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中国汽车零部件企业在圆满取得2009年出口佳绩的同时,纷纷对2010年的出口市场寄予厚望。售后市场作为拉动国内汽车产业经济增长的三驾马车之一,占据了中国汽车零部件出口市场的60%-70%。如何在新一年里扩大出口市场份  相似文献   

作为全国的创新中心,北京是中国最具标志性的医药市场和研发能力最强的地区之一,是中国医药产业的战略地区,北京庞大的医疗市场、丰富的科技资源、发达的医药商业和良好的产业基础是北京生物医药产业发展的最可靠保障,也使得北京生物医药产业发展在全球经济危机的宏观背景下逆势上扬,取得了良好的成果。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国内外医药市场的接轨,国外经皮吸收药物制剂与国内中成药贴膏制剂两股力量在中国已逐渐融合贯通。在骨骼皮肤局部镇痛、中枢神经系统镇痛、高血压心绞痛和激素替代治疗中发挥了作用:  相似文献   

美国一直以来都是我国医药化学品出口的最大单一国市场,我国医药化学品对美国出口的稳定与健康直接影响我国医药化学品出口贸易。根据联合国统计署网站的数据,2012年我国医药化学品对美国的出口额为9.66亿美元,出口额在美国市场排名第15位,说明我国医药化学品竞争力同其他医药化学品主要出口国具有一定的差距。  相似文献   

目前,中国提供国际玩具市场70%的销售量,其中广东出口玩具总量在过去一年中占全国出口总量的78%,其余主要出口省份包括江苏、浙江等。综合海关统计及有关专业协会信息可以看出,中国玩具出口形势已经开始发生根本性转变,加上已经实施的3C 认证提高了产业门槛,在未来一段时间内玩具产业本身和其上下游产业都必须有意识作出调整,以应对正在到来的市场变化。  相似文献   

中国医药外包产业未来的发展趋势将会怎样?我们依据对中国医药外包产业的研究,深入分析了中国医药外包产业的未来发展趋势,及其成长动力与制约因素,并对将来数年内的发展趋势做出了预测.  相似文献   

金融危机与农药刚性需求将促使中国农药行业向规模化、技术化、专业化方向整合,中国农药市场愈发受到国际企业的关注,而只有尽快让产品通过国际农药认证体系,获得制剂产品国际出口认证,才能避免产品链利润的流失,让更多更好的产品顺利进军国际市场。  相似文献   

医药工业是国民经济的重要组成部分,经过多年的发展,中国已形成了比较完备的医药生产体系和商业流通网络,涌现出一大批规模优势医药企业,有效地促进了中国医药经济整体实力的提高。目前中国已成为原料药出口大国,仅次于美国,在国际市场具有举足轻重的地位。各类医药产品的迅猛发展,为中国医药工业加速国际化进程奠定了坚实的基础。任何企业发展到一定阶段就会遇到资金制约问题,  相似文献   

本文从规模竞争力、市场竞争力、效率竞争力以及增长竞争力层面对2006年北京地区医药制造业以及化学药品原药制造、化学药品制剂制造、中药饮片加工、中成药制造、生物、生化制品制造业等子产业进行综合分析,得出北京生物、生化制品制造业在北京地区医药制造业中排名中等,未能充分整合首都的科技、人才、区位、临床、信息等优势资源,应引起重视。  相似文献   

2011年我国医药市场已经超越日本成为全球第二大医药市场,中国当之无愧地成为了生物医药产业的大国,但距生物医药产业的强国地位尚存差距令人欣喜的是,当前来自国际的新技术浪潮正在推动我国生物医药产业努力跟上世界潮流,国家政策的大力激励给生物医药产业注入了鲜活的生机,而庞大的内需市场又充满了商业潜力。因此,无论是从国际还是国内环境看,我国生物医药产业都处于难得的战略机遇期:、我国的政府、企业该如何抓住机遇,早日晋升为生物医药产业强国呢?  相似文献   

名爵MG凭借纯正的英系风格能否在最终站稳脚跟,从目前来看,它还面临着不小的挑战。对于拥有百年历史和经典品牌的名爵MG来说,似乎是一笔很大的无形资产,已走过了三年的名爵MG,目前摆在他们面前的问题似乎还不少。如何让中国的消费者能够接受这一“外来者”?  相似文献   

Current British and American publications about the liberalization of electricity and gas markets demand a paradigm shift in the regulation of energy networks. These publications can be subsumed under the scientific debate about “collaborative governance” in the USA. They call for an integration of network users and consumers into the regulatory process. Their philosophy resembles the philosophy of the negotiated third party access in Germany from 1998 till 2005. Their regulatory strategy might be more effective than the actual European “command and control” strategy in establishing competitive energy markets. This article examines and evaluates these publications and their regulatory strategy.  相似文献   

