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欧盟中小企业因其数量和经济总量大,已成为欧盟经济发展和解决就业问题的重要支柱,并于2001年启动企业社会责任政策。该文针对中小企业在欧盟发展中的特殊地位,回顾了欧盟中小企业社会责任政策的演化进程,对欧盟推动中小企业社会责任政策工具进行了分类探讨;据此对完善我国中小企业社会责任政策提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

欧盟部长理事会于1996年12月9日正式通过了欧盟委员会制订的“欧盟第三个中小企业多年度计划(1997—2000)”。该计划制订了欧盟中小企业的专项政策与措施及其实施方案,总经费1.8亿欧元,旨在极大地发挥中小企业对于促进经济增长和就业、增加欧洲竞争力的作用,是欧盟中小企业政策的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

支持中小企业的发展,特别是扶持创新型中小企业的健康发展是欧盟各项战略、主要经济政策的重要组成部分.欧盟及其成员国长期坚持持续地健全政策制度、落实措施行动、保护知识产权、完善创新环境、改进支撑服务、崇尚企业精神和普及科学素养等,建立了世界上迄今为止相对完善的一整套支持创新型中小企业发展的法制政策体系.本文从研究欧盟及其成员国企业的总体现状、创新型中小企业发展的状况及特点入手,分析了欧盟支持中小企业发展的政策措施及新举措,介绍了欧洲投资银行在支持创新型中小企业发展、解决投融资难题等方面发挥的突出作用,可供我国借鉴参考.  相似文献   

1.前言世界各国和世界主要经济组织历来都十分重视中小企业的发展状况。联合国贸发会议1994发表《中小型跨国公司:作用、影响及政策含义》的报告,肯定了中小型企业在世界经济全球化中的作用。据统计,欧盟中小型企业占欧盟企业总数的99.8%,就业人数占欧盟就业总数的66%,产值占欧盟总产值的65%。截至2003年,捷中小企业从业人数  相似文献   

吴迎 《生产力研究》2005,(6):148-149
在欧盟经济发展的过程中,大量充满活力的中小企业做出了重要的贡献。而欧盟的中小企业之所以能蓬勃发展,完全得益于欧盟及其成员国高效、完善的促进中小企业发展的政策和措施。本文从融资角度研究欧盟对中小企业发展的扶持政策,并提出对我国中小企业发展融资的建议。  相似文献   

湖南商学院欧阳峣教授于2005~2006年主持了中国—欧盟小型便捷基金项目“湖南中小企业公司治理及其与欧盟企业的对接”,专门研究中小企业的公司治理问题。在这些研究基础上,课题组出版了《中国—欧盟中小企业公司治理丛书》(经济管理出版社2006年版,以下简称《丛书》),展示了他们在这方面的研究视点和成果。  相似文献   

欧盟鼓励中小企业创新的政策与措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文分析了欧盟促进中小企业发展与创新的政策和措施。“首先想到小的”已成为欧盟制定政策的原则。本文指出,《欧洲小企业法》总结了多年来欧盟积极鼓励中小企业发展的一些好做法,是欧盟第一个促进中小企业发展的综合性政策框架,该文件提出了促进中小企业发展的十项原则。介绍了欧盟支持中小企业创新的主要措施,并提出了成立政策性金融中介机构、扶持中小企业创新要有针对性以及加强政策集成等政策建议。  相似文献   

借鉴欧盟经验完善中国中小企业政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小企业数量大,长期以来一直是欧盟和中国经济建设中的一支重要力量。如何提升中小企业的竞争力,进一步促进中小企业的发展,是欧盟和中国面临的共同问题。在这方面,欧盟采取了一系列的政策和措施,使其中小企业得以顺利发展,这些措施可以为我国发展中小企业所借鉴。  相似文献   

