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初入职场,少不了的要去"跑龙套"。整日,东跑西颠,做这做那,就是找不到自己的位置。有时,还被当了枪使,浑然不觉,笑脸相迎,白痴了不知多少回。给人以热情,喝的是凉水。给人以热脸,贴的是冷屁股。还得跑。这是一个过程,必须经历的过程。这个过程,备受煎熬,有人渴望咸鱼翻身,便拿"今"字说事儿:"今"天努力一"点",明天才有资格指挥别人。希望付出一"点"努力,能够获得权柄的"令箭"。不错。摆脱"卒子"的命运,只有做"将"。当然,这就不是要努力一"点"、两"点"、三  相似文献   

早有耳闻,陈小明是个豪气冲天的汉子。性格上,他不大像南方人,虽然体型并不彪悍,但豪爽粗犷阳刚四溢。 初见,在汉唐文化城的剪彩仪式上,西装革履,干练精明,不停奔忙着招呼宾客,热情中流露出真诚。在汉唐文化城的一间茶室,再次见他,却是一身运动衫,非常休闲。工作之外的他,显得随和而不拘于小节。 陈小明言语利落,嗓门洪亮。言至开心处,现出孩子般的活泼和憨态。谈笑风生,江湖风云,赤手空拳打天下的汉子,他的江湖道和赤子心渐渐显现。 陈小明属于较早涉水房地产的那一拨弄潮儿。从1998年至今,十年不过弹指。十年间,他率领一般兄弟东拓西杀南征北战,足迹跑遍大半个中国。 此番,陈小明带着汉唐文化城,带着寿山石文化和浓郁的茶香回到福州晋安。浓墨重彩的一笔,再度引得众人侧目。  相似文献   

王泽金 《楼市》2012,(21):17
1034年前,被贬知睦州的范仲淹,从临安乘船由钱塘江而上,过富春山严陵祠下,见当地百姓齐唱柳永的《满江红》:"桐江好,烟漠漠。波似染,山如削。绕严陵滩畔,鹭飞鱼跃……"心情为之大振。随后与章岷知事在桐庐相交的日子,为桐庐的如画山水所陶醉,写下了"钱塘江尽到桐庐,水碧山青画不如"的名句。939年前,在杭任通判的苏轼,放棹桐庐,过七里濑,兴极而歌:"一叶舟轻,双桨鸿惊。水天清、影湛波平。鱼翻藻鉴,鹭点烟汀。过沙溪急,霜溪冷,月溪明。重重似画,曲曲如屏。算当年、  相似文献   

1915年,在国际巴拿马博览会上,各国送展的产品可谓琳琅满目,美不胜收。可是中国送展的茅台酒,却被挤在一个角落,久久无人问津。中国工作人员心里很不服气。他眉头一皱,计上心来,便提着一瓶茅台酒,走到展览大厅最热闹的地方,故作不慎把这瓶茅台酒摔在地上。酒瓶落地,浓香四溢,招来不少看客。人们被这茅台酒的奇香吸引住了。从此。那些只饮“香槟”、“白兰地,,的外国人知道了中国茅台酒的魅力。这一摔,茅台酒出了名,被评为世界名酒之一,并得了奖。  相似文献   

周一 《中国企业家》2006,(6):110-110
“聪明”与“智慧”,在很多人看来,没什么大的差别。自己以前对此也没在意,随着年龄的增长,经历的事情多了,渐渐地悟出了二者的内涵是完全不同的。向哪个方向反映,构成了聪明与智慧的根本差别。某种意义上讲,聪明是一个中性的概念,当邪气主宰了聪明,聪明就成了贬义的东西,某人常常被他人指责为“小聪明”就是这样。当这种“小聪明”恶性膨胀时,持有者就变成了人见人厌者。换言之,在邪气主宰下,越聪明则危害越大。当正气主宰了聪明,聪明就会逐渐转向智慧。在生活、工作中。“邪”与“正”常常只是一念之差。真、善是正的本质,假、恶是邪的本质。为人私欲膨胀时,其言谈举止,必然处处体现出假与恶。智慧,可以分很多层次。简而言之,可分为小智、大智、  相似文献   

最不起眼的舞台上,我们是孤独的舞者。纷纷纭纭的世界中,我们是最普通的职场人。当我们需要掌声的时候,也许无人喝彩。当我们需要鼓励的时候,也许无人肯定。漫长的人生,每个人的大部分时间都会在工作中度过。工作就是我们生命的舞台。然而,很多的人却无视自己拥有过的工作,去追求那些表面看起来很美好,实际却很虚  相似文献   

