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在信息化社会里,只有信息工作者自身的信息素质提高了,才能担负起向读者提供信息产品和提高读者的信息素质的双重使命。本文从我国信息素质教育的概况和图书馆现阶段在开展信息素质教育过程中的地位出发,探讨网络环境下提高馆员信息素质的必要性以及馆员进行自身信息素质重新塑造、培养与提高的途径。  相似文献   

网络的建立,使信息资源的类型、媒体形态和丰富程度都发生了巨大变化,信息资源变得更加公开化,同时,读者对信息的需求也呈现复杂化和多样化。高校图书馆的信息服务必须以满足读者需求为服务目标,运用先进的网络技术和专业知识,积极优化服务模式,采取周到细致的信息服务,实现信息资源的充分利用和有效的社会交流。  相似文献   

图书馆是根据读者需要,对文献信息及其它信息进行选择、搜集、加工、组织,并提供读者使用的文化教育机构和信息交流中心。在网络化时代的今天,随着经济发展、技术进步,图书馆用户的信息需求模式、内容和方法发生了很大的改变,图书馆传统领域出现了众多的竞争者和替代品。要使图  相似文献   

为顺应行业发展需要和读者需求,更好地发挥中国纺织工业协会信息平台作用,2008年《纺织服装周刊》整合优势资源合力出击,进行全新改版,将以每周一期、每期100个版的大容量,为读者提供纺织服装行业全方位信息服务。新改版的《纺织服装周刊》,分为新闻、科技、面料、服装、市场五大版块。原周刊所办《服装销售与市场》专刊、《中国经编信息》专刊全部并入主刊,合力为读者提供专业服务和强势引导;新  相似文献   

亲爱的读者:为了把《航天工业管理》杂志办得更加贴近读者的需求,使读者获取更多的信息,掌握更多的知识,我们真诚地需要您在此留下您宝贵的建议,以便我们日后逐步改进,并通过您与我们的共同努力,  相似文献   

为进一步加强本刊的实用性,使“信息·资料·服务”栏目更好地为读者服务,自本期起适当增加该栏目版面,逐步充实信息内容,力争文体精短,同时注明信息供稿人单位、地址、邮编,以便于读者联系。希望广大读者积极关心、充分利用这一栏目,提供有关信息,并提出建设性意见,使之成为反映行业发展动态的窗口。  相似文献   

填写本期的读者调查表,或来电、来信、邮件,为我刊提出意见和建议的读者,均会收到精美礼品一份。(请详细填写本人信息,礼品会在我们收到调查表后的三日内寄出)。  相似文献   

2004年伊始,《中国房地信息》杂志 “洗心革面”,改为全新彩版,力求更加贴近读者、服务读者,增强刊物权威性、可读性、实用性。当然,刊物的新面貌到底 怎样,还需要读者来评判,自2004年第 二期开始,本刊向广大读者发出了“读者 调查表”,旨在吸取读者意见、了解读者 需求、检验改版效果。在这次活动中,广 大读者踊跃参与,积极反馈,提出了很多宝贵意见、建议,给予了我们莫大的支持。现将读者反馈归纳如下: 整体印象: 读者普遍认为第二期杂志整体感觉 良好,印制精美,内容丰富,图片文字质 量较高,版式设计新…  相似文献   

构建和谐图书馆是顺应和谐社会的发展要求,是图书馆建设的必然趋势。图书馆建设应是与时俱进的,紧紧跟随时代的发展,为读者提供更全面、更准确的信息,使图书馆的服务由被动逐渐转为主动,拉近与读者的距离,充分发挥图书馆的作用。  相似文献   

有一天,老虎遇到一只牛虻:“不要在我眼皮底下打扰我觅食,否则我要吃掉你。”老虎生气地喝道。  相似文献   

A theoretical framework is proposed for the better understanding of the OSS global diffusion. Following a case study approach, the Apache web server's market potential is estimated, forecasted and examined in terms of the socio-economic factors determining its diffusion, across different economic environments in developed versus developing countries. Market saturation is explored under the prism of three theoretical perspectives: the institutional, the endogenous and the exogenous growth theories. Findings suggest that Apache market saturation levels depend on both endogenous and exogenous to a country factors and that institutional quality plays an important role to the market potential. Implications for theory and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

