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高梦滔  张颖 《南方经济》2007,22(9):46-59
本文通过使用扩展的性别工资差异分解方法对中国西部城市的性别行业进入差异和行业内部工资差异进行分解,分析了高等教育回报对行业选择和收入差异的影响。经验研究的基本结果包括:(1)在全部的性别工资差异上,由于男女的禀赋差异引起的可解释部分占差异的57.77%,歧视解释了总差异的42.24%,在歧视部分中,行业进入方面的对女性的歧视就占了1/3强的部分,行业内部的工资歧视占2/3左右;(2)对于受过高等教育的女性来说,存在显著的行业进入方面的不利性别偏向,在行业选择方面,女性的高等教育回报率低于男性。在低收入行业中,女性高等教育和"高中/职高"层次的教育其回报率都显著的高于男性,高收入行业内部则相反;(3)在可解释的行业和工资性别差异中,教育解释了其中的5%左右,并且教育具有显著的缩小行业进入性别差异的作用。在高收入行业内部,高等教育显著缩小了男女工资差异,而在低收入行业内部,高等教育解释力较弱,而经验和健康状况对于这部分差异贡献率较大。  相似文献   

性别工资差别与人力资本--来自大学毕业生的经验分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在劳动力市场上 ,雇主歧视、人力资本的初始点和积累不同等原因都会导致性别工资差别。本文对上海市两所大学毕业生的能力培养和毕业后的两期收入作了实证研究。我们分析了毕业生的性别和人力资本差异对工资水平的影响 ,计量分析还发现在控制了其他因素后 ,大学里女性对自身学习能力的培养普遍高于男性 ,但是在劳动力市场上女性的工资仍然要低于男性 ,这种工资差别随工作年限的增长在扩大  相似文献   

聂娟 《南方经济》2016,35(8):105-118
区域对劳动者的工资收入有显著影响,广东劳动者的工资权益不如华东四省市劳动者。由于两地的人力资本、企业类型、制度保护不同,导致两地之间工资差异很大。进一步来讲,广东劳动者的年总收入和年工资性收入均低于华东四省市;广东劳动者对工资收入的依赖程度较高,而工资收入中加班工资占比较高,这意味着要获得同样工资收入,广东劳动者付出的劳动量和工作时间要多于华东四省市劳动者。  相似文献   

本文采用2012年的行业收入及其相关因素的截面数据并对其进行统计分析,在控制行业特征的情况下研究人力资本特征对行业收入差距的影响。研究发现:①垄断依然是影响行业收入差距的重要因素;②受教育程度对行业工资回报有着很强的正向影响;③从业人员的平均年龄对工资收入差距的影响为负;④我国就业市场中的"性别歧视"现象仍然存在,在高收入行业中男性的比例要大于女性,而女性要进入高收入行业必须要有着更高的学历条件。  相似文献   

制造业的生产分割与工资收入差距:16个行业证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1995~2007年中国16个制造行业的数据,并运用动态面板数据模型来探讨影响中国行业内工资收入差距的原因。研究发现,在国际生产分割条件下,中国制造业企业大量进口中间产品,利用相对低廉的劳动力进行加工和组装,并最终出口到发达国家。在这个过程中企业偏好高技能的劳动力,相应地,高技能劳动力工资收入比低技能劳动力增长的更快,国际生产分割扩大了行业内工资收入差距。企业的研发活动增加了高技能劳动力相对需求,对行业内工资收入差距扩大也有显著的正向影响,而且影响程度要高于其他因素。  相似文献   

西部新走上工作岗位的大学毕业生,从工资收入上看不属于中低收入群体,然而面对居高不下的房价,他们不仅无力买房,连租房也很困难。文章以贵州省都匀市为例,对西部新就业大学毕业生的住房现状及都匀市房市现状问题进行探讨,并提出解决西部新就业大学毕业生住房问题的建议,以便为西部留住所需要的青年人才,避免人才因为买不起房子而流失。  相似文献   

近代中国工资及工资变化的差异普遍存在,在引致工资差异的诸多原因中,人力资本因其主观能动性而具有突出的地位。人力资本对工资收入的影响是现代人力资本论研究的热点之一。本文以上世纪20~40年代上海企业资料为基础,对代表人力资本水平的教育程度、在职培训、工作经历等与工资收入之间的关系进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