罗影  张军  周莉 《英才》2008,(12)
他们的故事,看上去都是不务正业的。但是,探究之后发现,却绝非不学无术。他们把玩当做一件正经事儿,玩得兢兢业业,玩得废寝忘食。在专长的领域,他们不能容忍有人超越自己,要么不玩,要玩就得玩好。  相似文献   

林馥榆 《潮商》2011,(2):85-85
岁月是一本没有结尾的小说,我们在其中的某一个章节出现,总会想要知道在自己出现之前故事的情节是怎样。于是为了这个目的,四处奔走,到处寻觅,停留,聆听。果戈里(俄)说,建筑同时还是世界的年鉴,当歌曲和传说都已经缄默时,它还在说话。坐在石阶前,靠着些许残破的柴板门,听着龙湖,这千年古寨讲述过去的故事。从汕头出发,沿着护堤路一直前行二十几公里,如果不是特别注意,错过了静静待在路旁的龙湖古寨也未可知。龙湖古寨,古称塘湖。寨门不高,如同时光机一般,穿过便是穿越千年岁月。看,这里喧嚣繁华,听,这里市集闹嚷。自南宋建寨以来,这里一直是通往潮州府城的要道。商贾云集,望族聚居、铺户鳞次栉比,船只在古彩塘溪、韩江、西溪往来穿梭,车马簇拥,周围十里沃土,农业发达。龙湖经济达到鼎盛是在明朝中期,自闽西、赣南运来  相似文献   

本刊讯为庆贺党的十八大胜利召开,商洛许多群众自发组织开展丰富多彩的文化活动,用身边的事儿,用老百姓自己的话儿,热情歌颂党的丰功伟绩,庆贺党的十八大。"鞭炮响,红灯挂,喜庆党的十八大,听说要开十八大,我家忙的放不下。看电视,听喇叭,儿女媳妇坐一搭。看看政策啥变化,听听代表把言发。这十年,功劳大,各行各业齐变化。与时俱进跨骏马,全面建设现代化。科学发展似灯塔  相似文献   

修恩禹 《英才》2013,(10):112-112
有些人,在一起,却宛若陌路。有些人,走散后,仍留下一生的记忆。在中国地产界,几乎无人不知"万通系"的名号。冯仑、潘石屹、易小迪……这几个名字就像是某种特定的标签,时时被人提起。虽然从第一次有人选择散伙至今,几个人分开已有十几年的时间,但关于他们的新闻,却一直没有消失。每隔一段时间,总是有媒体想在他们几个人身上挖出一些新料。这种影响力,在中国的商界并不多见。  相似文献   

Monetary theory emphasizes that imperfect monitoring is necessary for money to be essential, that is, for money to achieve socially desirable allocations. Little is known about how limited monitoring must be if money is to be essential, though. Understanding sufficient conditions for the essentiality of money is important since monitoring is a natural way in which credit is introduced in monetary models. In this paper, we show that money can fail to be essential even if monitoring is quite limited. This indicates that one must be careful when introducing monitoring in monetary models to allow for the coexistence of money and credit.  相似文献   

Looking ahead thirty years is a difficult task, but is not impossible. In this paper we illustrate how to evaluate such long-term forecasts. Long-term forecasting is likely to be dominated by trend curves, particularly the simple linear and exponential trends. However, there will certainly be breaks in their parameter values at some unknown points, so that eventually the forecasts will be unsatisfactory. We investigate whether or not simple methods of long-run forecasting can ever be successful, after one takes into account the uncertainty level associated with the forecasts.  相似文献   

王苹 《价值工程》2012,31(16):227-228
宁波市高职院校大学生人文素养的现状不容乐观:思想认识水平低下;人格残缺,辨别是非能力弱;职业道德缺乏,法律意识淡薄;谈话交流词不达意、言不由衷,无法与人进行有效的沟通与合作。针对现状,我们从纵向和横向两个维度拟定了一套提升人文素养教育的具体方案。  相似文献   


Innovation may be a basis for starting a business, and financing is typically needed for starting. Innovation and financing may conceivably be negatively related, or be unrelated, or plausibly be beneficially related. These possible scenarios frame the questions: What is the coupling between innovation and financing at inception, and what is the embeddedness of coupling in networks around the entrepreneur, specifically networks with investors and researchers? These questions are addressed with a globally representative sample of entrepreneurs interviewed at inception of their business. Innovation and financing are found to be decoupled, typically; less frequently to be loosely coupled, and rarely to be tightly coupled. Coupling is promoted by networking with both investors and researchers, with additive effects and with a synergy effect. By ascertaining coupling and its embeddedness in networks as a way for building capability in a startup, the study contributes to empirically supported theorizing about capability building.


