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日本便利店业态在中国的发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙前进 《商业时代》2011,(22):20-21
近年来,日本三大便利店企业7-Eleven、罗森、全家先后进入中国市场。但是,7-Eleven进了北京和天津,而罗森、全家进入了上海市场,而没有在北京开店。本文通过日本三大便利店进入中国的市场开发、地域分工、门店布局、经营特色等,浅析其在中国市场发展的经营战略。  相似文献   

2017年,南京中央商场与罗森携手入驻南京市场,开启外资便利店与本土零售企业的合作,打动消费者的同时,也创造出罗森南京新街口中心店开业首日创下日销20万元的新纪录。2018年,国际便利店巨头7-Eleven确认将与南京金鹰合作,于2018年进军南京市场。7-Eleven为续写便利店迅速蹿红的销售奇迹,在便利店竞争激烈的南京市场占有一席之地,亟需深入了解南京地区消费者的特性,从而制定合理的战略。基于此,本文开展了南京地区7-Eleven的品牌认知调查。本次调查研究采用简单随机抽样的方法,对南京市民对7-Eleven的品牌认知进行抽样调查,分析南京市民对7-Eleven品牌的认知度,从而对7-Eleven进军南京市场提供可行性的建议。  相似文献   

7-Eleven便利店最早产生于美国,当前商店在美国、日本、中国和新加坡等世界各地遍布,店铺数量超过三万家,是当今世界最大连锁店体系。7-Eleven使用其连锁的经营策略、先进的经管信息系统、特殊的经营形式和先进的物流配送体系,在零售业中取得了强大的成功。  相似文献   

截止至2011年9月底作为全球最大的连锁便利店7-Eleven便利店,目前在全球共有43591家店铺。7-Eleven作为全球连锁企业的龙头,取得现在的成就与其高效、快捷的物流配送体系密不可分。下文将从各个方面浅析7-Eleven的物流配送体系,希望能对中国连锁企业的物流配送体系产生影响并提高水平。  相似文献   

7-Eleven是世界最大的连锁便利店集团,在对供应商合作伙伴的选择方面,堪称我国便利店的典范。通过对7-Eleven便利店的细致考察,总结其供应商选择的流程和评价指标体系,进而提出对现阶段我国便利店发展的建议。  相似文献   

本文以山东省7-Eleven便利店为例,对其所处的外部环境和内部环境分别进行PEST分析和SWOT分析,得出山东省有较好的市场发展基础,伴随消费者观念的改变,7-Eleven有巨大的市场潜力。同时针对7-Eleven面临的机会和挑战,提出相应的策略建议  相似文献   

周勇 《中国市场》2007,(30):22-23
<正>我国的便利店,目前仍然是"亏多盈少"。以上海大型便利公司与台湾统一集团旗下的7-Eleven做比较,如单店日均商品销售额,上海平均不到5000元,有的甚至不到3000元,而7-Eleven约为1.5万元;商品毛利率,上海为16-22%不等,而7-Eleven为30%;如果包括后台收入,综合收益率,上海为25-29R,比7-Eleven的综合收益率低7-9个百分点;净利润率,上海在2%以下,7-Eleven在5%以上。我国便利店的四大问题我国大型便利公司经历了七、八年甚至十余年的发展以后,依然没有重大转机的原因何在?我觉得主要存在四大问题:  相似文献   

李政 《市场周刊》2008,(5):32-33
7-Eleven的业务遍及四大洲二十多个国家及地区,共设立32000多个零售点,每19为接近3000万的顾客服务,稳踞全球最大连锁便利店的宝座,被公认为世界便利店的楷模。  相似文献   

