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经济一体化条件下,企业竞争在全球范围内展开,管理咨询业也不能幸免。我们必须正视现实,善于学习、壮大自己,做出中国咨询业自已的品牌。  相似文献   

王缨 《中外管理》2001,(11):22-22
人们了解全国工商联主席经叔平老先生,因为他是新中国民族工商业发展的见证人:是改革开放后推进民间工商界国际交流的“经济大使”;是我国金融投资界的元老……而鲜为人知的.他还是中国咨询业的开拓人。1981年,我国第一家咨询公司——中国国际经济咨询公司成立时,经老是首任总经理。二十年后,经老强调咨询业要有一个大发展!  相似文献   

梅良  东方飞 《企业研究》2003,(11S):14-15
在中国,管理咨询专家已然走出神秘之所而成为广大企业的知音。他们根植本土,熟悉国情;他们视野放达,知识广博;他们辩证思考,理性运作,取得了越来越多的咨询成果。而作为一个行业,管理咨询也已得到中国企业家们的认同。  相似文献   

<正> 中国管理咨询业的成长背景 中国的管理咨询业基本上是20世纪80年代初从“点子”开始的。当时,中国刚刚提出“市场经济”的概念,原来的市场都是条块分割,各自为政;市场与市场、企业与企业、企业与市场之间,信息十分闭塞;生产厂家只知道按上级的命令和计划进行生产,根本不考虑市场需求;产品供给与市场需求严重脱节,结果出现产品积压与市场脱销  相似文献   

人如果生病了就会去找医生治疗,可是企业生“病”了该怎么办?在国外,管理咨询公司被称为企业的“医院”,从事管理咨询的顾问被称为企业的“医生”。这些“医生”可以称得上是真正的“白领”了,不过这一切得归功于该行业的高额利润:这些顾问向企业提供咨询服务,通常按每人每天1000美元以上的价格收费。我们熟悉的大名鼎鼎的麦肯锡就是管理咨询业的翘楚之一。  相似文献   

市场经济的深入发展,使得社会分工进一步加强。在今天,没有人会否认智力资本的重要性,经济学家已把它作为生产的五大基本要素之一。智力资本的作用显现促进了一个行业的发展,即咨询业。中国咨询业是伴随着中国市场经济的改革而发展起来的。据统计,1999年全国咨询、公关、广告及调查业的营业额在1000亿元以上,此类专业公司达几万家,从业人员有几百万,尚有许多企业内部咨询人和兼职咨询人,并有大量人士在不断加入。今天的中国企业家已不得不承认中国咨询公司巨大影响力了。 然而,中国的咨询业目前还存在一系列的问题。首先…  相似文献   

本文在回顾中国管理咨询业发展历程的基础上,结合近年来"中国管理咨询机构50大"榜单的数据分析,详细解剖了中国管理咨询业发展现状,并对中国管理咨询业的未来发展趋势做出了预测性分析。  相似文献   

有数据显示:在美国,咨询业的年营业总额已达2000亿美元,而我们还只有可怜的1亿美元,在与经济社会拥有最强势话语权的美国相比,中国咨询业的巨大商机似乎值得翘首以待.在美好愿景和极度亢奋面前,咨询界更需要的是冷静的思考.  相似文献   

本案为熙龙湾顶层复式.其位置得天独厚、视野开阔.能将海景尽收眼底。对设计师而言,设计所要传达的绝非是简单的金字塔顶峰的居住空间,而是要以“放眼国际都会顶居“为目标,揉和东方古典美学,汇聚东西文化宽阔气度打造独具东方韵味的顶级私人会所式的居住空间。  相似文献   

The minerals industry has a high public profile and applications for new planning permissions often attract considerable controversy. Minerals operations generate a wide range of environmental impacts from the extraction, processing, storage and transportation of the mineral and mineral products. Minerals operators have long recognised the importance of environmental issues and the industry associations have published a number of environmental codes of practice which give general guidance for performance in this field. The recent development of the BSI and CEC standards for environmental management systems (EMS) has provided a mechanism for operators to achieve better control of environmental performance and to demonstrate this through certification. The paper reports on a study of 100 UK minerals companies, carried out by questionnaire, to investigate the rate of progress in this industry with development of EMS and preferences in relation to the two standards currently available. The findings of the survey indicate a relatively high level of activity in the EMS field, perhaps suggesting that many companies have been developing systems based on environmental policies and practices already adopted. Despite this, the survey identified a clear need for more detailed guidance on common standards of environmental performance. Few companies have undertaken any assessment of the cost benefits of the EMS work carried out and some possible interpretations of this are discussed.  相似文献   

