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何玉玲 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(2)
在新经济发展中,企业的发展速度将代替企业的规模而成为企业竞争的焦点.因为传统的"规模经济"之路将越走越窄.新经济时代将是"速度经济"代替"规模经济"的时代. 相似文献
在新经济发展中,企业的发展速度将代替企业的规模而成为企业竞争的焦点.因为传统的规模经济之路将越走越窄.新经济时代将是速度经济代替规模经济的时代. 相似文献
程冰 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(2)
网络经济是以现代信息技术为核心的新的经济形态.与以往的传统经济相比,网络经济有着受信息网络种种特点的影响而形成的诸多特点.网络经济加快了中国经济融入全球经济的步伐. 相似文献
网络经济是以现代信息技术为核心的新的经济形态.与以往的传统经济相比,网络经济有着受信息网络种种特点的影响而形成的诸多特点.网络经济加快了中国经济融入全球经济的步伐. 相似文献
近一二年,改装车群体呈上升趋势.追求个性、讲究时尚也表现在他们的爱车上。每当这帮人聚到一起,他们会对自己的爱车装什么样的天线、用什么音响、装饰什么图贴……津津乐道.改装经验成了广交朋友的一种独特方式。有关部门应法顺应市场的需求,让这些汽车发烧发电能“心想事成”。这也是在我国加入世贸组织第四个年头时汽车产业相关企业应该正视的课题。 相似文献
British artist Damien Hirst is both controversial and successful. Jörg Reckhenrich, Jamie Anderson and Martin Kupp suggest that his innovative approach to life and work demonstrate strategies useful to organizations. 相似文献
Antonio Argandoña 《Journal of Business Ethics》2003,44(1):3-22
The new economy is a technological revolution involving the information and communication technologies and which affects almost all aspects of the economy, business, and our personal lives. The problems it raises for businesses are not radically new, and even less so from an ethical viewpoint. However, they deserve particular attention, especially now, in the first years of the 21st century, when we are feeling the full impact of the changes brought about by this technological revolution. In this article, I will try to draw a "map" of the main, positive and negative ethical challenges raised by the new economy, concentrating on its three basic features: (1) a knowledge- and information-based technological change, (2) which is taking place in real time on a planetary scale (globalization), and (3) which entails a new, flexible, network-based business organization. 相似文献
低碳经济与循环经济发展模式比较 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
低碳经济与循环经济发展模式均是基于生态文明理念的可持续发展模式,低碳经济发展模式与循环经济发展模式既密切相关,又各有侧重.低碳经济发展模式强调经济活动中的碳排放逐步降低,循环经济发展模式强调经济活动中的资源循环利用和高效利用,这两者均可以看作是我国建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要内容,而且其中很大一部分工作乃至产业均是相互统一的. 相似文献
新经济 新营销 新观念--论新经济时代企业经营管理思想的五大变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文从信息网络技术对需求、资源、竞争、利润及管理等五个方面,深入分析了信息网络技术对企业经营活动基本要素的影响,阐明了新经济时代市场经营环境和企业经营要素的变化所导致的企业经营思想的五大变化,即在需求方面趋向以个性化的价值认知为导向;在资源方面趋向以全方位的资源整合为手段;在竞争方面趋向以核心竞争力的不断创新为动力:在利润方面趋向以多元化的价值增殖为源泉:在管理方面趋向以跨部门的流程管理为特征。这些变化体现了生产关系对生产力的适应,要求企业在经营实践中必须建立完善的信息系统,加强研发能力,经常梳理其业务组合,建立同顾客及合作者最为便捷的沟通方式,并进行组织系统的重构,建立起以信息管理为基础的管理体系。 相似文献
金小菲 《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2001,(3):25-26
<正> 我们已在文莱构想了共同的目标,以求获得新经济为经济和社会带来的所有好处。APEC 已经实施了一系列向新经济迈进的行动计划。其中包括“电子商务准备评估”、无纸贸易、“电子独立行动计划”和有关电子商务机构和人力资本实力的增强。为了在此基础上实现我们的目标,我们制订如下行动议程,以促进健全的政策环境的建立,并增强能力。我们承认这仅是一个开始,要实现我们的目标,就要在 APEC 的经济、商业、政府间及其它领域开展最广泛的合作。我们希冀各位部长在向决策制定者们咨询商讨时能将本议程发展壮大,以求实现如下目标:1.加强市场结构体制的建设,使得现有新兴贸易投资方式在新环境中蓬勃发展;2.完善有益于基础设施投资和技术发展的政策环境;3.促进创新和提高企业家能力,通过综合、高质量的教育培训和技能发展项目提高人员的能力和知识水平。 相似文献
网络信息时代的新中间商是指基于Internet上建立的起着连接生产者和消费者的一个中间组织。信息技术的发展使得新中间商不仅能够发挥传统中间商的功能,而且还具有传统中间商所没有的新功能。新中间商利用信息技术提高其营销效率、降低交易费用,提供增殖服务。 相似文献
创新、知识产权与新经济 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
创新与知识产权对新经济发展有重要作用,以新制度经济学的产权理论分析知识产权的排他性权利实质及特征,论述了知识产权在我国的现状,以契约理论回答了如何实现知识产权产业化的问题。 相似文献
《Journal of Business Venturing》1993,8(2):137-150
