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This study investigates the role of oil futures price information on forecasting the US stock market volatility using the HAR framework. In-sample results indicate that oil futures intraday information is helpful to increase the predictability. Moreover, compared to the benchmark model, the proposed models improve their predictive ability with the help of oil futures realized volatility. In particular, the multivariate HAR model outperforms the univariate model. Accordingly, considering the contemporaneous connection is useful to predict the US stock market volatility. Furthermore, these findings are consistent across a variety of robust checks.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a cluster HAR-type model that adopts the hierarchical clustering technique to form the cascade of heterogeneous volatility components. In contrast to the conventional HAR-type models, the proposed cluster models are based on the relevant lagged volatilities selected by the cluster group Lasso. Our simulation evidence suggests that the cluster group Lasso dominates other alternatives in terms of variable screening and that the cluster HAR serves as the top performer in forecasting the future realized volatility. The forecasting superiority of the cluster models are also demonstrated in an empirical application where the highest forecasting accuracy tends to be achieved by separating the jumps from the continuous sample path volatility process.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of the stochastic volatility model which allows for level shifts in volatility of stock market returns, known as structural breaks. These shifts are endogenously driven by large return shocks (innovations), reflecting large pieces of market news. These shocks are identified from the data as being bigger in absolute terms than the values of two threshold parameters of the model: one for the negative shocks and one for the positive shocks. The model can be employed to investigate different sources of stock market volatility shifts driven by market news, without relying on exogenous information. In addition to this, it has a number of interesting features which enable us to study the effects of large return shocks on future levels of market volatility. The above properties of the model are shown based on a study for the US stock market volatility.  相似文献   

Silver future is crucial to global financial markets. However, the existing literature rarely considers the impacts of structural breaks and day-of-the-week effect simultaneously on the volatility of silver future price. Based on heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) theory, we establish six new type heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models by incorporating structural breaks and day-of-the-week effect to forecast the volatility. The empirical results indicate that new models’ accuracy is better than the original HAR model. We find that structural breaks and the day-of-the-week effect contain much forecasting information on silver forecasting. In addition, structural breaks have a positive effect on the silver futures’ volatility. Day-of-the-week effect has a significantly negative influence on silver futures’ price volatility, especially in the mid-term and the long-term. Our works is the first to combine the structural breaks and day-of-the-week effect to identify more market information. This paper provides a better forecasting method to predict silver future volatility.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest how to handle the issue of the heteroskedasticity of measurement errors when specifying dynamic models for the conditional expectation of realized variance. We show that either adding a GARCH correction within an asymmetric extension of the HAR  class (AHAR-GARCH), or working within the class of asymmetric multiplicative error models (AMEM) greatly reduces the need for quarticity/quadratic terms to capture attenuation bias. This feature in AMEM can be strengthened by considering regime specific dynamics. Model Confidence Sets confirm this robustness both in- and out-of-sample for a panel of 28 big caps and the S&P500 index.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the predictive power of the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model for the return volatility of major European government bond markets. The results from HAR-type volatility forecasting models show that past short- and medium-term volatility are significant predictors of the term structure of the intraday volatility of European bonds with maturities ranging from 1 year up to 30 years. When we decompose bond market volatility into its continuous and discontinuous (jump) component, we find that the jump component is a significant predictor. Moreover, we show that feedback from past short-term volatility to forecasts of future volatility is stronger in the days that precede monetary policy announcements.  相似文献   

