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余艳锋 《南方农村》2011,27(4):16-19
文中通过实地调查、参考相关数据,运用经济效益评价的三大指标对江西省农产食品加工业发展能力进行了初步预测。结果证明,江西农产食品加工业已完全跻身“十百千亿工程产业”行列,成为引领江西农业和农村经济发展的重要产业.成为江西省国民经济的重要组成部分和颇具潜力的增长点。  相似文献   

中国食品加工业国际竞争力的实证研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着经济全球化进程的加快 ,产业国际竞争力的培育越来越成为发展中国家实现经济快速增长的首要因素。本文以产业国际竞争力定位指标的分类为切入点 ,分别从资源利用效率、生产效率、劳动力优势和生产规模四个方面考察了中国食品加工业的产业国际竞争力水平。总体上看 ,中国食品加工业在上述四个方面与国外发达国家相比存在很大的差距 ,食品加工业的国际竞争力处于明显劣势。  相似文献   

吉林省食品加工业产业组织SCP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由哈佛学派创立的以新古典经济学价格理论为基础的产业组织理论以实证研究为手段,把产业分解为特定的市场,并按结构、行为、绩效三方面,构建了"市场结构(structure)—市场行为(conduct)—市场绩效(perform ance)"的分析框架(简称SCP分析框架),本文将按此范式对吉林省食品加工业产业组织进行研究并得出相应的结论。  相似文献   

我国食品加工业的地区增长分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数方法,测定、分析了东部、中部、西部各地区食品加工业增长的影响因素,探索了专业化、区位商、效益与各地区食品加工业增长的关系。本研究发现,从各地区食品加工业的总要素生产率及其区位优势的比较来看,虽然东部地区比不上中部地区和西部地区,但由于东部地区食品加工业在产销组织和营销管理等方面具有明显的优势,东部地区在我国食品加工业发展中起到了主导作用,并仍将成为该行业发展的主要推动者。  相似文献   

中国玉米食品加工业的现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国玉米食品工业存在着加工程度低、自主知识产权薄弱、安全卫生性差等问题,入世后,中国玉米食品工业面临严峻挑战。发展中国玉米食品工业应该从优化原料结构入手,加快科技进步和技术创新,适当引进国外优质廉价原料,重点发展甜玉米、玉米油、高质量淀粉等优势领域。  相似文献   

通过参考相关数据,运用因子分析法,选取中东西部6省市的11项指标和江西省农产食品加工业 竞争能力进行实证分析。结果证明,江西农产食品加工业竞争力在全国范围内仍属中下游水平,与目前江 西省整体经济发展现状相符,但发展趋势良好,只要通过产业集群形成产业规模,配以相应的政策措施, 江西农产食品加工业整体竞争力必将得到快速提升。  相似文献   

产业空间集聚与利税率之间的关系--以食品加工业为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究借用产业空间集聚理论与产业市场集中的理论,选用Gini、CR4、CR8和HHI这四个指标,对我国食品加工业的空间集聚度进行了测算并分析了空间集聚度与利税率之间的关系。研究结果发现我国食品加工业从1993年-2001年的空间集聚度在不断加强,而且其空间集中程度与利润率之间存在正相关关系,但随着集中度的加深相关程度在不断减弱,这一分析结论对于我国制定工业空间结构调整政策具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

中国地区农业劳动生产率收敛研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对中国地区农业劳动生产率的分析发现,在1985—1992年期间,中国地区间的农业劳动生产率呈发散态势,但是1992—2000年期间趋于收敛,其中一个主要的原因就是这两个时期农业劳动力外出流动率的差异。这两个时期农业劳动力外出流动率差异形成的主要原因是因为1992年前后经济条件的差异以及政府采取的不同政策。  相似文献   

We investigate relative productivity levels and decompose productivity change for European agriculture between 2004 and 2013. Specifically (i) we contribute to the debate on whether agricultural Total Factor Productivity (TFP) has declined or not in the European Union (EU); (ii) we compare the relative TFP level across EU Member States and investigate the difference between ‘old’ Member States (OMS, i.e. the EU‐15) and ‘new’ Member States (NMS); and (iii) we test whether TFP is converging or not among Member States. The empirical analysis applies an aggregate quantity framework to country‐level panel data from the Economic Accounts for Agriculture for 23 EU Member States. The results imply that TFP has slightly decreased in the EU over the analysed period; however there are significant differences between the OMS and NMS and across Member States. Finally, our estimates suggest that productivity is generally converging over this period, albeit slowly.  相似文献   

This paper measures agricultural total factor productivity (TFP), for eighteen Asian countries, from 1965 to 1996. TFP is measured by calculating the Malmquist index with respect to the sequential frontier, which is appropriate when the cross section is relatively small. The results show that half the countries have experienced negative productivity growth, due to losses in technical efficiency combined with stagnation in technological progress. Both cross‐section and time series tests show that there is no evidence of convergence in agricultural productivity for these countries. The less productive countries are falling further behind, rather than catching up. Finally, comparisons with Africa show that although Asia has had faster TFP growth than Africa, three of the five African regions (East, Central and Southern) have grown faster than any of the Asian regions.  相似文献   

中国农业生产率的增长及收敛性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文使用省级农产品成本收益面板数据,运用基于非参数的Malmquist指数方法重新估计了中国农业生产率的增长状况,并将生产率进一步分解为技术进步和技术效率,在此基础上检验了中国农业生产率的收敛性,并简要分析了实证结果的政策含义。  相似文献   

