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目前越来越多的大学生采取自我药疗的方式处理一些简单的常见疾病,但由于大学生医药知识匮乏,生活经验少,在用药安全性上存在很大隐患。文章从大学生自我诊断、自我购买、自我用药三方面现状进行安全性研究,进而提出若干建议,提高大学生自我药疗的安全性。  相似文献   

目的:获取了解广州市大学城高校大学生食品安全知识、态度和行为现状,提出通过政府和媒体在食品安全知识教育宣传建议或措施,助力社会和谐,实现中国梦。方法:通过现场调查和网络问卷形式,调查研究大学城10所高校在读学生食品安全意识行为和知识素养水平。运用SPSS对数据进行整合分析。结果:各高校大学生对重要基本食品安全知识的知晓率普遍偏低,在传播媒体层面,要发挥各媒介优势,以喜闻乐见的形式开展食品安全知识、法律法规的宣传普及;在政府、学校层面,除加大食品科学研究的投入力度、完善食品安全监管及建设长效保障机制外,还应大力加强食品安全知识和卫生素质教育。  相似文献   

以长沙市为研究区域,调查公众、患者、医疗机构不合理用药现状,并分析原因、提出解决措施,以期为培养药学高职人才提供教学借鉴。对社会药房、市民公众、医院和诊所用药调研情况表明,长沙市的不合理用药情况较为严重。人员素质、社会宣传、经济利益、政府管理等因素是导致各种不合理用药情形出现的主要因素。应采取有效措施加大合理用药宣传、加强用药管理、提高从业人员专业素质,以解决长沙市不合理用药问题。  相似文献   

依据消费者行为理论,就目前天津市移动医疗服务的使用现状进行调查研究,分析移动医疗服务现存的主要问题是:市民对移动医疗服务的信任度较低;移动医疗服务使用率较低;移动医疗服务质量不高。其改进策略是:通过提供高质量的医疗信息、基于实体医院开办移动终端的线上医院、加强对移动医疗领域的监管等措施,提高天津市市民对移动医疗服务的信任度;加强宣传和实地推广,以提高移动医疗APP的使用率;通过确保信息安全、完善认证信息、严格把控医生资格等对策,提高移动医疗服务水平。  相似文献   

目的:通过了解市民在骨髓捐献方面的认知度、所持态度以及捐献意愿,探讨影响骨髓捐献行为的因素,并提出建设性的解决方案,对于骨髓捐献推广提供宣传教育提供科学依据。方法:通过自编调查问卷,采用单纯随机抽样的方法向社会不同阶层、不同年龄、不同职业的400位市民进行调查。结果:市民对造血干细胞移植认知度较低,普遍存在误区。结论:应提高芜湖市民对捐赠骨髓的认知水平。从加大科普、社会宣传力度等方面提高人们对骨髓移植的认知程度,是推广捐献造血干细胞行为的首要举措。  相似文献   

随着药品零售市场的快速发展,零售药店为广大的群众购药提供省时、省力、省钱的服务。但是,在零售药店的扩大化、多元化、普遍化的同时,合理用药成为零售药店信誉提高的关键问题之一。本文在查阅合理用药文献的基础上,总结出合理用药的定义与内容,以及影响合理用药的相关因素,设计了调查问卷,总结出药店在药店管理、店员专业素质、消费者基本情况和用药观念等方面的基本情况,并对我国零售药店合理用药提出建议。  相似文献   

山东省莱阳市物价局出重拳,加强"五一"节市场价格监管。一是召开专题会议,重点部署节日监管任务,全局执法人员取消节假日休息,分成6个检查组,分别对城区各大超市、药店等经营企业进行重点检查。二是通过报纸、新闻媒体等舆论工具,宣传价格主管部门加强节日市场监管所采取的政策  相似文献   

