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汶川地震是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最广、救灾难度最大的一次地震,赈灾及灾后重建资金的筹措与运行是抗震救灾的重要任务之一。本文在系统分析赈灾及灾后重建资金需求结构的基础上,提出了全方位的资金筹措及配置方式,研究了赈灾资金的使用与管理,并在体制和制度层面进一步思考了如何构建应对重大自然灾害的资金筹措与运行的长效机制。  相似文献   

近年来,内蒙古中小企业迅速发展,但普遍面临着融资渠道不畅的问题,资金严重不足,阻碍了它们的健康发展.本文介绍了内蒙古中小型企业融资的现状及存在的问题,并探讨了缓解内蒙古畜牧业加工中小企业资金筹措问题的途径.  相似文献   

董琦琦 《时代经贸》2014,(4):262-263
学前教育在教育体系中的基础性作用日益体现。近年来,杭州市委、市政府高度重视学前教育的发展,全力抓好学前教育,明确学前教育目标、细化政府职责、推进教育设施及资金等公共财政投入。笔者以杭州市学前教育事业为具体研究对象,分析其近年主要做法与成效,揭示学前教育资源配置与资金筹措的现状及存在的问题,并援引国外发达国家的学前教育成功经验,提出几点优化政策建议。  相似文献   

作为投资决策的派生决策,企业筹资规模的确定在很大程度上首先取决于投资需要。对于单个投资项目而言,项目投资规模的确定决定了该项目的筹资规模。但筹资规模并非完全被动地取决于投资,筹资也会影响到投资,投资规模与筹资规模往往是同时决定的。筹资规模受到企业所实际可能具有的投资机会的限制及筹资的边际资本成本的制约.  相似文献   

本文针对引入竞争后 ,通过交叉补贴实现普遍服务资金筹措体系瓦解的现状 ,运用财政学及经济学的有关理论 ,根据我国各电信业务的市场结构 ,研究了不同税种对企业行为和经济效率的影响 ,建立了适合我国普遍服务资金的筹措途径。  相似文献   

任新平 《经济研究导刊》2010,(7):244-245,249
河南省高等教育事业通过举债建设教学科研设施,初步实现了精英教育向大众化教育的历史性跨越。但是,负债发展道路也给高校带来了沉重的债务负担。以缓解高校付息还贷压力和筹措后续发展资金为目的,提出了构建河南省高校建设投融资机制的基本思路。  相似文献   

在我国加快推进城市化进程中,“城中村”作为一个新的社会名词而出现.并伴随着我国社会城市化进程的加快,就要求以社区文化为代表的城市文明必须与之和谐发展.但在我国“城中村”发展过程中,社区文化建设相对薄弱,经过调查分析,主要原因在于城中村社区文化建设资金筹措体系不完善,本文试图从这个问题出发进行研究,并提出一些看法和解决对策,希望能对于城中村进一步的发展有一定的帮助.  相似文献   

建设现代农业是推进社会主义和谐新农村的关键因素,而合理有效的现代农业建设资金筹措渠道对于促进现代农业建设至关重要。因此,有必要深入分析当前我国现代农业建设资金筹措施的困境与成因,并借鉴国外现代农业建设资金筹措模式的成功经验,结合我国现代农业发展现状,探索出适合我国实际的现代农业建设资金筹措路径。  相似文献   

本文构建了一个包含自然灾害的两部门内生增长模型。研究发现,自然灾害对长期增长的影响幅度取决于其造成的人力资本存量损失。同时,灾害发生会促使经济主体更多地投资于人力资本。本文应用跨国数据分析了自然灾害风险、经济增长和人力资本投资间的长期关系,发现自然灾害对宏观经济活动有重要影响,并主要通过影响人力资本投资行为发生作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the financing of disaster risk management. Future climate and disaster risks are predicted to impose increasing financial pressure on the governments of low‐lying atoll nations. The aftermath of a disaster, such as a cyclone, requires financial means for quick response and recovery. We quantify the appropriate levels of financial support for expected disasters in Tuvalu and Kiribati by building on the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Financing Initiative (PCRAFI)‐calculated likely costs for disasters. To these, we add estimates of the potential effects of distant cyclones, droughts, sea‐level rise, climate change and large‐scale disaster shocks as they are predicted to affect low‐lying atoll islands. The present paper focuses on the potential contribution of the sovereign wealth funds (SWF) of Tuvalu and Kiribati in reducing reliance on foreign aid for ex‐post disaster risk management. We forecast the future size of SWF using Monte Carlo simulations. We examine the long‐term sustainability of SWF and the feasibility of extending their mandate for disaster recovery.  相似文献   

