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Brand maps are derived directly from verbalizations about brands (What do you think of brand X… ?). The resulting brand scores seem to meet a number of reliability criteria and to converge well to those derived from more structured measures.  相似文献   

There are numerous financial metrics available in the academic and commercial world to estimate brand value. In the context of mergers and acquisitions, managers often use such metrics when purchasing or selling brands. However, the measurement of brand equity in a going-concern has received scant attention in the academic literature. The well-known Interbrand™ approach is an ex-post calculation of brand value. This paper extends Interbrand's brand strength valuation model by developing an ex-ante approach to guide managers in their budgeting and strategic decision-making processes geared towards building brand value. It then empirically tests the model in a company with an internationally recognized brand.  相似文献   

As service brands need to find new methods to overcome consumers' distrust of physical spaces in the post-COVID-19 era, we explore how niche and mass service brands can recover their experiential value through perceptions of coolness. In three studies, we evaluate service brand coolness and its consequences for communal–brand connection and loyalty. In Studies 1 and 2, we examine consumers’ thoughts on coolness and communal connection when describing their encounters with service brands. In Study 3, we test the relations among service brand coolness, communal–brand connection, and loyalty. Our findings show that for both niche and mass firms, service brand coolness similarly enhances communal–brand connection and loyalty.  相似文献   

竞争优势理论及其对我国服务贸易的启示   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
国家竞争优势理论是当前流行的国际贸易理论学说,该理论对一国制定服务业发展战略和提升国际服务贸易竞争力具有重要的借鉴意义。本文从国家竞争优势理论出发,在对我国服务贸易现状进行分析的基础上,提出以服务贸易国际竞争力为导向的若干对策建议。  相似文献   

亚运会对广州服务贸易促进作用的理论机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年广州亚运会的举办,将极大的促进广州服务贸易的发展,给广州带来巨大的经济效用.文章利用迈克尔·波特的竞争优势理论和需求贸易理论从生产要素、需求条件、相关与支持性产业、企业战略、结构及行业竞争、机遇和政府等方面对此作出理论分析,提出"亚运会影响下的广州服务贸易竞争力模型",在此基础上总结广州服务贸易发展现状,得到一些启示及发展对策.  相似文献   

Competition in the nonprofit sector has dramatically intensified in the past two decades because of (1) the increased number of nonprofit organizations (NPOs), (2) the decline and diffusion of governmental support, and (3) the entry of for-profit companies into markets that traditionally have been the domain of nonprofits. In an attempt to enhance the understanding of nonprofit competition, the authors apply resource-advantage (R-A) theory, a dynamic theory of competition adapted from the for-profit business literature, to commercial nonprofits and explain how commercial nonprofits can leverage their various resources to successfully compete and deliver social value. Contributing to the understanding of nonprofit competition and the challenge that NPOs face in balancing mission and money, this paper provides a foundation for a theory of nonprofit competition that can guide future research in the area and help NPO managers as they maneuver in today’s increasingly competitive environment.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts the effects of competitive clutter on the recall and recognition of information from ads for familiar brands. An experiment was conducted utilizing ads for the type of relatively familiar brands typically advertised on network television; the dependent variables were recall and recognition of brand names and ad claims. Results showed that brand name recall scores were substantially reduced by competitive clutter. However, exposure to competitors' ads had little effect on ad claim recall. These data are consistent with the view that information about familiar brands will tend to be compartmentalized in memory, reducing interference effects in attribute recall. Exposure to competitive clutter had relatively little effect on recognition task performance. Suggestions for future advertising research considering competitive interference and brand familiarity issues are provided.The authors thank the editor and two anonymous reviewers for their guidance. Ray Burke. Frank Kardes, James Kellaris, Karen Machleit, Joe Mandese, and Don Schumsky provided helpful comments on various aspects of this research.  相似文献   

The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship predicts that the relationship between new knowledge and entrepreneurial activity depends on the commercialization efficiency of incumbents. We extend the theory to contend that localized competition impedes entrepreneurial activity by reducing the incentive to exploit new knowledge, and we test this conjecture using spatial panel estimation. We find a positive relationship between new knowledge and entrepreneurial activity, which is negatively moderated by localized competition. We also find that greater agglomeration counteracts the moderating effect localized competition has on the relationship between new knowledge and entrepreneurial activity.  相似文献   

The creation of entrepreneurial rents occurs under conditions of uncertainty. Yet current theories of rent appropriation such as transactions cost theories of the firm focus their efforts primarily on how quasi-rents – rents that have already been created – are appropriated by parties to that exchange. Entrepreneurs face a dual challenge, that of creating entrepreneurial rents and appropriating some of these rents. Moreover, this challenge usually exists at a time when the entrepreneurial rents that might be created are not known or anticipatable. Indeed, entrepreneurs not only concern themselves with ensuring that they are able to appropriate at least some of the rents that might be eventually created but in fact they may not create any rents or potentially lose value. Understanding the dual nature of the rent creation and the rent appropriation problem has a variety of implications for the study of entrepreneurial organizations and generally for theory of the firm discussions.  相似文献   

