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文章采用实证研究方法,探讨了物流服务质量与消费者网站购买意愿之间的关系,通过引入网站信任的概念,充实了电商发展环境下的在线购物研究。在对遍布多个行业消费者的近400份问卷数据进行统计分析基础上,文章认为:物流服务质量对消费者网站购买意愿有显著正向影响,且网站信任在物流服务质量和消费者网站购买意愿之间起部分中介作用。另外,不同学历和收入水平的消费者在理解物流服务质量上存在显著差异,即学历和收入水平越高的消费者,对物流服务质量的感知越敏感,也越容易因此产生不同水平的网站信任,进而影响到购买意愿;而不同性别和年龄的消费者在这方面没有显著差异。  相似文献   

本文基于所构建的利益感知对消费者绿色品牌购买意向影响的概念模型和提出的相关假设,运用结构方程模型和多层回归等方法实证分析发现:功能性利益感知和情感性利益感知对绿色品牌购买意向有显著正向影响,享乐性利益感知的影响不显著,且三者均对消费者幸福感有显著正向影响;幸福感仅在功能性利益感知和情感性利益感知对绿色品牌购买意向的影响中发挥部分中介作用;自我概念清晰性正向调节享乐性利益中尝新利益感知对消费者幸福感的影响。据此提出,企业应在提高绿色品牌环保功效的同时,注重保障绿色品牌产品品质;应重视以消费者幸福感提升为导向的绿色品牌利益创造;应根据不同消费者自我概念认知程度细分绿色品牌市场,采取差异化的绿色品牌创新性信息传播策略。  相似文献   

本文分析了社交购物网站用户体验对分享和购买行为的作用机理,实证研究结果表明,网站态度受到认知体验、情感体验和可用性体验的正向影响,产品态度受到认知体验和可用性体验的正向影响;社会体验对用户的产品态度、社区态度的影响不显著;用户的分享行为受到网站态度和产品态度的积极影响,购买行为仅受到网站态度的影响。最后,根据研究结果提出管理建议。  相似文献   

文章应用结构方程模型对消费者使用社交网站购买虚拟物品的态度影响因素进行了实证分析,结果发现,购物环境的感知有用性、感知匹配度、感知乐趣对在社交网站上购买虚拟物品的态度有直接影响,信任、感知易用性与主观规范对使用社交网站购买虚拟物品没有直接影响,同时,提出社交网站开展虚拟电子商务的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着信息经济的迅猛发展,网络环境下的消费者行为越来越被广大的商家和学者所关注。本文探讨顾客消费情感与感知风险和行为意向的关系。在文献研究的基础上,提出了概念模型,并通过对旅游电子商务网站作实证调查,运用结构方程模型分析等分析方法,对这个模型进行了实证检验,得出以下结论:1、正面消费情感对感知风险有显著的负向影响;负面消费情感对感知风险有显著的正向影响;2、正面消费情感对行为意向有显著的正向影响,负面消费情感对行为意向有显著的负向影响;3、感知风险对行为意向有显著的负向影响。  相似文献   

消费者的CSR-CA观念及其对CSR与购买意向关系的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实证研究表明,在企业社会责任(CSR)与企业能力(CA)关系方面,绝大多数消费者持相互促进(Win—Win)观念而不是相互对立(Trade—off)观念。进一步研究显示,同样是持Win—Win观念的消费者,程度不同,对CSR与购买意向关系有不同的影响:持强CSR—CA相互促进观念的消费者与持弱CSR—CA相互促进观念的消费者对CSR水平较高和一般的企业生产的产品的购买意向没有显著差异,但对于CSR水平较低的企业生产的产品,前者的购买意向显著低于后者。  相似文献   

通过对相关文献的回顾和总结,在消费者、企业访谈的基础上,提出了网站体验、网站信任、品牌信任三者之间的关系模型。在中国绿色食品网按照顺序抽取了198家绿色大米生产企业的网站(不包括没有独立网站的企业)作为研究对象,对梧州学院198名大学生进行了问卷调查,通过调查情况掌握了我国网站体验、网站信任、品牌信任的基本情况,并且通过实证研究证明:网站体验对品牌信任有直接的显著的影响,同时网站体验还通过网站信任这个中间变量对品牌信任有间接影响;网站的内容性与互动性与品牌信任有显著的正向关系;网站的易用性、内容性、安全性、互动性与网站信任有显著的正向关系;网站信任与品牌信任有显著的正向关系。同时,根据调查的结果以及各个变量之间的相关关系,提出了改进网站的建议。  相似文献   