Imported goods play a central role in determining the gains from trade. Using detailed trade and firm‐level data for Italy and France, we investigate the relationship between trade integration, imported intermediate inputs and firm performance in the food industry. Our main findings show that an increase in import competition spurs firm‐level productivity growth. Furthermore, the productivity growth effect attributable to imported intermediate inputs is significantly stronger than the effect due to imported final products. In addition, we find that new imported inputs are of particular importance, especially for Italian food firms, though less so for the French firms. Finally, the productivity growth effect of trade integration tends to be asymmetric across firms: more productive firms gain more from trade integration. These stylised facts have interesting policy implications.  相似文献   

中国农业生产率的地区差异与收敛性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在比较我国各省农业生产率的前提下,运用巴罗回归等方法,检验了我国农业生产率的收敛性和形成β收敛的条件.分析结果显示,1985-1991年中国各省的农业生产率呈发散态势,1992-2002年存在条件收敛,其中市场化程度、农村教育、耕地灌溉率对缩小农业生产率的地区差距有显著的影响;长期来看,农业和农村经济的市场化程度是农业生产率提高的主要促进因素,短期内改善农村教育、提高耕地灌溉率可能效果更加显著.  相似文献   

Productivity in Chinese Provincial Agriculture   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Technical change, technical efficiency and multifactor productivity indices are reported for a multiple-output, multiple-input production technology using Chinese provincial data for the 1979-95 period. Results show significant variation in productivity change from year to year and province to province. Using panel methods, we regress the three production indices on several factors important in explaining productivity changes. Decollectivisation in the early 1980s accounts for a significant expansion of the frontier, while rural industrialisation decreased agricultural productivity. Productivity is also sensitive to relative grain prices, to natural disasters such as flood and drought, and proximity of the provinces to coastal areas.  相似文献   

Energy Productivity Growth in the Dutch Greenhouse Industry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Profitability of Dutch greenhouse firms is largely dependent on energy costs, and policy makers focus on reducing the use of energy by these firms. This article uses Russell measures of TE to develop indicators of energy productivity growth. Results show that energy productivity grew by 2.8% annually in the period 1976–95, with technical progress being the key factor driving the process of productivity growth. From this we conclude that policies aiming at enhancing the adoption of technological innovations are more effective, if due attention is paid to measures for improving TE.  相似文献   

We develop a monopolistic competition model to investigate effects of international technological convergence on factor rewards, output composition, and welfare. Comparative static analysis indicates technological convergence improves the follower's—but impairs the leader's—international competitiveness. The leader's welfare improves unambiguously; the follower's welfare depends on the relative strength of convergence's income and terms-of-trade effects. We use data from seventeen food industries in thirty countries, 1993–2001, to test these analytical predictions. Evidence of convergence is found in thirteen of seventeen industries. Convergence lifts followers' relative wages and global value-added shares. Followers benefit from convergence's positive income effect. Leaders benefit from higher terms of trade.  相似文献   

Concerns about competitiveness in the Canadian food industry have generated a number of studies, inquiries and other initiatives on the subject. This paper examines the concept and measurement of competitiveness, the findings of several studies and some of the methodological issues involved in analyzing this phenomenon. While there is general agreement that the concept has most relevance at the level of the firm where it can be described as “the ability to profitably gain and maintain market share,” it has been applied mostly at the industry and country levels where there is less agreement on measurement and interpretation. This is reflected by a remarkable lack of consensus among studies of the Canadian food industry. The methodological issues most in need of being resolved are those relating to appropriate measurement and the relationship between strategic behaviour of firms and the determinants of competitiveness as found in the environment of firms Plusieurs études ont été réalisées sur la compétitivité de l'industrie agro-alimentaire canadi-ennne. Ce papier a pour but i) d'énumérer et de commenter les définitions et mesures de compétitivité couramment utilisées, ii) de synthétiser les aspects méthodologiques et résultats d'études antérieures, iii) de discuter des implications de la réglementation sur I'inocuité des aliments sur la compétitivité. Il semble y avoir concensus sur la pertinenence du concept de compétitivité au niveau de la firme. Malheureusement, la majorité des études ont analysé la compétitivité aux niveaux des industries ou des pays pour lesquels l'interprétation des résultats et les mesures sont sujet à controverse. Les résultats de ces études sont en général contradic-toires, Il nous apparait primordial d'améliorer les mesures de compétitivité de façon à mieux capturer le comportement stratégique des firmes et les caractéristiques de l'environnement dans lequel elles opérent  相似文献   

中国农业生产率增长、技术进步与效率变化:1990~2003年   总被引:68,自引:2,他引:68  
本文运用非参数的Malmqusit指数法,研究了1990—2003年期间中国农业全要素生产率及其构成的时序成长和空间分布特征。结果表明,1990—2003年期间中国农业全要素生产率年均增长2.59%,其中,农业技术进步指数年均增长5.48%,而农业效率变化指数反而年均下降2.78%。从各省区情况看,测算的29个省、自治区和直辖市中除云南、内蒙古、上海、贵州和西藏的农业全要素生产率是负增长外,其它24个省、自治区和直辖市的农业全要素生产率都实现了正增长。从构成上看,绝大多数省区呈现出农业技术进步与农业效率损失并存的局面。  相似文献   

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