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目前,许多大学生缺乏良好的创业能力和素质,导致创业的失败。主要症结在于社会缺乏自主创业的氛围、相关制度也不完善。同时,高校对大学生创业能力培养的认识不够,没有形成科学系统的创业能力培养课程体系和相应的实践教学体系。为培养敢于付诸实践、综合素质高、可以为社会创造更多价值的创业人才,政府应创造良好的创业环境,完善创业教育机制,出台切实可行的政策;高校应加大对大学生创业意识的培养,完善创业能力培养的课程体系和实践教学体系,增强学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

目前,我国地方性高校工商管理专业在培养创业人才方面,存在人才培养目标定位不清晰、创业课程体系设置育与学生创业能力需求体系不一致、缺少创业实践环境以及教学方法和考核措施落后等问题。以牡丹江师范学院为例,地方高校工商管理专业创业型人才培养,可以采用重新定位培养目标、调整创业课程体系、营造全方位的创业实践环境、改革创业型人才培养的教学方式等模式,培养出更多优秀的创业型人才。  相似文献   

经济管理类大学生创业教育的SWOT分析及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济管理类大学生在创业实践中,既存在知识层次高、有创新精神的优势和面临着良好的环境及催生新兴产业的机会,也存在着缺乏实践经验、市场意识和创业资金的劣势以及创业教育课程体系不完善、缺乏专业的培养创业能力的师资队伍和创业能力培养的实践平台。其对策是:强化专业课优势和实践教学环节;开展创业教育和创业专题讲座及培训;创新教育教学管理体制;充分发挥政府作用。  相似文献   

结合民办院校工商管理专业学生自主创业能力培养的实际,从系统整体出发,借鉴霍尔三维结构分析方法,综合考虑影响大学生创新能力培养的主要因素,从时间维、能力维和环境维三方面构建大学生创业能力培养模式的三维分类模型,使大学生做到既定性又定量选择创业能力培养模式,该模型的引入为民办院校工商管理专业学生创业能力培养提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

我国一直以来对工商管理人才的培养模式均采用传统的教育模式,教师以书本知识作为主要授课渠道,这样失去明显的教育专业特色,无法将课程内容与实践相结合,最终导致工商管理专业人才,在就业竞争的浪潮中没有明显的专业特点,创业精神薄弱。学校要以创业教育作为核心培养学生的创业能力,提高学校的就业率,让学生能够适应飞速发展的经济社会。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了社会对工商管理类人才的需求与当代大学生创新创业能力的现状,总结了目前我国大学生人才培养模式存在着课程设置不合理、教学师资力量不强和实践教学设施投入不足等问题;其次从课程体系、师资队伍和实践实训三个角度研究了创新创业型人才培养的提升策略;最后给出了工商管理类大学生创新创业能力培养的实施建议。  相似文献   

"提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家"和"促进以创新创业带动就业"是我国重要的发展战略。本文从工商管理专业群建设角度深入探讨了如何培养学生的创新精神和创业能力;围绕工商管理创新创业应用型人才的培养目标,从"基础、提高、专长、综合""四段式"人才培养模式、创新创业孵化实践基地、共享教学资源、创新创业教学团队建设等方面,构建创新创业能力培养的工商管理专业群建设体系。  相似文献   

创业教育着重激发学生的潜能和创业动机,培养和提升学生的创业基本素质和综合能力。实施创业教育,对个人发展和经济社会发展都有积极的推动作用;在中等职业学校实施创业教育,主要有四个途径:培养实战型的指导教师;构建有效的创业教育模式;开展丰富的创业实践活动;营造校园文化氛围。  相似文献   

随着我国就业形势的日益严峻,市场对于工商管理类的学生要求也越来越高,如何提升工商管理类学生的能力和素质?我们认为其中很重要一点学生应当将理论和实践结合起来,在实践中去锻炼和自己,而在工商管理类学生缺乏与企业交流的平台,学校缺乏与企业合作的机制,针对这一问题,我们将会来探讨其中的原因和找到相关的解决的对策。  相似文献   

郑春  王睿  师晓莉 《商场现代化》2012,(27):210-211
中小企业的发展是活跃西部企业社会经济发展的重要生力军,对西部大开发的贡献不容忽视。当前西部中小企业面临着诸多的问题,其中最大的问题就是缺乏中小企业的创业者。培养中小企业创业者既是西部地区经济发展的当务之急,也是西部人才发展的战略需求。本研究选取"专业+创业"为视角,深入探究工商管理专业特色,将创业教育融合到专业教育中,以此构建"专业+创业"培养模式,以其培养和挖掘学生的创业意识和创业能力,为西部培养创业型人才。  相似文献   

旅游管理专业校内综合实训的意义在于为学生提供培养综合管理能力的训练平台,其最终目标是符合就业市场的需求。因此。设计旅游管理专业校内综合管理实训的内容体系应沿着以下思路进行:从征询就业市场对旅游管理专业毕业生的核心能力需求入手——设计以问题为导向的综合训练内容体系——设计综合实训与课程教学相结合的备选方案——在创新校内实训的运行方式中遴选好的方案。  相似文献   

While most participants benefit from action-oriented entrepreneurship training, such programs can paradoxically also have negative effects. Training programs in which participants actively engage in entrepreneurship involve facing problems that might be too difficult to overcome, potentially decreasing trainees' entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Based on theories of self-regulation, we argue that error mastery orientation is a factor that explains under which condition problems do or do not lead to decreases in entrepreneurial self-efficacy during training. To test our model, we conducted a 12-week action-oriented training program and applied a longitudinal design with one baseline measurement, seven measurements during training, and one measurement after training. Analyses based on 415 lagged observations from 109 training participants indicated that participants with low error mastery orientation experienced decreases in entrepreneurial self-efficacy during training when facing problems. In contrast, participants high in error mastery orientation could buffer the negative effects of problems on entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Our results suggest that error mastery orientation is a critical factor to understand why participants' episodic experiences of problems during training negatively influence their entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Shedding light on these self-regulatory factors advances the understanding of the potential dark side of action-oriented entrepreneurship training.  相似文献   


