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近日由“三鹿牌奶粉事件”引发的中国乳业危机正在蔓延.继9月16日国家质监总局公布蒙牛、伊利等22家国内乳品企业生产的69批次婴幼儿配方奶粉含有三聚氰胺后。18日,国家质检总局向社会公布了产品市场占有率达70%以上的国内知名品牌企业生产的液态奶的检测结果,结果显示,在堪称中国乳品龙头企业的蒙牛、伊利、光明三家企业的一些批次的液态奶中检测出不同含量的三聚氰胺。这一结果表明,一起严重的食品安全事故在中国的乳品业爆发。  相似文献   

奶制品包装的内容物包括:牛奶、奶粉、干酪、酸奶、冰淇淋、奶油、人造黄油和酸奶油等.其中以液体的牛奶为消费量最大,发展也最迅速.在我国,据中央电视台的信息,在所有奶制品中,以液体牛乳的利润率为最高.因而,各个奶制品公司都在液体牛奶业上投以巨资,发展自身集团的乳牛养殖场,兴建相当规模的液体牛乳业,例如:伊利奶制品集团公司、三鹿奶业等.  相似文献   

准确把掌握细分市场上消费者的需求和选择偏好是企业获取较好市场回报的关键.本文以访谈和调查问卷的数据信息为基础,针对消费者个体特征方面的多个因素变量,运用离散选择模型,研究液态奶制品的某个特征因素作为首选因素的影响.同时,针对消费者某一特征因素对液态奶的多个特征因素的选择偏好的影响,给出了基于Logit模型和SPSS软件的统计分析和合理解释.通过对液态奶制品消费者的个体特征和选择液态奶的某一特定因素为首选因素的关系分析,以及顾客选择偏好方面的探讨,为我国液态奶制品供应链在目标市场的选择方面提供了一些启示.  相似文献   

随着我国液态奶的快速发展,产品的包装越来越显重要。目前,在选择液态奶包装材料的过程中,不少乳品加工企业因“白色污染”而过早地宣判塑料包装的“死刑”,不顾企业本身的条件和市场需求,试图取消塑料软包装,拼命上一些高成本的“纸质发展思路”包装。值得关注的是,目前随着材料和加工技术的不断提高,塑料包装在食品业依然扮演着重要的角色。  相似文献   

乳品行业中液态奶的发展特别引人注目,并已成为市场较大和增长较快的品种。液态奶制品包括纯鲜奶、超高温杀菌奶和果味奶等,当然液态奶的发展是离不开包装技术的进步和创新的。  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的不断发展,人民生活水平不断提高,生活方式和膳食结构也发生了重大改变。牛奶中因含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质等营养成分,越来越成为人们日常生活中重要的食谱组成。在近年来液态奶市场的快速成长过程中,乳品包装的发展也起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

因涉嫌挪用公司巨额资金用于个人盈利,内蒙古伊利集团公司董事长郑俊怀等5名高层管理人员被公安机关刑拘,伊利危机引发全国注目。一时间,有关伊利的传言甚嚣尘上:政府托管、资金链断流、管理出现真空……危机发生之时,伊利总部所在的呼和浩特正值寒冬,气温降至零下20多摄氏度,伊利在这个冬季里正面对一次严峻考验。高管被拘事件爆发后,伊利集团下属上市公司伊利股份于2004年12月20日被上交所紧急停牌,对伊利的形象产生了极大的负面影响,投资者被告诫密切关注事态发展,规避投资风险,证券分析师认为,伊利股价的震荡将会持续一段时间。尽管伊利…  相似文献   

冀书鹏  罗盎 《董事会》2006,(6):68-69
饱受争议的股权分置改革在2005年的证券市场上激情上演,并成为核心剧目。管理层为了以速战速决的方式推行股改,决定到2006年年中所有上市公司将完成股权分置改革,并为此出台了一系列刺激股改的政策法规。上市公司管理层纷纷借此机会将埋藏已久的利益补偿要求阳光化,伊利股份(600887)的股改和股权激励方案亦应运而生。但为人们忽略的是,股改方案把这家素来稳健的奶业巨头拖入了巨大的财务风险中。  相似文献   

正近年来,随着产茶业的发展和经济效益的提升,浙江省嵊州市茶农纷纷扩大种植面积,加工中电茶机已全面替代传统制茶设备,该市春茶产业供用电矛盾也随之日益突出。面对春茶产业电力建设投入大、产出小、资金缺、抢修忙、投诉多等困难,嵊州市供电公司通过搭建多方合作机制、运用电力大数据以及社会传播工具,加强茶区农电管理,以"溪"集约供电模式破解山乡茶业发展壁垒,有效缓解供用电矛盾,助推茶业发展。实现了电网企业、茶农、当地政府、社区等  相似文献   

过去的一年,内蒙古伊利实业集团股份有限公司如履薄冰:整体经济形势下滑、2008年开始的行业危机如影随形。如何在2009年打开局面,成为伊利发展的关键一年。在王晓刚看来,外界影响因素在增加,关键是如何通过创新的信息技术,帮助企业  相似文献   

The Indian government has made significant efforts to promote dairy cooperatives to link the milk producers with consumers. Despite this, milk marketing is still dominated by traditional outlets. This paper examines the impact of modern dairy value chains on food security indicators such as net returns from dairying and consumption expenditures. Using a large, national, farm-level dataset from India and a multinomial endogenous switching regression model, results reveal that Indian dairy farmers’ integration with the modern dairy value chain has a positive and significant impact on their food security (measured by net returns and household consumption expenditures). Participation in modern milk-marketing outlets significantly increases net returns per year, regardless of whether farmers choose one outlet or a combination.  相似文献   