丁志良 《市场研究》2005,(10):51-52
自上世纪90年代中期,特许经营模式开始在我国推广,2000年以后进入高速发展期。从各行业发展态势和投资人的加盟热点看,便利店、汽车养护、美容健身、服装、图书音像销售等10余个行业成为投资热门,引起机构投资、个人创业的广泛关注。中国连锁经营协会秘书长裴亮分析,目前的10大热点领域,特许企业数量较多,企业有一定的规模,特许体系增长较快.企业发展的速度也快。在这些领域也表现出不同的特点。便利店、餐饮、洗衣等领域发展较为成熟,而健身美容等则是消费习惯变化带动起来的行业。随着市场竞争的加剧,连锁经营竞争将逐渐转变为品牌和企业核心竞争力的竞争,品牌经营将成为决定连锁经营企业成败的关键。  相似文献   

7-11连锁店(7-Eleven,Inc.)是国际著名的便利店和特许经营企业,该公司在1927年成立于美国德克萨斯州的达拉斯市.7-11的名字起源于1946年,从那时起其连锁店的营业时间延长为早7点至晚11点.而现在,7-11在北美就拥有5700余家门店,在世界其他国家和地区还拥有1.39万多家便利店,所有门店的营业时间都是每周7天,每天24小时.7-11从1981年开始进入香港市场,1992年开设了深圳市的第一家加盟店,目前在我国已经开设了430家便利店和购物中心.  相似文献   

This article examines how Ito-Yokado Co. Ltd. of Japan, the long-time licensee of the Southland Corporation's 7-Eleven store chain, has come back to the United States to acquire its parent company and has begun to implement the Japanese firm's management techniques at 7-Eleven stores in the United States. While we have been fully aware of the Japanese competitive juggernaut in the consumer durable products industry, we rarely hear about it in services, let alone in retailing. As the Japanese licensee's takeover of the American convenience-store parent company suggests, the next generation of Japanese competition may come unexpectedly from service sectors such as retail business.  相似文献   

Franchising provides a channel for small businesses to grow successfully into nationwide or even worldwide chains. Franchising is considered to be common among chain stores, of which the convenience store is a typical example. This study aims to examine the expansion strategy of each individual convenience store franchisor and the competition to expand among the franchisors. Taiwan is considered to have the highest convenience store density in the world. This study performs empirical analyses of four major convenience store franchisors in Taiwan, namely, 7-Eleven, Family Mart, Hi-Life, and OK. The evidence shows that the franchisors tend to be slow to expand when facing a highly dense competitive environment. There exists a strong first-mover advantage in convenience store franchising. The first mover (7-Eleven) has played a dominating role throughout the years. As a result, the franchisors' outlet shares have remained relatively stable.  相似文献   

A major concern for local managers is the identification of appropriate knowledge resources for their markets. This paper looks at how local managers make decisions on whom to learn from within the multinational corporation (MNC). Learning within the MNC has traditionally been studied from a knowledge transfer perspective, that is, focusing more on the MNC's facilitation of internal knowledge flows rather than observing local initiatives in knowledge identification. Drawing on network and psychic distance literature, the paper argues that the learning behavior of local units evolves through time. Knowledge exchanges tend to occur between markets that appear to have smaller psychic distances, especially in the initial stages of local market development. The argument is developed using a multiple case study of 7-Eleven licensees.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a reliable and valid measure of perceived retailer innovativeness (PRI) in Taiwan. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were employed. A qualitative content analysis from six focus group interviews concludes a specific form of PRI. The quantitative study, which contains 486 7-Eleven and 489 Carrefour consumers, provides an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in examining the validity of PRI scale. Consumer perceptions of retailer innovativeness can be conceptualized as emotions, cognitions, and behavior responses evoked by store-related stimuli that are part of the offerings, services, design, and activities of a store. Four dimensions have been identified, namely, perceived product-related, service-related, promotion-related, and experience-related innovation capabilities. The PRI scale might be valued by academic scholars for its application for future studies, particularly in an era of intense competition in which innovation is considered as a critical strategic tool for differentiation.  相似文献   

中国不完全股票市场:根源与特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先提出了一个经验判断 ,认为中国股市还是一个不完全的股票市场 ,非市场因素对市场成长和运行影响巨大。这种不完全股市的形成有着深刻的政治、经济与文化根源 ,同时 ,也表现出了突出的特征 :市场成长的强外生性、市场功能的体制性变异和市场运行的非市场预期主导。透过这一经验判断 ,我们可以看出 ,下一步发展股市最根本的就是如何打破这种不完全性 ,推动股市效率的提升。  相似文献   

