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我国基金家族明星基金溢出效应显著性的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明星基金溢出效应是指基金家族中业绩高且稳定的基金增加了同家族其它基金的现金流入,国外大量文献也证明基金家族中确实存在明星基金溢出效应。本文基于因子分析对基金业绩进行综合评价,选取两组基金,运用均值检验比较这两组基金现金流入的差异。实证结果显示,存在明星基金的基金组现金流入显著高于不存在明星基金的基金组现金流入,即我国基金家族明星基金溢出效应具有显著性。  相似文献   

投资者的选择与基金溢出效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重研究基金家族中明星基金对家族内部基金的溢出效应,即明星基金对基金资金流入增长率的影响。对中国证券市场54家基金家族管理的281只开放式偏股型基金的面板分析发现,拥有明星基金能够显著提高基金家族的新基金流入的增长比例,但拥有垃圾基金并不能显著地减少;明星基金比非明星基金能给自身吸引来更多的新资金,明星基金家族的非明星基金与非明星家族的基金相比没能被笼罩在这样的优质光环下。  相似文献   

全面系统地研究了基金家族长期暂停申购明星基金的内在动因及效果。运用2007年至2013年的数据,发现暂停申购明星基金可以产生溢出效应,提高基金家族的资金净流入增长率,而明星基金暂停申购后的业绩并未改善,说明暂停申购明星基金只是基金家族的一种营销手段,而不是为了保护投资者权益。  相似文献   

全面系统地研究了基金家族长期暂停申购明星基金的内在动因及效果。运用2007年至2013年的数据,发现暂停申购明星基金可以产生溢出效应,提高基金家族的资金净流入增长率,而明星基金暂停申购后的业绩并未改善,说明暂停申购明星基金只是基金家族的一种营销手段,而不是为了保护投资者权益。  相似文献   

沪深投资基金市场由于受市场结构、地理区位、经济文化等因素的影响,两市之间逐渐整合,在收益率和波动性上都存在相关性。本文利用ARCH类模型及Granger因果检验对沪深基金指数进行了实证研究,结果表明:沪深基金市场收益率存在显著相关关系,上海基金市场对于深圳基金市场具有一期前导作用,两市波动的溢出效应也是非对称的,仅存在上海对深圳的溢出效应。  相似文献   

沪深投资基金市场由于受市场结构、地理区位、经济文化等因素的影响,两市之间逐渐整合,在收益率和波动性上都存在相关性。本文利用ARCH类模型及Granger因果检验对沪深基金指数进行了实证研究,结果表明:沪深基金市场收益率存在显著相关关系,上海基金市场对于深圳基金市场具有一期前导作用,两市波动的溢出效应也是非对称的,仅存在上海对深圳的溢出效应。  相似文献   

依据中国282个城市2006-2018年政府引导基金、风险投资、发明专利以及城市经济的相关数据进行匹配,运用空间杜宾模型(SDM),实证检验政府引导基金对地区经济增长、风险投资活动以及创新产出的影响.结果表明:政府引导基金可以显著促进本地经济增长、风险投资以及创新活动的发展;但周边地区政府引导基金的成立与增加会对本地经济增长和风险投资活动产生挤出效应;周边地区政府引导基金负向的间接效应削弱了本地政府引导基金正向的直接效应,造成政府引导基金对地区经济增长和风险投资活动总效应的显著性下降.结论对平衡地区间政府引导基金的竞争关系,加强国家对政府引导基金的监管与协调发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

季勇  廖慧 《上海金融》2015,(1):59-64
本文基于Diebold and Yilmaz(2007)所提出的溢出指数,考察了全球金融市场间的溢出效应关系。研究表明,样本的收益率波动受外部影响整体较小,比较而言新兴市场经济体的收益率波动更容易受到外部因素影响;波动率的溢出效应普遍较为明显,美国、日本、德国、香港、英国和俄罗斯、巴西、印度等地区的波动溢出效应较为明显,中国大陆受波动影响程度最低;波动率的动态溢出指数能够有效地反映当前的国际重大事件,并且相关结果较为稳健;在特定时间段一定程度的资本管制能够有效的缓解溢出效应对国内造成的负面影响。  相似文献   

基于具有外生变量的二元VAR-MGARCH模型对中国货币市场利率和股价之间的关联进行了理论分析和实证研究。结果表明,利率和股价之间基本不存在价格溢出效应;货币市场利率和股价序列均表现出时变方差的特征和波动的持久性特征,货币市场和股市之间存在双向波动溢出效应;货币供给的正向冲击对利率的影响是正向的。  相似文献   

