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The recent Funding Options Review identified a minimum additional funding requirement of 900 million per annum for higher education by 2004/05 and also considered more specific needs, such as correcting for past under-investment in infrastructure. At the same time, it contributed to the debate about the‘key choice’of funding by government or by the‘beneficiaries of higher education.’Government will need to match its aspirations for higher education with adequate funding and the universities will have to be‘even more sensitive and responsive to the needs of students.’  相似文献   

We examine how a population's age distribution and a growing divide between the ethnic composition of older and young generations is likely to affect support for higher education funding. Using detailed survey data on voter preferences for higher education funding and precinct-level vote returns from locally-funded community college bond referenda in California, we find that older voters are significantly less supportive of higher education funding than younger voters and that support among older non-Hispanic white voters is particularly weak when those voters reside in a jurisdiction where the college-age population is more heavily Hispanic.  相似文献   

谈职业院校教师应具备的素质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王春玲  李文杰 《价值工程》2011,30(24):209-210
随着职业教育的不断发展,对职业院校教师的要求也越来越高,要成为一名优秀的高职院校教师,首先要深刻理解高职教育的内涵建设;具有较高的工作热情和良好的工作态度;做一名紧跟企业发展需求的双师型教师,要了解企业对毕业生的需求,以企业的需求安排教学内容,采用有效的教学方法,达到高职教育的培养目标。  相似文献   

欧妙华 《价值工程》2014,(19):270-271
随着高职院校图书馆的快速发展,大众化的藏书服务越来越不能满足高职院校师生教学和学习的需要,高职院校图书馆只有紧密结合自身实际,准确把握高职教育特点,努力建设特色馆藏,积极开展特色服务,大力培养特色人才,走高职特色的图书馆发展之路,才能跟上时代的要求,适应高等职业教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

虽然我国已经初步建立起高等教育的多渠道筹资体制,但目前依然存在高等教育经费的主渠道薄弱,结构不合理等诸多问题,导致政府财政压力过大,高等教育经费投入严重不足。要发展高等教育就必须充分利用市场的资源配置功能,扩大和调整现在筹资渠道,提高经费的使用效率。  相似文献   

对发展高等教育运用金融工具融资的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马芳  彭迪云 《价值工程》2005,24(1):117-119
经费问题制约着高等教育的发展。在高等教育融资多元化格局中,高等教育和金融相结合、运用金融工具打造高等教育和金融相结合的融资平台,是一项格外引人注目的新的探索和实践。  相似文献   

The University of Warwick perceives itself as an innovative and entrepreneririal organization, and has a reputation as such amongst institutions of higher education within the UK. The Conservative Government of Mrs. Thatcher has since 1979 applied steadily increasing pressure on the British system of higher education for it to be more flexible, responsive and business-minded, with less dependency on public funding. The result has been a turbulent and challenging environment for the quasi-public sector universities, with a premium being placed on their ability to manage change. At the time ofwriting, Warwick appears to have operated successfully within this new climate, both to its benefit and to that of its local industrial district. The airticle examines the factors which facilitate and stimulate innovative and entrepreneurial activity amongst the Warwick academic community - factors which will become increasingly important if the university world .is to adapt with flexibility, responsiveness and imagination to the changing and increasingly demanding economic and governmental climate now prevailing not only in the USA and the UK, but also in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Nigeria.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to forecast how the international business curriculum will appear in the early 21st century using the ten major world trends predicted by Naisbitt and Aburdene (1990). It concludes by prophesizing that the international business curriculum of the future will: (1) have to appeal to more international students in U. S. schools, (2) include more course work in the arts, (3) include more coursework in ethics, (4) attempt to resolve the conflict between global lifestyles and national culturalism, (5) recognize that world-wide privatization will lead to less public support for higher education and hence greater efforts must be made to meet needs and wants of a diverse student body, (6) attend to the cultural needs of Pacific Rim students, (7) have to appeal to more international female students for whom special courses and services will be necessary, (8) address biotechnology problems as ethical and moral dilemmas, (9) provide coursework to prepare students to manage a world-wide religious revival, and (10) provide programs that recognize the individual over the collective.  相似文献   

丁官荣  谭宇 《价值工程》2014,(2):221-222
恩施市地处武陵山片区,湖北省西南部,清江中上游,居住有土家族,苗族,侗族等少数民族,属于少数民族地区,同时也是山区,经济条件受地理位置的限制,属全国经济落后地区。经济条件落后,基础教育资金投入有限,是导致基础教育在全省拖后腿的主要原因之一,基础教育水平处于落后阶段,亟待促进和加强。基础教育的正确实施,是经济健康发展的基础,影响着经济健康发展的速度、效益以及其持续性和稳定性。恩施地区的基础教育有待提高,经济更有待持续性的快速发展。  相似文献   

