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The Impact of the Board on Strategy: An Empirical Examination   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Boards of directors are coming under increasing scrutiny, both in the wake of a number of serious corporate frauds and failures and through a more general debate about the nature of corporate governance and its role in achieving national competitiveness. Though research on boards is growing, there remains a lack of empirical studies on the perceptions of directors themselves as to their role and influence in the running of organizations, and in particular the strategic process.
This article responds to widespread calls for direct study of boards of directors by using a multi-method approach involving an in-depth examination of 51 directors of UK public companies, a survey of 121 company secretaries and four case studies of UK plcs, where multiple board members were interviewed. Through the use of a grounded methodology, this article examines the impact of boards on strategy and shows that by establishing the business definition, gatekeeping, selecting directors, and confidence building, the board influences the boundaries of strategic action. Evidence for the managerial domination of boards was slight, but the results showed support for a number of theoretical frameworks, suggesting that multiple perspectives are required to fully understand the nature of board activity.  相似文献   

充分考虑高校教学和社会服务职能以及内部资源分配对科研活动的影响,本文提出一个研究我国高校知识生产创造活动的理论框架,并基于教育部直属高校2000-2008年的统计数据进行了实证分析。研究发现,高校参与科研活动的高级职称研究人员的比例对发明专利申请增加有显著影响;重视基础研究有助于增加SCI论文;在校本专科生规模对科研产出有负面影响,而研究生数量的增加则对科研活动有积极贡献;加强与企业联系有助于增加高校的发明专利申请和EI期刊论文。最后,基于对教育部直属高校的聚类分析,本文有针对性地讨论了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

The impact of regulation of efforts to minimize costs has been widely discussed, but remains difficult to measure. The sophisticated regulation of water utilities in Wisconsin allows us to attempt such on assessment since different firms can be under different regulatory regimes (price cap or rate-of-return) in the same geographical area at the same time. To measure the impact of regulation on efficiency, we use a stochastic cost frontier approach defining the unobservable efficiency of a water utility as a function of exogeneous variables. Using a panel of 211 water utilities observed from 1998 to 2000, we show that their efficiency scores can be partly explained by the regulatory framework.  相似文献   

进入方式对外资企业的能力开发和能力创建产生作用,影响外资企业竞争力,从而产生不同的劳动生产率。本文通过对江苏省苏南地区10574家制造业外商投资企业2008~2010年数据进行研究,发现合资企业劳动生产率要高于独资企业,说明独资化没有提高外资企业的劳动生产率。进入方式不仅直接影响劳动生产率,而且通过企业规模、经营时间、资本密度、工资水平和人员培训等间接途径影响劳动生产率,这对跨国公司进入方式的研究是一个拓展,有助于厘清进入方式对外资企业生产率、绩效以及竞争力影响的机制和路径。研究发现,合资企业比独资企业的劳动生产率具有更大的规模效应、独资企业的经营时间与劳动生产率成倒U形关系比合资企业更显著、资本密度对劳动生产率的影响合资企业比独资企业的效果更大、工资对生产率的激励效应合资企业比独资企业要大、员工培训对劳动生产率影响合资企业比独资企业效果更好。  相似文献   

This paper examines the empirical evidence on the impact of performed R&D and of R&D embodied in intermediate and capital goods on productivity performance in 10 major OECD countries over the last two decades. To quantify intersectoral and international technology flows, industry-level embodied R&D variables were constructed from an input–output (IO) R&D embodiment model. The productivity variables used are discrete Divisia growth indexes of total factor productivity (TFP), which were estimated from an IO growth accounting model. The results from pooled regressions indicate that the rates of return of the R&D variables were positively significant and increasing in the 1980s. In particular, embodied R&D is an important source for TFP growth in services, indicating very high social returns of the flows of capital-embodied technology into this sector. Moreover, the information and communi-cation technology (ICT) cluster of industries played a major role in the generation and cquisition of new technologies at the international level.  相似文献   

