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I. The basic means of China's absorption of foreign investments
The foreign investments are basically divided into direct investment and other means of investment. The direct investment, which is widely adopted, includes Sino-foreign joint ventures, joint exploitation and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises, foreign-funded share-holding companies and joint development. The other means of investment includes compensation trade and processing and assembling.  相似文献   

Dr. Alyce Su, founder of China Queen Capital, specializes in investment management managing portfolios consisted of investment opportunities originated from China's growth and internationalization, both outbound and inbound. Hereinafter is her advice on investment strategy in the four countries of BRIGs except China, UAE, South Africa, Europe and Asia.  相似文献   

Egypt welcomes more Chinese investment 'and is expecting China to be Egypt's main investor, Egyptian Minister of Investment Mahmoud Mohieddin said recently.  相似文献   

As of the end of June 2010, accumulated mutual investment between China and ASEAN already reached 69.4 billion U.S. dollars. Among it, China's accumulated non-financial investment in ASEAN was about 9.6 billion U.S. dollars.  相似文献   

China's electronics and information industry reported a notable fall in fixed asset investment growth in the first five months, according to a statement of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.  相似文献   

Crisis influence on China's three driving forces
The financial crisis didn't influence the consumption (one of the three driving forces) much, but indeed influence the trade (negative effects), and the investment (stimulating effects).  相似文献   

China posted a drastic increase in fixed-asset investment in 2009 as the world's third largest economy aimed to spend more on property, roads and other infrastructures to sustain the economic growth.  相似文献   

The thirteenth Investment & Trade Forum for co-operation between East & West China was held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province in April,2009. Under the upsurge of Western China Development, Shaanxi enjoys countless business opportunities and broad investment space.  相似文献   

According to official statistics, the population of foreign residents in China amounted to above 320 thousand by the end of last year. Most of them are working for institutions and enterprises in China. They are an undividable part of Chinas growing economy. To better promote business exchange between China and the world, and to better serve those foreign friends in China who contribute for China's international exchange, China's Foreign Trade opens this special "Foreigner's Guidance" column, supplying useful information for foreign readers mainly on investment and trade in China. Each issue of the Magazine will focus on different aspect, from where business and life could be easier to start. We offer more than guidance!  相似文献   

China's Ministry of Land and Resources has announced a 30,percent cut in the minimum purchase price of land for industrial use in order to boost investment.  相似文献   

Egypt's Minister of Trade and industry, Rachid Mohamed paid a week-long visit to China from September 4 to September 11, 2006. During the visit, he met Chinese government officials and business representatives about engaging China in the development of Egyptian industry and attracting Chinese investment, technology and know-how into key industrial projects.  相似文献   

Strong economic recovery = Great opportunity in heavy trucks
Based on the four trillion investment expansionary fiscal policy and the loose monetary policy, China's economy is stimulated. Meanwhile, the CITIC Securities Research Dept. estimated that the economic growth will be better than expected in 2009 and 2010. Macro-economic expectations continue to improve and the fix-asset investment growth rate hit a new high level of the recent five years. Therefore, the heavy truck engineering vehicle and engineering machinery car market can benefit from them. From January to June this year, the national investment in new projects and the total investment of the construction project have respectively increased by 87% and 36%. Excavators, truck cranes, bulldozers, loaders and other Construction Machinery varieties have a significant rise in sales.  相似文献   

On September 29, 2007, China Investment Corporation (CIC), the country's long-awaited state foreign exchange (forex) investment company, was inaugurated with a large amount of registered capital US$ 200 billion, and charged with the task of making better use of the nation's huge foreign exchange reserves. Lou Jiwei, the current Deputy Secretary General from the State Council will serve as Chairman, and has said that CIC will explore multiple channels for foreign exchange, and maximize its proceeds via long-term investments, managed within a range of acceptable risk. The establishment of CIC was regarded as a landmark event in the reform of China's forex management system.  相似文献   

For China, Shanghai World Expo is the biggest international carnival after Beijing Olympic Games. It was nearly 150 years ago when the first World Expo was held in United Kingdom in 1851, and now it's China's turn to be the host country to exhibit the future development of mankind. However the large-scale investment of World Expo 2010 is controversial so far, followed by a question: what is the return of investment of the Shanghai World Expo?  相似文献   

Implementing "going out" strategy is a new stage of China's reform and opening up. To encourage and facilitate outbound investment of Chinese enterprises can not only be of great importance in making full use of international and domestic resources and market to help expand national economy,  相似文献   

China's property market is experiencing a downturn for the time being, leaving many developers in hot water. Foreign investors,however, are getting more and more passionate about the market in China. The Blackstone Group is preparing for a longterm and substantial investment. And Morgan Stanley is going to put US$1.46 billion out of its US$10 billion property funds into the market in China in a couple of years to come.  相似文献   

After two preliminary trials in 2005 and 2006, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) conducted the "Survey on Current Conditions of and Intention for Outbound Investment by Chinese Enterprises" from December of 2008 to February of 2009. We standardized the samples and enlarged the scale to present an in-depth landscape of the current conditions of and intention for outbound investment by Chinese enterprises as China adopts the "'Going Global" strategy to encourage outbound investment, and the development of outbound investment by comparing the results of this survey and the previous two surveys. This survey was also intended to find out Chinese enterprises' opinions on and demand for the "Going Global" policies and service system adopted by the Chinese government.  相似文献   

In 2008, the momentum of the outward investment of Chinese enterprises was strong. The amount of outward investment continued to grow rapidly, and has for the first .time exceeded USS50 billion, reaching USS55.91 billion. China's automobile industry has undergone decades of development and has formed a huge production capacity, with part of its pioneering enterprises having conducted a number of useful attempts in internationalization. The once-in-a-century financial crisis influenced various industries in every country. Nevertheless, China's auto enterprises are facing a rare opportunity in outward investing. Enterprises need to achieve their own technological upgrading with the "going global" strategy in order to maintain long-term stability and sustainable development.  相似文献   

China' s economy is now at a key period for softlanding in light of growing investment, the driving force of its fast economic expansion, according to a report by a task force for the State Development and Reform Commission(SDRC).  相似文献   

"Monkey Business" is the hilarious confession of two young investment bankers of what it's like at ground zero on The Street. This tell-all pulis off Wail Street's suspenders and gives the reader the inside skinny on what working at an investment bank is all about.  相似文献   

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