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高洁 《市场周刊》2013,(1):28-31
“我们认为彭博在世界范围内的高知名度,并不一定是由于它的金融终端服务,是源于彭博的新闻传播力。”大智慧代理律师斯伟江认为,彭博此次是恶意诉讼,“为何选择了大智慧?大智慧是目前国内金融咨询提供商市场份额第一位的。”  相似文献   

要回答这个问题得先分解成两点:第一,企业为何需要融资:第二,两种最常见融资手段债和股中,为何债比股成本低。首先,如果你有个很好的技术专利,想要把它产业化,需要一次性投入1000万元购置生产设备、租赁厂房、雇佣工人,第一年净赚300万元,并且能够以每年贼的速度增长。那么这个项目要不要做?我想很多企业家都会选择去做,但是如果你只有100万元的资金,  相似文献   

推出新产品是突破销售及企业发展瓶颈、弱化竞争的有效方式之一。但是,稍加关注大多数企业就会发现,所谓的“新产品”不过仅是这些企业的新产品而已,它们在市场中实际上早已存在,难道这仅仅是跟随策略和跟风行为所造成的吗?如果不是,我们为何不能通过创新推出“第一”的产品呢?为什么不能让老产品由里及外焕发一些与众不同的新貌以提高竞争力呢?  相似文献   

沈威风 《商界》2010,(7):126-131
黄怒波,第一个登上珠峰的中国企业家,为何不惜用地产项目赚来的钱抢占稀缺的古文化古村落资源?这只是个人爱好,还是有着更明确的商业逻辑?  相似文献   

朱少柳 《销售与管理》2007,(11):126-128
为何奥运会成为品牌世界中的冠军资产,为何能够调动世界各国和一流跨国公司支持,企业应该从奥运会品牌经营中学习什么?[编者按]  相似文献   

韧性?所谓韧者为何?一家具备“韧性”的企业又包含哪些基本特征呢?从词义而论,韧者有强度但又有纤维状的弹性,所以既柔又刚。  相似文献   

时势造英雄,不假,但英雄常常是得天时地利的那一个。 大航海为何由小小的葡萄牙张起第一面风帆?得地利也。  相似文献   

白友文 《浙商》2010,(1):54-54
在很多企业走在复苏路上时,一些曾经辉煌一时的企业却倒在了复苏的前夜。他们为何有此下场?以下失败案例本刊大多进行过报道。  相似文献   

商业模式创新很重要,可为何许多企业无从下手?什么是企业的边界?如何避开容易拷贝的陷阱?  相似文献   

樊力 《销售与管理》2009,(11):49-51
是什么让一家以邮购目录起家的零售企业,在行业寒冬里逆势增长?当雅戈尔、美特斯·邦威等众多传统服装企业开始对电子商务趋之若骛时,它又为何选择以三年内开两千家实体店的速度,南“轻”变“重”,逆流而动?  相似文献   

Something over 20 years after the first Lomé Agreement came into force, most of the ACP countries are still among the poorest in the world. Why have these countries' situations not improved despite the Agreements? Why has their share of total EC imports from developing countries fallen in spite of the tariff preferences they are granted? What conclusions ought to be drawn for future cooperation between the EC and ACP countries?  相似文献   

Despite substantial prior research on new product success, there are still high failure rates. Why might this be the case? This paper argues that (1) the most important determinants of new product success involve managerial behavior and therefore a need exists to examine the influence of innovation orientation of human resource management (IO-HRM) on these determinants, and (2) these relationships are moderated by the type of innovation, product versus service. Data from 275 product innovation projects suggest that IO-HRM is a significant predictor of not only new product success but also its prime determinants: the proficiency of development activities, product advantage, marketing synergy, and top management support. Further, the linkage between IO-HRM and new product success and marketing synergy is found to be stronger in service than in product innovation projects.  相似文献   

Jack Eaton 《Intereconomics》1996,31(3):147-152
Whereas the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 put an end to airline subsidization in the USA, things look quite different in the European Union: after more than a decade of discussions about liberalization and the advent of the single market, most European routes are still monopolies or duopolies with state aid to airlines featuring prominently. Why has air transport liberalization made so little progress? What are the prospects for the future?  相似文献   

改革开放以来,广东四大区域经济都得到了前所未有的发展,区域间工业发展水平差异显著。东西两翼和山区都进行了一系列的结构调整,但与珠三角的差距不见缩小,反而日益扩大。文章认为这种现象可以归结于东西两翼和山区的工业结构调整的被动性以及不适当的专业化。为此山区与东西两翼必须采取变被动调整为主动调整,实现产业结构高度化。  相似文献   

Since Oxford dictionary has described ‘Selfie’, selfie deaths have received a fair amount of coverage but the extent of the problem and the data behind it have not been appropriately explored. The aim of our study is to obtain epidemiological characteristics of selfie-related mortality worldwide with the objective of providing an insight to ‘Why selfie’, ‘Why risky’, ‘Psychological basis’ and ‘measures of control.’ Despite thousands of web pages, very few scientific articles are available in medical journals. So, we went online via Google search engine compiling every reported instance after confirming it and verifying the information in Wikipedia. Non-fatal injuries and non-selfie type of photography-related deaths were excluded from the study. From 2014 to mid-2016, 75 people have died while attempting selfie in 52 incidents worldwide. Mean age of the victims was 23.3 and 82% were male. India is the most affected country and Russia and US being second. Fall from height, drowning and rail accidents are the top three modes of death. Large-scale use of cell phone worldwide and underlying risk in selfie behaviour seems the culprit. Inability to compare selfie with non-selfie photography due to lack of data is definitely a limitation. Worldwide initiatives are being taken like ‘NO SELFIE ZONES’ but still a multifactorial approach is required before it gets too late.  相似文献   

While after the collapse of the communist bloc virtually all of its former member countries embarked on market-oriented reforms, the individual countries followed different routes and experienced different outcomes. In all cases, however, output declined steeply during the early years of transition. What were the main causes behind the severe contraction of output? Why have some countries managed to overcome the transformation crisis far better than others?  相似文献   

吴建业 《中国市场》2009,(43):52-53
<正>2009年8月12日,深圳市农产品股份有限公司披露的年度中期报告显示,以世界首富比尔.盖茨及其妻子梅琳达的名字命名的、世界最大的慈善基金会——比尔和梅琳达.盖茨基金,增持股份至1200万股,成为第9大股东。目前  相似文献   

It is suggested that a cognitive perspective may provide important insights into key aspects of the entrepreneurial process. Specifically, it is proposed that this perspective—which has yielded impressive results in many other fields—can help the field of entrepreneurship to answer three basic questions it has long addressed: (1) Why do some persons but not others choose to become entrepreneurs? (2) Why do some persons but not others recognize opportunities for new products or services that can be profitably exploited? (3) Why are some entrepreneurs so much more successful than others? Specific cognitive factors relevant to each of these questions are identified, and their potential effects are described. It is suggested that a cognitive perspective can prove beneficial both to researchers wishing to understand entrepreneurship as a process and to practitioners hoping to assist entrepreneurs in their efforts to create successful new ventures.  相似文献   

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