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编者按:党的十八大即将胜利召开。中央金融系统选举产生的42名出席十八大的代表,也将肩负着金融系统广大党员的重托出席大会,履行神圣使命。这42名代表是中央金融系统各单位分别召开党代表会议,严格按照党章和中央关于做好代表选举工作的要求选举产生的。在代表候选人初步人选的推荐提名和代表的正式选举过程中,坚持了党的民主集中制原则,充分发扬了党内民主。  相似文献   

近日,中央金融系统各单位分别召开党代表会议,共选举产生出席党的十八大代表42名。中央金融系统出席党的十八大代表,是严格按照党章和中央关于做好代表选举工作的要求选举产生的。在代表候选人初步人选的推荐提名和代表的正式选举过程中,坚持了党的民主集中制原则,充分发扬了党内民主。代表的产生符合程序规定,结构比例符合中央要求。  相似文献   

马克里:阿根廷新总统在11月22日举行的阿根廷总统选举第二轮投票中,反对派"变革"竞选联盟候选人毛里西奥·马克里战胜执政联盟"胜利阵线"候选人肖利,成为阿根廷历史上首次在总统选举第二轮投票中就胜出的候选人,也是自1983年阿根廷恢复民主政治以来的首位非正义党总统。马克里1959年出生在一个意大利移民家庭,父亲是阿根廷著名的企业家、阿根廷第二大财团马克里集团的创始人。马克里在阿根廷天主教大学获得民用工程学士学位。1983年,马克里与合作伙伴共同创立公司,1984年进入他父亲创立的索克马公司,1985年开始担任该公司总经理。1992年。  相似文献   

阿什拉夫·加尼:阿富汗新总统 9月21日,阿富汗独立选举委员会公维总统选举结果,候选人阿什拉夫·加尼获胜并将出任总统。 加尼来自阿富汗昔什图族家庭,1949年出生。他曾获美国哥伦比亚太学博土学位,后在加州大学伯克利分校和约翰·霍普金斯大学任教,并曾在联合国和世界银行任职。他曾随世界银行官员主持过阿富汗战后重建工作,还担任过阿富汗卸任总统卡尔扎伊的顾问,并于2002年出任卡尔扎伊过渡政府财政部长。  相似文献   

罗塞夫:连任巴西总统 巴西最高选举法院当地时间10月26日晚宣布,茌巴西总统选举第二轮投票中,劳工党候选人、现任总统罗塞夫得票率超过社会民主党候选人阿埃西奥·内韦斯,连任巴西总统。  相似文献   

<正>扩大农村基层民主,实行村民自治,是中国共产党领导亿万农民建设有中国特色的社会主义民主政治的伟大创举。1998年11月4日全国人大颁布的《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》(以下简称)《村委会组织法》规定:"选举村民委员会,由本村有先举权的村民直接提名候选人。"《村委会  相似文献   

丁盼盼 《金卡工程》2010,14(2):136-136
我国的选举制度作为我国民主制度的重要组成部分,是随着共和国的建立、成长、壮大而逐步建立和发展起来的。但是我国的选举制度是否真正做到了公平公正,候选人能不能真正代表人民的意志,这些问题都需要讨论。我国的选举制度还有很多的不完善之处,需要不断改革不断完善。  相似文献   

迪尔玛·罗塞夫:巴西首位女总统 在10月31日举行的巴西总统选举第二轮投票中,巴西执政党——劳工党候选人迪尔玛·罗塞夫成功击败对手,当选巴西新总统。迪尔玛将于2011年1月1日正式就职,接替现任总统卢拉。迪尔玛1947年12月出生于巴西一个相对富裕的家庭,17岁起便开始从事反抗军政权统治的活动,成为一名激进的极左派。  相似文献   

哥伦比亚总统选举当地时间6月17日结束第二轮投票,右翼政党民主中心党候选人伊万·杜克以53.97%的支持率击败左翼候选人彼得罗,当选哥伦比孤新任总统。现年41岁的杜克将由此成为1872年以来哥伦比亚历史上最年轻的总统,同时也是获得选票最多的当选总统。  相似文献   

连任马英九2012年台湾地区领导人选举结果于1月14日晚揭晓,中国国民党候选人马英九以过半得票率当选连任。据台湾"中选会"统计,此次台湾地区领导人选举的总投票率为74.38%。马英九及其搭档吴敦义最终获得689万1139票,  相似文献   

Valuing a capital investment as a real option (or series of options) has advantages over standard DCF valuation when the investment creates the future flexibility to delay, abandon, or expand an element of the project based on the resolution of a major source of uncertainty. The uncertainty is generally dealt with using a “volatility” term that aims to reflect the variability in the future value of the underlying asset. But there are certain situations in which the uncertainty has a second dimension. For example, drugs in development can be abandoned either because of bad technical outcomes (the drug doesn't work) or unfavorable resolutions of market risk (though the drug works, its market potential turns out to be too limited). In an article published earlier in this journal, the authors illustrated the valuation of an early‐stage pharma R&D investment using a real options approach in which the market and technical risks were folded together into the volatility parameter. In this article, the authors explain why they have concluded that this is an incorrect approach and then show how to handle market and technical risk as two separate dimensions of risk in valuing an R&D program. The potential use of this technique extends beyond pharma and biotech R&D to any situation in which the outcome of an important uncertainty is independent of the resolution of market risk associated with the underlying asset.  相似文献   

