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晋旭 《中国证券期货》2013,(3X):293-293
21世纪的竞争,是经济和综合国力的竞争,实际是科技和教育的竟争,归根结底是人才的竞争。人才的培养依靠教育,"振兴教育的根本在于教师",有高素质、高水平的教师才能培养出高质量的人才。数学素质教育有赖于教师素质的提高。中学数学教师应具备的能力素质包括:较强的数学能力,教学能力和一定的教育科研能力。  相似文献   

民族地区的师范院校主要承担着为民族地区培养中小学教师的重任。师范生免费教育政策对于落实教育优先发展战略、促进教育公平和社会的和谐发展具有重大意义。在参照部属师范院校师范生免费的政策下,如在民族地区也推行师范生免费政策,必将极大促进教育资源的合理分布,促进当地经济的和谐发展。  相似文献   

高等师范院校的音乐教育担负着为中、小学培养素质全面的合格教师的重任,但随着时代的发展,高等师范院校音乐专业的课程设置和教育理念已不能适应社会和学生从业的要求,必须进行改革,才能实现培养学生创新能力和艺术实践能力、提高学生综合素质的教育目标.  相似文献   

面对新的形势,高等职业教育定位是培养应用型高技能专门人才。教师素质的高低直接影响教育教学的质量。为从根本上解决人才培养和使用的脱节问题,要求高职教师要有多方面的素质。高职教师在新形势下应具备哪些基本素质以及如何培养,本文对此进行一些浅显的分析,并提出几点建议。  相似文献   

鞠秋芳 《中国外资》2010,(12):227-227
良好的教师素质。不仅是有效教育的基础和前提,也是学生学习的直接内容.是有效的教育工具或手段。教师的品格意志、道德面貌、情感态度、学识能力和言行举止都会对学生产生潜移默化的影响,具有巨大的教育价值。因此,在课程改革中,提高教师素质,可以说是实施素质教育和提高教育质量的根本措施之一。  相似文献   

项目教学是一种新型的教育教学模式,强调以学生为主体,以完成教师布置的任务为依托,通过多样化、个性化解决任务的方法来展示学生的学习成果,有助于培养学生的自主能力和职业能力。高校实施项目教学模式,能够弥补传统教学的不足,体现现代高等教育功能,促进高等教育改革,培养综合素质高的大学生。  相似文献   

杨晶 《中国外资》2013,(23):287-287
高职教育是以培养具有一定理论知识和实践能力,面向第一线职业技术岗位的实用型、技能型专门人才为目的的职业技术教育。高职教育中药学微生物教学的目标是培养学生从事药学微生物技术领域高级技工的素质和能力,而药学微生物是生化制药技术专业的专业基础课,旨在使学生掌握扎实的药学微生物基础知识和较强的实践操作技能,能够独立完成药品生产过程中的微生物培养、检验等工作,并能使学生养成科学严谨的工作作风,形成良好的职业素质,为今后胜任相关岗位的工作打下坚实的基础。因此,应将教学重点放在训练学生掌握药物的生产、储存和药物运输过程的质量控制中应用到的微生物操作技术上,然而,以往其授课,基本上是本科教育的压缩,主要偏重理论教学。  相似文献   

教育部下发的《大学英语课程教学要求》明确表达了教师素质是提高教学质量的关键,也是大学英语课程建设与发展的关键。目前,大学英语教师素质存在教师学历、英语学科教学知识、英语语言能力、职业倦怠等方面的问题。教师要努力提高自身素质,教育主管部门及各级院校也要切实采取措施提高大学英语教师素质,确保大学英语教学改革的成功。  相似文献   

董大伟 《中国外资》2013,(22):236-236
在当前的素质教育中,教师是先导者和实施者,教师的综合素质和教学能力,直接影响着学生学习计算机的兴趣和解决实际问题的能力,高校计算机教师只有本着静下心来教书,潜下心来育人,只有重视自身素质的培养,才能适应社会的发展。  相似文献   

李晓坤 《中国外资》2013,(10):270-270
在现今教育教学中,已经由单纯传授学生知识转变为培养学生的综合素质能力,这就要求教师也要转变传统的以分数为主的教学方式,寻求适合当代学生全面发展的教学方法。在药物化学教学中,案例式教学法的提出和实施能够巩固学生的知识,有助于培养学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力,是一种教学效果较为显著的教学方式。  相似文献   

When using school performance indicators for the purposes of accountability and school choice, it is very important that measures are stable over time. This issue is very relevant when the system is based on the allocation of students to the same teachers for the whole educational cycle (e.g. at primary school level). Using administrative data provided by the National Evaluation Committee for Education (INVALSI), we explore the stability of performance estimates for Italian primary schools. We first construct school performance metrics using INVALSI standardised tests, by taking advantage of a rich array of individual‐level variables (including prior achievement) that allow us to estimate a school effect in a ‘value added’ perspective. We assess differences in performance across schools and the persistence of these differences across cohorts. We find that controlling for compositional differences is important; therefore, estimates of school performances are unstable across metrics, and correlations across cohorts decline over time.  相似文献   

教师信念是教师对教育、教学、学习及学生相关概念的看法。英语教师信念在提高英语教学质量、推进大学英语教学改革及教师自身发展等方面有着重要意义。当前,为培养学生的英语综合应用能力、使学生能用英语有效进行交流,高校全面推行大学英语教学改革。为了解大学英语教师信念的当前状况、检视大学英语教师所持信念是否符合大学英语教学改革的基本要求,笔者对内蒙古工业大学的大学英语教师进行了一项问卷调查。调查结果显示:英语教师所持信念总体上符合我国大学英语教学改革所倡导的交际型英语教学;同时,鉴于学生的具体情况,大部分教师并未摒弃传统的语法教学;教师信念主要来源于反复教学实践、学生反馈和课后反思。基于调查结果笔者建议广大英语教师从多种渠道获取先进的教师信念,以促进自身的教学实践、专业发展和进一步推进大学英语教学改革。  相似文献   

