action for the governance of the irrigation commons, which has the potential to open up a new line of theoretical and empirical inquiry. Using the socio-ecological system framework, we run ordered probit regression based on data from a survey of 125 villages in 18 provinces in China. We find that a moderate degree of farmland use rights trading has a positive effect on collective action for the governance of the irrigation commons and can slow down and mitigate the negative effect of rural labor outmigration. We conclude with implications for land use policy and governance of the commons.  相似文献   

研究目的:分析土地效率理论(以效率分配农地非农化指标理论)存在的问题,研究地区间耕地保护协调的方法。研究方法:文献法,理论分析法及计量经济方法。研究结果:农地非农化指标的分配不应该仅根据效率差异决定,而应综合考虑各生产要素之间的关系。研究结论:(1)如果在地区间实行非农化指标转移,补偿机制是否建立依赖于两地区资金对土地边际技术替代率的关系;(2)以用地效率来指导非农化指标分配的思路能够提高两地区总体的产出水平,但两地区之间公平会受到损害;(3)农地非农化指标转移等类似政策制定应充分考虑制度成本和交易成本。  相似文献   

研究目的:确定省际间可比的折算系数的方法,为国家级重点建设项目补充耕地提供技术支撑。研究方法:文献资料法,案例研究法。研究结果:以全国农用地分等汇总成果和各省(区、市)按等折算工作为基础,以标准粮产量为依据,根据农用地利用等别——标准粮产量对应关系,测算出省际间可比的等级折算系数,并以国家南水北调中线工程为例,模拟了在北京、天津、河北、河南等省市占用耕地,黑龙江补充耕地数量质量按等级折算方法。研究结论:通过省际间的补充既可以缓解后备耕地资源紧张省(区、市)补充耕地的压力,又可以给予欠发达的、以农业为主的省(区、市)土地整理开发复垦的资金保障,是当前国家级重点建设项目补充耕地切实有效的方法。  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨新时代背景下土地善治的概念、特征及体系。研究方法:归纳分析与演绎推理。研究结果:土地善治实质上是一种对管理理想状态的孜孜追求,其核心是由政府与非政府协同及多向网络化的管理模式,目标是以最小的政府和社会投入获取最大的土地管理效应;土地善治应遵循土地的基本属性、土地利用的价值准则和政策目标;现阶段实施土地善治重点需处理好土地行政管理权与国有土地所有权、政府与村民委员会及政府与农民等的关系。研究结论:土地善治是新时代土地管理的必然选择,土地资源的基本属性、土地利用的价值准则和政策目标是科学构建土地善治体系的基本逻辑依据。  相似文献   

近40年来中国农地细碎化研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:总结近40年中国农地细碎化研究的重点进展,展望未来研究趋势和重点关注方向,以期促进农地资源可持续利用。研究方法:文献计量法,归纳演绎法。研究结果:(1)近40年中国农地细碎化研究受社会经济背景及政策导向影响,可分为3个阶段;(2)研究内容集中在农地细碎化的概念与内涵、测度与评价、成因与效应、治理措施与路径等方面;(3)研究方法由定性探讨向定量评价转变,研究视角及尺度相对独立,亟待耦合性研究。研究结论:(1)农地细碎化内涵包括物理属性(地块)、空间格局(景观)和社会属性(产权)3个层面;(2)受自然、社会、经济、制度、历史背景等多维要素交互共同作用,区域农地细碎化主导成因不尽相同;⑶因研究区背景、研究尺度及视角不同,学术界关于农地细碎化效应方向、强度等存在争议,既存在积极影响,也存在消极影响;(4)未来农地细碎化研究需要在多学科交叉、理论与实践相结合、多维评价指标体系构建、多源数据库建设、农地细碎化治理与乡村振兴联动等方面开展研究。  相似文献   

随着我国城镇化进程的加快及经济的快速发展,经济和人口对耕地的压力不断增加。一方面,非农建设和环境污染侵占了大量耕地资源,导致耕地数量急剧减少;另一方面随着社会经济的发展,国民对农产品的需求也不断增加,要求单位面积耕地具备更大的产出能力。因此,对耕地的集约利用已经成为提高我国耕地产出效率和确保我国农产品供给安全的必然选择。该文首先通过构建耕地集约利用评价指标体系,利用投影寻踪模型对我国31个省市区的耕地集约利用水平进行了综合测度。结果显示:2002~2011年间我国耕地利用集约度区域差异显著,其中东部地区集约利用水平最高,中、西部次之。然后,依据已测度的结果,采用变异系数和泰尔指数进一步分析得到耕地集约利用水平的变化规律:2002~2011年我国东部和西部耕地集约利用水平内部差异不断缩小,而中部地区内部差异起伏波动较大。最后,通过对泰尔指数的分解得知我国耕地集约利用水平差异产生的原因,80%以上是由区域内的差异造成,区域间的差异贡献度较小但有逐渐提高的趋势。  相似文献   

Construction land plays a vanguard role in China’s rapid urbanization process. However, confront with massive loss of farmland resources, the highly centralized land-use planning and management system established by the central government in 1998 stipulates that the red line of 1.8 billion mu of farmland should be guarantee to ensure food security. A series of land management system innovations such as “the replacement of basic farmland in different places”, “the compensated supplement of farmland in different places”, and “the land conversion quotas transregional transaction” in Zhejiang province have received increasing attention, under the premise that neither dissipating the economic development efficiency nor breaking the constraints of various planning quotas. Inspired by the “three-phase” efficiency improvement based on the concept known as the “adaptive efficiency”, this article first proposes the inherent policy shortcomings as incalculability, inseparability, and uncontrollability. Then, adopting the mathematical model derivation and economic analysis tool, we demonstrate that the “general allocation + competition allocation + rewarded allocation” of new construction land quota allocation scheme has improved the three-stage Pareto efficiency. Relying on the network analysis of the cross-regional trading in Zhejiang province, the “time hotspot”, “regional hotspot”, Siphon effect, price fluctuation and inequality of opportunity are also observed in the process of trading. The authorities should play a quasi “wedge-like” blocking role in due course. It is therefore suggested that a differentiated management scheme should be adopted considering the variance in regional resource endowments and social ecosystem. This paper expected to shed light on improving construction land-use efficiency for China and other similarly placed developing countries.  相似文献   