为使社会公众意识到出租车司机为公共交通安全所做的贡献,中国最大的出租车内互动媒体企业触动传媒,携手西安杨森制药有限公司、嘉事堂药店与《自我药疗》杂志共同举办了“‘师傅您好’——收集智慧,‘胃’爱加油”活动。2011年9月到10月仅1个月的时间里,就有超过530万的出租车乘客关注了本次活动,有众多热心乘客和社会大众通过各种途径留下了自己对司机胃健康的建议,  相似文献   

随着大学生校外兼职越来越多,在他们兼职过程中也出现了一些权益受侵犯以及安全等问题。为了能使大学生兼职更加合法化、规范化,切实保护大学生权益、保障他们的安全,具体措施是:完善兼职法律法规,保障大学生兼职权益;司法部门加强对企业用工的监管力度;学校教育部门加强规范兼职管理和大学生兼职法律知识宣传;增强大学生的维权意识、自我保护意识教育和安全教育。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在当前食品安全问题频出的情况下,消费者们的自我保护行为,并基于消费者们的自我保护行为进行了初步的消费者分类,以促进政策方面关于食品安全的不同程度、不同方向的监管,同时对消费者的自我保护行为进行合理解释。  相似文献   

耿凡  卞鹰 《中国市场》2007,(45):59-61
本文旨在为非处方药网络DTC营销策略提出建议。通过文献收集和资料分析后,本文初步得到以下结论:(1)全球OTC市场中,我国以11%的增长率成为增长最快的地区;(2)2006年我国网络营销市场规模突破60亿;(3)超过80%的城市居民对一些可自我识别的疾病或某些慢性疾病进行自我药疗;(4)截至2007年1月,我国网民总数为13700万人。基于此,本文认为电子邮件营销,网络DTC广告和DTC网站这三种网络DTC营销方式的发展前景看好。  相似文献   


Given the pharmaceutical industry's immense global importance, drug manufacturers are currently spending approximately one third of sales revenues on marketing their products. A neglected area of inquiry is pharmaceutical marketing's contribution to consumer empowerment. The present investigation proposes an Advertising-Empowerment-Model which was tested in Brazil, the most important pharmaceutical drug market in Latin America. The model includes ad-, product- and health-related variables. Based on survey data from 241 Brazilian subjects (non-student sample), the model received support for four different ad appeals (informative, emotional, mixed and CSR). Results indicate that the mixed appeal ad led to the highest degree of empowerment in all three empowerment categories (message empowerment, self-medication empowerment, and health empowerment) and was followed by the informative and emotional ad appeals. The CSR appeal obtained the overall lowest scores. Implications regarding the relevance of empowerment in international advertising are discussed. Additionally, limitations and directions for further research are addressed.  相似文献   

In Britain, substantial cuts in police budgets alongside controversial handling of incidents such as politically sensitive enquiries, public disorder and relations with the media have recently triggered much debate about public knowledge and trust in the police. To date, however, little academic research has investigated how knowledge of police performance impacts citizens’ trust. We address this long-standing lacuna by exploring citizens’ trust before and after exposure to real performance data in the context of a British police force. The results reveal that being informed of performance data affects citizens’ trust significantly. Furthermore, direction and degree of change in trust are related to variations across the different elements of the reported performance criteria. Interestingly, the volatility of citizens’ trust is related to initial performance perceptions (such that citizens with low initial perceptions of police performance react more significantly to evidence of both good and bad performance than citizens with high initial perceptions), and citizens’ intentions to support the police do not always correlate with their cognitive and affective trust towards the police. In discussing our findings, we explore the implications of how being transparent with performance data can both hinder and be helpful in developing citizens’ trust towards a public organisation such as the police. From our study, we pose a number of ethical challenges that practitioners face when deciding what data to highlight, to whom, and for what purpose.  相似文献   

This research seeks to identify gaps in financial knowledge and behaviors between immigrants to Canada and individuals who are born in Canada. The research aims to evaluate to what extent immigrants involve themselves in financial planning and avoid harmful financial behaviors. Employing the Canadian Financial Capability Survey (2009), the findings of the study suggest that immigrants are less likely to show high levels of financial knowledge compared to born citizens. The knowledge gap between immigrants and born citizens narrows as an individual resides longer in Canada. In addition, immigrants are less likely to prepare themselves financially for their retirement or to have long-term investments. The findings provide a basis for addressing the implications of weak financial knowledge.  相似文献   

