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农民工是我国特有的城乡二元体制的产物,是我国经济体制和社会转型时期出现的一个特殊的社会群体,也是游离于城市与农村边缘的弱势群体。农民工既是城市建设者,又是农村农业生产者,具有需求多元化和兼业性特征。作为城市和农村的建设者、桥梁与纽带,农民工应该受到社会的尊重和关爱,应该享受中国改革开放的成果。本文以潍坊市寒亭区为例,截至2012年底全区农民创业人数为8000余人,创业办非公有制经济实体户6000余户,创业带动就业2万人,分别占全区的非公有制经济实体户的48.38%和创业带动就业的46.2%。本文针对该区近年来在推动农民工创业工作中的一些经验和做法,深入分析,认真总结农民工在创业过程中存在的问题,针对问题提出一些对策和措施。  相似文献   

随着资金、技术、人才等要素资源加速从农业向工业、从农村向城市流动,农业和农村持续发展的能力正遭受着严重的削弱。近十几年来新疆经济高速发展,但与此同时,"三农"问题突出,特别是少数民族区域。农民创业作为农村建设与发展的内生性动力源泉,是从根本上解决"三农"问题的关键,更重要的是,土地、资金、技术等生产要素,能够以创业农民为载体更多地流向农业和农村。根据对114位少数民族农民创业者的调查分析可知,存在资金、技术、产品销售渠道、创业培训等方面的问题。激励少数民族农民创业应当成为新疆农村改革坚持的方向,而提高少数民族农民创业绩效是激励少数民族农民创业的最有效途径。  相似文献   

吉林省返乡农民工创业现状分析与政策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年中央1号文件指出,落实农民工返乡创业扶持政策,充分挖掘农业内部就业潜力,拓展农村非农就业空间,鼓励农民就近就地创业.在金融危机的背景下,吉林省采取了一些积极的就业政策,广开农民工就业门路.本文从吉林省返乡农民工创业现状出发,分析了吉林省返乡农民工创业过程中存在的问题,提出了具体的政策建议.  相似文献   

城市化健康发展要特别重视农民市民化,随着新型城镇化进程加快,产业结构的升级,对农民市民化过程中的劳动力培训需求问题日渐突出。  相似文献   

工业增长、信贷供求和货币政策调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
货币政策不能及时对经济发展出现的变化做出调整,不仅降低了货币政策实施的有效性,还产生了诸如流动性过剩等一系列问题。信贷市场的供求特征直接反映了实体经济的增长,因此,根据信贷市场的非均衡状态对货币政策进行相应调整的关键问题是如何有效地提取各阶段的信贷市场的供求特征信息。本文利用非均衡计量模型这一理论工具得出,我国信贷市场中确实存在着贷款过度需求的非均衡状态,主要表现为近年来贷款增长率始终处于下降并且严重滞后于工业产出需求的状态,同时紧缩性货币政策所导致的信贷供给约束更加强化了这一非均衡状态,并且已经影响到了工业实体经济的发展。货币政策调整除了考虑通胀和流动性过剩问题以外,还必须考虑信贷市场的非均衡状态,否则政策调整的目标将脱离实体经济的增长。  相似文献   

井田位于玛纳斯县城南193°方向,直距53km处,公路里程约60km,行政区划隶属于玛纳斯县清水河乡管辖,面积约4.36km2.本文主要针对天欣煤矿的水文地质特征进行研究,希望能对煤矿开采过程中水害防治提供一些借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

随着互联网经济的高速发展,我国不断走向转型化进程,创新和创业成为21世纪高等教育的主题。创业对大学生来说既是机遇又是挑战,更是时代赋予大学生的要求。在跨境电商的独特优势的背景下,众多大学生选择采用跨境电商的模式进行自主创业。然而,大学生在经营跨境电商的过程中存在许多问题,譬如产品定位不准确、市场需求了解不清楚、资金不足等问题。基于这些问题,本文对大学生的跨境电商创新创业进行调研,并基于大学生在Shopee平台的创新实践对大学生的跨境电商训练进行研究分析,最后围绕大学生应如何更好地在跨境电商平台进行创业提供相应建议。  相似文献   

郑悦 《IT经理世界》2012,(22):102-103
特殊的制度环境导致公益型小额信贷机构在过去几年的急剧萎缩,但是,类似Shokay公司的良好发展则揭示了在中国社会创业成功的一种现实路径。  相似文献   

以对新疆走新型工业化道路中金融支持问题的探索研究为背景,运用定量与定性分析相结合的方法,研究新疆新型工业化进程中金融支持存在的具体问题,主要表现在金融业对新疆支持力度不够、新疆储蓄投资转化率低、间接融资比例过高等方面。结合新疆走新型工业化道路的战略目标,系统地提出大力发展非国有商业银行及非银行金融机构、加大重点项目信贷投入等对策建议。  相似文献   

