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为了检验产业自身科技水平对制造业国际R&D溢出效应及产业生产率提高途径的影响,根据1999—2004年产业R&D平均投入强度,将制造业划分为高、中、低技术产业,然后基于DEA对其全要素生产率变化、技术效率变化和技术进步变化指数进行测算,最后实证检验了国内本产业、国内其它产业、国外本产业R&D资本对上述3类产业全要素生产率变化、技术效率变化和技术进步变化的不同影响。结果表明:国外R&D资本对高技术企业存在显著的正向技术溢出效应,而对于中、低技术产业来说,本产业R&D资本是生产率提高的主要来源。根据上述分析结果,对我国的产业研发投入、国际贸易政策的制定提出了建议。  相似文献   

国际贸易、R&D溢出和生产率增长   总被引:108,自引:4,他引:108  
本文采用6种计算外国R&D资本的方法和国际R&D溢出回归方法,首次就国际R&D溢出对中国工业行业的技术进步增长、技术效率增长和全要素生产率增长的影响作了实证分析。我们从这6种方法的比较中发现:当采用有缺陷的两种方法时,得到国际R&D溢出系数显著为负或者溢出系数为正,但不显著的结论;而采用其他的四种方法,能得到国际R&D溢出系数显著为正的结论。因此,从计算方法本身及其结论的比较来看,通过国际贸易渠道的R&D溢出促进了中国工业行业的技术进步、技术效率及全要素生产率增长的结论更可靠。同时发现在大部分情况下国内本行业R&D与其他行业R&D对行业技术进步、技术效率和全要素生产率的增长起阻碍作用。因此,加强与R&D投入比重较高的发达国家的国际贸易以及提高国内自身的R&D效率显得很有必要。  相似文献   

首先测算了1979-2012年中国的全要素生产率,然后运用改进后的Lichtenberg和Pottelsberghe方法核算出通过服务进口渠道获得的国际R&D资本存量,接着运用基于时间序列数据的GMM、协整模型及VEC模型进行实证研究。得出结论:来自服务进口渠道的国际R&D溢出对中国全要素生产率的提高具有积极的促进作用,但国内重要经济条件是影响该溢出效应发挥的重要门限因素;国际R&D溢出与TFP的短期偏离被系统以较快速度调整至长期均衡状态。  相似文献   

对发生于我国境内不同区域之间、具有梯度溢出特征的进口贸易R&D二次溢出进行了度量,在此基础上,结合CH分析框架和Hansen面板门槛效应分析方法,对人力资本在进口贸易R&D二次溢出中的作用进行了定量分析。结果表明,进口贸易R&D二次溢出这种间接的国际知识溢出具有显著的生产率提升效应,但其高度依赖于当地的人力资本水平,随着人力资本水平的提高,二次溢出会发生非线性跳跃。其政策含义是:我国各区域,特别是在利用进口贸易R&D一次溢出不具优势的区域,可以通过提高本地的人力资本总体水平以及优化人力资本结构来间接地获取国际知识溢出。  相似文献   

本文运用三种面板数据的计量方法分析了国内和国际R&D资本通过产业间内联系、国际贸易对中国13个工业行业全要素生产率增长的长期影响。发现国内R&D资本更多的是通过行业间的上下游联系影响工业行业的TFP;同时也发现国际R&D溢出确实对国内工业的技术进步产生了正向外部性,而且其影响系数比国内自身R&D资本的产出弹性都高。在文章的最后我们按行业技术水平的高低进行分组,研究了国内和国际R&D资本对三个不同技术类型行业的TFP的长期影响。  相似文献   

本文在考虑了技术溢出具有空间特性的基础上,利用我国2000~2010年各省工业的面板数据,实证研究了FDI对本地区内资企业以及其他地区内资企业的技术溢出效应.实证结论表明,FDI在地区间也能产生显著的技术溢出效应,但技术溢出效应的强度受到地理距离的影响,而内资企业活动并没有在地区间形成技术溢出效应.进一步的研究表明,无论是本地的FDI还是异地的FDI对东部地区和中部地区的内资企业的生产率均有显著的正向影响,而对西部地区内资企业生产率的影响不显著.  相似文献   