Followers of urban affairs and public policy have written much over the years about the rise of suburbia and development beyond older city boundaries in the US, whether such development is called urban, suburban, or ex-urban sprawl. Many researchers have focused on various issues concerning sprawl, especially on the unintended consequences that new development has had for municipal finances, neighborhood income and residential segregation, and transportation planning, among other issues. Over the last decade, a new area in the literature on sprawl has focused on how the “built environment” of residential areas can impact health and emergency services. We contribute to this latest set of papers on sprawl by trying to empirically estimate the impact of sprawl in metropolitan regions on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) spending on “public assistance.” This assistance encompasses spending on debris removal, emergency protective measures, and rehabilitating or rebuilding of infrastructure, public buildings, public utilities, parks and recreational areas, in post-disaster relief efforts. In our exploratory analysis, the results indicate that urban sprawl is a factor in influencing the level of FEMA’s public assistance spending.  相似文献   

贾美芹 《经济问题》2013,(8):54-57,82
自然灾害具有偶发性,就我国全国范围看,自然灾害又是必然发生事件。把自然灾害损失内生化以度量其对宏观经济增长的影响。实证分析表明,自然灾害直接损失对当年经济增长起到负面影响,灾后2~3年的时间里对经济有拉动作用;而在灾后4~5年内表现出对经济的负面作用。总的来说,相对于投资和劳动投入自然灾害直接经济损失对GDP增长的影响比较小,长期影响表现出负弹性。自然灾害损失主要通过损失社会财富和拉动内需影响宏观经济增长,灾害当期主要是社会财富损失的负面影响,灾后2~3年则体现内需拉动的正面影响;从长期看,社会财富损失的负面影响要高于内需拉动的正面影响。  相似文献   

The Great Hanshin‐Awaji (Kobe) earthquake in 1995 has had a significant detrimental effect on the economic conditions of southern‐central Japan. However, the earthquake also led people to acknowledge the importance of the many volunteer activities in Japan at that time. Using a large sample of individual‐level data from 1991 and 1996, this study investigates how and the extent to which the earthquake increased the participation of students and house‐workers in volunteer activities. After controlling for various individual characteristics, a Heckman‐Tobit model was used and the following key findings were obtained: (1) the probability of students’ participating in volunteer activities was 2% higher after the earthquake than before, and (2) the number of days that students spent participating in volunteer activities was 4.38 days longer after the earthquake than before. However, the same did not hold true for house‐workers.  相似文献   

Although natural disasters have been found to influence economic growth, their impact on income inequality has not yet been explored. This paper uses cross-country panel data during the period 1965 to 2004 to examine how the occurrence of natural disasters has affected income inequality. The major findings of this study are that although natural disasters have increased income inequality in the short (5 years) term, this effect disappears in the long term (10 years). These findings are observed even after the fixed effects of year and country are controlled for.  相似文献   

近年来,全球各类灾害进入频发期,世界各国在防灾救灾方面积累了大量的经验。我国一直是自然灾害多发国家,并且在救灾体系建设方面起步较晚。本文介绍了一些典型国家在救灾行政体系建设、法律保障建设、专业机构建设以及与非政府组织协调方面的一些经验,总结出一些对我国救灾体系建设有益的经验,希望能够结合国情兼收并蓄,提高我国的救灾水平。  相似文献   

美国是当今世界自然灾害多发的国家之一,在灾害监测、预警、应急救助及防灾减灾决策支持系统建设等方面均处于世界领先地位。为使国内对美国应对重大气象灾害的先进经验有所借鉴,本文结合美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)公布的有关资料,对美国重大气象灾害发生的种类、时空分布规律、经济社会影响及其气象科技基础设施与服务业的地位和作用进行了系统的经济技术实证分析,并提出了相关建议,供参考。  相似文献   

本文以神农架国家级自然保护区为个案,以作者的现场实际调研为依据,探讨目前我国自然保护区发展生态旅游存在的问题与今后可能的开发方向,并提出了自然环境非人工化、解说系统科学化、户外产品多元化和网络营销强势化策略。  相似文献   

论农业自然灾害风险的规避   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业自然灾害频繁发生影响可持续经济发展,影响国家粮食综合生产能力。为促进农村经济的可持续性发展,必须根据农业自然灾害发生的现实原因,采取适合中国国情的规避风险的有效措施。  相似文献   

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