Pension reforms in many developed countries make individuals shoulder a bigger share of longevity and income risks. The desired response is that individuals accumulate private assets for retirement. Whether this actually takes place, is of paramount relevance for scientists and policy makers. We take Germany as an example: Twenty years of pension reform have transformed the monolithic German pension system into a multipillar system. Formerly generous public pension benefits are gradually being reduced, whereas substantial incentives are granted to occupational and private saving schemes. Has this transition worked out? We survey the reform steps and households’ reactions: How did individuals adjust their labor market behavior? How did private and occupational pension plans take off? How do behavioral adjustments vary in the population? Most Germans adapted to the new situation. Both actual and expected retirement decisions changed and the share of households without supplementary pensions decreased from 73% to 39% in little more than a decade. This is a remarkable success. Nonetheless, households with low education, low income and less financial education did neither adjust their retirement behavior nor pick up supplementary pension plans and are thus likely to face difficulties in bridging the gap arising in future pension income.  相似文献   

Tax experiments have been gaining momentum in recent years, although this literature dates back several decades. With new developments in methods and data availability, tax experiments have gradually moved away from lab settings and towards the field. This movement from the lab to the field has happened against the background of the ‘credibility revolution’ in applied economics, which has seen more rigorous methods applied to policy relevant questions, and of the availability to researchers of administrative data from tax returns. These developments have allowed significant advances in the experimental literature on tax compliance. This paper reviews this literature, giving particular attention to field experiments using administrative data, but putting them in the broader context of the compliance literature. A particular effort is made to take a global perspective, in a literature that is only recently seeing the emergence of evidence from Africa, Latin America and Asia.  相似文献   

This paper describes a research model which can guide empirical studies of technological innovation in business organizations. The focus of the model is the strategic management of new product development processes. Variables that affect the success or failure of these processes are identified and several research hypotheses are suggested for empirical examination.  相似文献   

Business strategy publications about decision-making have provided a large amount of information on decision-making relating to market share, competitive advantage, managing change and achieving quality. Nevertheless, little research has been carried out on strategic environmental management. Four in-depth case studies of environmental strategy formation and implementation in chemical/pharmaceutical companies in Ireland are presented here. A continuum describing the differing levels of strategic environmental management among the companies is developed. The dimensions for the continuum include attitude towards environmental management, compliance record, level of environmental training, environmental department structure and community relationship, among others. The findings suggest that environmentally proactive companies follow a decentralized or holistic approach to environmental management. Furthermore, these companies have developed an environmental philosophy which has been adopted throughout the organization. This philosophy is identified as environmental caring  相似文献   

Changing competitive conditions in Brazilian industry are leading companies to seek Japanese management techniques as a means of rapidly raising productivity and quality. Macroeconomic instability, low levels of educational achievement and poor labour relations would seem to present barriers to the use of these techniques. Case studies of firms in the motor components industry show that firms in Brazil can make radical changes to their production systems, overcome educational deficiencies and also secure reverse past employment relations practices in order to obtain some degree of acceptance of change by labour. However, there are reasons for supposing that these successes may be difficult to sustain in a difficult and turbulent macroeconomic environment.  相似文献   

广西大锰锰业有限公司是由广西大新锰矿改制而成的国有独资公司。于2001年6月经广西自治区人民政府批准成立,为自治区直属重点30家企业之一。是一家集采矿、选矿、冶炼、加工、电池、汽配、进出口贸易等于一体的大型综合性企业。直属公司有广西天等锰矿、广西冶金锰矿工贸公司、广西锰业柳州物资公司、广西防城港金祥工贸公司和南宁市银鹤电池有限公司。控股公司有广西新华大锰电池工业有限公司、广西斯达特锰材料有限公司、广西大新县大宝铁合金有限公司。  相似文献   

Amongst the growing literature on the technical and social aspects of microelectronics in work organizations, a considerable portion has direct or indirect pertinence to the question of managerial practice. That segment of the literature relating to new office technology is perhaps especially conscious of this angle — not least because this sphere of innovation has a clear bearing on the managerial role itself. Drawing both on theoretical issues extracted from this literature, and on empirical studies in three insurance companies, it is argued that while control is of crucial long-term importance in shaping the general direction of organizational change using new technology, there are sound sociological reasons why the path which is beaten out in that direction remains a far from straight one. Moreover, while differences in organizational practice between these organizations are found to exist, these appear to be associated only indirectly with the diverse levels of technological sophistication.  相似文献   

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