In determining its environmental disclosure strategy, a firm's management faces a tension between responding to the information needs of financial markets and maintaining its legitimacy within the community. In this paper, relying on information economics and legitimacy theory, we explore how firms resolve this tension. Results show that a firm's environmental disclosure enhances the quality of analysts' information context, which ultimately allows them to make better forecasts. Moreover, financial analysts seem to be able to decipher environmental information, discounting discourses that are inconsistent with a firm's underlying environmental performance. We find also that a firm's environmental disclosure serves another purpose, as it influences how its other stakeholders (beyond financial ones) perceive its legitimacy. Such enhanced legitimacy reduces the information uncertainty faced by financial analysts. Our results suggest also that both economic‐based environmental disclosure and sustainable development and environmental disclosure are useful to analysts in making their forecasts and enhance a firm's legitimacy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

构建了企业社会责任、企业声誉和员工满意度的关系模型,以西北工业大学深圳地区和西安地区MBA班工程硕士学员为调研对象,欲探讨现阶段企业员工对企业社会责任的认知状况。通过构建结构方程模型,实证分析发现:企业社会责任对企业声誉有显著正向影响;企业声誉对员工满意度有显著正向影响;企业社会责任不直接对员工满意度产生影响,而是通过影响企业声誉后对员工满意度产生作用。  相似文献   

山西煤炭工业在全国煤炭工业中占有重要地位,文中应用基于DEA的非参数Malmquist指数法,对2001~2008年中国27省区煤炭工业的全要素生产率进行了测算,并将其分解为技术进步指数和技术效率指数,重点研究了山西煤炭工业的全要素生产率的变动趋势及原因,结果表明:山西煤炭工业的全要素生产率平均增长了5.7%,主要原因在于技术效率水平的提高,而技术进步水平有所下降;进一步分解,在技术效率的提高中,基本上是规模效率在起作用,而纯技术效率没有得到改善。接着对山西煤炭工业的技术进步、纯技术效率、规模效率作了详尽的分析,最后给出提高全要素生产率的建议。  相似文献   

Abstract.  A variety of methods have been used to investigate the empirical relationship between research and development (R&D) spending and the productivity of firms. The most widely employed frameworks are the production function and the associated productivity framework. In these settings, productivity growth is related to expenditures on R&D, and an attempt is made to estimate statistically the part of productivity growth that can be attributed to R&D activities. This article surveys the expansive body of empirical literature on this subject and finds a large and significant impact of R&D on firm performance on average. However, the estimated returns vary considerably between the different studies due to differences across data samples and econometric models, as well as methodological and conceptual issues. A meta-analysis on the studies surveyed reveals that the estimated rates of return do not significantly differ between countries, whereas the estimated elasticities do. Furthermore, the estimated elasticities are significantly higher in the 1980s and consistently higher in the 1990s compared with the 1970s. Hence, contrary to a widely held belief, we find no convincing evidence of an exhaustion of R&D opportunities in the last two decades.  相似文献   

本文通过对一家IT公司的组织文化的实证研究,探讨了新兴中小型高科技服务企业的组织文化特点和发展趋势。文章首先对组织文化的概念和测评模型进行了回顾,接着介绍了实证研究中采用的文化测评工具及被研究对象的概况,最后文章对研究结果加以阐述、分析和讨论,并在此基础上提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

研究目标:反倾销壁垒对我国出口企业生产率的影响。研究方法:通过合并全球反倾销数据库、中国工业企业数据库和中国海关数据库2000~2006年的数据,借助双重差分法,从微观层面考察了反倾销壁垒对我国出口企业生产率的影响。研究发现:在样本期内,整体而言,反倾销壁垒抑制了我国出口企业的生产率,其抑制效应主要体现在反倾销终裁措施实施之后,尽管反倾销的初裁预征税率也降低企业生产率,不过这种抑制效应很小并且统计上不显著。增加值下降和生产要素缺乏调整是导致企业生产率降低的主要缘由。研究创新:从企业层面量化反倾销壁垒对反倾销目标国的生产率效应。研究价值:较为细致地分析了反倾销壁垒的生产率抑制效应。  相似文献   

能源生产率差异与收敛:基于省际面板数据的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文首先对收敛问题的几种常用分析方法进行了梳理,然后对1986~2006年中国地区间能源生产率差异进行σ收敛和β收敛分析。研究表明,中国地区间能源生产率的总体差异并没有呈现出显著的σ收敛,而是表现为不同的阶段性特征。东、中、西部地区能源生产率收敛特征各异:东部地区差异缩小且较为稳定,中部地区经过小幅波动后也趋于收敛,而西部地区差异呈现出三个先扩大后缩小的"倒U型"特征。绝对β收敛和条件β收敛模型研究表明,中国地区间能源生产率总体差异正在逐步缩小,巩固和发展这一趋势尚任重道远。  相似文献   

