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面向生态城市的绿地系统规划研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对城市绿地系统发展过程的研究,认为面向生态城市的城市绿地系统规划的关键在于建设城市生态绿地系统.基于景观生态学的斑块-廊道-基质模式和生态城市建设要求,研究了面向生态城市的绿地系统规划研究方法.最后,以常州市市区为例,对生态绿地系统规划进行了分析,这对当前城市生态环境建设和可持续发展具有重要的理论意义和实践应用价值.  相似文献   

中国城市科学研究会生态城市研究专业委员会自2009年成立以来一直致力于推动生态城市理论与规划实践的研究和学术交流,号召全国各高校在校学生、从事生态城市和城市生态规划建设设计、研究的相关科研咨询和设计单位以及各相关领  相似文献   

眼下,"生态城市"虽然已经成为城市规划和建设中一个耳熟能详的词、但关于"生态城市"的概念,仍然没有达成统一的认识,"生态城市"的实践活动因此受到一定程度的影响,真正意义上的生态城市尚在探讨中.随着生态城市概念的完善、目标的明确和规划的落实,不远的将来,真正意义上的生态城市就会呈现在我们眼前.  相似文献   

低碳生态城市规划建设要达到可有效全面推广,管理机构设置与管理模式必须有体制层面的支持,目前我国主要的低碳生态规划实践还是通过控制性详细规划实施,停留在技术应用讨论和设计审批,对管理体制的环境要求在探索阶段中,缺乏有关的分析研究。以上种种问题都导致生态示范城区的建设推进较缓慢。适合的绿色设计技术应用是实践低碳生态城区建设的主要考虑,但要能在我国目前高速度的城市化过程中推广低碳生态城区建设,必须要建立一个有效的规划建设治理体制,才可以提供在法制和制度上的保障。建立一个低碳生态城控制性详细规划体制实施环境的分析框架,从四个体制组成部分分析规划管理体制的实践经验:(1)管理平台与技术能力环境;(2)控制性指标的实施与审批流程;(3)外部政策环境;(4)建设单位与开发商的参与,并以无锡太湖新城生态城项目为案例,分析项目在法定控制型详细规划管理实施过程中的实践经验,从而探讨低碳生态城区的实施对法定规划体制保障的要求,带动进一步的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

低炭生态经济城市是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为主要标志的节能、环保型城市,是一种在生态环境综合平衡制约下的全新城市发展模式,目前已经成为世界各地城市发展的新模式。中国是第一个将节能减排列为国家发展重要目标的发展中国家,而我国目前正处于快速城镇化的发展过程中,较发达国家更有条件且有必要发展低炭生态经济城市。结合中央政府现在提出的建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会、确立科学发展观,以及加快生态文明建设的战略目标,地方政府特别是城市一级政府在建设低炭生态城市方面进行了多方面积极有益的实践。对此,我们应当从实际出发,因地制宜,提出发展和建设生态经济城市的基本理念,这符合我国的基本国情,也符合我们本地的实际。实践证明,发展低炭生态经济城市离不开国家政策体制的保障和支撑,同时更要注重实践操作。  相似文献   

中国生态城市评价指标体系构建研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李海龙  于立 《城市发展研究》2011,18(7):81-86,118
目前全球已有许多城市正在按生态城市目标进行规划与建设,我国也正成为世界上建设生态城市最为积极和主动的国家之一.针对生态城市建设发展过程中的概念混论,目标不清晰等问题,本研究旨在建立一套设计合理、操作性强的评价指标体系,使生态城市建设过程可量测、可监督,让城市管理决策部门明晰生态城市建设的方向,定期掌握城市发展状态和不足...  相似文献   

魏晶晶 《价值工程》2014,(29):142-143
通过描述20世纪发达国家工业社会发展带来的城市病,引入生态城市概念,然后对其进行涵义的理解,随后对欧洲两个著名生态城市介绍,更加形象化生态城市的概念,并结合两个国内重新规划的生态城市案例研究,更明确其目标,总结出一条全面而完整的生态城市规划系统策略。  相似文献   

