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In this paper, we estimate hedonic price equations of Japanese commercial and residential land prices for a 25-year period and to investigate possible structural changes in these price equations. Our price equations are based on transaction prices, not appraised land values, of commercial land in Central Business Districts of Tokyo (Chiyoda Ward, Chuo Ward, and Minato Ward), and residential land of its suburb (Setagaya Ward). We find that price structure differs substantially among locations, reflecting differences in supplier pricing and end-user preferences. We also find significant structural changes in price structure, identifying pre-bubble, bubble and post-bubble periods.
Chihiro ShimizuEmail:

This paper concerns the estimation of granular property price indices in commercial real estate and residential markets. We specify and apply a repeat sales model with multiple stochastic log price trends having a hierarchical additive structure: One common log price trend and cluster specific log price trends in deviation from the common trend. Moreover, we assume that the error terms potentially have a heavy tailed (t) distribution to effectively deal with outliers. We apply the hierarchical repeat sales model on commercial properties in the Philadelphia/Baltimore region and on residential properties in a small part of Amsterdam. The results show that the hierarchical repeat sales model provides reliable indices on a very detailed level based on a small number of observations. The estimated degrees of freedom for the t-distribution is small, largely rejecting the commonly made assumption of normality of the error term.  相似文献   

Taking the recent benchmark land prices published by the Chinese city governments, the paper estimates commercial and residential land price curves of Chinese cities using cross-sectional data, controlling for urban population size and income level. The urban land leasing price–distance relationship is estimated based on the argument that monocentric urban structure is representative for Chinese cities. Both population size and income level are found to positively affect urban land price and price–distance gradients. Commercial land prices are higher than residential land prices except in suburbs or outer central urban areas, where the land prices of different uses converge. In most situations, commercial use price gradients are larger than those of residential use.
Rui WangEmail:

This research explores the impact of mobile home parks on the value of single-family homes. This is the first study that empirically analyzes the effect of mobile home parks on property values. The empirical methodology used attempts to address the potential identification problem that exists within this study; it is possible that mobile home parks are located in areas of relatively lower land values or next to other land uses that impact property values. To address this identification problem, mobile home park locations are treated as endogenous within the model and the mobile home parks are identified as being located in residential or non-residential areas. The results suggest a negative effect on the selling price of single-family dwellings in close proximity to mobile home parks located in residential areas.  相似文献   

By splitting the spatial effects into building and neighborhood effects, this paper develops a two order spatio-temporal autoregressive model to deal with both the spatio-temporal autocorrelations and the heteroscedasticity problem arising from the nature of multi-unit residential real estate data. The empirical results based on 54,282 condominium transactions in Singapore between 1990 and 1999 show that in the multi-unit residential market, a two order spatio-temporal autoregressive model incorporates more spatial information into the model, thus outperforming the models originally developed in the market for single-family homes. This implies that the specification of a spatio-temporal model should consider the physical market structure as it affects the spatial process. It is found that the Bayesian estimation method can produce more robust coefficients by efficiently detecting and correcting heteroscedasticity, indicating that the Bayesian estimation method is more suitable for estimating a real estate hedonic model than the conventional OLS estimation. It is also found that there is a trade off between the heteroscedastic robustness and the incorporation of spatial information into the model estimation. The model is then used to construct building-specific price indices. The results show that the price indices for different condominiums and the buildings within a condominium do behave differently, especially when compared with the aggregate market indices.This paper was presented at the Singapore–Hong Kong International Real Estate Research Symposium, organized by the Department of Real Estate, National University of Singapore, from 18 to 19 July, 2003.  相似文献   

One can conceptualize a house as a bundle comprising a reproducible tangible structure and a non-reproducible plot of land. When the value of a home is decomposed this way, land capitalizes the market value of a home's location. We develop a formal relationship between the dynamics of house prices, structures costs and land prices, and thereby construct the first constant-quality price and quantity indexes for the aggregate stock of residential land in the United States. In a range of applications we show that these series can shed light on trends, fluctuations and regional variation in the price of housing.  相似文献   

Municipal governments in China established direct control of the supply of urban land in August 2004. This paper examines whether this government action mitigates the efficiency of the residential land market. Using a unique data set of detailed land and residential community transactions with manually collected location information for residential land lots in seven Chinese cities, this paper analyzes the relationship between the land lease prices and residential property prices from the first quarter of 2001 to the fourth quarter of 2007. Results indicate that property prices determined land prices both before and after 2004:3, but the effect was significantly weaker after 2004:3. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the market for residential land became less efficient after municipal governments gained direct control of the land supply.  相似文献   