The front-end of innovation (FEI) is critical for successful innovation in contemporary organizations. Employee creativity, or creative behavior, is at the heart of the FEI and it encompasses three activities: idea generation, idea elaboration, and idea championing. Information technology (IT) can play an important role in enabling these activities but extant research has focused primarily on IT-enabled idea generation. This paper complements the extant research by examining the entire set of activities that compose FEI. Specifically, we develop a model that examines IT-enabled idea generation, IT-enabled elaboration and IT-enabled championing, and that, grounded in the componential theory of creativity, analyzes their key drivers. An empirical study establishes the applicability of the model. The paper contributes to IS research and practice by shedding light on the tripartite role that organizational IT can play in employee creativity, and it serves as a springboard for future research.  相似文献   

首先利用非参数的DEA-Malmquist生产率指数方法对1995-2007年中国物流业全要素生产率(TFP)的变动进行测度,并对TFP指数进了分解.研究结果表明:(1)我国物流业生产率总体上处于增长趋势,并呈现先增长后下降再增长的特征;(2)技术进步是物流业生产率增长的关键因素,而技术效率是物流业生产率改善的瓶颈.  相似文献   

许晗 《物流技术》2012,(9):143-145,157
首先利用非参数的DEA-Malmquist生产率指数方法对1995-2007年中国物流业全要素生产率(TFP)的变动进行测度,并对TFP指数进了分解。研究结果表明:(1)我国物流业生产率总体上处于增长趋势,并呈现先增长后下降再增长的特征;(2)技术进步是物流业生产率增长的关键因素,而技术效率是物流业生产率改善的瓶颈。  相似文献   

在研究内部控制评价思路的基础上,结合内控建设、内控评价报告,从管理层面、财务报告层面共同构建了内部控制评价体系.采用主成分分析法,选取沪深两市2007-2010年制造业上市公司评估企业内部控制状况,构建了内部控制评价指数.并对指数进行一系列Wilcoxon秩和检验,结果表明对照样本间存在显著差异,内部控制指数能有效判别公司质量.  相似文献   

刘炜  郭雪萌 《物流技术》2012,(13):85-87,113
在研究内部控制评价思路的基础上,结合内控建设、内控评价报告,从管理层面、财务报告层面共同构建了内部控制评价体系。采用主成分分析法,选取沪深两市2007-2010年制造业上市公司评估企业内部控制状况,构建了内部控制评价指数。并对指数进行一系列Wilcoxon秩和检验,结果表明对照样本间存在显著差异,内部控制指数能有效判别公司质量。  相似文献   

近年来,我国利用外商直接投资的步伐不断加快,外商直接投资对我国经济发展的作用越来越明显。本文通过建立计量经济学模型,定量地分析了外商直接投资对我国劳动生产率增长的贡献。  相似文献   

赵洁  张红  张春晖 《价值工程》2011,30(26):1-4
以在我国沪深两市2007年—2009年发行A股的24家老字号上市公司为研究样本,考察样本公司无形资产的发展状况,并运用线性回归分析法检验无形资产对经营绩效的影响。试图分析无形资产在我国老字号上市公司经营活动中所起的作用,改进我国老字号企业的绩效实现途径。研究结果发现:无形资产对老字号企业的经营活动发挥了一定的贡献,老字号上市公司披露的无形资产对企业经营绩效的贡献是显著的正向的,但贡献的程度较小。即样本公司拥有的无形资产越多,公司的经营绩效越多,但是无形资产的变化引起绩效变化的程度较小。在此基础上,提出了针对性的建议。  相似文献   

叶艺勇 《物流科技》2015,38(2):22-26
物流企业绩效评价涉及众多因素,使用基于参数假设的评价方法由于容易受到评价者主观因素的影响而导致评价结果不够理想。文章简述了数据包络分析(DEA)方法的基本原理和模型,分析了将DEA应用于物流企业绩效评价的可行性和优越性,进而利用DEA中的C2R模型和C2GS2模型对若干个同类型的物流企业进行评价分析。实证分析表明:该方法可以有效地评价不同企业间物流系统的相对规模效益和技术有效性,并可以找出其非DEA有效的影响因素,并能给出相应的改进措施,评价结果较为客观、合理。  相似文献   

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