There is increasing public policy concern about the potentialeffects of mergers on innovation. This paper provides acomparative analysis of approaches to innovational competitiontaken by the E.U. and U.S. merger authorities in a sample of threerecent, major, pharmaceutical mergers. The European Commission'sapproach appears lighter handed and places more explicit emphasison effects in downstream markets. The uncertainties in the analysisof dynamic effects of mergers on innovation, even in pharmaceuticals,suggest the need for a cautious approach and for careful framingof any merger remedies where R & D projects and components, ratherthan approved drugs, are involved.  相似文献   

欧洲主要国家药品定价和补偿制度的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较分析的方法深入探讨欧洲各主要国家药品定价和补偿制度的特点以及经济学评价的应用情况。如何评价新药的创新性已成为各国政府在规制药品市场时共同面临的关键性问题,而与创新水平评价密切相关的带有“双重定价”意味的定价体制值得我国政府在平衡控制药品费用和激发医药产业创新实力这一矛盾时借鉴学习。  相似文献   

Third generation management of technology intelligence processes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
How have the technology intelligence approaches of large technology‐intensive companies changed in the last 30 years? This paper aims to answer this question through case study research in 26 leading European and North American companies in the pharmaceutical, telecommunication equipment and automobile/machinery industries. The empirical results show that technology intelligence approaches have closely followed the changes in R&D organization, project selection and technology planning. Three generations of technology intelligence management can be distinguished. Furthermore, the contingency factors for the location of technology intelligence within technology intensive companies are identified.  相似文献   

The paper analyses business networks originating from three markets: Chinese, Russian, and West European. So far, little attention has been given to the fact that business networks in particular markets may be dissimilar because of differences among institutions. The paper advances a model where institutions are assumed to influence five major characteristics of business; (1) the processual aspects of the network, (2) the structural aspects of the network, (3) the function of firms and relationships in the network, (4) the meaning of strategy and planning, and (5) social relationships in the context of inter-firm relationships. The analysis builds on three types of substances of institutions — cognitive, normative, and regulative, which in turn are specified according to different aspects. The cognitive substance of business networks is explored through the aspects of self, time, and causality. The normative substance is explored through the aspects of achieved versus ascribed status, inner versus outer direction, universalism versus particularism, and trust. The regulative substance is specified as an authority system and a sanction system. The analysis demonstrates that, as institutions differ in these three markets, the business among them also differs in terms of the five characteristics, and this variation calls for different strategies for firms operating in these markets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically some determinants of entry into the U.S. pharmaceutical industry during the period 1964–1974. The statistical findings of the study are consistent with a priori expectations. Market growth is found to provide incentives for entry, Product differentiation, market concentration, and drug innovation are found to be significant barriers to entry into drug markets.  相似文献   

This article presents a research project in experimental law and economics about transparency regulation in markets for experience goods, with implications for the implementation of transparency requirements in broadband markets. European and American regulators have introduced transparency policies in the broadband sector, although their effects on market actors are not fully understood. The experiment evaluates the effects of increased transparency on various market outcomes. Four scenarios are compared in which end-users have different amounts of information about quality. Findings of this research suggest that (1) more information about quality leads to higher total surplus and higher consumer surplus; (2) quality provided by firms increases with the level of transparency; and (3) quality and efficiency are marginally higher when full information about quality is only available to some consumers, than when all consumers have imperfect information about quality. To these findings a number of conclusions are attached relevant for broadband policy.  相似文献   

The Chinese economic system is undergoing a transformation from a centrally planned to a market economic system. The process is difficult for at least two reasons: civilian producers lack innovative capability; R&D intensive defense firms need to shift some of their production to civilian markets. The latter requires management innovations that are difficult to master under present-day conditions. Based on the system characteristics of the Chinese defense industry we discuss its problems in managing technological innovation. We conclude that to facilitate the conversion process to civilian markets Chinese defense firms should be encouraged to split off those activities that are aimed at civilian markets.  相似文献   

纺织业是我国重要的出口产业,出口依存度高达50%以上。在近年人民币大幅升值的情况下,我国纺织业传统的低成本优势将受到很大影响。这会导致我国纺织出口企业国际竞争力下降、国内竞争加剧,但同时也会促使其加快产业升级和产品创新。本文主要分析人民币升值对我国纺织业的影响,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

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