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李莎 《价值工程》2014,(14):46-47
"孔雀开屏"机构是由电机驱动,链传动带动齿轮运动,齿轮运动带动四杆机构运动,四杆带动叶片,最后达到开屏的效果。其关键技术为四杆机构带动叶片开、收屏。本文介绍了四杆机构的设计方案与具体实施方法。  相似文献   

产品市场竞争、代理成本及代理效率:一个经验分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章以我国2004-2005年深沪两市上市公司为样本,检验我国产品市场竞争与代理成本及代理效率之间的经验关系。研究发现:产品市场竞争能够有效降低企业代理成本,提高企业代理效率,并且对于我国国有企业作用效果尤其显著。  相似文献   

Trust in Agency   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Existing models of the principal–agent relationship assume the agent works only under extrinsic incentives. However, many observed agency contracts take the form of a fixed payment. For such contracts to work, the principal must trust the agent to work in the absence of incentives. I show that agency fosters the advent of intrinsic motivation and trustworthy behavior. Three distinct motivational schemes are analyzed: norms, ethical standards, and altruism. I identify conditions under which these mechanisms arise and show how they promote trust. The analysis alters several important predictions of conventional models: (1) Better outcomes may ensue in highly uncertain environments; (2) the principal is better off the more the agent is risk averse; and (3) larger equilibrium extrinsic incentives need not be associated with larger effort or larger total surplus .  相似文献   

新年伊始,先是人民银行突然宣布调高存款准备金率0.5个百分点,以重招收紧银根应对通胀预期,导致市场揣测中国加息的时间表可能提早至今年第二季度。其次是美国经济的退出政策也脚步日近。经济形势是维持反转趋势.还是出现二度探底?不由企业人不有所思虑。此时此刻.又出现百度被黑,以及谷歌扬言退出中国市场。中国企业今年春天的营商环境,看上去颇为复杂。  相似文献   

This paper considers an agency model in which a principal delegates an agent authority to choose investment projects. The performance of the project depends stochastically on the agent's evaluation and operating efforts. The paper examines the conditions under which the principal prefers to assign production to a second agent. It is shown that the tasks will be assigned to two agents of the agent chooses an unobservable operating effort. The tasks will be assigned to one agent if the agent's evaluation and operating efforts are both unobservable and if disutilities of efforts are large relative to the profit from the risky project.  相似文献   

漫谈校园代理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,电子产品、化妆品等商家和电脑、外语等专业培训机构瞄准大学生这一细分市场,纷纷开展校园代理业务,以期在大学生这个群体中取得足够销  相似文献   

In the context of (one-sided) delegated bargaining, we analyze how a principal (a seller) should design the delegation contract in order to provide proper incentives for her delegate (an intermediary) and gain strategic advantage against a third party (a buyer). We consider situations in which there are both moral hazard and adverse selection problems in the delegation relationship and where the seller tries to gain strategic advantage by imposing a minimum price above which she pays the delegate a commission. It is shown that incentives and commitment are substitutes. A low-type agent is given less discretion in dealing with the buyer and weaker incentives, while a high-type agent is given more discretion and stronger incentives .  相似文献   

abstract    Based on an analysis of 262 interviews, I argue that role expectations have the potential to both enable and constrain middle manager strategic agency. To explain why the same role expectations have contradictory effects on agency, I analyse enabling conditions corresponding to four strategic role expectations, based on Floyd and Wooldridge's work on middle manager roles. After presenting eight enabling conditions for strategic agency, specific to the four role expectations, I argue that the dominant functionalist view of strategic roles should be augmented from a middle manager viewpoint. I suggest a reciprocal view of strategic role expectations, which elucidates the tensions between dialogue, legitimacy and rationality within a set of strategic roles.  相似文献   

我们怕股市自由地跌,我们怕CPI无限地涨,可是经济衰退,还不是我们惟一的对手P084主文:我们的对手不仅仅是经济衰退P088调查:数量化焦虑P090股市焦虑:都是石化双熊惹的祸P092 CPI焦虑:不消费生存P094中产阶级焦虑:压力下的生活P096地产商焦虑:地产中介:气球破了  相似文献   

吕智霞 《价值工程》2010,29(25):234-237
本文从商事代理的概念界定出发,通过考察两大法系商事代理理论基础和法律制度的不同,对商事代理的本质规定性予以剖析,认为商事代理应仅限于商人所为的直接代理法律关系,英美法系的广义代理概念并不宜取。文中比较了商事代理与民事代理的不同特点,并对商事代理的类型予以划分,最后就我国商事代理制度之完善建构提出个人的思考,以期促进我国商事代理立法的完善和商事代理实践的规范有序运行。  相似文献   

