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小广播芦笋圆了脱贫梦"一斤芦笋一元多,每年从5月中、下旬开始到9月中、下旬,每天都能采到笋,采笋如同捡票子。"枫港乡党委副书记芦华开,获芦笋收入2400元,在全县芦笋生产总结表彰会上的一番话语,引发了会议代表的浓厚兴趣。他们参观了他种植的0.65亩芦...  相似文献   

百业致富余干县大力发展芦笋生产芦笋因其营养价值十分丰富,居各类蔬菜之首,故有"蔬菜大王"之称,已成为国际10大名菜之一。近年来,余干县提出了将芦笋、河蟹生产作为两大主导产业来抓的发展方向。去年种植芦笋2349亩,产量15.87万公斤,产值130万元。...  相似文献   

陈二平 《魅力中国》2012,(35):60-60
从品种选择、育苗、定植、定植后管理、采收等方面介绍芦笋高产优质栽培技术,以期为芦笋的高效种植提供技术指导。  相似文献   

芦笋秸秆废弃物资源化利用技术开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了芦笋秸秆废弃物资源化利用技术。将芦笋秸秆粉碎后接种有效微生物菌群进行固体发酵,用于养殖蚯蚓。该技术对秸秆饲料的开发有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

近年来,曹县紧紧围绕农业增效、农民增收目标。把芦笋产业作为富民强县的六大支柱产业之一,从政策扶持、企业带动、科技创新、品牌培育等方面人手。不断加大工作力度。做大调优芦笋产业,  相似文献   

近几年,河南省宜阳县韩城镇洛河两岸的农民,在洛阳恒碧食品有限公司带动下,靠种植芦笋,增加了收入。群众高兴地说:沙滩地里刨出了“金娃娃”。芦笋具有防病、抗病的食疗保健作用,是当今国际市场上畅销的蔬菜之一。它适宜于沙质土壤生长,耐旱,栽培容易,管理简单,从选种育苗到大田移栽只需两年,第三年开始采收。90年代以来,由于国外种植芦笋面积日趋减少,国内种植才刚起步,市场缺口较大。因此,种植芦笋有着广阔的市场前景和良好的经济效益。乌家振和刘振汉等四位六十年代的知青了解到这一信息后,联合成立了洛阳恒碧食品有限公…  相似文献   

抗癌药品芦笋糖浆喜获三奖济南锦绣川保健药品厂研制生产的抗癌新药芦笋糖浆,是发明人周逢春用15年时间,以迄今世界公认的抗癌成分含量最高、抗癌效果最好的纯天然植物芦笋为主要原料,配以其它有效中药材研制而成。中国癌症研究专家委员会在鉴定中给予高度评价。19...  相似文献   

品牌名称:芦香村 荣誉: 京郊农民专业合作社先进单位 北京密云县农业科技示范基地 2009年合作社产品取得绿色认证、无公害认证 芦笋小知识: 营养价值:芦笋含丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、多种维生素、多种氨基酸,其含量比一般蔬菜高5倍以上,被誉为“蔬菜之王”。  相似文献   

当前正是芦笋品种更新时节,品种更新有几个突出的问题,一定要注意: 1、土地选择 择芦笋种植,一定要选择地势高、能排能浇、有机质含量高的沙土、沙壤土地,这样的土壤疏松、肥沃,利于根系发展,便于管理与采收;  相似文献   

芦笋是一种高档保健蔬菜,种植芦笋可使农民取得显著经济效益。在北京许多地区只有冬浇一水的条件,到第二年,春季4-6月份可采收千斤以上,如果采用F1杂交种种植,产量可达2000-2500斤,亩效益可比F2种植再提高1倍左右。  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(1):103-117
Although there has been a considerable growth of private seed enterprises in developing countries, there are few examples of the private delivery of seed of public crop varieties that are not hybrids. This paper discusses the example of rice in Andhra Pradesh, where private enterprise is supplying an increasing proportion of the seed used by farmers. The institutional conditions for private expansion into rice seed are examined. The paper discusses instances where low transaction costs allow for the emergence of a wide range of seed enterprises. But despite the success of private seed delivery, inadequate attention has been given to incentives for variety promotion, and to the importance of consumer education.  相似文献   

The development of maize improvement and of the seed industry in Zimbabwe over the past 75 years is outlined. True breeding started in 1933, the first double hybrid was available in 1949, the first single hybrid in 1960 and the first top‐cross for marginal areas in 1963. Commercialisation of both breeding and the seed trade has been inhibited first by the Seed Maize Association's exclusive rights to government germ plasm and certified seed production, and then by government's socialist economic policies and controls. The future for maize breeding and the seed industry in Zimbabwe depends on a market‐orientated economy, the ending of the monopoly on government germ plasm, liberalisation of seed certification procedures, the updating of the Plant Breeders Rights Act and exploiting regional and not only national markets for maize seed.  相似文献   