刘北辰 《经济导刊》2007,(10):34-35
意大利有中小企业420万家.其中,制造业企业总数中有99.87%为中小企业,在发达国家中首屈一指. 欧盟成立后,统一了中小企业划分的标准,意大利执行了这一标准.按欧盟标准,中小企业是指雇员人数在250人以下,年营业额在4000万欧元以下,所有者净资产在2700万欧元以下的、有经济独立性,外人控制的股权不能超过25%的企业.  相似文献   

钟伟 《经济纵横》1995,(9):44-45
欧盟对中小企业的扶持政策钟伟欧盟为鼓励竞争,对国家补贴进行了严格限制,以防止不公平竞争的出现;但同时对中小企业却采取补贴政策进行扶持,本文将分析上述政策的一致性以及欧盟对中小企业的界定和补贴方法。一欧盟竞争政策的主要目的是为共同市场内部的所有企业创造...  相似文献   

Business Link in Britain is one of the main recent government initiatives to support SMEs in the EU. The paper uses a 1997 survey of SMEs to determine how Business Link use, impact and satisfaction are influenced by firm characteristics, local partnership characteristics, local geographical context, service intensity and other explanatory variables. The paper presents econometric estimates based on logit and ordered logit models. A key finding of the paper is to demonstrate that local context is not very significant to service use, impact or satisfaction, but local Business Link management and adviser performance are important influences on the impact and satisfaction. Major differences in the way SMEs use government-backed services are also found. There are high volumes of use of ‘gateway’ information services producing only low impact, and low volumes but high impacts and satisfaction with intensive advice services governed by contracts between the clients and the adviser. Implications for the Small Business Service, launched in April 2000, are drawn.  相似文献   

Supporting and accelerating the adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations amongst small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is a major challenge to environmental policy makers. Research suggests that whilst SMEs possess high flexibility, their innovative capacity may be limited to incremental changes within their existing technology system and network. Twenty case studies examining the innovation adoption process in SMEs in four sectors and in five countries within the ENVIS project (commissioned by the EU) revealed great variety in factors driving this process. Findings indicate that this variation can be attributed to the character of the environmental innovation, the specific business opportunity, the regulatory setting and pressure experienced by the sector. Based on these findings an analytical framework is suggested, whereby the environmental innovative capability of SMEs is conceived as the result of an interplay between the competencies, the network relations and the strategic orientation of the company (the 'dynamic triangle'). This indicates that policy to support SME's adoption of environmental innovations has to take an integrated form, i.e. addressing and developing competence, networks and strategic orientation of SMEs simultaneously whilst remaining systemic and context sensitive.  相似文献   

Environmental Innovations in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Supporting and accelerating the adoption and diffusion of environmental innovations amongst small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is a major challenge to environmental policy makers. Research suggests that whilst SMEs possess high flexibility, their innovative capacity may be limited to incremental changes within their existing technology system and network. Twenty case studies examining the innovation adoption process in SMEs in four sectors and in five countries within the ENVIS project (commissioned by the EU) revealed great variety in factors driving this process. Findings indicate that this variation can be attributed to the character of the environmental innovation, the specific business opportunity, the regulatory setting and pressure experienced by the sector. Based on these findings an analytical framework is suggested, whereby the environmental innovative capability of SMEs is conceived as the result of an interplay between the competencies, the network relations and the strategic orientation of the company (the 'dynamic triangle'). This indicates that policy to support SME's adoption of environmental innovations has to take an integrated form, i.e. addressing and developing competence, networks and strategic orientation of SMEs simultaneously whilst remaining systemic and context sensitive.  相似文献   

An integrated scenario analysis for the metal coating sector in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although new paint products and technologies have been developed, the sector of paint application still contributes substantially to total volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. Recent environmental legislation, especially the EU Solvent Emission Directive 1999/13/EC and its transposition into national law, coming into force in 2007, will have an important influence on the sector structure and the associated supply chain, especially for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper summarises a comprehensive scenario analysis to explore possible future trajectories for the sector. The main focus is on paint application activities, considering in particular the consequences of new environmentally friendly products and technologies which can be used by SMEs. Four different scenarios representing possible future states of the sector are evaluated, taking into account environmental, technical and socio-economic aspects along the associated supply chain and life cycle. The scenarios allow the formulation of recommendations and guidelines for policy makers and industries. This example confirms that interdisciplinary scenario analysis is a suitable approach to investigate possible future development of an industrial sector.  相似文献   