国有产权、政府干预与财务困境成本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2000~2006年发生财务困境的480个观测数据为样本,检验国有产权与政府干预如何影响财务困境成本。我们以经行业中位数调整后的正常期间资产报酬率与困境期间资产报酬率的差额度量财务困境成本,检验发现:地区政府干预程度越高,公司财务困境成本越低;在政府干预程度较高的地区,国有公司的财务困境成本显著更低;但在政府干预程度较低的地区,国有产权对财务困境成本无显著影响。  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive examination of recent mutual fund performance by analyzing a large set of both mutual funds and fund attributes in an effort to link performance to fund-specific characteristics. The results indicate that the hypothesized relationships between performance and the explanatory variables are generally upheld. After taking into consideration general market conditions and fund investment objective, the characteristic variables that relate to fund popularity, growth, cost, and management also explain performance. Finally, after controlling for survivorship and benchmark error as well as fund-specific factors, the results refute the performance persistence phenomenon.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that bonds are relatively homogenous investments compared to equities. Consequently, factors that explain variation in returns among bond mutual funds may differ in magnitude from those for equity mutual funds. In this study, a time-series cross-sectional analysis is employed to investigate the relationship between a bond fund's risk-adjusted return and specific fund attributes. Results indicate that a bond fund's past performance does not predict future performance and that bond fund managers are generally ineffective at increasing risk-adjusted returns. However, unlike equity mutual funds, bond mutual funds do appear to enjoy economies of scale.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of investment opportunities and free cash flow in explaining the source of the stock valuation effects of secured debt offerings. We find a significantly positive relation between a firm's investment opportunities and its stock price response to announcements of secured debt issues. This evidence supports the investment opportunities hypothesis that secured debt financing is more valuable for issuing firms with high growth opportunities. In contrast, we find a lack of support for the free cash flow hypothesis. These findings hold even after controlling for other potentially influential variables. Our study provides a better understanding of the relative importance of various potential determinants in explaining the variation in the valuation impact of secured debt issues.
Chia Wei HuangEmail:

Abstract:  This paper examines the influence of the position of a fund within its family on its subsequent net-inflows. Our empirical study of the US equity mutual fund market shows that reaching a top position within the family leads to large inflows. These inflows accrue beyond those expected, given the performance of the fund in its respective market segment. The effect is much stronger in large families than in small families. We also find that inflows significantly increase if a fund moves into the top positions within its family from one year to another. These results lead to competition within the fund family and to important risk taking incentives for fund managers.  相似文献   

This study investigates bank loan officers' use of financial information and reports, in particular, cash flow information and the statement of cash flow (SCF), in making lending decisions. Subjects were drawn from four groups of frequent users of financial reports-bank loan officers, auditors, financial analysts and accounting academics. Each subject was presented with the annual reports of two loan applicant companies to make two independent lending decisions based on the information provided. The SCF of one of the companies was presented in the direct format, while the other was presented in the indirect format. The indirect format of SCF was used as a surrogate for the funds flow statement. Results show that, while cash flow was the second most used financial information, the majority of the subjects obtained this information from financial statements other than the SCF, notably, the balance sheet. In terms of financial report usage, notes to the financial statements, rather than the SCF, was most frequently used. No subject made use of the incremental information provided in the SCF presented in the direct format. The results suggest that loan officers do not use the cash flow information provided by the SCF, but rely on the accounting information provided in the FFS and accrual-based financial reports.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the often-overlooked managed fund fee that is incurred when investors enter and exit managed fund products. The present paper documents that transaction costs for investors, measured by the application-redemption spread, are above stock market brokerage rates although they have declined since 1995. The study analyses the relationship between this transaction fee and several variables. In summary, retail fund transaction costs are positively related to retail funds’ assets under management, whilst this relationship is negative for larger wholesale funds, consistent with economies of scale. Direct entry and exit fees and initial commissions are positively related to transaction costs which raises the possibility that the commissions are used to levy soft-dollar payments. The paper also documents a relationship between transaction costs and fund flows which differs between retail and wholesale funds. Overall, the findings are consistent with the proposition that the various fees are used by managers as interchangeable and the different fee regimes reflect different products and markets.  相似文献   

开放式基金的风险及其风险控制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开放式基金是中国基金业发展的主流方向,作为一个金融创新品种,开放式基金必将对中国证券市场的健康发展起到越来越重要的作用。当前,开放式基金发行的“火爆”与其二级市场上的“波澜不惊”形成鲜明的反差,同时也为理论研究提供了一个很好的切入点。与封闭式基金相比,开放式基金有其优点,但也有其风险。本认为、外两方面着重分析了开放式基金的风险,并给出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the purchases and redemptions of a large cross-sectional sample of German equity funds. We find that investors not only punish bad performance by selling their shares, but also have a tendency to sell winners. Investors in large fund families show higher sales and redemption rates. Furthermore, family size also affects the flow-performance relationship: investors in large families punish bad performance more. Last, we find that inner family rankings play an important part for redemptions, with investors strongly redeeming their shares from intra-family losers. This result provides a potential reconciliation to the apparent contradiction between the low average holding period of mutual fund investors and the lack of investor discipline.  相似文献   

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