Hip-hop is a multi-billion-dollar industry influencing everything from fashion to advertising. The current study documents the overwhelming presence of brands in hip-hop music videos. Through the use of content analysis, we capture not only the branded products and their associated categories, but also the execution and connotation of those placements. Findings indicate that over 93% of all hip-hop videos contained some reference to branded products varying in prominence, prestige and consumption. Further, brand managers have many opportunities available with respect to brand placement in hip-hop – several of those opportunities are highlighted herein.  相似文献   

We applied item response theory (IRT) to construct and evaluate new brief and in-depth financial literacy scales. A survey of a UK adult sample (N = 589) included 50 questions to assess knowledge about managing financial resources and competence in using personal finance-related information—including five widely used items, on interest rates, inflation, investment diversification, mortgages and bonds. IRT applied to a scale of these items identified some limitations, overcome via further iterations to construct a new brief scale with sound psychometric properties. IRT was then applied iteratively to our pool, resulting in an in-depth, 20-item scale, also psychometrically sound, covering four broad financial domains: everyday money transactions; the concept of money; borrowing; and saving and investment. Parallel 10-item sub-scales were also evaluated. The validity of the new scales was demonstrated by regression analyses which found that, controlling for demographic variables, financial literacy predicted key indicators of financial well-being.  相似文献   

The growth of the Internet has led to massive availability of online consumer reviews. So far, papers studying online reviews have mainly analysed how non-textual features, such as ratings and volume, influence different types of consumer behavior, such as information adoption decisions or product choices. However, little attention has been paid to examining the textual aspects of online reviews in order to study brand image and brand positioning. The text analysis of online reviews inevitably raises the concept of “text mining”; that is, the process of extracting useful and meaningful information from unstructured text. This research proposes an unified, structured and easy-to-implement procedure for the text analysis of online reviews with the ultimate goal of studying brand image and brand positioning. The text mining analysis is based on a lexicon-based approach, the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Pennebaker et al., 2007), which provides the researcher with insights into emotional and psychological brand associations.  相似文献   

The recent expansion of global food retailers into emerging economies has made the study of food retail modernization especially relevant at this time. We present a framework to analyze limitations to market share growth of retail formats based on diffusion across consumer segments and by product category. We then propose a measurement approach, based on consumer surveys, that quantifies the impact of these processes on supermarket market share. Food retail modernization is then examined in Hong Kong by this approach for two points in time. In a 1995 diagnostic study, we find that geographic and economic segment diffusion of supermarkets is complete, but that product category-dependent diffusion (specifically perishables) is not. The latter, thereby, becomes the major restriction on supermarket share gain. In 1999, a second study measures the impact of the introduction of superstores, a large modern format, on the perishable restriction to modern format share growth. Consumers perceived superstore perishables to be superior to supermarkets’, but these views had little impact on the ability of modern format to wrest additional share from traditional markets. We discuss diagnostic and monitoring applications, and extensions of the approach to other retail contexts.  相似文献   

Recent academic discussions about the concept of brand happiness have introduced brand happiness as a promising new branding asset and a key research area. There is scientific evidence that its strong desirability, its characteristic of greatest emotional fulfillment, and its superior power to influence brand behavior qualify brand happiness as an important brand goal and differentiate it from other emotional‐relational concepts (e.g., emotional brand attachment, customer delight). However, there is no evidence on the effectiveness of brand happiness. To provide essential new insights in this research field, the authors theoretically develop an appraisal framework of the determinants and consequences of brand happiness and empirically verify it in four industry sectors. On the cross‐industry level, brand relationship quality, brand self‐relevance, brand goal‐congruence, and actual and ideal brand self‐congruence are confirmed to be important brand appraisal determinants of brand happiness, and pleasantness, fairness, and certainty are confirmed to be important situational appraisal determinants of brand happiness. The behavioral power of brand happiness was supported by showing that brand happiness strongly predicts five coping strategies; namely, the problem‐focused coping strategies of (re‐)purchase intention and price premium, and the emotion‐focused coping strategies of word‐of‐mouth, brand evangelism, and brand forgiveness. On an industry‐specific level, differences are observed regarding the influence of some of the brand appraisal determinants on brand happiness and regarding the influence of some of the situational appraisal determinants on brand happiness across the four analyzed industry sectors.  相似文献   