本文是一项对在非英语专业大学生的听说课上开展新闻报道提高大学生英语听说能力的实证研究。研究结果表明:首先,新闻报道活动有效地提高了学生的听说积极性和综合能力。其次,学生的英语程度影响了学生参与活动的热情和活动表现力。此外,学生对新闻的选择有利于教师了解学生的喜好。研究还讨论了新闻报道活动中出现的问题及解决办法。  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古和新疆共8所高职院校400名学生关于"民族地区高职院校德育状况问卷调查",得出了德育课程的实施状况,学生对德育课程的要求,学校开展德育实践活动的效果以及职业道德教育状况。提出了民族地区加强高职德育师资队伍建设,提高高职德育实践教学效果,注重职业道德教育的建议。  相似文献   

张勋  寇晶涵  张欣  吕光明 《金融研究》2021,497(11):97-116
优质教育资源可能形成于学校的教育质量,也可能来源于生源质量。房地产的市场化定价机制为探讨优质教育资源的背后形成机制提供了便利。本文利用北京市二手房成交数据,采用特征价格模型和边界固定效应法,估算了学区房溢价。在此基础上,利用学校层面的教育质量信息,探讨了教育质量对学区房溢价的解释力。实证结果表明,以学校物质资本和教师人力资本所表征的教育质量是学区房溢价,即优质教育资源的主要来源,解释了总体学区房溢价的64.71%,这种解释力在考虑了潜在的内生性问题后依旧稳健。进一步通过量化北京市的三个教育强区(西城区、东城区和海淀区)中教育质量的解释力,发现优质教育资源既可形成于优质生源集聚,也可形成于教育经费投入长期累积所带来的教育质量的提升。义务教育均衡化改革,推动优质公共投入的公平供给,是平抑高企的学区房价格的有效手段。  相似文献   


Advocates of the case method in accounting education have provided strong arguments in favour of this classroom approach. However, a primary objection has been unanswered. Cases generate ‘canned’ solutions that, when passed between students, jeopardize the accountability of individual efforts and the educational value of the exercise. Although students have leveraged computer technology to exacerbate this problem, academic staff generally have not ‘fought fire with fire.’ This paper shows how computer technology, through the use of artificial intelligence, can restore the confidence that each student will work his/her own case solution and, therefore, will extract the intended educational value from the effort. With computer technology made to act intelligently, the case method in accounting classes should become more robust as a primary pedagogical device.  相似文献   

大学英语精品课程的建设适应了构建主义和人文主义的思想,以学生为中心,以提高学生的语言能力和自主学习能力为目标,恰好可以和当前的大学英语教学改革有机的结合起来。经过两年的建设,该课程在一定程度上发挥了精品课程对教学的示范和指导作用,推动了大学英语教学的改革和发展,带动了大学英语教师队伍的建设。在实践中我们发现,大学英语精品课程的建设还有一些不足之处,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   


This exploratory study is designed to elicit and understand the views of Mainland Chinese students concerning their learning experience in an Australian accounting education programme. The article contributes to the literature by investigating the issues and implications associated with international students’ perceptions of teaching, as little research has been undertaken in this context. Data were obtained from focus group interviews at two Australian universities, comprising students who had no prior experience of Western education. Based on an adaptation of Ramsden's 2003 model [Learning to teach in higher education (2nd ed.). London: Routledge], the data show that the students’ educational experience in China has a direct and negative influence on their perceptions of the teaching and learning experience in Australia. The negativity is particularly strong for entry-level students but dissipates to some extent with time. Issues concerning teachers’ enthusiasm, commitment, delivery skills and students’ expectations also emerged as important factors affecting student perceptions.  相似文献   

Debra Bateman 《Futures》2012,44(1):14-23
There is much rhetoric in education about the ways in which students are prepared for ‘the future’. The notion of the future in Australian education is dominantly singular, vague and abstract. This paper describes research which investigates changes which occur within teacher practices, enacted curriculum and student learning. The case study at the centre of this research focuses on a primary school south-east of Melbourne, Australia, which is internationally acknowledged as ‘innovative and leading’ in ‘educating for the future’. Initially, it was apparent that this notion of the future was assumed, and these specific teachers had given little thought to what that future looked like, or how that related to students’ learning requirements. As a result of professional learning, the teachers underwent temporal transformation, in integrating explicit futures dimensions within their curriculum. Arising from this research were significant key findings which highlight the need for a reconceptualisation of the ways in which curriculum and pedagogy are enacted in regards to notions of multiple futures. Furthermore, it generates renewed calls for futures perspectives to be addressed explicitly within education. Importantly it highlights a deficit in current teacher thinking about their roles in ‘educating for the future’.  相似文献   

We study the impact of social networks on agents’ ability to gather superior information about firms. Exploiting novel data on the educational background of sell‐side analysts and senior corporate officers, we find that analysts outperform by up to 6.60% per year on their stock recommendations when they have an educational link to the company. Pre‐Reg FD, this school‐tie return premium is 9.36% per year, while post‐Reg FD it is nearly zero. In contrast, in an environment that did not change selective disclosure regulation (the U.K.), the school‐tie premium is large and significant over the entire sample period.  相似文献   

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