结合市场供求关系和产能过剩的局面,指出2015年煤炭市场仍将面临总体供求相对宽松的局面。我国煤炭企业面临的发展形势较为严峻,需要对营销战略进行调整。对2015年我国煤炭行业的发展趋势进行了预测,分析了在当前形势下将整合营销战略引入煤炭企业的必要性,最后对煤炭企业实施整合营销战略流程进行了设计。  相似文献   

India has become the world’s largest milk producer but its dairy industry lacks market access. This paper determines how world dairy policy reforms would affect dairy production and trade in India and the competitiveness of its dairy industry. We measure nominal protection coefficient for India’s dairy products to determine level and change in competitiveness between 1975 and 2001. We estimate parameters of domestic demand for and supply of raw milk and whole milk powder to determine how a world price increase would affect domestic milk production and whole milk powder exports. Results show that India’s dairy products lack export competitiveness. But with less distorted world dairy markets, India could be competitive and would emerge as a net exporter of whole milk powder, benefiting dairy industries and milk producers in India.  相似文献   

Got milk? The rapid rise of China’s dairy sector and its future prospects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper synthesizes recent research and new empirical findings to build a more comprehensive understanding of developments in China’s dairy sector. China’s tremendous rise in dairy demand has been driven by several mutually reinforcing factors: including rapid income growth, promotion by the government and dairy industry, changes in urban lifestyles, and the development of new, more sophisticated marketing channels. Domestic milk output has grown to satisfy rising demand largely by increasing the dairy herd. Substantial increases in productivity have been achieved through technology adoption, but there is evidence that the torrid growth has created inefficiencies because adaptations to marketing rules, infrastructure, and institutions have not kept pace with the changing environment. These results suggest there is ample room for future growth in both domestic milk production and dairy demand, but multinational firms and imported products will likely play and increasing role as China’s dairy market continues to develop.  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速发展,奢侈品对中国消费者来说已不再陌生。互联网的应用给人们消费方式带来了巨大改变。奢侈品行业也逐渐摒弃了固有偏见,开始利用网络这一新兴手段开展营销活动。本文通过对奢侈品线上线下营销策略现状进行分析,并从价格、产品、营销方式、销售渠道等四方面进行对比分析,总结奢侈品在销售过程中应该以线下营销为主线上营销为辅的营销策略,对奢侈品营销的实践具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

多年来,我国的茶园面积始终位居世界第一。从我国的茶叶生产和贸易情况看,我国堪称茶叶生产大国,但却不是茶叶强国。通过对青岛胶南市海青茶产销对接机制进行实地调查,从海青茶叶的发展现状及存在的主要问题,产销对接机制的应用,海青茶发展的建议及对策这三个方面进行研究,得出胶南市海青茶的发展出路。有效实施产销对接要发挥超市、合作社和政府三方面的作用,因地制宜地采取"超市+专业合作社+农户"有效模式。  相似文献   

This paper develops a simulation of Korean dairy policy that is tailored to the data, institutions, and policies in South Korea. It compares potential effects of changes in trade and domestic policy to baseline projections to 2015. Beverage milk continues to be supplied from domestic sources, implying imports compete in the manufacture of tradable products. We model manufactured dairy product supply, demand, and trade on a milk fat and non-fat-solid component basis reflecting product fungibility over the 10-year horizon used for our trade policy analysis. We find that if the domestic price support is removed with no change in trade policy, the market price of raw milk falls by about 2% and raw milk production declines by 4.5%. Under substantial tariff cuts of 30–40% with no effective change in domestic dairy policy, Korean fat and non-fat-solid prices fall by 7% and 11%, fat and non-fat-solid imports rise by 9% and 7% and Korea raw milk production falls by about 2% relative to the baseline. Prices of Korean farmer-owned dairy inputs, labor, and capital fall by about 1%.  相似文献   

《Food Policy》2005,30(3):302-315
This article focuses on the development of public and private standards for milk as an input to the dairy processing sector in Argentina and Brazil. From 1950 to 1990, the dominant trend was the development of public standards for basic safety and hygiene of milk. These induced the incipient modernization of dairy farming, post harvest, and processing technologies, even though implementation of the regulations was only partial. The dairy sectors were liberalized and privatized circa 1990. This spurred the rapid rise of private standards set by large processors over the 1990s and into the 2000s. These standards are much more stringent than public standards, and induced rapid concentration at the processing and farm levels due to stiff investment requirements. In Brazil, private standards were set mainly to drive down costs in the supply chain in order to reduce the consumer prices in the mass commodities market. In Argentina, private standards were used to develop quality differentiation in the product market. In both countries, in the 2000s a debate has emerged on new roles and approaches for public standards.  相似文献   

高峰 《煤炭经济研究》2014,(4):10-13,23
为了更好地研究煤炭总量的运行规律和特点,引导煤炭工业健康可持续发展,对我国煤炭需求总量的内涵、平衡态势和数量进行分析与预测。通过研究可以看出,我国煤炭生产总量和消费总量均呈逐步上升、基本保持平衡态势,而且两者波动趋势基本相同。结合设定的情景与我国经济增长,在高煤情景下,2050年之前没有出现峰值;中煤情景下,峰值在2020—2025年出现;低煤情景下,2025—2029年出现峰值。考虑到我国煤炭总量的特征,提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

农村电网作为农村重要的基础设施,对农村经济发展以及农民生活水平的提高至关重要。通过对西北地区农村电网供电现状、发展情况的调研,发现目前西北地区农村电网存在的主要问题,即农村电网结构薄弱,受端系统发展相对滞后,后续发展面临巨大的资金缺口;农村电力管理体制改革不到位,农网投资发展机制不健全等。在分析农村电网供电现状的基础上,初步提出了解决这些问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

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