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会计工作是企业管理的基础工作.长期以来,很多公司财会人员管理都存在一些问题.公司财会人员已经不再紧缺,而是完善用人管理的机制.企业该如何做?笔者在此谈自己的一些观点.  相似文献   

我国现行的职业技术学院学生层级管理体制对推动我国教育体制的完善和发展有着不可替代的作用,随着现代职业技术学院层级实践的不断深入发展,职业技术学院现行的层级管理体制逐渐暴露出它的弊端,严重影响了中国层级管理体制的进一步发展和完善。构建"学校——院系——学生"三位一体的现代化层级管理体制,必须有效地协调学校、院系、学生三者之间的关系,应从减少管理层次,强调职业技术学院的人本管理,构建信息交流平台等方面入手,从而进一步推动职业教育体制改革的深入发展,完善职业技术学院的层级管理体制。  相似文献   

A robust game theoretic approach for constructing effective international concords for conflict solving is discussed. Ann-person cooperative game in characteristic function form is used for international conflict solving via formation of coalitions. The nucleolus and the augmented nucleolus as solution concepts of the game are derived on its alternative forms, and robustness of the solutions when the evaluation of the coalition values is varied is examined. For solving this problem, parametric linear programming is used. This approach provides in a resemblant form an-alternative device to solving the fuzzy linear programming based on interval analysis.  相似文献   

From 1976 until 1991, the government of the former Soviet Union bought wheat and coarse grains grown in the United States, from private grain companies, under the terms of Long Term Agreements (LTAs). The author conducted interviews with U.S. and Soviet government officials actively involved in the negotiations to establish the terms of those LTAs. Analyses of the negotiations were carried out using confrontation theory. The subsequent analysis shows how the changing issues, actors and positions over time affected the grain trading relationship between the two countries.  相似文献   

针对认知无线网络中存在的干扰问题和功率消耗过大问题,提出了一种新的基于斯坦克尔伯格(Stackelberg)博弈的功率控制算法。建立了主次用户双层网络模型,将主用户设置为领导者,次用户设置为追随者,并对次用户产生的总干扰进行定量分析。在次用户多次博弈的过程中,动态地调整主用户单位干扰价格,在保证主用户自身正常通信前提下,尽量使得收益最大化,提高主用户的参与积极性。仿真实验表明,该算法在保证主次用户的服务质量(QoS)前提下,有效地减小了次用户的发射功率,而且能获得更高的系统容量。  相似文献   

本文研究具有两个不同消费级别的两家酒店在完全信息条件下收益管理的单期静态博弈。讨论了酒店分别在竞争与合作两种情况下,对于低价房间预留数目的设定策略。在竞争情况下,证明了纳什均衡唯一解的存在性。在合作情况下,分析了两酒店的节省成本及目标函数的凹性。在合作情况下,提出了使两酒店总收益大幅度提高的条件。最后,用一些算例(假设客房预定需求变量服从截断正态分布)分析了在每种情况下的酒店最优管理方案。  相似文献   

This study tests the strategic contingencies theory of power among consumer and industrial brand managers, along with an extension to the theory that hypothesizes interactions between the control of contingencies and environmental factors. Data were collected through a national mail survey of brand managers. Strategic contingencies theory is supported, with clear results that the centrality of a department, its amount of financial control, communication with the brand manager, and its total control of contingencies are positively associated with departmental power. We find modest support for the hypothesis that environment moderates the effects of strategic contingencies on power.  相似文献   

Since the papers of Basu et al. (1985) and Lal and Srinivasan (1993), marketing academics have been interested in the design and implementation of optimal compensation plans. The literature has focused on agency theory as a foundation to help describe and understand this process. Although there has been much theoretical work on this topic, empirical evidence to support this theory remains sparse. Studies by Coughlan and Narasimhan (1992) and John and Weitz (1988, 1989) have found some early evidence that supports agency theory.In this paper we revisit the issue of salesforce compensation on both theoretical and empirical fronts. On the theory side we build a game theoretic model of salesforce compensation that accounts for risk aversion on the part of both the principal and the agent. We further show that accounting for the firm size within the analytical framework yields new insights into the nature of compensation design.The results obtained from our model, while substantiating past findings, offer some new insights into the compensation design process. In particular we find that firm demographics play an important role in the design of the optimal compensation scheme. We then use two datasets collected ten years apart by the Dartnell Corporation to investigate and test hypotheses generated by our model and the extant literature. Our results show that the basic tenets of agency theory continue to hold over time and that our new theoretical hypotheses are consistent with the data. Using the two datasets we also find that inter-temporal changes in salesforce compensation coincide with the advent and adoption of new technologies. Our research thus adds to our substantive knowledge of the drivers of salesforce compensation, while adding to the theoretical structure through taking account of the possibility of principal risk aversion.  相似文献   

蔺利 《商业研究》2005,(6):83-86
统一的出清电价机制对发电商持留发电容量具有激励作用 ,从而增加了发电商滥用市场力的可能。市场力的存在不利于电力市场的持续健康发展 ,而博弈论的分析是一个可以有效提供策略的方法。简述了博弈论的基本概念及发展历史 ,并采用博弈理论分析了合同在有效降低市场力方面的作用  相似文献   

朱宁  朱莉 《商业研究》2005,(2):57-59
管理层收购作为国资管理体制改革的一种重要方式以及企业比较热衷的股权运作技术 ,在近年来的实践操作中有许多不规范之处。结合行为选择理论及MBO固有特性 ,通过构建博弈模型 ,从博弈论的角度探讨了我国企业管理层收购过程中资方与收购方之间的关系 ,指出了其中存在的问题 ,并提出了相应的对策及建议  相似文献   

