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We re-examine the effects of liquidity constraints on R & D investment. Inour theoretical section we extend the neoclassical framework of investmentin physical capital by introducing R & D and liquidity constraints. Weanalyse this issue empirically using firm-level data for R & D activemanufacturing firms in the Republic of Ireland. Our results provide evidencethat suggests that R & D investment is financially constrained. This is inline with previous studies of U.S. firms.  相似文献   

This cross-section study of a sample of 278 firms from the COMPUSTAT II database explores the relationship between a firm's profitability and other variables, notably its own R & D capital, knowledge and market spillovers and appropriability. The proxy for knowledge spillovers is based on technological distance. Market spillovers are based on a patent input-output matrix. Both spillover proxies combine information on R & D expenditures and patent counts.The results do not reject the hypothesis that R & D has a direct, positive effect on profitability, especially in industries with effective patent protection. Information spillovers affect profits negatively, market spillovers positively.  相似文献   

The traditional analysis of innovation has focused on the Schumpeterian hypothesis of a positive link between market power and innovation. This often includes an implicitly linear view of the innovation process, with R & D as a necessary first step. This paper widens the determinants of innovation beyond R & D to include technology transfer and networking effects, thus extending the standard Schumpeterian analysis. When tested on a dataset of c. 1300 UK manufacturing plants, R & D, technology transfer and networking are found to be substitutes in the innovation process, with the two latter intensities especially important in increasing the extent of innovation. There is no evidence that (actual) monopoly power increases the extent of innovation, but there are significant plant and sectoral effects on innovation.  相似文献   

A Note on Endogenous Spillovers in a Non-Tournament R & D Duopoly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyzes a simple non-tournament model of R & D where firms are engaged in cost-reducing innovation. It is shown that when spillovers of information are treated as endogenous firms never disclose any of their information when choosing their R & D non-cooperatively. Under cooperative R & D, firms will always choose to fully share their information, i.e., a research joint venture will operate with a maximal spillover value.  相似文献   

本文基于政府补贴带来企业的额外行为效应理论,以医药上市公司为样本,研究政府补贴是否促进了企业R&D投入的增加,企业技术实力是否具有调节效应;以及政府补贴是否具有信号传递效应,能否显著提高企业债务融资水平。研究结果表明,政府补贴与R&D投入显著正相关;企业技术资产与R&D投入正相关,研发人员与R&D投入强度负相关,两者均不显著;研发人员正向调节了政府补贴与R&D投入之间的关系。政府补贴发挥了积极的信号传递效应,与企业债务融资能力显著正相关。  相似文献   

Market Power, Industrial Concentration and Innovative Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the paradox between the positive effect of industrial concentration on R & D spending, and its non-positive effect on the number of innovations. Also, I analyze whether concentration has different effects on small- and large-firm R & D. The analysis shows that the positive effect of industrial concentration on R & D spending is at least as strong for small firms as it is for large firms within an industry, which indicates that the possession of market power is not in itself conducive to innovative effort. In addition, high concentration appears to be attended with a loss of efficiency in R & D spending.  相似文献   

Governments redirect R & D resources. Thegovernment supports R & D in technologies and in partsof the country that the private sector is unlikely tosupport, and the government provides funds forinexperienced businesses and for minority-ownedbusinesses when the private sector will not. Becausethe distribution of income and wealth is so unequal,our conventional methods of evaluating the socialusefulness of the redirection of the resources may notwork well. Redirection of R & D resources to meetSchumpeterian and Jeffersonian objectives may actuallybe efficient despite generating less economic surplusgiven the current distribution of income and wealth.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the stock price responses of listed firms in the U.S. markets to announcements of R & D collaborations. We find that abnormal returns of stocks are significantly positive after R & D collaborations are announced. The positive stock price response towards the R & D cooperation initiations can be partially explained by the nature of the collaborations and the characteristics of the participating firms. We also find that the stock prices of rival firms respond negatively to announcements of R & D cooperation. This result seems to support the hypothesis that cooperative R & D improves economic efficiency of the cooperative firms that gain competitive advantage. We do not find evidence supporting the hypothesis that R & D cooperation creates collusive, anticompetitive effects in the product market.  相似文献   

We examine the contribution of R&D to firm productivity in a large panel of European firms and study its variation with the age, size, and sub-sector of firms. We find that R&D capital in ICT firms has a larger effect on revenue when compared to non-ICT firms. At the firm level, our results suggest that, surprisingly, smaller and older ICT firms benefit the most from R&D. Small but mature ICT firms are likely to dominate market niches, and small size may enable them to be flexible and adaptable which helps them respond to technological opportunities to develop innovative products and services. This has important implications for public policy based upon firm age.  相似文献   

上海生物医药研发外包服务支术市场现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海生物医药产业的发展非常迅速,而研发外包服务(主要是离岸外包)成为这一产业中最耀眼的明珠。本文根据技术市场管理办公室登记涉外合同交易数据库,分析了上海生物医药研发外包行业的现状、特点、市场规模、优势领域等情况,同时也分析了研发外包服务业在发展过程中存在的一些问题,并提出笔者的一些观点和看法。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a duopolistic industry where firms are engaged in cost-reducing R&D activity in order to maximize their market shares. Firms' R&D competition is characterized as a dynamic noncooperative feedback game where the optimal strategies are affected by the extra-industry R&D activity and the degree of intra-industry spillovers. Numerical simulations highlight the importance of the assumptions on the firms' absorptive capacity (to exploit external knowledge) in determining the optimal levels of firms R&D investrnents.  相似文献   