健康人力资本与性别工资差异   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王鹏  刘国恩 《南方经济》2010,28(9):73-84
现有对性别工资差异的研究大多是基于教育、经验等人力资本对工资的影响进行分析而忽视了健康人力资本的作用。本文运用中国健康与营养调查数据,将健康人力资本引入工资决定模型,对我国劳动力市场上健康人力资本对工资的影响以及性别工资差异进行了实证分析。研究发现:健康人力资本是影响我国居民工资收入的重要因素;我国劳动力市场上存在明显的性别工资差异,女性工资显著低于男性;利用Oaxaca—Cotton的分解方法发现性别工资差异中大约只有20%可以被个体特征合理解释,余下的部分被认为是对女性的歧视和没能观测到的因素所致。健康人力资本对工资的边际贡献在性别之间的差异是性别工资差异的重要来源。  相似文献   

本文利用1998~2006年中国30个省市的面板数据,对FDI对制造业工资收入差距的影响进行了实证分析。研究发现,FDI有利于缩小我国制造业行业间工资收入差距;FDI缩小制造业行业间工资收入差距的原因在于其能够更多地拉升制造业中低收入行业的相对工资,该作用在东部地区要大于中西部地区;FDI能提高制造业的相对工资,但这种作用在不同地区是有差别的。因此,FDI虽然缩小了制造业行业间的工资收入差距,但是客观上扩大了东部和中西部地区之间制造业的工资收入差距。基于以上结论,本文最后提出了一些缩小制造业行业间收入差距和地区收入差距的政策建议。  相似文献   

在大学扩招以及就业形势日益严峻的背景下,越来越多的大学毕业生形成了一个具有学历高、年富力强、生活时尚、职业期望值高、生活适应能力强等群体特征,由于无固定工作,他们暂时漂在城市。本文结合个案访谈和问卷调查,对大学毕业生低收入群体的生活现状和形成原因进行了分析,并在此基础上提出一些政策建议。  相似文献   

A new social accounting matrix is constructed for Malaysia for the year 2000 to analyze sources of income inequality among ethnic groups in Malaysia. The analysis reveals that income inequality can be decomposed into the interaction of: (i) hourly wages; (ii) working hours per week; and (iii) number of dependents per household. The results of the analysis suggest that occupational differences are the main factor contributing to wage inequality in Malaysia. Ethnic Malays tend to work in low‐wage industries while ethnic Chinese and Indians are more likely to work in higher‐wage industries.  相似文献   

毛日昇 《南方经济》2012,(7):103-116
本文利用中国1999-2007年441个四位码工业行业数据,考察外商直接投资在产业内部和产业之间,通过直接影响劳动力市场供给方式和间接生产率外溢方式对中国内资行业的工资外溢效应。研究结果表明:(1)外商直接投资(FDI)通过直接和间接方式对中国内资行业工资在产业内部和产业之间都产生了显著的正向外溢效应;(2)国有行业比重提高会显著促进FDI通过劳动力供给方式对内资行业产生工资外溢效应,但同样会显著阻碍FDI通过间接的生产率外溢方式对内资行业产生工资外溢效应;(3)FDI对内资劳动密集型行业的工资外溢效应显著高于资本密集型行业,FDI进入显著缩小了中国不同劳动生产率工业部门的工资收入差距。  相似文献   

The study adopts a mixed‐methods design with quantitative and narrative accounts of inequality formation in Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. Imports from China, but not elsewhere, have a strong positive impact on domestic income inequality. With growing volume of cheaper imports, local industries lose competitiveness or even relocate to China in some cases. This paper suggests manufacturing employment as one of the causal pathways from Chinese imports to rising income inequality, as the wage gap between the top and bottom widened following the loss of middle‐wage manufacturing jobs.  相似文献   

李梦芬  王丽芹  Liqin 《改革与战略》2010,26(11):105-107,126
从改革开放以来农民收入来源变化与构成特点分析,可以发现在农民人均纯收入构成中,通过非农就业所获得的收入已成为农民人均纯收入增长的主体,其中通过劳动力转移形成的工资性收入对农民人均纯收入增长的贡献最大。因此,积极鼓励和引导农村劳动力转移,是促进农民增收最直接、最有效的现实选择。  相似文献   