Identification and Use of Efficient Faces and Facets in DEA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper provides an outline of possible uses of complete information on the facial structure of a polyhedral empirical production possibility set obtained by DEA. It is argued that an identification of all facets can be used for a characterization of basic properties of the empirical production frontier. Focus is on the use of this type of information for (i) the specification of constraints on the virtual multipliers in a cone-ratio model, (ii) a characterization of the data generation process for the underlying observed data set, and (iii) the estimation of isoquants and relevant elasticities of substitution reflecting the curvature of the frontier. The relationship between the so-called FDEF approach and the cone-ratio model is explored in some detail. It is demonstrated that a decomposition of the facet generation process followed by the use of one of the available (exponential) convex hull algorithms allows for an explicit identification of the facial structure of the possibility set in fairly large DEA data sets. It is a main point to be made that the difficulties encountered for an identification of all facets in a DEA-possibility set can be circumvented in a number of empirical data sets and that this type of information can be used for a characterization of the structural properties of the frontier.  相似文献   

目前钢铁企业竞争日趋激烈,确保企业在生产、仓储、配送和运输等环节物流信息的畅通和高效共享,必须建立先进高效的管理系统。结合GPS、GSM、GPRS、RFID等技术,重点介绍基于ArcGIS Server和Ajax的WebGIS系统的分析与设计,ArcGIS Server是一个基于Web的企业级GIS解决方案,为钢铁物流提供了一个高效的集成管理平台;可以进行空间分析、各种查询检索;采用Ajax技术,改变以前客户端反应迟钝的缺点,能快速响应。  相似文献   

非货币性资产交换按会计处理原则不同可分为具有商业实质的交换和不具有商业实质的交换。具有商业实质的交挟在税会处理上没有根本性差异,而不具有商业实质的交换在税会处理上存在根本性差异。税会处理差异的原因在于会计和税法的立法立场不同,而且这一差异不可协调。这种差异可以有效防止关联方企业利用非货币性交换调节利润。  相似文献   

仲建生 《价值工程》2010,29(31):160-161
胸腹部脏器疾病,比如肝癌等在临床上常见的恶性肿瘤,影像学检查一般能发现病灶,有时却难以明确定性,对进一步确定治疗方案带来困难。CT导引下经皮肝脏穿刺可获得病理学诊断,对指导临床选择治疗方案、随访及预测预后等均有重要意义,近年来在肝部疾病的鉴别诊断和治疗中应用越来越广泛。然而在实际的穿刺过程中,常常由于病人的呼吸导致胸腹部内脏的活动,致使穿刺失败或者是重复穿刺加重病人的痛苦。本设计针对这一问题,以呼吸活动为切入点,寻求解决方案。呼吸活动的外在表现是胸腹部压力的变化,本设计的主要思想是利用STC89C52单片机为核心制作一个装置,第一步利用一个气体压力传感器MPS2108通过包裹在病人腹部的气囊采集压力信号,第二步将该信号在LM324放大器上进行放大,第三步再送到ADC0804进行A/D转换后变为数字信号,最终在数码管上显示出来,定位时在数码管上取一个值,等到穿刺时让病人有意识的呼吸,直到压力传感器感受相同的压力,数码管显示相同的值时,由于内脏的位置大体相似,这时再穿刺时可以提高穿刺的成功率,减少重复穿刺现象的发生,减轻病人的痛苦。  相似文献   

Renegotiation and Collusion in Organizations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been argued that collusion among the members of an organization may lead to inefficiencies and hence should be prevented in equilibrium. This paper shows that whenever the parties to an organization can renegotiate their incentive scheme after collusion, these inefficiencies can be greatly reduced. Moreover, it might not be possible to prevent collusion and renegotiation in equilibrium. Indeed, if collusion is observable but not verifiable, then the organization's optimal incentive scheme will always be renegotiated. If, instead, collusion is not observable to the principal, both collusion and renegotiation will occur in equilibrium with positive probability. The occurrence of collusion and renegotiation should therefore not be taken as evidence of the inefficiency of an organization.  相似文献   

Rodney  William  Brendan  Don 《Technovation》2005,25(12):1418-1429
The complex and dynamic behaviour associated with technology transfer business processes combined with the technological risk involved in the participating small firms, has led to a lack of business process definition and improvement in this area. Furthermore, the embryonic firms are highly individualistic with differing needs for assistance and development. There may also be a tendency to provide infrastructure and basic services with an avoidance of business process definition and hence, improvement.The aim of this paper is to investigate how potential business and management inputs can be used to define and to suggest improvements for two key technology transfer business processes, namely the technology licensing process and the business building process.A stratified pathway process mapping approach is used. This research approach includes semi-structured interviews with University Innovation Centre small firms, focus groups with Innovation Centre stakeholders and best practice benchmarking.The findings indicate that a modified processual approach can be adopted to define key business processes within technology transfer. Using this approach it is possible to show where business and management interventions can most effectively be deployed in each process.  相似文献   

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