Product Innovation,Process Innovation,and Size   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We test the hypothesis that large firms devote a higher proportion of their research and development (R & D) expenditure on process innovation thansmaller firms. According to the estimates, process- and product R & D expenditure rise less than in proportion to size. The size effect is somewhat stronger for process R & D but the difference to product R & D is in no way dramatic. This difference with regard to size elasticity of process- and product R & D is somewhat more pronounced when accounting for possible interrelationships between expenditure on process- and product R & D but remains statistically non-significant.  相似文献   

The relative importance of a multitude of factors forthe allocation of expenses towards R & D are assessedin an empirical study of the Canadian biotechnologyindustry. The results show that patent protection andstrategic alliances facilitate R & D spending. Theresults also show that early-stage firms spend agreater proportion of the expenditures on R & D, whilefirms engaged in R & D in platform technologies andfirms with high debt-equity ratios spend a lowerproportion of their expenditures on R & D. Demand pulland competition variables are insignificant factors. Finally, counter to our expectations, R & Dexpenditures are more intensive among firms engaged inR & D in areas in which consumer controversies are morepronounced.  相似文献   

We analyze the relationship between firm size and innovation inputs in Taiwan. Two inputs are considered: R&D and technology imports. Building on an existing theoretical framework, we test this relationship by estimating bivariate Tobit models in twenty 2-digit industries, using a panel of 27,754 firms observed from 1992 to 1995. We find that, in all industries, R&D intensity and/or technology imports intensity depend strongly on firm size, following an “inverted-U” pattern. Moreover, we find that most industries are only “mildly Schumpeterian”. Finally, our results provide some empirical evidence for complementarity between R&D and technology imports in the innovation process.  相似文献   

In the 1980s a number of large corporations restructured their diversified businesses through divestitures. It is hypothesized that restructuring activity focused on firms at intermediate levels of diversification (e.g., related-linked) which have a mixture of related and unrelated business units. Results confirm this hypothesis which explains that such mixed corporate strategies create organizational and control inefficiencies in managing both related and unrelated types of business units. Restructured firms were also found to move towards two types of different internal capital markets (related and unrelated). Most restructuring firms moved toward lower levels of diversification (e.g., related-constrained), although some moved toward higher levels of diversification (e.g., unrelated business). Also, this study finds restructuring firms that changed their corporate strategy by reducing diversified scope increased their R&D intensity. Firms that restructured and increased their diversified scope decreased R&D intensity. This result suggested a partial substitution between diversification and R&D activity.  相似文献   

This paper formally articulates Porter's hypothesis that the degree of competition in domestic markets is positively linked to performance in international markets. Hypotheses are tested using measures of the trade performance of U.S. food manufacturing industries as proxies for international competitiveness. Empirical results are generally consistent with Porter's hypothesis; net export share is negatively related to industry concentration. The competitiveness of agricultural inputs, R & D intensity, and trade barriers of other countries were also found to be important determinants of the performance of these industries in global markets.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic model of a leader firm which chooses the time paths of R&D and advertising inputs so as to maximize the present value of expected profits. From this theoretical model simultaneous-equations system for market share, advertising, R&D, and profitability is derived and estimated using the data on the leading industrial firms in Japan. Our results show that, as far as top firms are concerned, market share and demand growth have significant positive effects on profitability, and an increase in the stock of goodwill increases market share as well as profitability.This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education in Japan. Helpful comments were provided by H. Odagiri. Also I am indebted to an anonymous referee for advice and criticism on various points.  相似文献   

In spite of a growing trend of foreign research and development (R&;D) investment in China and India, academic research in this field has not kept pace. To what extent are opportunities and challenges of managing R&;D different in these countries from those in the West? By drawing on academic literature as well as press articles on this topic, we compare and contrast what the conventional wisdom suggests and what the realities are in China and India. We suggest that multinational corporations (MNCs) should not forget the conventional wisdom of managing their innovative R&;D policies but should also learn from the unique challenges and capabilities in China and India.  相似文献   

The relationship between cooperation with competitors and product innovation performance was investigated along with the moderating effect of the innovating firm's technological capability and its alliances with universities. The hypothesis that cooperation with competitors has an inverted U-shaped relationship with product innovation performance was tested using data on new product introductions from 1499 Chinese firms. The results support the existence of a bell-shaped relationship between co-opetition and product innovation performance. Technological capability and alliances with universities were shown to weaken the relationship. The findings add significantly to the emerging literature on dynamic co-opetition.  相似文献   

The role of Design and Technology (D &; T) in schools in England is changing. As from September 2002, D &; T will no longer be compulsory from age 14, but students will have a statutory entitlement to opt to study the subject. These proposed changes have renewed policy-makers' interest in a subject, which was first introduced into the National Curriculum in England and Wales in 1990. It provides the immediate context for a review of the literature published in English on Design and Technology commissioned by the Department of Education and Skills. Four databases were searched: the British Education Index (BEI), Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC), PsychInfo, and Current Educational Research in the UK (CERUK). This article draws from the findings of the review and focuses in particular on two questions: How can D &; T be delivered effectively and what enhances learning and teaching in D &; T? The reviewers conclude that the factors which enhance effective learning and teaching of D &; T include: adequate equipment and accommodation, appropriate curriculum content and teaching methods, up-to-date continuing professional development for teaching and management support to allow teachers to implement innovative practices. In addition, they suggest a research agenda, which could inform future research in D &; T.  相似文献   

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