Despite the econometric advances of the last 30 years, the effects of monetary policy stance during the boom and busts of the stock market are not clearly defined. In this paper, we use a structural heterogeneous vector autoregressive (SHVAR) model with identified structural breaks to analyse the impact of both conventional and unconventional monetary policies on U.S. stock market volatility. We find that contractionary monetary policy enhances stock market volatility, but the importance of monetary policy shocks in explaining volatility evolves across different regimes and is relative to supply shocks (and shocks to volatility itself). In comparison to business cycle fluctuations, monetary policy shocks explain a greater fraction of the variance of stock market volatility at shorter horizons, as in medium to longer horizons. Our basic findings of a positive impact of monetary policy on equity market volatility (being relatively stronger during calmer stock market periods) are also corroborated by analyses conducted at the daily frequency based on an augmented heterogeneous autoregressive model of realised volatility (HAR-RV) and a multivariate k-th order nonparametric causality-in-quantiles framework. Our results have important implications both for investors and policymakers.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(2):100788
By analyzing the daily realized volatility series calculated from intraday stock price observations, this study examines the direct causality between one-day-ahead aggregate stock market volatility and several economic and financial indicators in the Korean market, a leading emerging market. Using the predictive regression and superior predictive ability tests, we find that the model-free implied volatility index (VKOSPI) and stock market indicators both lead the daily market volatility. However, daily economic indicators provide no predictive information beyond that contained in historical volatility. Though in-sample causality does not guarantee a better out-of-sample forecasting performance, the VKOSPI and combinations of predictors exhibit significant predictive ability regardless of the time period. Our study verifies the information role of the VKOSPI as an indicator of daily market risk.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of regime switching in the prediction of the Chinese stock market volatility with international market volatilities. Our work is based on the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model and we further extend this simple benchmark model by incorporating an individual volatility measure from 27 international stock markets. The in-sample estimation results show that the transition probabilities are significant and the high volatility regime exhibits substantially higher volatility level than the low volatility regime. The out-of-sample forecasting results based on the Diebold-Mariano (DM) test suggest that the regime switching models consistently outperform their original counterparts with respect to not only the HAR and its extended models but also the five used combination approaches. In addition to point accuracy, the regime switching models also exhibit substantially higher directional accuracy. Furthermore, compared to time-varying parameter, Markov regime switching is found to be a more efficient way to process the volatility information in the changing world. Our results are also robust to alternative evaluation methods, various loss functions, alternative volatility estimators, various sample periods, and various settings of Markov regime switching. Finally, we provide an extension of forecasting aggregate market volatility on monthly frequency and observe mixed results.  相似文献   

We investigate how sensitive developed and emerging equity markets are to volatility dynamics of Bitcoin during tranquil, bear, and bull market regimes. Intraday price fluctuations of Bitcoin are represented by three measures of realized volatility, viz. total variance, upside semivariance, and downside semivariance. Our empirical analysis relies on a quantile regression framework, after orthogonalizing raw returns with respect to an array of relevant global factors and accounting for structural shifts in the series. The results suggest that developed-market returns are positively related to the realized variance proxy across various market conditions, while emerging-market returns are positively (negatively) correlated with realized variance during bear (normal and bull) market periods. The upside (downside) component of realized variance has a negative (positive) influence on returns of either market category, and the dependence structure is highly asymmetric across the return distribution. Additionally, we document that developed and emerging markets are more sensitive to downside volatility than to upside volatility when they enter tranquil or bull territory. Our results offer practical implications for policymakers and investors.  相似文献   

This paper constructs an aligned global economic policy uncertainty (GEPU) index based on a modified machine learning approach. We find that the aligned GEPU index is an informative predictor for forecasting crude oil market volatility both in- and out-of-sample. Compared to general GEPU indices without supervised learning, well-recognized economic variables, and other popular uncertainty indicators, the aligned GEPU index is rather powerful and can provide preponderant or complementary information. The trading strategy based on the aligned GEPU index can also generate sizable economic gains. The statistical source of the aligned GEPU index’s predictive power is that it can learn both the magnitude and sign of national EPU variables’ predictive ability and thus yields reasonable and informative loadings. On the other hand, the economic driving force probably stems from the ability for forecasting the shocks of oil-related fundamentals.  相似文献   

To forecast at several, say h, periods into the future, a modeller faces a choice between iterating one-step-ahead forecasts (the IMS technique), or directly modeling the relationship between observations separated by an h-period interval and using it for forecasting (DMS forecasting). It is known that structural breaks, unit-root non-stationarity and residual autocorrelation may improve DMS accuracy in finite samples, all of which occur when modelling the South African GDP over the period 1965–2000. This paper analyzes the forecasting properties of 779 multivariate and univariate models that combine different techniques of robust forecasting. We find strong evidence supporting the use of DMS and intercept correction, and attribute their superior forecasting performance to their robustness in the presence of breaks.  相似文献   

In this article we include dependency structures for electricity price forecasting and forecasting evaluation. We work with off-peak and peak time series from the German-Austrian day-ahead price; hence, we analyze bivariate data. We first estimate the mean of the two time series, and then in a second step we estimate the residuals. The mean equation is estimated by ordinary least squares and the elastic net, and the residuals are estimated by maximum likelihood. Our contribution is to include a bivariate jump component in a mean reverting jump diffusion model in the residuals. The models’ forecasts are evaluated with use of four different criteria, including the energy score to measure whether the correlation structure between the time series is properly included. It is observed that the models with bivariate jumps provide better results with the energy score, which means that it is important to consider this structure to properly forecast correlated time series.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes foreign exchange market volatility in four Central European EU accession countries in 2001–2003. By using a Markov regime-switching model, it identifies two regimes representing high- and low-volatility periods. The estimation results show not only that volatilities are different between the two regimes, but also that some of the cross-correlations differ. Notably, cross-correlations increase substantially for two pairs of currencies (the Hungarian forint–Polish zloty and the Czech koruna–Slovak koruna) in the high-volatility period. The paper concludes by discussing the policy implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new volatility-spillover-asymmetric conditional autoregressive range (VS-ACARR) approach that takes into account the intraday information, the volatility spillover from crude oil as well as the volatility asymmetry (leverage effect) to model/forecast Bitcoin volatility (price range). An empirical application to Bitcoin and crude oil (WTI) price ranges shows the existence of strong volatility spillover from crude oil to the Bitcoin market and a weak leverage effect in the Bitcoin market. The VS-ACARR model yields higher forecasting accuracy than the GARCH, CARR, and VS-CARR models regarding out-of-sample forecast performance, suggesting that accounting for the volatility spillover and asymmetry can significantly improve the forecasting accuracy of Bitcoin volatility. The superior forecast performance of the VS-ACARR model is robust to alternative out-of-sample forecast windows. Our findings highlight the importance of accommodating intraday information, spillover from crude oil, and volatility asymmetry in forecasting Bitcoin volatility.  相似文献   