大学理念、大学精神与大学文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学理念、大学精神和大学文化,是既有联系又相互区别的概念.但由于种种原因,学界对以上三个概念的表述和理解往往存在着一些差异,概念泛化使用现象屡见不鲜.明确大学理念、大学精神与大学文化之间的联系与区别,对于我们正确把握其内在联系,继续深入探讨大学之道具有重要意义.  相似文献   

段维明  张芳  吴中明 《金融论坛》2005,10(11):51-56
本文从案例分析入手,剖析了填错卡号错汇款项纠纷案件的法律风险及各方当事人应承担的法律责任,认为不当得利第三人对汇错款项既无财产所有权又无存款债权,无权要求汇入行偿还不当得利,汇入行根据汇款人申请办理退汇手续,完全符合法律规定,法院对本汇兑纠纷案件的审理出现认定事实和适用法律错误。作者探讨了错误汇款法律救济的有关途径,阐述了此类案件对国家、社会、银行、公民等多元主体的法治启示,特别在当代银行业实现数字化、信息化并与国际接轨的背景下,本案例的探讨对依法维护汇款人、银行、收款人的合法利益具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   


Very often one has to make an estimate of some function f (m) of a certain characteristic m belonging to a certain distribution. However, m is often unknown and then it may be necessary, somehow, to estimate m with the corresponding unbiased characteristic x from a sample consisting of n individuals which may be one- or multidimensional. If f (x) is a linear function it is evident that .  相似文献   

一、具体做法 (一)制定培训规划,明确培训目标,完善培训制度 我们根据全省注册会计师行业发展情况和经济建设的需要,先后制定了《山东省注册会计师事业发展"九五"计划和2010年远景规划》(以下简称《规划》)、《山东省注册会计师后续教育培训规定》、《山东省注册会计师后续教育培训工作管理办法》、《山东省注册会计师后续教育培训工作奖励办法》、《山东省注册会计师后续教育培训兼职教师管理办法》,明确了我省今后一个较长时期内注册会计师培训工作的目标,并对培训工作的组织和管理做出了具体规定和要求,如奖励办法中规定,凡获得后续教育培训工作先进单位的事务所,按获奖单位上缴团体会费的5%,另加500元人民币进行奖励.  相似文献   

The introduction of new technology often leads to strong public concerns about potential hazards. There are situations where unfounded concerns obstruct highly beneficial developments, but, equally, there are situations where unintended consequences of new technology are overlooked and individuals are harmed. Clearly there are advantages in improving the dialogue between those introducing the technology and those who could be affected by it.

This article uses dramaturgical analysis to explore the interactions between actors in a real life case study, the introduction of a hydrogen refuelling facility in London. Dramaturgical analysis in the traditions of Burke and Goffman explores interactions from the perspective of impression management. The thesis is that the fronts that actors use must relate to the settings they find themselves in, and this matching of front with setting constrains what can credibly be communicated in any situation. This research provides insights into the differences between the front necessary for credibility within an organisation and the fronts necessary for credibility in communicating with the public. It demonstrates how communication can be blocked by the situations actors find themselves in and conflict can emerge as a substitute for effective communication.  相似文献   

全力做好奥运筹办和服务保障工作是今年海淀区的重点2007年,海淀区认真学习贯彻党的十七大和北京市,海淀区第十次党代会精神,紧紧围绕建设富裕民主文明和谐新海淀战略目标,求真务实,锐意进取,较好地完成了各项工作任务。预计全区实现生产总值1750亿元,比上年增长15%,人均生产总值超过8000美元,第三产业比重超过80%。区级财政收入115.7亿元,增长29.1%,城市居民人均可支配收入25086元,增长17%;农民人均纯收入12542元,增长14%。  相似文献   


In this paper we show that a single set of formulas will characterise a wide range of standard loans. This makes it possible to describe these loans in a compact manner and facilitates the design of computer programs calculating their characteristics. The characterisation includes the entire amortisation schedule before and after tax and the duration and convexity measures.  相似文献   

This paper examines the idea of an online collaborative competition for solutions to environmental and social problems. It asks three basic questions: What is a collaborative competition? In what sense are collaborative competitions collaborative? And in view of the social and environmental goals of the competitions, are they a contribution to sustainability practice? Prepared by a conceptual analysis, partly drawing on the arguments for extended peer review in post-normal science, and based on the in-depth analysis of one collaborative competition, it is argued that the idea of a collaborative competition is innovative and suggestive; however, in practice there is only weak evidence for collaboration - the competitive element clearly prevails. The innovation, in practice, is a new way of making visible and thereby promoting social and environmental ideas. There is some evidence for collaborative spirit, but there is only limited evidence that arguments for extended peer review apply. The design of the online collaborative competition might not promote collaboration as well as it could. Therefore, the paper ends with a discussion of possibilities for changing the design of the competition.  相似文献   

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