文章基于消费者—品牌情感的新视角细致考察了消费者国货意识不同维度与外国产品品牌购买意向之间的内在机制.通过对418个有效样本的实证分析发现:其一,消费者国货意识对外国品牌产品购买意向具有显著的负向影响,而基于危机感的国货意识比基于自豪感的国货意识具有更强的负向影响;其二,消费者—品牌情感的两个不同维度对消费者国货意识与外国品牌产品购买意向之间的关系具有显著的调节作用,且不同维度对两者关系的调节方向恰好相反.该研究结论为现存研究争议提出了一种消费者—品牌情感视角下的理论辩护.最后,文章基于研究结论提出了企业进行国际营销时的管理建议.  相似文献   

中国跨境电商网站迅速发展,很多跨境电商平台如天猫国际、 京东全球购、 洋码头等电商平台纷纷抢占市场.在这种背景下,在线评论对凭借其自身蕴含的丰富信息量逐渐成为影响消费者购买决策的重要因素.追加评价是在线评价的一种形式,近年来各大电商平台也纷纷增加了追加评论的功能,相较于初次评价,其更具有感知有用性.为了研究跨境电商网站上在线追加评论对消费者购买意愿的影响作用,文章以天猫国际电商平台为研究对象,基于相关文献做出系列假设,并采用问卷调查和相关统计分析来验证假设.分析发现,追加评论本身特征以及评论者可靠性对感知有用性有显著的正向影响,感知有用性对购买意愿有显著的正向影响;在调节作用方面,产品卷入度与消费者专业性在追加评论效价和追加评论质量对消费者追加评论感知有用性的影响中起到显著调节作用.  相似文献   

电子商务背景下,在线口碑成为影响消费者购买意愿的重要因素。以黑箱理论视角,对在线口碑的信息属性、传播平台及过程传播者对在线口碑的接收者(最终消费者)购买意愿的影响进行实证分析。结果表明,在线口碑信息属性中数量具有多重性影响,信息效价具有正向影响;传播平台的可信度具有正向影响,忠诚度并不显著;过程传播者中意见领袖、早期使用者皆具有正向影响。  相似文献   

近年来,国家出台各种政策措施促进再制造产业发展,但是由于多方面原因,客户在产品选择上往往将再制造产品列为下策。本研究采用扎根理论分析客户采购关注点对再制造产品购买意愿的影响,并检验了政府促进政策的调节效应。研究发现,客户对品牌的信任、质量感知、成本控制意识对再制造产品购买意愿有正向影响,而客户的社会责任观对再制造产品购买意愿影响不显著。此外,政府的促进政策对客户的品牌信任、质量感知、社会责任观和再制造产品购买意愿之间的关系有正向调节效应,但是在政府的促进政策中,直接补贴对成本控制意识和再制造产品购买意愿之间的关系没有调节效应,而“以旧换再”对这两者有正向调节效应。该研究结论的理论意义在于从再制造这一特殊工业品角度研究了购买意愿的影响因素及其调节机制,有助于完善组织市场购买行为理论;实践意义为有助于再制造企业更好地吸引客户购买,有助于提高政府促进政策的有效性提供指导建议。  相似文献   

Pui-Lai  Chechen  Tzu-Hua   《Technovation》2007,27(12):774-787
Electronic commerce has been growing rapidly. Although business-to-consumer electronic commerce has created new opportunities for businesses, questions about consumer shopping motivations toward Internet shopping versus conventional shopping continue to persist. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Internet shopping motivations from both utilitarian and hedonic perspectives. The differential effects of these dual motivations on both search intention and purchase intention are examined. An integrated model of shopping motivations on the Internet is proposed. A structural equation model is developed to test the casual effects between variables.The study finds that utilitarian motivation is a determinant of consumer intention to search and intention to purchase. Hedonic motivation has a direct impact on intention to search and indirect impact on intention to purchase. While these dual motivations have significant effects, utilitarian motivation is the strongest predictor of intention to search and intention to purchase. Utilitarian motivation is influenced by convenience, cost saving, information availability, and selection; hedonic motivation is influenced by adventure, and authority and status. The study serves as a basis for the future growth of Internet marketing.  相似文献   

本文基于顾客参与理论及相关研究文献,以美发业为分析单位,建立顾客参与对行为意向影响的关系模型,在问卷调查的基础上得出数据,并运用SPSS15.0和LISREL软件进行结构方程模型等分析以验证假设检验。实证分析结果表明:顾客参与的信息分享维度对服务质量和行为意向的影响不显著;顾客参与的责任行为维度对服务质量和行为意向分别产生正向显著影响;顾客参与的人际互动维度对服务质量产生直接影响,并以服务质量为中介变量影响行为意向。因此,建议服务企业鼓励顾客参与服务传递过程、加强关系营销并不断提高服务质量。  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of firms׳ policies with respect to procurement, sales, and interfirm personal relationship (guanxi) on industrial purchasers׳ inclination to adopt gray procurement (a particular type of unethical behaviors in industrial purchasing) using data from industrial purchaser’s in China. The effect of a firm׳s purchasing policy on purchasers׳ behavioral intention towards gray procurement was, in addition to the direct effect, mediated by the purchasers׳ ethical judgment of the practice. The application of double standards (i.e., a firm forbids gray procurement by its own purchasers but tolerates its salespersons offering inducements to its customers׳ industrial purchasers) had both main effects and moderating effect on the purchasers׳ ethical judgment of the practice, which increases the purchasers׳ behavioral intention towards the practice. The two moderating effects of guanxi policy counteracted each other in direction, so jointly the effect of guanxi policy on the purchasers׳ intention may depend on the relative strength of the two moderating effects.  相似文献   