农地非农化是城市化和工业化发展的必然产物.在分析农地非农化实质的基础上,探讨了农地转用价格过低的原因,认为要充分考虑到农地的生态价值、社会价值、选择价值以及产权意义上的价值,把农地的正外部效应充分内化,修正扭曲的农地资源价格体系,在一定程度上可以抑制非农用地的数量.运用农地非农化土地一级市场的模型,认为存在农转非市场失灵,政府要在多目标决策的前提下进行干预,通过提高价格来降低农地市场供给曲线的弹性,从而起到控制农地非农化的数量.  相似文献   

试析农地发展权的归属问题   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
随着社会经济发展对土地需求压力的增加,国家对土地利用的控制进一步增强,这一权利的社会实现和价值体现逐步增强,逐步为各利益主体和社会所认识.近年来,针对我国征地权经常被滥用、大量耕地被非法转为建设用地和被征地农民的合法权益时常被损害的严峻局面,学术界对防止耕地非农化、保护农民合法权益等方面从理论上做了大量的研究,但国内对农地发展权的探讨还处于初级阶段,尤其是对于农地发展权的归属问题,学术界有不同的观点,通过对国内关于农地发展权的归属问题进行归类和理论分析,提出了一些认识.  相似文献   

浅谈耕地和基本农田的弹性保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国实行最严格的耕地保护制度,但是仍然遏制不了耕地和基本农田面积的减少.在耕地的严格保护中寻求弹性保护,从耕地和基本农出保护的数量弹性和空间弹性出发,对耕地和基本农田保护的部分内容和措施方面进行探讨思考,提出了耕地弹性保护和基本农田弹性保护,以期为新一轮土地利用总体规划修编中耕地和基本农田保护提供新思路.  相似文献   

Despite a growing interest among land use policymakers to identify the indicators that measure changes in land tenure systems, little consensus exists about what framework can functionally analyze land tenure systems, and how it should be developed. The existing indicators have mainly focused on measuring the “effects” of land tenure (in)security and often neglected the “causes”. Hence, comprehensive monitoring of land tenure systems has been poorly understood and practiced. Given their multifaceted meanings, land and its related concepts have been a challenging issue for policymakers. Accordingly, the overall objective of this paper was to propose a functional and analytical framework on how to study monitoring land governance from roots to shoots through five main studies: i) understanding the historical trajectories of land, ii) recognizing institutional arrangements on land, iii) identifying land governance grammar, iv) defining land governance typology, and v) assessing land use changes. In line with this objective, the general research question of this study is how and by whom a monitoring system should be developed. Overall, this study can be considered as a conceptual framework that has been designed to conceptualize, develop, build, and apply a functional and analytical framework for formulating land governance grammar to explain how access to land is governed. Unlike previous studies, this study focuses on both causes and effects of strong land governance (SLG) and weak land governance (WLG). The paper discusses that land governance allows various stakeholders to participate in government decisions and ensures the security of their livelihoods. However, land governance could be either poor or strong depending on the government decision-making process. The paper also concluded that SLG is a precondition for economic growth and poverty alleviation in rural areas of developing countries.  相似文献   

研究目的:归纳分析2021年国内外土地管理领域研究进展,展望研究趋势。研究方法:文献研究法。研究结果:2021年,国内土地管理领域研究涉及国土空间内涵、中国共产党百年土地史、自然资源资产产权制度改革、农村土地管理法律以及存量低效用地利用等;在国际上,土地权利平等、农田保护、土地信息化管理等问题备受关注;土地制度历史变迁、土地市场管理、土地产权与农田保护是国内外研究共同关注的重点。研究结论:2021年土地管理研究紧扣理论问题与实践需求,在探索国土空间治理基本概念、土地制度历史变迁以及自然资源资产管理等方面取得了进展,但在土地管理基本理论、土地法解释论研究以及土地资源利用关键技术等方面仍有待加强。2022年土地管理领域或将重点关注土地管理基础理论探索、土地要素市场化改革与城乡土地收益分配、自然资源资产产权制度改革和治理体系构建、土地管理专项立法、面向双碳目标与生态保护修复的国土空间用途管控、城乡空间高质量发展、耕地资源长效保护、土地信息化管理等议题。  相似文献   

梁伟 《中国土地科学》2022,36(10):100-108
研究目的:运用协同治理理论对农地细碎化治理实践进行实证分析,为破解农地细碎化困境提供一种新模式。研究方法:实地调查法和经验归纳法。研究结果:(1)协同治理是克服农地低效利用问题的重要方式,侧重于解决农业发展面临的农地细碎化问题,有效推动了农地整合与整体流转。(2)依托于制度、政策和理念构建的特定环境,多方治理主体构建完整的组织结构和权责配置形态进而塑造农地细碎化治理秩序,在此基础上借助多元主体利益协同、多方资源整合和多重机制耦合持续优化协同过程,形成农地细碎化的协同治理效应。研究结论:协同治理模式能够揭示中国农地细碎化治理的实践机制,为乡村振兴背景下农地资源高效利用提供参考。  相似文献   

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