李萍  徐圆 《现代财经》2013,(7):117-129
大量研究表明,国际贸易和国际R&D溢出对发展中国家的国内生产率提升有着重要作用。基于随机前沿生产函数,测算中国13个工业行业在由国际上技术领先国家的R&D资本决定的前沿生产边界下的技术效率水平(实际生产与生产边界的距离)后发现,通过国际贸易这一渠道,技术领先国家的R&D资本对中国确实产生了技术溢出;相对于高技术行业,中国传统制造业反而越接近前沿技术边界;人力资本、国内R&D投入、FDI对吸收国际R&D溢出和先进技术转移都有着显著的促进作用,从而验证了人力资本和国内R&D投入在经济增长中的两面性。由此可得到如下启示,一是要提高R&D资本和人力资本的回报率以鼓励企业进行研发和社会对教育的投入;二是在技术赶超的路途上,应该循序渐进以引进和利用符合目前中国技术现状的适宜技术为主。  相似文献   

文章从溢出效应的视角对企业间的R&D合作加以分析,并在基础上,就如何促进我国企业间的R&D合作,提高企业技术创新的积极性提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

基于产品多样化模型,推演出全要素生产率(TFP)增长动力模型。采用2000—2013年中国242个地级市的相关数据,结合空间面板杜宾模型,考察了TFP的空间溢出效应。研究结果表明:城市TFP存在空间溢出效应,城市TFP增长主要受到本市与临近城市的研发投入和人力资本的双重作用;城市的研发投入对自身TFP增长具有正向影响,但对周边地区TFP增长的影响不明显;相邻城市的人力资本对TFP增长具有显著的正向空间溢出效应,本地人力资本对TFP增长亦具有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

在对相关文献进行系统梳理的基础上,以R&D经费、R&D人员投入等要素作为变量构建知识生产函数的空间面板数据模型,并以1986-2007年有关数据对我国R&D活动中的知识生产与溢出效应的影响因素进行实证分析。研究表明,我国R&D活动中的R&D人员知识生产效率较低,知识生产活动中存在正的溢出效应。提出加大R&D人力资本投资力度、调整R&D人员结构、提高R&D经费投入强度等政策建议。  相似文献   

国际贸易、自主研发与高技术产业生产率增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李燕萍  彭峰 《经济评论》2012,(1):133-139
本文采用DEA方法测算了我国省际高技术产业的生产率及其分解的技术效率和技术进步,并运用动态面板GMM方法对国际贸易、自主研发与高技术产业生产率增长的关系进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:1998-2009年间,高技术产业技术效率出现了下降趋势,但其生产率增长和技术进步显著。高技术产业快速发展的国际贸易并没有促进其生产率增长,生产率增长和技术进步主要来源于持续的自主研发,而立足于自主研发途径的技术吸收也促进了生产率增长和技术进步。因此,在研发设计新产品过程中,高技术产业应具备生产中间产品的能力,减少对中间产品进口的依赖。促进高技术产业生产率增长主要取决于研发投入,但在加大研发投入的同时,应注重通过管理和制度创新提升技术效率。  相似文献   

This paper develops an empirical model to test the spatial spillover effects of transport infrastructure on economic growth. It uses spatial econometric techniques and provincial panel data of China from 1993 to 2004 to analyze the contribution of transport infrastructure to the economic growth of local province and its spatial spillover effects on the economic growth of other provinces. The main findings include: (1) Transport infrastructure and economic growth of China show an evident pattern of spatial clustering. They largely congregate in developed eastern coastal regions, forming a gradient gradually diminishing from east to west. (2) Output elasticity of local transport infrastructure is 0.106, between the values calculated by early researchers with time series data and panel data. (3) Spatial output spillovers from transport infrastructure are largely positive, but evidences of negative spatial spillovers are also found with population density spatial weights matrix model.   相似文献   

Using a panel data on Taiwanese manufacturing firms from 1990–1997, this study investigates the relationship among technological knowledge, spillover and productivity. In addition to R&D stock, we also employ patent counts to construct the output-side indicators of knowledge and spillover to explore the relationship between knowledge and productivity. We find a very significant contribution of R&D, patents and spillover stock to productivity. In addition, the magnitude of the patent stock coefficient is substantially larger than that estimated by R&D stock. Our results imply that innovative activity investment has been very productive in increasing output for Taiwanese manufacturing firms in the 1990s.  相似文献   