资源型城市在我国城市体系中居于十分重要的地位,环境问题是制约其可持续发展的重要因素。然而,我国资源型城市的环境治理中政府责任划分不清,市场机制下资源型城市的环境外部性难以解决,公众参与制度不健全等是导致资源型城市环境治理面临困境,影响资源型城市可持续发展的深层次原因。解决资源型城市环境治理难题,政府有必要承担主要责任,充分发挥市场机制的作用,将企业生态环境治理成本内部化,通过法律的方式在横向上合理地划分地方政府、市场、企业各自所应该承担的环境责任,在纵向上合理配置各层级政府环境责任,加强地方政府环境责任落实的法治保障,推进资源型城市的生态转型。  相似文献   

以复合生态效应评价为支撑的绿色城市新区规划框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色城市新区的规划与建设应该以生态优先为导向,构建以生态功能提升为 目标的规划技术方法与管控体系.在系统梳理现有绿色城市新区评价标准、理论方法和建设实践的基础上,提出了以复合生态效应评价为支撑的绿色城市新区规划创新思路:以地表径流滞蓄、通风、热岛等多种生态效应作为衡量城市新区实际生态环境质量的具体表征;耦合多种生态效应...  相似文献   

曹蕾 《活力》2010,(2):95-95
国家的发展与城市的建设息息相关,因此,对城市进行合理的生态规划建设,对国家的经济和文化发展具有重要的意义。进行合理的生态城市规划,能够诱发人的创造精神和生产力,提供高的物质和文化生活水平。本文在生态城市概念的基础上对我国生态城市环境的现状作出了分析,并对改善和进行真正意义上的生态城市建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

生态城市的发展路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以城市生态环境问题为依据,对城市发展阶段进行了划分.认为生态城市是城市发展的最高阶段,以此为基础,借鉴城市圈理论,提出了生态城市建设的大生态城市发展路径.  相似文献   

我国城市发展模式转型趋势——低碳生态城市   总被引:30,自引:7,他引:23  
本文从城市发展历史和当前的资源环境形势入手,分析了以低碳生态城作为我国城市发展模式转型目标的必然性,进而从我国的经济社会发展趋势、悠久的农耕文明历史、众多的城市发展形态等方面阐述我国发展低碳生态城的特点和优势所在.最后简要介绍了国家促进低碳生态城发展的一系列政策措施.  相似文献   

Although accumulated research has demonstrated the negative impacts of workplace violence and called for effective solutions from a human resource management (HRM) perspective, a valid measure of anti-violence HRM practices is missing. In this paper, we develop a scale of anti-violence HRM practices that is critical for both theoretical advancement and managerial practices in health care and aged care contexts. Through an inductive approach in Study 1, we generated items for the scale to be used in health care and aged care contexts, which we then subjected to a content validity test in Study 2. Using the newly developed scale, we further demonstrated in Study 3 that anti-violence HRM practices that are implemented in aged care facilities reduce workers' experienced violence, improve workers' emotional wellbeing, and enhance workers' organisational and career commitment.  相似文献   

低碳生态城区能源规划的目标设定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设定目标、确定主要性能指标KPI,是低碳生态城区能源规划中的重要环节.作者将所有创造产值的能耗和碳排放归结到生产性能耗和碳排放,提出设定单位GDP能耗和碳排放目标的方法;将所有不创造产值的能耗和碳排放归结到消费性能耗和碳排放,用统计数据和情景分析方法确定建筑和交通能耗及碳排放目标.作者还针对可再生能源利用率的目标设定,...  相似文献   