The focus of the present paper was to identify the key role of usability in SME’s Website design. A conceptual model has been proposed to show how buying intention antecedents are reinforced in highly usable contexts. The model is founded on the relationships between usability, perceived risk, pleasure attitudes and buying intention. To test our model an “ideal” fictitious Website was designed by two graphic designers for a non existent small clothing company directed at the segment of middle class consumers. Manipulating the usability of this Website, another week navigable Website was created to apply our model in a different context. This experiment prepared based on the results previously obtained through a qualitative study developed through seven focus groups. Results show that Internet user develops positive attitudes when navigating through simple, fast and orderly (usable) SME’s Websites. This leads to greater buying intentions. Also, as perceived risk decreases the Internet user’s buying intention increases significantly.  相似文献   

社交网的迅猛发展以及其用户广、时效性高、粘性强等特点,为企业提供了传播品牌的极好平台.本文以文献回顾和信息传播机理为理论基础,提出了企业借助社交网植入品牌信息从而启动好友关系链传播品牌的概念模型,并以伊利舒化奶在腾讯QQ空间的植入式广告游戏为案例,分析了其植入式广告游戏的娱乐性、一致性和奖励策略,以及好友间互动产生的用户原创内容对品牌传播的影响,以此探讨了企业基于社交网发布品牌信息启动泛关系链传播品牌的机理.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of status motivation on customers' purchase intention of a green‐luxury car associated with owning a green‐luxury car, and whether materialism and horizontal–vertical individualism/collectivism moderate this relationship. The quantitative research methodology using online survey technique was used to collect cross‐cultural data from respondents (507) from China and Germany. Purposive sampling technique was used to identify and collect data from current and prospective customers of the BMW brand. Collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results demonstrated that materialism and cultural value (horizontal–vertical collectivism and vertical individualism) can serve as moderators of the effects of status motivation and purchase intention of the green‐luxury car. Although some studies have explored the factors involved in customer purchasing behaviour for green‐luxury products, our results theoretically and empirically show that materialism, vertical individualism, horizontal collectivism, and vertical collectivism enhance the positive effects of status motivation on customer purchasing behaviour for a green‐luxury car.  相似文献   

The blended e-learning system (BELS), combining face-to-face classes with e-learning modules, is now widely used in education. The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the factors affecting nurses’ behavioral intentions of using the BELS. We synthesized the technology acceptance model, the information system (IS) success model, and perceived enjoyment (PE) into a hypothesized model to discuss and predict nurses’ intentions of using the BELS continuously. Self-reporting questionnaires were distributed to district hospitals and regional hospitals in central Taiwan. From the 800 distributed questionnaires, we received 557 completed questionnaires, yielding a response rate of 69.6%. Structural equation modeling was used to show that information quality, system quality, and service quality significantly affect perceived usefulness (PU) and the perceived ease of use (PEOU). The effect of service quality on PU, however, was not significant. PU, PEOU, and PE were significantly related to the attitude, and indirectly, to the behavioral intention of using the BELS. This research contributed to the literature by (1) identifying the IS success model (information quality, system quality, and service quality) and PE as antecedents of BELS usage; (2) advancing the theoretical development of behavioral intention regarding nurses’ use of the BELS; (3) providing empirical support for the effects of external factors on the PU and PEOU, which lead to attitude and behavioral intention of usage; and (4) providing hospital managers with a reference for assessing future developments and approaches to promote the BELS.  相似文献   

本研究采用实验的方法挖掘广告调节聚焦信息对消费者非欺诈性仿冒奢侈品购买意愿的影响机理。研究结果表明,奢侈品广告信息对消费者仿冒奢侈品购买意愿的影响受消费者自尊水平的调节:对于高自尊的消费者,当广告信息为预防聚焦时,其仿冒奢侈品的购买意愿更低;对于低自尊的消费者,广告调节聚焦信息对其仿冒奢侈品购买意愿的影响不显著。广告信息对消费者仿冒奢侈品购买意愿的影响还受消费者从众倾向的调节:对于低从众倾向的消费者,当广告信息为预防聚焦时,其仿冒奢侈品的购买意愿更低;对于高从众倾向的消费者,广告调节聚焦信息对其仿冒奢侈品购买意愿的影响不显著。  相似文献   

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