基于博弈论的供应商管理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
供应链中存在供需关系的上下游企业之间除合作之外最主要的关系还是竞争关系,他们从各自利益出发,在合作过程中会隐藏私人信息进行博弈,从而容易导致合作关系的解体,供应成本增加。本文对此展开了深入分析,从机制设计层面提出了以实现真正合作双赢为目标的供应商管理方法。  相似文献   

介绍了卫星技术的发展对未来载荷软件设计的要求,提出了层次化设计这样一种新的 思路。通过对载荷软件功能的分析、提炼和抽象,将载荷软件划分为相对独立的3个层次, 即 系统层、协议层和应用层,采用这样的分层架构设计,可以最大限度地实现软件的高内聚、 低耦合,提高软件的可移植性、可重用性和可靠性,节省研制时间及成本。  相似文献   

The research fields of dynamic capabilities and strategic entrepreneurship have developed concurrently but separately. This study aims to bridge the gap in research on the underlying linkage between the two independent areas, both of which are critical for firms to sustain competitiveness in changing industrial environments. Drawing upon insights from the integrated perspective of hierarchical dynamic capabilities, strategic entrepreneurship, and environmental dynamics, an explicit theoretical framework is put forward to achieve a better understanding of the ways through which hierarchical dynamic capabilities promote strategic entrepreneurship. Moreover, through the proposed theoretical lens, this study further explores the detailed mechanisms of how first-order and second-order dynamic capabilities improve strategic entrepreneurship with regard to uncertainty of market conditions.  相似文献   

基于层次模型的消费者生成内容动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王平 《商业研究》2011,(5):190-195
随着W eb2.0技术的发展,越来越多的消费者参与网络社区或平台生成各种各样的内容,但是理论界对于消费者生成内容的动机了解还不够全面。本文在借鉴动机理论研究成果的基础上,构建了消费者生成内容动机的层次模型,并以层次模型为基础,对现代企业构建参与式商务模式提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

当今社会是知识经济时代,科学技术是第一生产力.承担着把科学技术转化为生产力重任的企业技术人才已越来越引起企业和社会的重视.一个企业只有一流的设备、一流的理念,而没有一流的企业技术人才,是生产不了一流产品,发展不成一流企业的.企业技术人才,特别是高级技术人才在企业中所占比重已引起越来越多的企业领导的重视.现今我国高技能人才的总数、结构还不能适应快速的经济发展,对企业技术人才的开发、评价、激励与应用还没有形成全社会范围内的系统体系.面对严峻的国际竞争形势,建立高素质的企业技术工人队伍是关乎企业命运和国家经济的战略性任务,也是我国企业必须面临与解决的紧迫性课题.为此,本文尝试对企业技术人才的评价以及应用等方面进行简要的探析.  相似文献   

集体诉讼制度与智猪博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合博弈论的有关知识和股市的运行机制 ,有必要引进集体诉讼制度 ,让律师和中小投资者形成智猪博弈中的大猪和小猪 ,促使律师在中小投资者的利益受到侵害后能代表中小投资者从法律途径去制约控股股东 ,从而促使股市正常运转  相似文献   

Is there is a warming trend in the earth's climate caused by an increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere, it may be sensible to try to slow down that process by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and, in particular, the emissions of carbon dioxide produced by the energy sector of world economies. For a number of reasons, a consensus on such reductions is difficult to reach. In this article, we model the problem as a dynamic game with national governments, or coalitions of such governments, as players. Clearly, the negotiations on worldwide reductions in CO2 emissions can succeed only if there exists a cooperative solution superior to the noncooperative one. According to our model, the existence of a collectively preferable cooperative solution depends on the degree of concern among national governments about negative impacts of increased CO2 concentrations. In addition to this unsurprising conclusion, the model can provide insights as to whose concerns will count most for the success of the negotiations and who will have to be induced by side payments to participate.  相似文献   

目前,我国已经成为国际上许多大宗商品的最大买家。但全球大宗商品的定价权并未因我国成为最大买家而移至我国。在商品与服务的价格方面,我国还没有与自身地位相匹配的话语权。这是因为,我国铁矿石行业间缺乏有效的联盟,存在行业集中度低、竞争无序等问题,结果导致定价权与国内企业离得越来越远。大宗商品联盟缺失是导致我国定价权缺失的重要原因。基于博弈理论构建大宗商品的定价权联盟,是打破目前状况的一条根本途径。我国企业应借鉴国外企业的经验和路径,积极构建产业链联盟、企业联盟、金融联盟、采购联盟和营销联盟,以谋求我国企业在大宗商品上的国际定价权。  相似文献   

层级范式在跨国公司的发展初期具有非常重要的作用,但随着全球竞争的压力加剧、控制协调的考虑,以及技术的进步,已经存在许多发展劣势,需要逐渐向网络范式转变。跨国公司网络结构主要由内部网络和外部网络构成,由于其网络结构更具开放性,形成了关键网络、空间网络和技术网络的不同边界。  相似文献   

电子商务环境下的渠道冲突与共赢管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶彩鸿  董新平 《商业研究》2006,(12):203-206
电子商务环境下,制造商采用直销渠道使自身既成为供应者又成为转售商的直接竞争者,从而引发渠道冲突。所以要建立渠道决策中制造商与转售商的博弈模型,通过对模型的求解与对局中人赢得的分析与比较,部分变量的选择可以在同时采用直销渠道与传统渠道条件下达成双方的共赢,实现电子商务环境下制造商与转售商的渠道共赢管理。  相似文献   

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