Retail internationalisation has become a focus of research activity in recent years. This research has become perhaps both more broad and deep than previous research, reflecting the changes in retail internationalisation itself. There remain, however, fundamental issues about the process and nature of retail internationalisation. This paper examines initially the internationalisation of a concept -the 7-Eleven convenience store - from the USA to Japan. This concept has been subsequently ‘Japanized’ as the convenience store sector in Japan grew rapidly and successfully. The new approach to convenience stoers has now been re-introduced into the United States through the agreed take-over of The Southland Corporation by its original Japanese franchisee, Ito-Yokado. This process of retail internationalisation is analysed and described and placed into the context of current conceptualisations on retail internationalisation.  相似文献   

With a population of nearly 70 million people, Thailand is a large and attractive emerging market, drawing investments from various foreign food retailers since the 1980s. An economic crash and currency devaluation in 1997 brought both new challenges and opportunities, and led to a renewed wave of expansion, but also calls for regulation, which had not been strictly enforced. Thailand has been host to transnational retailers from many countries, several of which ultimately withdrew. The competitive landscape has continued to evolve, with a range of new store formats, expanded services, smart phone applications and online shopping, and a push to expand both private label brands and ready-to-eat foods. However, some of these offerings appear to have potential conflicts in terms of Thai consumer behaviour. Thai culture places low importance on time; few shop online, and the majority of consumers have low incomes, and thus may not be attracted to visit modern trade retailers for the same reasons as customers in the retailers' home markets. Despite this, Thailand is currently the second largest global market for 7-Eleven and Tesco's number two international market. This presents a paradox in that Tesco operates hypermarkets, while 7-Elevens are convenience stores. Do Thais want hypermarket style volume discounts, or higher priced convenience, or both? Thais traditionally have shopped in wet markets and enjoy fresh foods, which contradicts attempts by many retailers striving to sell ready-to-eat foods. Many Thais are concerned about face and status, which may be a barrier towards buying private label brands. This paper describes the history and expansion of food retailing in Thailand and also highlights how cultural differences may affect consumer behaviour. As the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) aims to open borders more broadly, there will likely be more expansion of stores and potentially more cultural differences. Whether transnational or domestic, food retailers may need to further consider aspects of culture and consumer behaviour to determine whether to adapt their strategies, rather than copy and paste formats from abroad.  相似文献   

改革开放,我国报纸产业的经营逐渐成为报社的主要活动,报业作为一种独立的产业形态一步步走向市场,办报人的思想现念也进一步适应市场,报业经营成为保持和壮大报社经济实力的手段。报业宏观战略和报业经营方式的研究受到了高度重视,其成果指导和推动着报业经营运作。分析目前我国报业市场的现状以及报业在产业化经营过程中所出现的新情况和需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

葛敬豪 《商业研究》2007,(11):18-20
现代产权制度是我国社会主义市场经济有序运行的制度基础。归属清晰,权责明确,保护严格,流转顺畅的现代产权制度与我国以公有制为主体多种所有制共同发展的经济制度和社会主义市场经济体制相适应。通过完善法律制度、健全市场体系、深化企业改革、规范产权交易来加快中国特色的现代产权制度构建。  相似文献   

跨国零售企业中国市场营运模式比较及启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
纵观跨国零售企业中国市场的营销运作,显现出创新的竞争作为和卓越的竞争成效,因而有必要关注跨国零售企业中国市场营销个性的差异,尤其需要研究其营销共性的特征,将其营销运作模式进行对比分析,提炼核心能力的基本框架,把握核心能力关键所在,探索零售企业核心能力与行业竞争态势、目标市场竞争环境、以及总体竞争趋势的关联度,寻求我国零售企业跨入国际市场参与竞争的借鉴之路。  相似文献   

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