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杨金田 《价值工程》2010,29(31):259-260
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This paper derives a closed-form solution of the AK endogenous growth model with logarithmic preferences and anticipated future consumption which enters additively into effective consumption. We get an explicit representation of the time paths of the economic variables in level by resorting to Gaussian Hypergeometric functions. We compare the model with anticipated future consumption to the model with habit formation. The maximum utility attainable in the model with anticipation is shown to be higher than the one attainable in the model with habits. Using the derived explicit expressions, we perform some comparative-dynamics and -statics analyses with respect to relevant parameters. Numerical simulations complement the theoretical results. Thus, this work provides further support to the usefulness of especial functions in the study of economic dynamics.  相似文献   

In many countries governments not only regulate business activities, but also become involved in the corporate governance of individual firms through ownership and board ties. While existing studies usually focus either on benefits of political connections or on costs of government influence, a political embeddedness perspective helps us consider both advantages and constraints associated with ties to the government. In particular, firms with direct ties to the government will experience significant costs associated with government officials' involvement in the corporate governance process. In contrast, firms with ties to state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) are connected to the government indirectly and thus, while getting access to state‐owned resources, avoid costs associated with the government's interventions. This study compares the performance consequences of board and ownership ties to the government with the consequences of board and ownership ties to SOEs. I find that ties to SOEs are associated with higher profitability, while no significant differences are discovered for firms with direct ties to the government.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a refinement of the existing definition of volatility-induced stationarity that allows us to distinguish between processes with drift and diffusion induced stationarity and processes with pure volatility-induced stationarity. We also propose a classification of stationary processes with volatility-induced stationarity according to the volatility that is needed to inject stationarity. Processes with volatility-induced stationarity are potentially applicable to interest rate time-series since, as has been acknowledged, mean-reversion effects occur mainly in periods of high volatility. As such, we provide evidence that the logarithm of the Fed funds rate can be modelled as a local martingale with volatility-induced stationarity.  相似文献   

This research note begins with a discussion of recent changes in the Swedish labour market, with special reference to employment changes in the public sector from a gender perspective. These changes are illustrated with a discussion of results from a study of the closing of the National Board of School Administration, an agency with a high proportion of women on its staff. Changes are compared to observations made during the restructuring of the industrial sector. The research note concludes with a short discussion on employment trends for the future, with special reference to the importance of the public sector.  相似文献   

We investigate determinants of the competitive behaviour of satisficing, non‐profit‐maximizing pricing. Taking a behavioural approach, we argue that pricing decisions are motivated by fairness objectives as well as the desire to achieve economic objectives. We draw from the attention‐based view to build our theoretical model explaining the contextual conditions that are most likely to be associated with attention to fairness relative to attention to achieving maximum profits when setting prices. Our hypothesized predictors of satisficing pricing decisions encompass the institutional context in which the firm is embedded, the exchange context with customers and suppliers, and the context internal to the firm. Hypotheses are tested with survey data of over 3000 firms from 15 countries. We find that the decision to set prices at a satisficing level is remarkably common, and its prevalence is associated with contextual factors that are consistent with greater attention to fairness concerns.  相似文献   

This is the first paper to identify the correlates of workplace managers' perceptions of the health and safety risks faced by workers and the degree to which workers have control over those risks. The risks that workers face and the control they have over those risks are weakly negatively correlated. Managerial risk ratings are positively associated with both injury and illness rates, but not with absence rates. The control rating is also positively associated with injury and illness rates, but it is negatively correlated with absence rates. Workers are more likely to be exposed to health and safety risks when their workplace is performing poorly and where it has been adversely affected by the recession. Union density is positively associated with risks but is not associated with workers' control over risks. Having on‐site worker representatives dealing with health and safety is linked to lower risks than direct consultation between management and employees over health and safety. However, there is no evidence that particular types of health and safety arrangement are related to workers' control over health and safety risks.  相似文献   

This article investigates how organizations deal with drivers and barriers to the adoption of low‐carbon operational (LCO) practices and, accordingly, we propose a framework for relationships with stakeholders to guide organizations in orchestrating stakeholders, resources and capabilities to meet the challenges and opportunities arising from climate change. Data was collected through interviews with experts working within companies participating in the Carbon Disclosure Program and the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program. Our findings show that the level of willingness of stakeholders influences how companies select mechanisms to deal with drivers and barriers to LCO practices. Our results, qualified by stakeholder relationships theory and the natural resource‐based view, introduce an analytical approach called ‘mechanisms of responses’ to understand how organizations deal with drivers and barriers in the context of climate change in order to guide companies to adopt LCO practices, strengthen co‐operation with stakeholders and develop the required organizational capabilities.  相似文献   

农地入股公司的难点主要在国家政策与现行法律的限制,不能破坏农地由乡或村集体所有与本村村民对土地享有的优先承包权与优先受让权,是设计农地入股制度的政策底线。因此,需要从农地入股的程序、农地股的设计、入股后的风险防范及失地农民保障等方面进行完善。只有坚持国家政策底线,尊重农民入股的权益,建立起完善的农地入股法律制度,才能确保农村土地入股有法可依、有章可循。  相似文献   

本文以泛系理论和信息理论为基础,提出建立会计信息观控模型的构想,通过该模型对会计信息的量 化分析和观控,按照比较收益导向为企业经营活动的趋优化发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