Increasing competition in the European Union (EU) and world markets affects the Greek manufacturing sector. Capital structure is essential for the survival, growth and performance of a firm. There has been a growing interest worldwide in identifying the factors associated with debt leverage. However, nothing has been done so far in contrasting small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and large sized enterprises (LSEs) on these aspects. SMEs are very important in the Greek manufacturing sector for employment and growth. Empirical studies show that capital structure and the factors affecting it vary with firm size. In this paper we investigate the determinants of capital structure of Greek manufacturing firms and formulate some policy implications that may improve the financial performance of the sector. Our study utilizes panel data of two random samples, one for SMEs and another for LSEs. The findings show that profitability is a major determinant of capital structure for both size groups. However, efficient assets management and assets growth are found essential for the debt structure of LSEs as opposed to efficiency of current assets, size, sales growth and high fixed assets, which were found to affect substantially the credibility of SMEs. In an era of increasing globalization, the findings imply that Greek SMEs should focus their efforts on (a) increasing their cash flow capacity through better assets management and achievement of higher exports and (b) ensuring good bank relations, but at the same time, turn to alternative forms of financing. Greek LSEs should adopt strategies that will lead to the improvement of their competitiveness and securing new forms of financing. Government policy measures aiming at structural changes and economic efficiency should be designed clearly depending upon its targets: SMEs need policies that will encourage information exchange and co‐operation in local and foreign markets and use of e‐business, as well as, financial assistance. On the other hand, LSEs should be supported by policies aimed at new high‐technology investments, entrance of new firms and foreign investments in the country, tax alleviation and increase of R&D and training expenditures. The upgrading and transparency of the capital market in Greece is expected to improve the capital structure of Greek manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

源于欧盟的创新驿站是一种将有技术需求和能提供技术的机构集中在一起,帮助它们找到创新解决方案的技术转移中介服务组织,是一个技术、资金和市场等信息的集散中心。创新驿站可充分利用信息资源优势,以网络、会议和其它多种形式的辅助媒介,向技术信息需求量最大的中小型企业进行技术成果推介。  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine whether and how, certain country-specific characteristics shape the profitability of SMEs. Using a large sample of around 40,000 firms operating in 25 EU countries over the period 2006–2014 we find that freedom from corruption, a better environment in terms of the conditions that could contribute to the ease of getting credit, and fewer government regulation related to the starting, operating, and closing a business, enhance profitability. The dimensions of national culture also play an important role. Our results show that individualism, masculinity, and long-term orientation have a positive impact on profitability, whereas power distance and uncertainty avoidance have the opposite effect. We also find that the magnitude of the impact of national culture on profitability depends on political stability and institutional quality.  相似文献   

本文通过梳理美国中小企业发展的路径,分析美国中小企业的发展现状,借助弹性函数的概念建立计量分析模型来分析经济发展与中小企业数量和就业量的关系。分析发现美国经济增长的同时,中小企业的数量和就业量都会有不同程度的增长,而前期的经济衰退却预示着当期中小企业数量和就业量的反方向变化,也即经济衰退时期,中小企业起到了就业缓冲的作用。  相似文献   

利用湖南省中小企业发展研究中心的12000份问卷调研数据,分析我国11个城市中小企业外部环境对中小企业成长的影响。研究发现:就整体而言,外部环境对中小企业的成长有显著的正向影响,但外部环境中有一些因素对中小企业成长的影响随着中小企业经营时间增加和规模增大而减弱,在分析主要影响因素的基础上提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

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