The Bryant College Collaborative Learning at a Distance (CLD) Program in Belarus was designed to promote collaboration across diverse cultural, political, and philosophical boundaries. CLD programs can assist the Newly Independent States (NIS) in meeting the political, social, and economic challenges associated with the transition from a centralized, administrative command economytoa more democratic and diversified society. Cost-effective, collaborative distance learning projects can help to address the problem of limited educational resources and prepare faculty, undergraduates, entrepreneurs, and NGO leaders for better understanding the role of civic responsibility as a foundation for western business practices.

The ongoing Internet-based, Bryant College CLD Program, including educational institutions, research facilities and business firms, focuses on a non-hierarchical model, emphasizing reciprocal, interactive learning and problem-solving. Components include Web-based courses, International Virtual Roundtable Discussions via E-mail, seminars on business skills and Web design, Internet protocol video conferencing between the U.S. and Belarus, a faculty exchange and training project, and a business internship program aimed at providing hands-on experience with business and NGO leaders in the U.S. This project demonstrates that Internet-based, collaborative learning can transcend cultural and language barriers and advance the development of a business environment supportive to the entrepreneurial spirit.  相似文献   

在应用型本科院校商科专业中倡导创业意识、构建创业文化氛围、实施有效的创业教育是实现其培养目标的重要途径。文章分析了目前创业教育在应用型商科学生培养中遇到的问题;解析了创业文化导向对培养商科创业型人才的重要意义;对创业型商科人才培养的优化路径进行了创新性探索。  相似文献   

应用定位理论对民办高校工商管理专业的人才培养目标进行定位,应遵循特劳特提出的对组织外部环境进行全面分析、对工商管理专业人才培养目标进行定位、检测定位的有效性、制定落实定位的措施及策略的四步工作法。应用定位理论可以帮助民办高校工商管理专业以市场竞争为导向,结合生源状况及民办高校自身的优势,准确定位人才培养目标,在顾客(学生和用人单位)心智中针对竞争对手确立最具优势的位置,从而胜出竞争赢得优先选择。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Business History》2012,54(1):160-182
The rise of graduate business schools occurred during a period of enormous growth, followed by dramatic decline in the fortunes of American business. Because so many M.B.A.-educated executives had difficulty managing their companies' response to dramatic changes in markets and technology, this study examines how business education has influenced managerial attitude and practices. Columbia and Harvard Business Schools were examined to see how, as well, their educational approaches provided managers with the skills, information and confidence to make both entrepreneurial and operational decisions. Both schools effectively prepared their graduates for operational decisions, but did not successfully provide their managers with the skills and knowledge to facilitate entrepreneurial decisions. Moreover, the study also found that American business was not actively engaged in the direction of graduate business education. Thus, the reliance of American business upon graduate business schools may have had consequences for America's business.  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey of small business entrepreneurs was conducted in Russia in two stages: in 1994 and in 2008. This study examined entrepreneurial climate and developments in Russia's small businesses with a focus on motivations and obstacles in starting up and operating businesses. It also aimed at analyzing entrepreneurs’ needs for training, consulting, and other types of assistance in a comparative context. Russia's climate for small and medium enterprises (SME) and entrepreneurship has improved, although it is still a work in progress. The 2008 survey indicated younger age, greater share of female entrepreneurs, and remaining small size of the firms. Though the level of SME entrepreneurial activities in Russia is still lower than in major developed economies, the gap is diminishing. Thise study found no significant differences between 1994 and 2008 in terms of entrepreneurial motivations and obstacles; several shifts and trends in motivations and obstacles were identified in their relative importance in SME dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the factors influencing South Asian entrepreneurial growth in Britain. It develops a multivariate model along the lines of small business economics but includes cultural and social variables. The theoretical model specified assumes that cultural factors have an augmenting effect on socio-economic factors. A distinction is also drawn between initial entrepreneurial characteristics and later expansion strategies used. The empirical model, based on the general-to-specific approach, can explain almost 60 per cent of entrepreneurial growth. The results suggest that moving away from a style of management based on immigrant culture has a positive impact on growth. This requires greater delegation of responsibilities to non-family employees. At the same time, strengthening links with the country of origin has a positive impact on growth. While the commitment to work hard at start-up is essential, human capital factors like the entrepreneur's educational attainment and employee training appear to be more crucial than financial resources in contributing to growth.  相似文献   


Business marketers in the 21st century are grappling with the harsh, tough demands of a consolidated customer base, rapid product and service commoditization, complex channel structures, and hyper-competition in a rapidly evolving, information-intensive global economy. Across the globe, firms concerned with developing managerial talent to respond to these trends are demanding and expecting changes in the executive education programs offered by business schools. We consider in this paper a number of recent trends and changes in customer expectations, program format, content development and delivery, and program marketing that we have observed in executive education in the field of business marketing.  相似文献   


During the past 30 years, there have been calls for universities and business schools to internationalize curriculum, students and faculty. As most U.S. business schools have added international components to their respective programs, the assessment of these programs was subsequently recommended from accreditation and competitive perspectives. To sustain competitiveness, business schools must expand their program assessment activities and rigorously conduct assessment at the course level as well. We propose a model of international business course assessment that links learning aims to delivery methods and reviews two separate approaches based on that model.  相似文献   

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