A survey of Chinese employees was conducted in China to examine the antecedents and consequences of a pro-disparity norm concerning the pay disparity associated with expatriate managers and with Chinese managers recruited from distant geographical areas (outside managers). These two groups, especially expatriate managers, tend to receive high salaries. Interactional justice received from outside managers was positively related to pro-disparity norm and task interdependence with them was negatively related to pro-disparity norm, but no significant relationship was found for expatriate managers. When innovative climate was high, interactional justice and task interdependence showed a positive relationship with pro-disparity norm. With regard to consequences of pro-disparity norm, when innovative climate was high, it was positively related to compliance with the requests of expatriate and outside managers and positively related to knowledge sharing with them.  相似文献   

Historically, employment rates for people with disabilities have been low. Despite legislation that prohibits the discrimination of this group in work settings, employers are reluctant to hire people with disabilities. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of employers with workers with disabilities. Three focus groups were conducted with 21 administrators from three business sectors (i.e., healthcare, hospitality, and retail). Content analysis indicated five primary themes: (1) importance of disability employment agencies and disability advocates; (2) persistence of manager bias; (3) lack of promotion opportunities; (4) costs associated with having workers with disabilities; and (5) benefits associated with having workers with disabilities. Implications include the need for intervention studies that address the challenges experienced by individuals with disabilities, particularly during hiring and promoting phases of employment, and educational efforts to inform administrators and managers of the few costs and numerous benefits associated with having workers with disabilities.  相似文献   

Applying sensemaking research to acquisition integration, we outline factors that influence employee resistance to acquisitions. While integration is widely viewed as important to acquisition outcomes, there is limited systematic study of how employees react to the integration process. Using survey data from Chinese acquirers and applying partial least squares structural equation modeling, we examine what changes with human and task integration with the speed of when changes are made to explore relationships with employee resistance. Consistent with a temporal perspective of acquisition processes and sensemaking we find slower task integration may mitigate employee resistance to acquisition integration. However, employee resistance to the speed that changes are made likely varies for who is involved, suggesting different roles for top and middle managers. Specifically, middle management involvement with slow human integration and top management involvement with fast task integration reduces employee resistance following an acquisition.  相似文献   

An educational institution faced with the operation of several campuses with which to accomplish its many functions also is typically faced with transportation, class scheduling and lost student time as problems directly related to the multi-campus operation. A model using an implicit enumeration approach with bounds on the objective function values is developed with the objective to determine the optimal allocation of indivisible academic departments to each of the several campuses. This allocation minimizes a constructed measure of operating costs while satisfying space availability constraints. Solutions for a three campus and fifty-seven department case are presented.  相似文献   

为提高城市居民乘坐公交出行的意愿,解决出行路径选择问题。拟从居民乘坐公交车出行的换乘次数最少为前提,提出用广度优先迭代结合Dijkstra算法为居民出行提供最优的公交线路。首先用广度优先迭代找出连接起讫点之间所有的换乘次数最少的公交线路,再使用Dijkstra算法在换乘次数少的线路中找到行程时间最短的线路,使得乘客在整个乘坐公交出行过程中换乘次数最少、乘坐时间最少。采用python编程实现结果验证,与实际结果路线对比,所提供的线路接近于实际运营,证明了该算法的有效性并且运行速度较快。  相似文献   

文中在探讨实践中三种基本的农超对接情况的基础上,分析了江西省农超对接的现状,发现在农超对接中存在的问题,提出促进江西省农超对接发展的对策。20世纪70年代以来,以转基因技术为核心的现代生物技术产业开始蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the decision to prefer a health insurance with a deductible to one with complete coverage. We focus on health, medical consumption, and on socio-economic characteristics like age, income, education and family size. The analysis is based on a sample of 8000 privately insured families; about 60 percent of them did not wish to have a health insurance policy with a deductible. A corrective method for sample selectivity, analogous to Heckman's (1979) method, has been applied in probit analysis; the estimation results are compared with the maximum-likelihood estimates. Health, medical consumption and income are found to have a significant influence on the decision with respect to the type of insurance. Our results give an indication of the degree of adverse selection that may take place if health insurance policies are offered with the option to take a deductible in exchange of a premium reduction.  相似文献   

面对一场看似没有硝烟的物流专业技能抽查大考即将在湖南上空鸣响枪声。文中从分析湖南省教育厅推行技能抽查的目的入手,结合高职院校在应对技能抽查时所面临的问题,提出保证专业技能质量,应对抽查的措施,并就今后如何保持物流专业技能质量,提高技能抽查成绩作出设想。  相似文献   

Today, employees are encouraged to become more career‐resilient and engage in career development activities to deal with changes in required knowledge, skills, and abilities, and to facilitate their mobility. This study found that participation in decision making (PDM) and autonomy, along with supervisory career support (information, advice, and encouragement), fostered this career adaptability. These practices were also positively associated with commitment and negatively with intentions to leave. However, career adaptability was positively associated with both commitment and intentions to leave, suggesting some unintended consequences for management approaches supporting career adaptability. Implications for research and practice are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Growing dissatisfaction with the prevailing dispersed urban form and its generalized reliance on the automobile has resulted in the formulation of planning models seeking to substitute dispersed development with recentralization. A survey of 301 planning documents with a metropolitan focus, originating from the 58 US and Canadian urban regions with a population exceeding one million, reveals widespread support for urban recentralization. But interviews with 55 planners, involved in the preparation of these plans and/or the implementation of their proposals, highlight actual and foreseen barriers to the implementation of recentralization strategies. The article interprets the popularity of recentralization in planning documents as the outcome of planners' attempts to reconcile their commitment to sustainable development with societal factors affecting planning possibilities. Still, we anticipate serious problems in achieving large‐scale recentralization due to urban development path dependencies emanating from the prevailing urban form and dynamics, institutional structures, and from the limited urban transformative potential afforded by neoliberalism.  相似文献   

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