The repeat sales methodology for estimating residential price indices is based on actual appreciation of individual properties. On the other hand, the repeat sales method wastes data, typically discarding a large percentage of all sales. This article explores two issues related to the subsample of repeat sales. First, are paired sales representative of the entire population of properties that sold? Second, is there evidence that sample selectivity biases the price trend estimates? Evidence from five metropolitan areas supports a negative answer to the first question and the second question. It appears that a “lemon” or “starter home” effect causes repeat residential sales to be a biased subsample of all transactions. Cumulative price trends for the repeat subsamples can differ from the full samples over periods ranging from two to ten quarters. While short-term price trends can differ widely, there are no systematic differences among the samples over long periods of time (e.g., three years or more).  相似文献   

国土资源部中国土地勘测规划院近日公布了2013年第一季度全国城市地价监测数据,数据显示,一线城市住宅地价全部环比上涨,二线城市中除哈尔滨外全部上涨,三线城市上涨的占81.15%。专家称货币宽松和流动性释放推动地价上涨,房地产开发用地供地面积同比增幅超过45%,目前我国房地产市场调控仍处于关键时期,调控土地价格势在必行。本文归纳总结了目前我国土地价格上涨情况,收集整理了国外部分国家调控土地价格的经验做法,提出了抑制我国土地价格上涨的建议。  相似文献   

There has been copious research work on the development of house price models and the construction of house price indices. However, results in some studies revealed that the accuracy of such indices could be subject to selection bias when using only information from a sample of sold properties to estimate value movements for the entire housing stock. In particular, estimated house price appreciation is usually systematically higher among properties that change hands more frequently. It therefore suggests that the determination of important factors affecting the transaction frequency or intensity of a housing unit should be a more fundamental research question. This paper examines the possible factors that determine the popularity of residential unit by means of a repeated sales pattern. The Poisson regression model and event history analysis techniques are employed to assess the effect of attributes on transaction frequency and intensity. The event history analyses technique can take account of transaction-specific as well as time-dependent covariates, and therefore is recommended for analyzing repeated sales data in a real estate market. All transaction records during the period 1993–2000 from the Land Registry of one of the most popular residential estates in Hong Kong were used to illustrate the method. Unlike a response to favorable transaction price, good quality units do not necessarily inherently display a high transaction frequency. Rather, units of average quality are more likely to be transactionally active.  相似文献   

采用Tapio方法和区位熵法,分别构建住宅用地供求的脱钩指数和空间供求结构指数,测度2009-2017年湖南省14个市州住宅用地供应与人口变化的时序协调性和空间协调性。结果发现:全省住宅用地供应与城镇人口增长存在时序不协调,除长沙市、邵阳市和岳阳市住宅用地供应与人口增速属于扩张性挂钩外,其它城市均表现为扩张相对负脱钩,甚至部分市州在2010年出现绝对负脱钩。不同市州的不同类型的住宅用地(普通商品房和安居工程用地)供应与人口变化存在不同程度的空间分配失调。  相似文献   

This paper studies the extent to which equilibrium land auction prices are pushed up sequentially due to strategic bidding behaviors in government land auction sales. Using a unique dataset that covers the universe of tendering prices submitted by all developers for all residential land auction sales in Singapore, we find that a tenderer’s bids are significantly higher where there was a previous land parcel sold within two years and located within four kilometers. The identified price margin decreases with time and geographic distance. Tracking sequential bids submitted by the same developer over time, we find that the incumbent winner of a previous auction is more likely to participate in subsequent nearby land sales as compared to the second-highest bidder of the same auction. However, it does not necessarily win the subsequent sites. We argue that the incumbent deliberately bids up the subsequent land prices to gain pricing advantages to their own parcels.  相似文献   

This paper develops constant-quality price indices for three categories of real estate-apartment buildings, vacant land, and condominiums—for the city of Geneva, Switzerland. We use both the hedonic and repeat sales models to estimate the price level and, in turn, the rate of price change. The general pattern of each series suggests that real estate prices in Geneva were fairly stable throughout the 1970s, increased sharply during the 1980s, but gave back some of these gains in the early 1990s. Interestingly, the sharp rise in prices in the second half of the 1980s is very similar to that found in some regions of the United States. We also consider the problem, implicit in the repeat sales method, of revisions in previously estimated price indices as additional data become available in later years.  相似文献   