我国蔬菜种业发展进程的政府与企业功用:鲁省个案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟真  孔祥智 《改革》2012,(6):103-111
山东寿光蔬菜种业发展经验显示,种业内部专业化分工正在不断加快,但我国种子研发仍主要依赖于外资种业企业,种业价值链构成也不均衡。面对这种种业格局,政府已在政策、资金、人才等方面采取多种措施,但作为市场主体的种业企业在创新能力、经营水平和农业社会化服务功能等方面仍然处于较低层次。要扭转我国蔬菜种业的被动局面、增强种业环节的农业社会化服务功能,政府、种业企业、科研单位等多方主体应共同参与,在进一步完善扶持政策的基础上,优化种业布局,强化自主研发能力,逐步形成符合我国农业现代化特色的种业发展新模式。  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(1):83-99
In Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador informal potato seed systems are much more important than formal systems. National seed projects recognize complementarities between the two systems and are seeking to link them. Arguments used to underpin linkages are assessed in the light of available evidence and accepted with some reservations. Project strategies have ranged from seed injection with minimum intervention to extensive reform ofthe informal system. All of the projects have met with some success. A number of general lessons are drawn for trapping the potential of informal seed systems.  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(7):1151-1171
There are controversies regarding the role of individual and household characteristics in childhood nutritional status measured by anthropometric indicators. Using a nutrition index based on weight-for-age of children in rural India, the paper re-examines this issue. Ordered probit estimates of nutritional status suggest female literacy improves the nutritional status of boys at the cost of girls while higher per capita current income improves that of both boys and girls, though the impact is higher for boys; however, effect of income is not robust when we use instruments of longer-run income. But more income and literacy give more ways to discriminate between boys and girls.  相似文献   

Using data from the 2011 Demographic and Health Survey in Mozambique this paper checks whether women empowerment has an impact on the nutritional status of children. We evaluate the degree of empowerment of women via multidimensional approaches, making a distinction between five domains: decision making, use of violence by husband/partner, attitude of the woman towards this use of violence, available information, material resources. Each domain includes several questions reflecting different aspects of empowerment. For each domain of empowerment, three different methods of aggregation are used: correspondence analysis, the so‐called Alkire and Foster methodology and the “fuzzy sets” approach. The impact of women empowerment on the nutritional status of children is analyzed via the MIMIC approach. No clear‐cut conclusion concerning the possible impact of women’s empowerment on the nutritional status of children could be drawn. But, ceteris paribus, the material wealth of the household, the educational level of the mother and her BMI are positively correlated with the nutritional status of children which is also higher when the child is female. Finally, there are important differences in the nutritional status of children between the various regions of Mozambique and this nutritional status is in most regions lower in rural areas.  相似文献   

由于种子产业链长、周期短、技术水平要求高,在并购整合过程中缺乏管理经验,使得在实际并购整合过程中存在着大量的并购整合风险。将并购整合过程分为并购前期、并购期和整合期3个阶段,运用ISM模型(解释结构模型)分阶段研究影响种业企业进行并购的各风险因素间的关系及其层次结构,为北京在种业企业并购战略决策实施中有效控制并购整合风险提供参考,从而降低种业企业并购整合风险,促进北京种业发展。  相似文献   

曾艳 《科技和产业》2008,8(8):44-46,68
近年来,令各棉种生产企业及各级棉种经销商深受其害的“窜货”现象时有发生,“窜货”行为给棉种生产企业带来了一系列危害,从而使得保护市场、打击“窜货”显得尤为重要和必要。本文针对棉种市场出现的“窜货”行为进行了原因分析,并分析了为什么棉种市场成为恶意“窜货”行为重灾区,最后针对原因分析提出了棉种生产企业如何防范和处理市场上出现的窜货行为。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether women's empowerment, measured by education attainment relative to her partner, decision‐making, and domestic violence is related to nutritional status of children in Ghana. Using the 2014 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey, the study examines the effect of women empowerment on child's nutritional status at different points in its conditional distributions using ordinary least squares and quantile regression estimation technique. The study observes that women's empowerment is associated with improvement in the nutritional status of children with Z‐scores less than ?4 and ?3 standard deviations, for acutely and severely malnourished children respectively in the long run. The study recommends that the Ministry for Gender and Social Protection should educate male partners on the need for women participation in decision‐making at the household level as well as make formal education accessible to women.  相似文献   

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