三、发展我国汽车信贷消费的紧迫性从上述分析我们可以得出结论,目前国人的汽车消费能力并非完全不存在,但考虑到多方面的不确定因素从而抑制了汽车消费水平的提升,进而也抑制了汽车产业的迅速发展。因此,当务之急是要尽快使断裂的供给与需求相互衔接起来,其重要举措之一是发展汽车信贷消费。1.汽车信贷消费可以促使居民现实消费的迅速提升众所周知,收入对消费需求有决定作用,而信贷消费可以变未来消费为现实消费。因为消费信贷和储蓄对于货币流通的作用是完全相反的,前者是将未来的收入现在使用,而后者是将现在的收入未来支出。…  相似文献   

Recent evidence shows that many Sub-Saharan African farmers use modern inputs, but there is limited information on how these inputs are financed. We use recent nationally representative data from four countries to explore input financing and the role of credit therein. A number of our results contradict “conventional wisdom” found in the literature. Our results consistently show that traditional credit use, formal or informal, is extremely low (across credit type, country, crop and farm size categories). Instead, farmers primarily finance modern input purchases with cash from nonfarm activities and crop sales. Tied output-labor arrangements (which have received little empirical treatment in the literature) appear to be the only form of credit relatively widely used for farming.  相似文献   

This paper provides a theory of joint venture buy‐outs in the presence of demand uncertainty. In an infinite horizon framework with demand uncertainty, we consider a foreign firm's decision on whether to form a joint venture or to open a fully owned subsidiary. Without the possibility of future share adjustment, the foreign firm enters the market through a joint venture if the host‐country firm helps to reduce the uncertainty significantly. Consequently, the firm enters at an earlier point in time compared to the situation in which opening a fully owned subsidiary is the only option to the firm. The possibility of future share adjustment in the joint venture further increases the incentive to speed up foreign investment. Although the possibility of share adjustment results in a joint venture buy‐out and can reduce the future profits of the host‐country firm, it may increase host‐country welfare by attracting foreign investment at an earlier point in time. We show the implications of learning in the joint venture.  相似文献   

There is an emerging body of literature analyzing how smallholder farmers in developing countries can be linked to modern supply chains. However, most of the available studies concentrate on farm and farmer characteristics, failing to capture details of institutional arrangements between farmers and traders. Moreover, farmers’ preferences have rarely been considered. Here, we address these gaps by analyzing different market channels for sweet pepper in Thailand. Using data from a survey and choice experiment with farmers, we find that there is a general preference for marketing options that do not involve a contract. Additional provision of inputs and credit can increase the attractiveness of contracts. Yet, the most important factor for farmers is to personally know the buyer they deal with, which may be related to issues of trust. Some policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Corporate venturing has become a well‐known approach toward new business development and strategic renewal for established technology firms. However, without an effectively designed process for aligning and integrating a corporate venture in the established business, the firm increases the risk of venture failure. This paper provides a process perspective on corporate venture transition. Based on the results of an empirical study of six corporate venture transition processes, we present suitable actions for each of the different phases of the venture transition process. In addition, we indicate the proper timing for venture transition, which is one of the long‐standing difficulties in this area. Finally, we integrate the results of the empirical study with knowledge from extant literature in a set of design principles. These design principles provide practical guidelines to improve corporate venture transition processes.  相似文献   

The paper analyses agricultural risks and risk management in selected Small Island Developing States which are part of the African Caribbean Pacific country group. Focus is on the value chains of fruits, vegetables and spices. A survey was conducted in Grenada, Jamaica, Fiji and Vanuatu, aimed at identifying sources of risk which are most important to value chain stakeholders; the nature and quality of existing and potential risk management mechanisms; and the possibility of enhancing them in view of improving the functioning of the value chains. The sample included farmers, processors, traders, retailers, extension agents, Government officials and private services providers. Results reveal limited ability to handle price and production variability, due to lack of both horizontal and vertical co-ordination along value chains, reduced use of support services, notably credit and underinvestment in equipment. In addition, lack of demand contributes to make insurance markets incomplete and characterised by undersupply or lack of customised products. Promoting light forms of vertical and horizontal co-ordination, such as production contracts and producers’ associations, as well as value chain-based credit and finance may address some of the issues highlighted.  相似文献   

In Turkey, the Wholesale Markets Law was enacted in 1995 to facilitate small-scale growers’ access to the fresh produce market. Cooperatives and commission agents have thus become the main marketing structures available to small-scale fresh produce growers, to supply supermarkets and comply with their new requirements. In this paper, we question the advantages and disadvantages that confront small farmers with respect to those marketing structures to allow for market matching or quality upgrading. Drawing on ownership and transaction cost arguments, we use an analytical framework to identify and compare the costs of these marketing organizations. Based on data collected through a large number of interviews with stakeholders, we show that commission agents and credit cooperatives tend to be more efficient than traditional cooperatives as regards sales performance and decision costs. However, the lack of apparent competition between commission agents does not allow for sufficient provision of incentives for producers to invest in high-quality production. Consequently, credit cooperatives are the only structure progressively turning to strategies of quality upgrading and supermarket supply. The flipside of such strategies is that they may lead to the marginalization of small-scale farmers.  相似文献   