Despite a proliferation of critical studies on management education, there is a paucity of knowledge of the ways in which problematic beliefs, values, and practices are reproduced in and through management education. By drawing on and extending Bourdieu's seminal work, this paper offers a new perspective on reproduction on the global scale. Our framework spans three inter‐related levels of analysis: the dominant beliefs, values, and practices (nomos and doxa) of management in global society; the structuration of the field of management education on a global scale; and the prevailing pedagogical practices in management education programmes. Our analysis adds to critical studies of management education by elucidating the overwhelming institutional forces of reproduction and thus explaining how difficult it is to effect change in the prevailing ideas, values, and practices. Unlike most critical analyses, we also explain how change might take place and what it would require. Thus, our analysis advances studies of reproduction in this era of globalization more generally. It also provides an example of how Bourdieusian ideas can be applied and expanded upon in novel ways in research on education in general and management education in particular.  相似文献   

This article contributes to two recurring and very central debates in the international management literature: the convergence vs. divergence debate and the standardization vs. localization debate. Using a large‐scale sample of multinationals headquartered in the United States, Japan, and Germany, as well as subsidiaries of multinationals from these three countries in the two other respective countries, we test the extent to which HRM practices in subsidiaries are characterized by country‐of‐origin, localization, and dominance effects. Our results show that overall the dominance effect is most important (i.e., subsidiary practices appear to converge to the dominant U.S. practices). Hence, our results lead to the rather surprising conclusion for what might be considered to be the most localized of functions—HRM—that convergence to a worldwide best practices model is clearly present. The lack of country‐of‐origin effects for Japanese and German multinationals leads us to a conclusion that is of significant theoretical as well as practical relevance. Multinationals might limit the export of country‐of‐origin practices to their core competences and converge to best practices in other areas. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to highlight the importance of entrepreneurial and market orientations for the success of enterprises operating out of a rural base. Using these two strategic frameworks, this paper identifies the marketing practices undertaken by rural enterprises, and evaluates their effect on business performance, on the local entrepreneur, and on the rural area itself. Enterprises operating from a rural location play a strategic role in the sustainable development of economies, in the context of which the rural tourism sector particularly stands out. The use of marketing practices appropriate to the aims, capacities and resources of such enterprises is proposed as a mechanism for improving their performance. Using the Spanish rural tourism sector as the basis, a scale measuring marketing practices, and another scale reflecting three different types of outcome – financial, those linked personally to the entrepreneur, and those in terms of development of the rural environment – are proposed and validated, and the effect of marketing practices on the performance of such enterprises is analysed. The findings, which reveal that marketing practices have a significant effect on the achievement of outcomes, have implications of interest for the literature and for practitioners in the rural enterprise sector.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study conducted in the Philippines that examines the extent of adoption of human capital-enhancing human resource (HR) and industrial relations (IR) practices. Differences between locally owned and other organizations in these practices and their relationship to firm performance were also investigated. Questionnaire responses were obtained from managers and union representatives from 128 organizations located in the Philippines. The results indicated that there was, on average, a fairly high level of adoption of practices consistent with a strategic approach to human resource management (HRM), with foreign-owned firms tending to show a slightly higher level of adoption of such practices. A scale representing the adoption of a more conciliatory and union-friendly IR approach was found to be a significant predictor of perceived firm performance. Surprisingly, the level of strategic integration between HRM and business planning and most human capital-enhancing HR practices were not significant predictors of perceived firm performance. Research and practical implications in relation to the role of HRM in enhancing firm performance are discussed.  相似文献   

Across manufacturing sectors, mounting regulatory pressures motivate the adoption of innovative sustainable practices to help address and improve environmental performance. Sustainable practices, however, face many challenges to minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. This study seeks to understand the effect of research and development intensity on dimensions of environmental performance in manufacturing firms. Using data from U.S. corporations over the period from 1991 through 2015, we find that sustainable practices are associated with a higher level of negative environmental ratings. In addition, the level of environmental concerns tends to decrease with firm investments in research and development intensity over time. These findings suggest that bigger firms are likely to report a higher level of environmental concerns due to their experimentation with sustainable practices. These firms are also likely to reduce negative environmental ratings over time and realize economies of scale with sustainable manufacturing.  相似文献   

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