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山,是一色的碧绿,绿得晶莹醉人;水,是一样的洁净,净得不忍手拂;洞,是同样的深幽,幽得恍若世外……普者黑,一方超乎想象的山水,宛若一幅没有尽头的丹青水墨画铺陈开来,让人在不知不觉中情醉其闻.……  相似文献   

山,是一色的碧绿,绿得晶莹醉人;水,是一样的洁净,净得不忍手拂;洞,是同样的深幽,幽得恍若世外……普者黑,一方超乎想象的山水,宛若一幅没有尽头的丹青水墨画铺陈开来,让人在不知不觉中情醉其间。  相似文献   

新昌风景秀丽,旅游资源极为丰富,全县有自然景观和人文景观300多处,景区面积120平方公里,占全县总面积的十分之一.境内拥有大佛寺、穿岩十九峰、沃洲湖三个省级风景名胜区,是古代"唐诗之路"、"佛教之旅"的精华所在,也是山水诗、山水画的发祥地,被誉为"东南眉目".近几年,新昌依托深厚的历史文化底蕴,充分利用山、石、水等丰富的自然资源,以大佛寺名胜区为龙头,成功地开辟了一批富有特色、品位较高的特色新景观.  相似文献   

随着大屏手机和智能设备的普及,移动电源已成为人们外出的标配。那么问题来了!如果移动电源电量耗尽了该怎么办?日前,由Teias Shast Mike Geier和Alex Smith联手推出的一款动能捕捉移动电源Ampy Energy Capturig Device便很好地解决了该问题。此装置搭载先进的能量转换系统,可以从人们的日常活动(如行走、跑步、跳跃等)中摄取最多1 000毫安的电量,解决用户外出时移  相似文献   

涪陵因乌江古称涪水,巴国先王陵墓多葬于此而得名,以“榨菜之乡”闻名于世。是一座古老而极富活力的滨江城市涪陵历史悠久,早在2000多年前为巴国都城,秦、汉、晋时设枳县,自唐代以来一直为州所在地。  相似文献   

<正>曾经有朋友温馨提示:“在去普者黑之前,你得有思想准备,那里的风光、人文会迷情会醉梦,请多保重!”今年7月,笔者应邀参加“普者黑第五届笔会”暨当地一年一度的“花脸节”观礼。从成都独自驾车1300多公里,经京昆高速、广昆高速,连夜赶到心中的圣地——普者黑风景区,投入到高原水乡的怀抱。  相似文献   

去年七月(农历的七月初四、初五),我在部队时的彝族战友李氏阿山邀我去他家过彝家人一年一度的狂欢节——“花脸节”。由于花脸节是云南省邱北县彝族独有的传统节日,我一直未参加过,于是,兴冲冲地邀了两位笔友来到了他的家乡邱北县普者黑村。 普者黑村位于云南省著名的省级旅游区邱北县普者黑风景区核心地段。偏西的  相似文献   

普者黑,彝语“PUZEHEI”,意为鱼虾多的池塘、甜蜜的地方,位于云南省文山壮族苗族自治州邱北县城西北13公里。这里拥有中国独一无二的喀斯特山水田园风光,山似桂林,水胜西湖,是山、水、洞的大串联。青峰碧水迂回相映,湖中有洞,洞中有景,呈现出“秀、奇、古、纯、幽”的自然景色,  相似文献   

王欣 《走向世界》2009,(32):62-63
60年风雨,60年欢笑.新中国成立60周年以来,人们的娱乐生活从无到有,从单调到多姿多彩,娱乐的载体、休闲的观念都发生了翻天覆地的变化.新中国60年的容颜幻化,在娱乐参与方式、光影和书本的记载中得到了最精确的表达,具体到我们每个人,就是那些伴随我们成长的快乐和悠闲的时光.  相似文献   