随着我国经济水平的不断提高,我国经济发展不断加快。我国的教育也在良好的经济形式支持下得到了较大的发展。同时,国家为了促进教育,特别是高校教育的进一步发展,对于高校的教育经费投入也在逐渐增加。因此,高校在新形势下,如何管理和控制好国家发放的教育经费成了当前高校资产管理的重要工作内容。特别是国家经费到达学校后的优化使用是高校当前的财务管理重点关注内容,其中,将资产管理与预算管理结合起来能够有效解决这种问题。  相似文献   

王怡  刘建林  李军庄 《价值工程》2011,30(22):287-287
我国高等教育投资体制存在不少问题,改革高等教育投资体制就是对教育经费的投资主体及其与投资客体关系进行改进变革。本文在对我国高等教育投资体制问题分析的基础上,提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

Earlier attempts to overhaul the funding of education foundered in the face opposition from vested interests. Lawrence Norcross, Headmaster of Highbury Grove School in North London, warns that the educators will themselves require education if change is to be effective.  相似文献   

There have been considerable public debates surrounding the efficiency of Saudi higher education institutions, specifically after Vision 2030. We explore the efficiency of institutions of higher learning in Saudi Arabia. Panel data from 61 higher education institutions are employed for the academic years 2008–2014 to estimate efficiency scores. Also, second stage regression analysis was employed to identify the main determinants of efficiency scores. We conclude that despite exponential growth in government funding for the higher education sector, technical efficiencies remained almost stagnant over the study period along with a persistence of inefficiencies. Second stage regression results confirm that institution ownership itself does not have a significant effect on efficiency scores. However, being a university and acquiring more than 20 years of experience have a positive impact on efficiency scores. An increase in both lower secondary completion rates and percentage of female students in secondary general education increases efficiencies, whereas higher employment to population ratio and increasing female academic staff ratio in tertiary education reduces institutional efficiencies.  相似文献   

谭金飞  樊颖 《价值工程》2010,29(17):209-210
对表演(体育表演方向)专业社会需求定位会使教育的行为更有目的性,更有实效性。文章利用市场营销学、管理学的相关知识结合办学规律对我国的表演(体育表演方向)专业的社会需求进行调查研究,并对就业市场进行分析,细分目标市场,进行专业社会需求定位,提出了表演(体育表演方向)专业的填空补缺式,针锋相对式,另辟蹊径式三种社会需求定位方式。  相似文献   

市场对营销人才的需求在不断增加,对人才培养模式提出了新的要求。当前,高职院校的市场营销专业人才培养存在一些问题,探索建立具有高职教育特色的市场营销专业人才培养模式,对发展高等职业技术教育具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

开展大学生创业教育是高校教育发展和教育改革的需要,也是社会发展和高校人才培养的要求。目前大学生就业问题日趋严峻,高等教育的大众化越来越呼唤大学生创业教育的有效开展。高校必须与时俱进,深刻理解创业教育的深远内涵,抓住机遇,积极促进创业教育与素质教育的有机结合,注重创业型人才的培养。高校有效开展创业教育,对于更好地解决大学生就业问题,全面提升大学生的综合素质,具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

随着教育事业的不断发展,高等学校办学经费已经从过去的单一财政拨款发展到多渠道、多方位的筹资体系,而财务制度并没有随之同步建立,财务监督也暴露出很多问题。鉴于内部审计的不足和政府审计的缺位,本文提出高校应引进审计制度,确立“三位一体“的会计监督体系,以完善高校财务预算管理。  相似文献   

吴麦仙 《价值工程》2011,30(8):287-288
人的需求产生动机,动机推动和引导人的行为。由需要而产生的学习方面的动机在学习者的学习中起着重要的作用。美国心理学家马斯洛把人的需要分为五个层次:生理需要、安全需要、社交需要、尊重需要和自我实现需要。马斯洛认为,上述五种需要是按次序逐级上升的。当下一级需要获得满足之后,追求上一级的需要就成为行动的动力了。在高职阶段,学生的需求主要体现在社会需求、尊重需求和自我实现(成就需求)三个层次,具体表现为能力需求、关系需求与自主需求。教师应该在了解学生这些需求的前提下,采取针对性的措施,满足学生的这些需要,从而有效地激发学生的英语学习动机,实现高职教学质量的提升。  相似文献   

本文对企业和政府在企业研发决策中研发组织方式进行了理论分析,研究了不同市场和不同决策下的政府的资助方案及最优资助配比。研究发现,在独立研发的情况下,封闭市场需要政府资助诱导企业私人研发的投入,且最优配比为1:2;出口导向型市场政府资助对企业私人研发的投入无诱导作用;进口导向型市场企业无需政府资助亦会进行私人研发投入。在产学研合作的情况下,封闭市场中支付学研机构的研发费用率k和政府资助s满足(1+s)(1-k)=1.5时达最优资助配比。  相似文献   

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