This article presents the results of a study focused on the role of new business entrepreneurship in the Japanese economy. Particular attention is paid to the activities of various government agencies in relation to new business entrepreneurship and to the barriers to this activity in Japan. New business entrepreneurship was defined as the formation and rapid growth of a business enterprise through unique approaches to the firm's activities.In contrast to the American stereotype of Japan as an economy of a few large, interconnected firms, it is, in fact, characterized by small- and medium-sized enterprises. Over 99% of all Japanese enterprises are categorized as small or medium and over 80% of all employed Japanese are employed by such firms. However, very few of these firms are entrepreneurial in nature. The vast majority are small firms that are either subcontractors to a single larger firm or small retail, wholesale, or restaurant establishments.The start-up rate for all types of businesses in Japan has been declining for the past 10 to 15 years. More importantly, the rate of start-up s for independent firms, as opposed to firms started by a larger firm to serve primarily as a subcontractor, declined even more sharply. This indicates a significant weakness in Japan's otherwise strong economy.The low and declining rate of new business entrepreneurship in Japan is a function of structural, governmental, and cultural barriers. Structural barriers include an acute, long-term labor shortage, high financial start-up costs due in large part to high land prices, and a shortage of venture capital funding. Government barriers include “red tape,” financial and other support for small firms that is withdrawn as they enter rapid growth, and the persistent protection of inefficient industry structures. Cultural barriers involve Japan's strong group/collective orientation, the traditional career path in Japan, bounds on creativity, and the fact that entrepreneurship is not assigned a high social value.While the government provides an extensive, well-developed network of services for small- and medium-sized firms, these programs are not designed to facilitate rapid growth into the large firm phase. The Japanese experiences and programs offer useful insights for policy and tactics by other governments. 相似文献
新商业经济是一种与当前世界经济发展相适应的,具备极大生命力的一种经济发展模式,而对于知识员工的管理也面临着更多的挑战。在新商业经济发展的过程中,加强对于知识员工的管理创新,应充分利用科学技术和网络,在管理方法上重视公平正义,注重协调知识员工之间的相互关系,加强知识员工对于自身管理的自觉性,最终在社会和企业中实现一种更加具有公平与正义、更加具备和谐与可持续的发展模式。 相似文献
District of Tumenjiang, or Tumen river areais described by Japanese Takeo Touma as strategic center of "Japan Sea Rim Economic Zone" for five economic regions (Japan the Far East region of Russia, North and South Korea, and the North- east region of China). As the typical example of international regional cooperation, the idea of Tumenjiang area devel- opment has lasted for nearly 20 years with the fluctuations of international politics. 相似文献
District of Tumenjiang,or Tumen river area is described by Japanese Takeo Touma as strategic center of Japan Sea Rim Economic Zone for five economic regions (Japan the Far East region of Russia, North and South Korea, and the Northeast region of China). 相似文献
国际金融危机以来,不少企业开拓市场的难度明显增加,但一些平台型企业却逆势上扬,实现快速增长,取得了出乎意外的经营业绩。在这样一个网络时代,有的企业专注于新产品、新服务研发,也有企业运用网络创新、建设各类平台,因为任何产品、服务都需要通过平台才能更好地展示,实现交易。平台型企业的含义和作用对于"平台",目前没有完全一致的定义。一些专家认为,平台是自身并不生产商品,却可以通过提供一种交易空间促成双方或多方客户间的交易,直接或间接收取恰当的费用而获得收益的企业。 相似文献
SincetheFifteenthNationalCongressoftheCommunistPartyofChina,thereadjustmentofthestrategicstructureofChina'sstate-ownedeconomyhasbecomethehighest-leveltaskforthereformofstate-ownedenterprises.Theentryandretreatofthestate-ownedeconomyhasbecomeafocus,towhichChina'seconomicsectorispayingcloseattention.ResearchfellowZhangJunkuo,directoroftheMarketinstituteoftheDevelopmentResearchCenterundertheStateCouncil,recentlystatedhisviewsconcerningthisproblem.china'snon-state-ownedeconomycantakeoverther… 相似文献