随着中国电信产业竞争程度的不断提高,反垄断机构对电信产业的介入将逐渐加强,从而使电信产业管制机构与反垄断机构的协调问题逐渐凸显。本文引入协调博弈的分析方法,通过构建两类机构的协调博弈模型,对直接影响协调成功的策略互补性进行了描述,分析了协调失败的原因及其改进方法。在此基础上,本文得出了加强策略互补性的动力机制,最后提出了促进两类机构协调的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文从债权人治理视角出发,将财务杠杆、代理成本和盈余管理纳入一个统一的研究框架中,并运用我国上市公司制造业企业2012—2016年的数据实证研究了财务杠杆对盈余管理的影响,以及代理成本在两者的关系中所起的中介作用。研究发现:财务杠杆会激励企业管理层的盈余管理行为;财务杠杆增加了企业的代理成本;通过中介效应检验,发现财务杠杆可以通过部分增加代理成本来激励企业管理层的盈余管理行为,即代理成本在财务杠杆与盈余管理之间起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

林涛 《中国企业家》2008,(17):52-62
俞敏洪正在新东方大力推行他的商业哲学:“东方的精神,西方的规矩”。这是俞敏洪团队两年前不会去考虑的问题。当他带领着一帮文人和他的新东方跨进了纽约证券交易所,这就成为了一次开创:中国的教育产业与靠增长数字说话的资本市场的初次对接。在美国人眼里,这也是一个标准的“美国梦”剧本,俞敏洪的开场很完美。  相似文献   

以2004至2018年我国A股上市公司为研究样本,考察了公司内部治理、代理成本对非效率投资的影响。研究结果表明,经理与外部股东的代理冲突所产生的代理成本对过度投资存在显著影响,但代理成本对投资不足的影响不显著;股权治理、董事会治理和高管激励总体上未能有效发挥公司治理作用,抑制过度投资。  相似文献   

This study explores the understanding that Dutch agency workers (i.e. workers affiliated with a temporary-help service firm) have of organisation's commitment to its workers (OCW). Semi-structured interviews with 33 Dutch agency workers aimed to answer two questions: (1) what do agency workers believe the agency and the client should offer if they are aiming for perceived OCW and (2) who are the potential messengers of agency and client OCW? If agencies and clients want to get rewarded by agency workers with perceived OCW, they have to carry a shared responsibility for many aspects of fair and favourable human resource management. However, agency workers link some aspects exclusively to one of the two organisational parties: agency workers seem to associate promotion with the client organisation, and certain aspects of job characteristics (e.g. autonomy and performance feedback) solely with the client OCW. Other elements related to job characteristics were only associated with agency OCW (current and future person–task fit, job-satisfaction concerns and job-related problems), as well as keeping in touch and problem solving (e.g. job dissatisfaction) solely with agency OCW. Moreover, agency workers personify all the mentioned responsibilities: organisational member's actions concerning these responsibilities represent OCW. Agency consultants seem to be the sole representatives of perceived agency OCW, whereas several agents (e.g. top managers, direct supervisors, co-workers, clients' ‘clients’) serve as potential representatives of client organisations' commitment.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial Financing, Advice, and Agency Costs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We develop a model to study the interplay between advice and agency costs in entrepreneurial financing. We demonstrate a tension between the entrepreneur's motivation for effort and the investor's willingness to finance the project. Advice to the entrepreneur exacerbates this tension. Consequently, optimal financing contracts may involve full, partial, or no advice. With partial advice, information flows need to be controlled carefully. Such control is better when advice and finance are integrated as observed by venture capitalists.  相似文献   

现代企业在降低交易成本的同时,也产生了代理成本。基于缓解代理成本目的而提出公司治理概念在实证层面具有多个度量维度,并非所有维度下的公司治理对于代理冲突都具有相同的效应。基于国内外文献,文章分析了基于表现形式、行为主体和与制度环境关系的公司治理度量与代理冲突之间的关系。清晰认识公司治理的度量维度及与代理冲突之间的关系,有助于完善公司治理相关研究的假设的提出、度量变量的选择和研究结果的解释。  相似文献   

代理成本与资本结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业实行委托代理制,就会有代理问题及代理成本。企业的代理成本,涉及到企业的治理结构,又影响到企业的资本结构。本文在加利·贝克尔和乔治·斯蒂格勒的委托-代理模型的基础上,对于经营者从事道德风险及其影响因素进行了分析,并且分析了经营者从事道德风险活动对于企业价值的影响。  相似文献   

刘婷  周晓静  牟雨 《价值工程》2015,(4):327-328
当前随着我国社会经济发展,以及早期计划生育政策的长期执行,我国老龄化的程度日益严重,而当前我国普遍"四二一"家庭模式,使得老年人在一定程度上无法获得家人较好的照顾,这时候对政府和社会的压力增大。我国人口基数大,老年人人口迅速增加,现有的养老服务机构无论从数量还是质量是都不能很好满足现实需要。本文分析我国养老服务现状,借鉴西方发达国家实践经验的基础上,对如果改善我国养老服务现状提出一些建议。  相似文献   

浅谈消防中介与消防工作社会化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
穆雪峰 《价值工程》2011,30(30):283-283
本文通过准确定位消防中介组织的关系,分析消防中介的现状,阐述了如何发挥消防中介的职能,强势推进消防工作社会化。  相似文献   

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