Long-term leases on property are popular in many jurisdictions, both with private vendors and with local governments who want to retain future control over land use. A puzzling issue for vendors and purchasers has been how to value these leased properties relative to fee-simple properties. Simple present-value models suggest that there should be little difference between the price of fee-simple land and the price of long-term leases. Transaction prices in Canada on 80-year to 100-year residential leases, however, are 20 percent to 40 percent less than comparable fee-simple properties. We outline a financial model for valuing leased properties. The value of the option to upgrade or redevelop is considered. We show that the large part of the discount of leased properties from fee-simple properties can be explained by this option to redevelop.  相似文献   

中国转型期城乡收入差距呈扩大趋势,城乡收入差距偏大;城镇居民收入增长率明显大于农村居民收入增长率.重工业优先发展战略、二元的价格制度是中国转型期城乡收入差距扩大的历史成因;财税体制、金融体制、户籍制度是根本原因;此外,农村土地产权制度、二元的计划生育政策、制度变迁扩大了城乡收入差距.  相似文献   

The standard urban model supports the concept of a constant land price gradient throughout the urban area. It is a reasonable conjecture that the land price gradient would vary with direction from the CBD. The variation in the gradient could be caused by a number of factors, but the idea that the land price gradient is flatter along radial transportation routes than in other directions is widely recognized even though there is little rigorous empirical work supporting this belief. This paper will examine the structure of urban land prices with a focus on the land price gradient as a function of the direction around the center of the city using a piecewise linear function. The added flexibility in the gradient estimate gained by this approach reveals a dramatically varying directional land price gradient.
Henry J. MunnekeEmail:

Containing various information, economic policy uncertainty reflects significant rises and declines when facing shocks like financial crisis, oil-price change, and other specific economic or policy events. This paper empirically studies the interaction between oil prices and the newly formulated economic policy uncertainty indices using a time-varying parameter vector autoregression framework. Generally, the results of this study suggest that economic policy uncertainty reveals fluctuating responses to oil price shocks, while the oil price has a negative response to the uncertainty. The findings also reveal that the economic policy uncertainty indices for oil-importers and oil-exporters respond to oil price shocks differently. The oil price shock has a larger fluctuation to the economic policy uncertainty of oil-exporters than that of importers. Moreover, for the oil-exporters, the negative response to the oil price shock is greater than that of the oil-importing countries. This paper also discusses the impact of asymmetric shocks of oil price on economic policy uncertainty. In particular, after two financial crises, positive shocks decrease the uncertainty and vice versa. These findings are robustly verified.  相似文献   

Art is priceless, but paintings, and other objects, have been sold on markets since the time of the Roman Empire. In this paper, we describe a method for constructing a price index for paintings and compare this index to the indices of various financial markets. In particular, we discuss whether the price of art is related to financial markets, whether the art market is weakly efficient, and whether it is more or less risky than financial markets.  相似文献   

Adjusting for Non-Linear Age Effects in the Repeat Sales Index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A true constant quality real estate price index should measure the general change in price level free from any change in quality over time. In recent years, the repeat-sales method has been widely used to construct constant quality property price indices. Since buildings depreciate over time, a simple repeat-sales index would underestimate the growth in property prices. The major problem of controlling the effects of age constant in a repeat-sales model arises from the exact multicollinearity between the age variable and the time dummy variables. In this study, we derive a solution that is theoretically sound and practical by allowing the age effects to be non-linear. In case of leasehold properties, we further incorporated interest rates into the model because the effects of age on real estate prices depend theoretically on interest rates. A sample of residential units in Hong Kong sold more than once from Quarter 2 of 1991 to Quarter 1 of 2001 (more than 11,000 repeat sales pairs) are used for the empirical analysis.  相似文献   

This article reveals aspects of lakefront property pricing especially with respect to lot frontage and depth. A clearer understanding of how these lot dimensions affect price should be of interest to those engaged in lake development, land use control, valuation, and marketing. A data set with eighty observations of vacant Lake Michigan residential properties sales is used. The unique geography of northwest Michigan provides an opportunity to tackle empirical issues associated with zoning when zoning is correlated with lot attributes, such as lot topography.  相似文献   

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