Service firms have turned their attention to the design and development of multisensory brand experiences to positively influence customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. However, the role of brand usage and the application of effective sensory evaluation techniques have been overlooked when designing multisensory brand experiences. The current research addresses this gap by conducting sixteen interviews employing the multi-sensory sculpting (MSS) technique with heavy and light customers (classified based on the extent of brand usage) of a restaurant. The results show that it is important to consider how heavy and light users receive, select and ascribe meaning to sensory experiences to design effective multisensory brand strategies. Moreover, the MSS technique is recommended as an effective means to understand consumers’ perceptions of multisensory brand experiences.  相似文献   

In the near future, it is expected that we humans will receive an increasing part of various services from robots. Many observers, and several existing studies, indicate that we react more positively if our robots have humanlike attributes and capabilities, and the present study examines one such capability: theory of mind. It has to do with the ability to impute mental states to others, which is essential for human-to-human interaction (including interactions in service settings). More specifically, the present study examines the effects of perceptions of service robots' theory of mind capabilities in human-to-robot interactions when the main downstream variable is perceived service quality. Several mediators are also examined. To this end, two empirical studies comprising human-to-robot interactions in a domestic setting were conducted. Both studies indicate that a service robot with more as opposed to less perceived theory of mind enhances perceived service quality, and that this effect is mediated by perceived humanness and perceived usefulness in relation to the robot. It may be argued that a robot's theory of mind capability can also be seen as creepy, which may reduce perceived service quality, because a competent mind reader can create serious harm to others. In the present study, however, robotic theory of mind capabilities did not influence creepiness perceptions.  相似文献   

The extant literature on predicting organic food choice as a consumption behaviour has overlooked the role of food eating values (utilitarian and hedonic values) and individuals exploratory buying behavioural traits (exploratory information seeking and exploratory acquisition seeking). The novelty of the study is the use of food eating values and individuals exploratory buying behaviour traits as an extension to the theory of planned behaviour in predicting attitude and intentions towards organic food consumption with a representative sample of N = 431. Data was collected in two phases. In the first phase, a small qualitative face to face (semi structured) interviews were held from 22 respondents to elicit the utilitarian and hedonic values individuals attach with the organic food consumption. This is followed by the collection of survey data from two Indian metropolitan cities (New Delhi and Chennai) using a mall intercept method from the individuals visiting hypermarkets and supermarkets. The hypotheses were tested using structural equations modelling or SEM in IBM AMOS 24. Attitude to consume organic foods was found to be most dominant in predicting behavioural intention in both basic and the extended TPB model followed by subjective norms. Perceived behavioural control was found to be a significant predictor only in the extended TPB model, suggesting a dual role. Findings also suggested that utilitarian values are more influential than hedonic values in the formation of attitudes towards organic foods.Further, the exploratory information seeking traits are found to strengthen the relationship between a) perceived behavioural control and behavioural intention to consume organic foods and b) attitude to consume organic foods and behavioural intention to consume organic foods whereas exploratory acquisition seeking traits to be strengthening the relationship between attitude and behavioural intentions only. Implications for the policy makers is discussed towards the end of the study.  相似文献   

This paper examines the expansion of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a service industry to a country which is both developing and in transition—i.e. the advertising industry in China—to assess how useful the stages theory is in understanding internationalisation issues in today's globalised world. Three of our findings are consistent with the expectations and formal denouement of the stages approach: (a) the agencies increased their involvement in the China market over time; (b) the agencies went through organisational structure change through an incremental process; and (c) the internationalisation process was much faster for late entrants. On the other hand, some findings are not congruent with the theoretical explanations or logic of the theory. The main reason why agencies change their form of operations to a more involved mode, according to executives, was that their clients’ investment in China had increased. They argued that change in operational form is client-driven, rather than being driven by an increase in market knowledge. In sum, form must not be taken for the substance, although some aspects of the Uppsala model can explain the stages and changes of modality in MNE operations in China.  相似文献   

One day while in the store, Bernard grabs his usual Dominick's cream cheese off the shelf. I notice and point out that the national brand of Philadelphia cream cheese is on sale and less expensive. Bernard looks at the two products and actually hesitates for a while to switch to the national brand. His hesitation makes it clear that his preference is not based solely on price. (Chang Coupland 2005, 115).  相似文献   

基于购物网站的竞争情报分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了购物网站的概念、分类标准与发展现状,竞争情报的基本概念与网络环境下的特点。围绕购物网站竞争情报分析活动中对竞争环境、竞争对手与竞争策略的分析进行具体的展开。从电子商务角度讨论企业外部环境和自身内部环境,分析竞争对手的步骤与方法,提出适用于购物网站的竞争策略,目的是为企业掌握竞争环境和提高核心竞争力起一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

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