This article uses the stock market regional indexes of 31 provinces (include Province-level municipalities and Minority Autonomous Regions) in mainland China as a sample, and constructs an inter-regional volatility spillover network of China’s stock market based on the GARCH-BEKK model. Through network centrality analysis, Diebold and Yilmaz's spillover index method and block model analysis, we comprehensively analyze the risk contagion effect among different regions in China’s stock market. The empirical results show that: (i) The risk contagion intensity (risk reception intensity) in various regions of China’s stock market has a typical “core-periphery” distribution characteristic due to regions’ different levels of economic development. (ii) There are obvious risk spillover effect in China’s stock market, among which the economically developed regions along the southeastern coast of China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, are the main risk transmitters, while the economically undeveloped regions in the Midwest of China, such as Xinjiang, Xizang, Gansu, Nei Menggu and Qinghai are the main risk receivers. (iii) Each region is divided into 4 blocks according to their respective roles in the risk spillover process in China’s stock market. Block 1 that is composed of the economically underdeveloped regions in the Midwest is the “main benefit block”, it acts as a “receiver”. Block 2 that is composed of regions with strong economic growth vitality in the Midwest is a “Bilateral spillover block”, it both plays the role of “receiver” and “transmitter”. Block 3 that is composed of developed regions along the southeast coast, it acts as a “transmitter”; Block 4 that is composed of the relatively fast-growing regions in the Southwest is the “brokers block”, it serves as a “bridge”. The results of this article can provide some reference for investors in financial institutions and decision makers in financial regulators.  相似文献   

We use a broad-range set of inflation models and pseudo out-of-sample forecasts to assess their predictive ability among 14 emerging market economies (EMEs) at different horizons (1–12 quarters ahead) with quarterly data over the period 1980Q1-2016Q4. We find, in general, that a simple arithmetic average of the current and three previous observations (the RW-AO model) consistently outperforms its standard competitors—based on the root mean squared prediction error (RMSPE) and on the accuracy in predicting the direction of change. These include conventional models based on domestic factors, existing open-economy Phillips curve-based specifications, factor-augmented models, and time-varying parameter models. Often, the RMSPE and directional accuracy gains of the RW-AO model are shown to be statistically significant. Our results are robust to forecast combinations, intercept corrections, alternative transformations of the target variable, different lag structures, and additional tests of (conditional) predictability. We argue that the RW-AO model is successful among EMEs because it is a straightforward method to downweight later data, which is a useful strategy when there are unknown structural breaks and model misspecification.  相似文献   

A variety of methods and ideas have been tried for electricity price forecasting (EPF) over the last 15 years, with varying degrees of success. This review article aims to explain the complexity of available solutions, their strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats that the forecasting tools offer or that may be encountered. The paper also looks ahead and speculates on the directions EPF will or should take in the next decade or so. In particular, it postulates the need for objective comparative EPF studies involving (i) the same datasets, (ii) the same robust error evaluation procedures, and (iii) statistical testing of the significance of one model’s outperformance of another.  相似文献   

This paper explores the importance of incorporating the financial leverage effect in the stochastic volatility models when pricing options. For the illustrative purpose, we first conduct the simulation experiment by using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling method. We then make an empirical analysis by applying the volatility models to the real return data of the Hang Seng index during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017. Our results highlight the accuracy of the stochastic volatility models with leverage in option pricing when leverage is high. In addition, the leverage effect becomes more significant as the maturity of options increases. Moreover, leverage affects the pricing of in-the-money options more than that of at-the-money and out-of-money options. Our study is therefore useful for both asset pricing and portfolio investment in the Hong Kong market where volatility is an inherent nature of the economy.  相似文献   

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