市场经济在促进中国农村经济快速发展的同时也加剧了农业风险,自然风险和市场风险困扰着农业经济的发展。文章分析了农户的风险管理原则和策略,剖析了农户对政府提供的政策性农业保险等风险管理工具的行为反应模式。研究表明,政府的风险管理策略要有农户的良性互动才能产生预期的政策效果,否则会事与愿违。其基本结论为.政府不仅要了解缺乏正规制度安排时农户的策略行为,还要考虑农户对政府的风险管理策略的认可和接受程度。政府的风险管理应建立在不同农户的内在需求上,把供给驱动型的风险管理策略转变为需求导向型的风险管理策略。  相似文献   

In sum, the rationale for new venturing can be diverse and is usually a combination of motives and forces. Success revolves around professional management in two key areas. The first is the process by which the sponsor— financial, industrial, independent or institutional — couples to the new venture. This coupling requires special know-how in order to balance the elements of sponsorship, organization, planning, evaluation, motivation, timing and control. The second is the moving management process itself and the different style required as the new venture evolves from the free-form R&D entrepreneurial stage to the rapid-growth, more quantitative stage in which the venture becomes institutionalized.Success stems from knowibng the particular significance of each ingredient at various stages of the new venture process.  相似文献   

We use an incentive compatible experimental auction to measure demand for a new agricultural technology, a triple layered hermetic storage bag. When used properly, the bag creates an airtight seal that reduces storage loss from insect pests and neutralizes aflatoxin contamination in stored grain. We find that demand for this new technology is highly elastic (4.3) and that the wholesaler could increase profit by lowering the price. We also find that farmers’ valuation for the bag is not significantly different based on the medium through which information about it is communicated to them, either text, audio or video messages. This suggests that practitioners should use the cheapest option for disseminating information, which is text messaging in this context. In addition, we find that farmers who have prior awareness of the bag are willing to pay 20% more on average than those previously unaware of it. In total, the highly elastic demand for the improved bags, along with the fact that prior awareness of the bag leads to higher willingness to pay, suggests that a one-time price subsidy for the new technology could spur demand and increase future adoption.  相似文献   

New ventures often do not correctly foresee real market opportunities or the best way to address them. How to cope with unforeseen, unpredictable factors, also referred to as unknown unknowns, is critical for new ventures. Findings in the fields of innovation and project management have shown that dealing with the unpredictable requires management approaches different from those used for classical plan‐and‐achieve‐the‐target projects. Management approaches for novel initiatives include a combination of trial‐and‐error learning (i.e., flexible redefinition of the new venture business model as new information emerges) and selectionism (i.e., running multiple parallel trials and choosing the best performing approach ex post). The management approach must be chosen when the venture is set up. This requires a venture management team to diagnose at the outset whether unknown unknowns are present (or possible), although unknown unknowns cannot be identified initially by definition because they emerge over time. Anecdotal testimony from experienced venture managers and project managers suggests they have a feeling for where their knowledge is limited. However, such a claim is controversial. Some researchers think the concept of diagnosing unforeseeable influence factors is an oxymoron. Thus, the research question in this article is this: How can unforeseeable influence factors in a new venture be diagnosed at the outset? Research to date has insufficiently addressed the a priori identification of the type of uncertainty faced by a new venture. Based on models from decision theory, this article suggests dividing the overall problem of structuring the venture into subproblems for which the management team can identify knowledge gaps. Using a case study, the article describes how knowledge gaps were identified for the subareas of a new venture in a real situation and how this diagnosis was used to correctly identify the areas where unknown unknowns lurk. These areas were managed in a different way (i.e., with learning and experimentation) than the other subproblems (i.e., with targets and deadlines). As a result, the venture could successfully respond to unforeseeable events. The results of this study suggest that a decomposition of the overall venture management problem into subproblems is feasible and natural to managers, that a qualitative assessment of knowledge gaps and vulnerability to unknown unknowns is possible, and that a structured, process‐like approach can be used to identify subproblems, to determine their uncertainty profiles, and to update the uncertainty profiles. These results are immediately useful to venture management and venture capitalists in setting up the venture's structure for effective response to uncertainty. The results advance research about uncertainty management by offering a systematic set of questions for the diagnosis of unknown unknowns before they can be formally described. The usefulness of this process can be tested further in more formal empirical research.  相似文献   

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