This paper traces the employment trends by gender in various industries, occupational groups, and educational levels in the city-state of Singapore. Over the years, Singapore’s female labor-force participation rate has increased as a result of rising educational attainment. At the same time, income inequality among the females has increased, while male-female income inequality has decreased. This paper explores the gender wage gap at various occupational and educational levels. It is found that the gender wage gap has been reduced over the period 1975–1999. This paper also finds that because of a lack of sufficient childcare facilities and unavailability of part-time work, women who leave the labor market to start families face certain obstacles when trying to re-enter the workforce.  相似文献   

We analyse the long‐term trends in wage inequality in South Africa, using household survey data. We show that the trends in household income inequality are largely driven by changes in wage inequality. Given the detailed nature of our series we show that measurement issues and breaks in the series need to be dealt with in order to draw robust conclusions from the data. Most standard inequality measures show that wage inequality has increased over the period. Nevertheless the choice of measure matters, because there are different trends in different parts of the distribution. It appears that the distribution below the median has become more compressed, while the top of the wage distribution has moved away from the median. The inequality in the labour market translates into even higher inequality in society given that high earners tend to live together with other high earners while low wage individuals often end up sharing their incomes with the unemployed. Furthermore there are many South Africans with access to no wage income. Given the trends analysed here it is not surprising that overall inequality in South Africa has not come down or has even increased since the end of apartheid.  相似文献   

We analyse the long‐term trends in wage inequality in South Africa, using household survey data. We show that the trends in household income inequality are largely driven by changes in wage inequality. Given the detailed nature of our series we show that measurement issues and breaks in the series need to be dealt with in order to draw robust conclusions from the data. Most standard inequality measures show that wage inequality has increased over the period. Nevertheless the choice of measure matters, because there are different trends in different parts of the distribution. It appears that the distribution below the median has become more compressed, while the top of the wage distribution has moved away from the median. The inequality in the labour market translates into even higher inequality in society given that high earners tend to live together with other high earners while low wage individuals often end up sharing their incomes with the unemployed. Furthermore there are many South Africans with access to no wage income. Given the trends analysed here it is not surprising that overall inequality in South Africa has not come down or has even increased since the end of apartheid.  相似文献   

Faced with serious environmental pollution, strengthening the enforcement of environmental regulations has become a priority for governments, especially with sustainable development as a main goal. However, there is not enough empirical evidence about the income distribution effect of environmental regulations. This paper analyzes binding emissions target as a policy shock of environmental regulation to empirically understand its impact on wage growth and inequality based on household and firm level data from 2002 to 2007 in China. The results show that in more pollution-intensive cities, stricter environmental regulation inhibited wage growth, furthermore widening the income gap between skilled and un-skilled labor. These results were further proofed after taking ventilation coefficients as the instrument variable. Heterogeneous tests show that this negative impact is more serious for un-skilled labor in high-polluting industries and also more significant for those located in the central and eastern parts of China.  相似文献   

Using wage income tax statistics, we construct continuous series of upper wage income shares in Japan from 1951 to 2005 to document the evolution of top wage incomes and investigate their long-run determinants. We find that, while the middle wage income class gained enormously both in absolute and relative terms during the period of high economic growth, the upper wage income class faired comparatively better after 1975. In particular, the shares of total wage accruing to the top 1% wage earners and above have risen steadily since the late 1990s. A simple time-series regression analysis indicates that marginal income tax rates, corporate performance, female labor force participation, and labor disputes are important determinants of top wage income shares in post-WWII Japan. Although not conclusive, our results suggest that much of the recent gains in wage income shares at the top can be explained by the changes in these four factors, placing a less emphasis on a story of structural change.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in Chinese urban income distribution from 1987 to 1996 and 1996 to 2004 using nationwide household data and investigates the causes of these changes. The Firpo, Fortin, and Lemieux (2007, 2009) method based on unconditional quantile regressions is used to decompose changes in income distribution and income inequality measures, such as variance and a 10:90 ratio. The decomposition results show that wage structure effects, such as a widening gender earnings gap, increases in returns to college education, and increases in earnings differentials between industries, company ownership types, and regions, have been the major contributors to the overall increases in income inequality. It was also found that at different points on the income distribution (e.g., the lower or upper half), the contributing factors that increase income inequality are different.  相似文献   

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