张泽洪 《财经论丛》2016,(4):105-112
对患者住院医疗费用构成及影响因素进行分析,探讨新医改后的医疗控费方向,以某县级市属人民医院的5205例住院病例为研究对象,通过研究发现:(1)人均住院费用构成中,药占比大幅度下降了,而检查治疗费与材料费占比很高;(2)病种、科室、医嘱变异率、临床路径完成情况、疾病转归对住院费用都有显著影响;(3)医疗控费,在宏观上需要系统规制,完善医保、规范医疗、改革医药等政策联动。在微观治理上应将一些有效的控费手段如临床路径进一步完善,提高完成率,减少变异率等。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that consumers increasingly challenge the legitimacy of marketers and unsolicited marketing communication in online contexts. Based on a qualitative study, this article examines how and for what reasons consumers challenge marketer legitimacy—the perceived appropriateness of marketers and their activities—in the empirical context of Reddit, a popular social news and community website. The study suggests that consumers challenge or accept marketer legitimacy in online communities based on particular, community and situation specific, legitimacy criteria that reflect and reproduce the values and norms of the community. In doing so, it is argued, consumers play a role as legitimating agents—consumer‐citizens that have the power to confer or deny legitimacy in the context of business‐society relations. Overall, the study advances knowledge in the field of consumer studies in two ways. First, it builds a symbolic interactionist perspective on consumer‐citizens as legitimating agents who enact their active citizenship role in the marketplace by assessing and constructing marketer legitimacy in online communities. Second, it offers an empirically grounded account of how and for what reasons consumer‐citizens challenge or accept the legitimacy of marketers and unsolicited marketing communication in online communities.  相似文献   

Koll  Willi  Watt  Andrew 《Intereconomics》2022,57(1):56-62

While the euro officially came into being in 1999, it was the introduction of euro notes and coins 20 years ago in January 2002 that made the common currency a tangible reality for European citizens. The circle of member states has since grown from 11 to 19, and a growing section of the population no longer has any personal experience with a “national” currency, yet the debate on the legal and institutional framework underpinning the common currency has never gone away.


问卷调查的结果显示:广大患者对北京市公立医院实施"医药分开"试点改革并不满意。患者普遍认为为了更好地解决看病难,医院对"医药分开"的宣传还有待进一步扩大;应再减少排队挂号时间;医生的服务态度还有待改善;医疗费用的支出应更加清晰。针对群众存在的医药知识缺失、选择权利缺失、医疗保险认识缺失、政府保护患者利益缺失等问题,医院在试点中药切实解决药房托管问题、收支两条线管理问题、药品零差率问题、实施"医药分开"后医事服务费等问题。  相似文献   

Drawing from the affect–reason–involvement model, we examine how misleading advertising about the environmental features of products, or greenwashing, affects how consumers perceive ads and brands. Using data from two experimental studies with quota-based samples in the United States (N = 486) and Germany (N = 300), we compare nondeceptive claims with two types of claims often used in greenwashing: vague claims and false claims. We also identify the presence of pleasant nature-evoking images and test for interaction effects with two types of environmental involvement: environmental concern and environmental knowledge. Results indicate that while vague claims do not enhance consumers' perceived greenwashing regardless of their environmental knowledge or concern, false claims do, which consequently harms consumers' attitudes toward those ads and brands. In the United States, consumers' environmental knowledge moderates that effect, whereas all consumers in Germany could identify false claims as attempts at greenwashing. Moreover, associating greenwashing claims with nature-evoking images activates an affective persuasive mechanism that appeals to consumers' affinity for nature, which not only positively influences their evaluations of ads and brands but also influences their attitudes toward ads and brands more strongly than perceived greenwashing. In closing, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

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