Researchers use microdata to study the economic development of the United States and the causal effects of historical policies. Much of this research focuses on county- and state-level patterns and policies because comprehensive sub-county data is not consistently available. We describe a new method that geocodes and standardizes the towns and cities of residence for individuals and households in decennial census microdata from 1790–1940. We release public crosswalks linking individuals and households to consistently-defined place names, longitude-latitude pairs, counties, and states. Our method dramatically increases the number of individuals and households assigned to a sub-county location relative to standard publicly available data: we geocode an average of 83% of the individuals and households in 1790–1940 census microdata, compared to 23% in widely-used crosswalks. In years with individual-level microdata (1850–1940), our average match rate is 94% relative to 33% in widely-used crosswalks. To illustrate the value of our crosswalks, we measure place-level population growth across the United States between 1870 and 1940 at a sub-county level, confirming predictions of Zipf’s Law and Gibrat’s Law for large cities but rejecting similar predictions for small towns. We describe how our approach can be used to accurately geocode other historical datasets.  相似文献   

Bart Nooteboom 《De Economist》1990,138(3):256-275
Summary The book ThePopperian Legacy in Economics (editor Neil de Marchi, Cambridge University Press, 1988) is recommended as a well-composed overview of different approaches to economic methodology, the struggle of economists with the attractions and frustrations of Popper's methodology of falsification, and attempts to strike out in new directions. The overall result is confusion, but a confusion which is worth taking note of and which offers both a challenge and some hints for a search for progress. Part two of the article attempts to take up that challenge.  相似文献   

崔晓红 《新财经》2008,(11):50-51
时隔三十二年,同样是突如其来的大地震灾害,但上至中央政府,下至普通百姓,面对这一切,却表现出了截然不同的反应。三十二年间,人的观念、心态都在发生着变化.  相似文献   

蛋糕祝福两会成功 3月2日重庆晴 "一年之计在于春"!春天永远是一年四季中充满希望的季节:有迷人的色彩,有播种的喜悦.带着美好的祝福与希望,已经是第五次跑全国两会的我,和重庆媒体同行与代表们同坐重庆航空公司提供的专机,赶赴北京两会.  相似文献   

In an ultra-globalized industry, all existing firms service all markets (beyond partitioning and back to Krugman’s world). Moreover, intense competition may force firms with low productivity to compensate for losses at the home market with profits made on foreign markets. This raises the question: are there still gains from further trade liberalization in such a situation? We present a simple and tractable heterogeneous firms specification to address this question. The answer we find is this: yes, even more.  相似文献   

Classical and technological convergence: beyond the Solow-Swan growth model   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent investigations into cross-country convergence followMankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) in using a log-linear approximationto the Swan-Solow growth model to specify regressions. Thesestudies tend to assume a common and exogenous technology. Incontrast, the technology catch-up literature endogenises thegrowth of technology. The use of capital stock data rendersthe approximations and over-identification of the Mankiw modelunnecessary and enables us, using dynamic panel estimation,to estimate the separate contributions of diminishing returnsand technology transfer to the rate of conditional convergence.We find that both effects are important.  相似文献   

Conclusion Africa’s economic recovery in the 1990s, though somewhat fragile, is very encouraging. Policy reforms, primarily in the form of SAPs, have led to improved economic performance. However, as we approach the post-SAPs era of the 21st century, African countries need to intensify efforts in the pursuit of sound policies and further structural reforms. Much higher growth rates, exceeding 7 percent annually, are deemed as necessary to be attained and maintained over a longer period for there to be meaningful reductions in poverty. This paper has advocated a set of policy areas which need to be given priority in Africa as the 21st century approaches. African countries are in a better position now, than anytime since the crisis of the 1980s, to build a path toward sustainable development. In that regard, maintaining market-oriented policy reforms remains the imperative for the immediate future and beyond. It is now up to Africa’s leaders to provide the requisite leadership for a home-grown, rather than donor driven, attempt at sustainable socio-economic development.  相似文献   

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