In most existing literature in supply chain management it is assumed that the players possess complete information about the game, i.e., the players' payoff (objective) functions are assumed to be common knowledge. For static and dynamic games with complete information, the Nash equilibrium and subgame perfect equilibrium are the standard solution concepts, respectively. For static and dynamic games with incomplete information, the Bayesian Nash equilibrium and perfect Bayesian equilibrium, respectively, are used as solution concepts. After presenting a brief review of the static and dynamic games under complete information, the application of these two games in inventory management is illustrated by using a single-period stochastic inventory problem with two competing newsvendors. Next, we illustrate the Bayesian Nash and perfect Bayesian equilibrium solution concepts for the static and dynamic games under incomplete information with two competing newsvendors. The expository nature of our paper may help researchers in inventory/supply chain management gain easy access to the complicated notions related to the games played under incomplete information.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that prospect theory's (PT) predictions differ dramatically from what strategy scholars have inferred. PT's value function predicts negative risk‐return associations for high performers and positive for low performers, directly contrary to the strategy literature. In addition, PT's isolation assumption means most firm choices should appear as mixed gambles. Prior PT‐based theorizing in strategy implicitly assumed that the firm faced unmixed gambles. Finally, it demonstrates that PT does not make the general predictions most strategy researchers have assumed, but rather PT's predictions depend on a full range of parametric and choice characteristics that strategy scholars have ignored. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

企业组织是一个非常异质性的组织,企业的不同治理选择潜在影响着企业的代理成本和管家态度。最终体现为能力和企业绩效上的重要区别。本文从代理理论与管家理论这两种不同公司治理视角,分析了家族企业公司治理的四个维度即家族所有与控制、家族领导能力、多个家族成员的广泛参与、以及家族传承计划与实际参与下的各自的代理成本和管家态度,以及对企业能力和绩效的影响。  相似文献   

基于资源基础理论和经济租金理论,分析和阐述企业核心技术产生租金问题,揭示核心技术资源造成企业间业绩差异的原因,提出了持续保持核心技术租金的建议。  相似文献   

Institutional investors report that they prefer to invest in firms with greater board independence despite the fact that researchers have been unable to demonstrate a link between board independence and firm performance. We investigate whether differences among institutional investors affect these preferences. We find that trading strategies have some effect but that mutual funds—facing the strongest institutional pressures—have significantly stronger preferences for firms with greater board independence than do other types of institutional investors. This suggests that institutional investor preferences for independent boards are at least partially driven by institutional pressures rather than anticipated reductions in agency costs. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Amihud and Lev (1981) are widely cited as providing evidence that managers, unless closely monitored by large block shareholders, will attempt to reduce their employment risk through unrelated mergers and diversification. These corporate strategies, however, may not be in shareholders' interests. Reconsidering the agency assumptions underlying Amihud and Lev's study and the methodology they used, we develop hypotheses regarding the association between ownership structure, board vigilance, corporate strategy, and corporate performance from management theory and test them using Amihud and Lev's data from the 1960s and new data from the 1980s. Neither study supports the conclusions of Amihud and Lev, nor the agency theory belief that monitoring efforts by principals affect the strategic behaviors of agents or the performance of firms that they manage. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

从代理理论与管家理论融合视角,探讨混合所有制煤炭企业管理人员的激励模式。从经济利益(物质)和非经济利益(精神)角度,构建混合所有制煤炭企业管理人员协同激励模式,并从短期与长期激励、一般与特殊激励等层面探寻了我国混合所有制煤炭企业管理人员协同激励模式的具体方案。  相似文献   

从20世纪90年代中后期开始,学术界对于知识管理这一课题的探讨异常热烈。学者们尝试从各种不同的理论角度来分析知识管理的成功要素,有关知识管理的研究文献与日俱增,有学者认为知识管理是继资源基础观(RBV)之后的一个新的战略学派。文章通过对既有知识管理文献的整理,对知识管理的研究视角、理论维度与理论流派进行了述评。  相似文献   

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