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Abstract . The hypothesis that Black female wage earners face greater wage discrimination than their White female or Black male counterparts is supported by evidence derived from a version of a widely used method for decomposing wage differentials. This version allows one to measure both the “cost” of being a female or Black wage earner and the “benefit” of being a male or White wage earner. The approach yields a model which is validated by testing with Census Bureau samples (n1,2,3,4= 23,800). The empirical test indicates that when skills are fairly comparable, the Black female earns an average wage nearly 21 percent lower than the White male average, whereas the White female's average was 15.5 percent lower. It suggests that being female has a relatively greater impact on Black female wages than being Black.  相似文献   

今年是十五计划的第一年,农业、农村、农民工作事关党和国家工作的全局,成为能否开好局、起好步的重要一环.  相似文献   

靠地产成名并赚得资本,毕业于北京电影学院导演系的张宝全一直没有忘记自己的本行,他说:“我本来就是干电影的,未来会一直拍电影,现在回来已经有点晚了。”  相似文献   

Drawing on the research of Edwin Friedman (2007) in his book, A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix, we explain the importance of developing differentiated leadership in groups and organizations of all sizes and types. According to Friedman, the leadership process is plagued by the fallacies of self, expertise, and empathy. These fallacies lead to an over reliance on data, low tolerance of ambiguity, anxiety, and a superficial comfort in togetherness, all of which upset the emotional balance in the leadership process. Using examples from rocket science, biology, and social psychology, we suggest that in order to combat these common dysfunctions, leadership development programs should be aimed at developing leaders who represent a nonanxious, self‐regulating presence. The goal of the current paper is to expand leadership development concepts and ideas to include practices that make groups and organizations more psychologically safe and enriching for all stakeholders.  相似文献   

黄雷  裴家宏  徐成 《物流科技》2010,33(1):109-110
着眼于国家非传统安全威胁对军队装备储备能力的现实要求,从储备内容、储备结构布局和储备效能三方面进行分析,对非战争军事行动装备储备能力的建设进行了论述,为国家和军队非战争军事行动装备储备能力建设提供了思路。  相似文献   

A bstract . Sun Yat-sen repeatedly acknowledged the influence of Henry George , and this influence went beyond details of land policy. Significant parts of George's work involved his extensive references to China his diagnoses of China's ills, his vision of a possible better economic order , and his strong attack on the Malthusian theory. These too influenced Sun.  相似文献   

依靠分析非战争军事行动装备储备的需求特征,建立非战争军事行动装备储备结构度量体系,通过数学模型运算,确定在该度量体系奈件下的后方仓库储备内容品种的合理构成;并以此为基础,构建非战争军事行动装备储备结构的优化模型.为科学设计储备内容提供定量依据。  相似文献   

A bstract . Rent control legislation must allow landlords to earn a "just and reasonable return" on their property. If the law prevents a landlord from attaining such a result he is entitled to seek relief by administrative or judicial process. The customary measure of 'just and reasonable return' is the current interest rate applied to current, fair market value. During a period of inflation such a calculation results in too high a measure. Because both interest rates and the value of tangible property rise together, rentals must increase at twice the inflation rate to meet the standard. Recent legal opinions evidence no appreciation or awareness of this. Furthermore, in a rent-controlled situation it is impossible to establish a valid current market value for a property. Both difficulties are overcome if a 'just and reasonable return' is based on historic cost rather than current market value. Arguments in favor of historic cost are made employing capital market analysis and classical rent theory.  相似文献   

通过探讨高等数学中常见的一题多解,分析了各种求解方法之间的差别与联系,把不同的知识内容结合在一起,以期加深学生对高等数学课程的理解,激发学生学习高等数学的兴趣,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,培养学生的数学素养。  相似文献   

不一定需要有配套的停车场才可以使楼价升高,事实上没有停车场可以为你的楼价增值更多。  相似文献   

税收增速大于GDP增速的产业结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前对中国税收增速大于GDP增速的研究多从经济增长、征管水平提升、GDP结构与税收结构差异、地方政府廉价批地所引致的高税产业高速发展等因素出发进行定性或较简单的实证研究。本文从GDP的产业结构以及各产业税负率入手,构建税收增速大于GDP增速的理论模型,并提供了相应的算法。该算法能测算各产业对此现象的"贡献"。我们试图为理解税收增速大于GDP增速的研究路径以及预测宏观税负率增减提供参考建议。  相似文献   

张博  朱红军 《价值工程》2011,30(1):72-74
文章先简要介绍了工程建设其他费的定义、分类以及编制过程中存在的主要问题,结合北京、上海、天津、深圳等地区城市轨道交通项目的概(估)算编制情况,详细分析了工程建设其他费的取费内容、取费标准和相关费率的取定方法。  相似文献   

在分析非战争军事行动器材应急调度特点的基础上,提出了基于动态博弈网络技术的器材应急调度,研究了器材应急调度博弈过程,构建了器材应急调度模型,并通过算例验证了模型的有效性.  相似文献   

随着新时期我国安全环境出现的新形势.非战争军事行动成为我军一项新的历史使命,如何看待打赢信息化局部战争装备保障能力建设与非战争军事行动装备保障能力建设的关系已经成为我军装备保障工作中需要面对的重要课题。文章立足于我国国情、军情实际,从三个方面阐述了这两者之间的关系.给出了两者的定位。  相似文献   

随着人类社会的不断发展与演变,人类在不断进行着自我的追问,即人究竟"是什么",人活着到底为了什么"。关于这个最基本的人生问题,需要我们用一种超越常识的科学智慧、用一种形而上的思维方式才能达成一种深刻而全面的本真。本文试从人生目的与意义的角度将人的本质在动态方面归结为一种实现,即"人的实现"。  相似文献   

孙建伟 《价值工程》2010,29(30):23-23
本文通过我国造价咨询业现状的分析,并对全生命周期工程造价管理、工程造价CALS概念进行引入和解析,提出我国工程造价咨询企业的发展当定位在基于工程造价CALS支撑的全生命周期工程造价管理上,并指出了全生命周期工程造价管理实现的关键。  相似文献   

孙学敏 《价值工程》2021,40(5):53-54
工程造价是影响到建筑工程整体效益的关键因素,如果没有对工程造价和成本进行合理的控制会导致施工造价超出原有的成本预算,进而给建筑工程企业造成一定经济损失,不利于建筑企业的可持续发展.基于此本文阐述了建筑工程造价动态管理的基本内涵,对造价管控中存在的问题进行了讨论,对工程动态造价和成本预控机制的实施进行了深入分析,以及为工程造价管控提供有效参考.  相似文献   

"2010海南清水湾胡润百富榜"昨天在京发布,娃哈哈集团创始人宗庆后以800亿元财富排名居首.随着中国经济结构的优化,医药、零售等行业开始取代房地产,成为财富增长速度最快的行业.  相似文献   

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