Although the econometric evaluation of R&D has attracted wide interest in many countries, it has not attracted much in the UK. The main objective of this paper is to fill this void, i.e., to estimate the impact of R&D on productivity growth of the UK manufacturing sector. However, there are some additional objectives. Firstly, we estimate the impact of R&D on productivity growth of large and small firms and we discuss a number of theoretical arguments regarding the role of firm size. Secondly, given that the technological infrastructure influences the innovative capacity of a firm, we compare the impact of R&D on productivity growth of high-tech firms with the corresponding impact on productivity growth of low-tech firms. Thirdly, we investigate whether the contribution of R&D to productivity growth has changed over time.

Based on firm-level data (78 firms, 1989–2002), we find that the contribution of R&D is approximately 0.04. Although the R&D-elasticity of large firms (0.044) is higher than the corresponding elasticity of small firms (0.035), the difference is small. In contrast, the R&D-elasticity is considerably high for high-tech sectors (0.11), but statistically insignificant for low-tech sectors. Finally, the investigation of the elasticity of R&D over time revealed an interesting discontinuity showing that although until 1995 the R&D-elasticity was approximately zero, after 1995 it increased dramatically to 0.09. We investigate the potential causes of such non-linearity and we suggest a number of possible explanations.  相似文献   

The article quantifies the spillover effects of the United States’ (US) uncertainty shocks on emerging economies, using a panel VAR model. We find that the US uncertainty shocks are the risks, and hence drop the capital inflow, investment, consumption, export and output of emerging economies. This also induces a depreciation of emerging market currencies. As a result, our model predicts a fall in short-term interest rate of emerging economies to react against the US uncertainty shocks. Our findings partly help explain the slow recovery of the world economy after the 2008–2009 global financial crisis.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that a significant percentage of the university spin-offs (USOs) have a low growth capacity, putting in question the use of public funds to promote this kind of entrepreneurship. In addition, previous studies of the USOs’ growth have not dealt with the dynamic nature of firm growth, which might have led to questionable results. This paper analyses whether the university origin of a firm conditions its growth by applying a methodology which captures this dynamic nature of growth. Using a sample of 469 Spanish USOs and an equivalently matched group of 469 Spanish non-USOs over the period 2001–2010, we find that USOs have more growth than non-USOs, both in terms of sales and employment. In addition, the USOs’ growth is influenced by a set of determinants that differ from those of non-USOs. On the basis of the results, we propose some policies to foster the USOs.  相似文献   

Openness,productivity and growth in the APEC economies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The 1980s and 1990s have witnessed the emergence of many Asian economies as important traders in the world. How has openness to trade and investment affected productivity and growth performance in those economies? This question is often tackled with the traditional growth regression method. However, the findings in the existing literature are still inconclusive. This paper proposes an alternative approach which is employed to examine the impact of openness on the sources of productivity and growth in the APEC economies. Specifically, the proposed technique distinguishes technological progress (innovation) from efficiency changes (catch-up) and attempts to isolate the influences of openness on these two distinct factors. The findings in this study may help gain fresh insight into the relationship between openness and productivity and growth performance in the APEC economies.First revision received: July 2001/Final revision received: May 2003The author thanks two anonymous referees for very helpful comments.  相似文献   

The diffusion of new information technologies and productivity growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the effects of the rates of diffusion of the cluster of new information technologies on the growth of output and total factor productivity in the main OCED and industrializing countries in the late eighties. This diffusion approach contrasts the technology production function framework. It predicts that the rates of generation of new technologies are much less effective than the rates of diffusion and the investment efforts in determining the growth of labor productivity especially when capital-intensive technologies which command high levels of investments are considered. The results make it possible to elaborate and assess empirically the notion of key-technologies that provide positive externalities to the rest of the system.A preliminary version of this paper has been presented at the European Conference of the International Telecommunications Society held at the Stenungsbaden Yacht Club.  相似文献   

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