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计量检定是目前衡量产品质量的重要手段,也是企业进行产品质量控制的主要依据。当前我国计量检定工作存在较多的问题,具体表现为:检定工具使用不规范、检定制度不完善、检定条件不合适、检定人员专业素质不高等,这些问题严重影响了计量检定结果的准确性。本文提出通过加强对检定工具的管理、提供良好的工作环境、建立检定监督机制以及提高检定人员素质等措施,提高我国的计量检定工作水平。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国外各大校准机构的进驻,我国计量检定、校准市场的竞争也越来越激烈,各计量检定机构迫切需要建立并运行与国际通行准则相一致的管理体系。本文主要分析了我国市级计量检定机构管理体系的构成、计量检定对国民经济的重要作用以及目前我国计量检定机构管理体系运行的现状,最后指出了如何确保计量检定管理体系有效运行的建议,以期促进市级计量检定机构自身管理水平的提高。  相似文献   

通过血压计计量检定过程以及具体分析,得出常见的血压计计量检定中的故障,希望能对我国血压计计量检定工作提供一些有效的帮助.  相似文献   

当前,随着我国机动车数量的不断增加,这对于我国成品油市场的健全发展有着很好的促进作用,特别是在加油机检定当中,需要确保检定结果准确性才能够实现加油机的合理应用。除此之外,在对加油机的检定当中,需要对各方面因素充分重视,结合环境要素,实现加油机的合理检定,这样对于加油机的温度也可以实现有效预防以及控制。  相似文献   

我国《计量法》规定,计量检定工作要执行计量检定规程。通常在计量检定规程的检定项目叙述中,关于首次检定、后续检定和使用中检验有不同的要求,如《热能表检定规程》中,首次检定和后续检定的项目相同,均为  相似文献   

我国现有的水表检定装置多数是选用普通碳素钢制作而成,在长期使用过程中会出现大面积腐蚀现象,降低水表检定装置的准确性,使得检定工作难以开展,因此对于水表检定装置进行技术改进已经成为重要工作。文章对水表检定装置的技术改进进行了探讨。  相似文献   

质量管理体系是我国计量检定机构中的重要部分,科学、完善的质量管理体系不仅可以提高计量检定机构的工作效率,还可以提高计量检定机构整体的工作质量。文章从计量检定机构质量管理体系中存在的问题开始分析,重点探讨我国计量检定机构质量管理体系建设方法,希望不断优化计量检定机构质量管理体系,促进我国计量检定机构在新时期健康发展,为人们的生活提供更好的服务。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济水平的提高,人们对于生产和生活的需求也不断提升,为了更好地满足当前人们的生产生活需求,做好计量检定工作十分重要。因为计量检定工作对于规范我国市场的发展起着重要的监督和维护作用,文章对提升计量检定工作质量的有效措施进行详细探讨。  相似文献   

我国现行计量检定规程的编写大都是沿袭60年代原苏联国家计量检定规程的模式与传统做法,其内容仅包含了概述、技术条件(要求)、检定条件、检定项目和检定方法、检定结果处理、检定周期这5个方面。在技术条件(要求)中只给出了该种计量器具所应具备和达到的基本功能和参数,对计量器具使用中的环境条件和要求并没有明确。检定项目和检定方法中大多只规定了恒温或接近恒温的要求。事实上  相似文献   

对于我国现阶段的计量检定工作,很多文章都有探讨,但大多是从法律意识、检测人才、计量器具、计量执法等方面进行了论述和探讨,笔者结合自身经验,从计量检定规程、计量工作程序以及创新方面对我国的计量检定工作进行探讨。  相似文献   

物联网技术在军事物流中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任杰  王强  翟俊伟 《物流科技》2011,34(11):90-92
在世界新军事革命的时代背景下,把物联网理念与技术应用于军事物流,有利于提升我军后勤保障能力,也必将是未来军事物流的发展趋势。作者简要介绍了物联网技术在军事物流体系中的应用,并对目前应用中存在的问题进行了总结,最后提出了解决的措施与方法。  相似文献   

The BRICS countries in general, and China and India in particular, are now widely regarded as the areas of the world likely to challenge the economic leadership of the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). A large part of this challenge will come from rapid technological catch‐up by China and India. Yet, despite a recent rise in interest, there is limited knowledge about how and where innovation takes place in these two leading emerging countries and to what extent the Chinese and Indian territorial systems of innovation differ from those in the EU or the US. In this article we explore the geography of innovation in China and India, concentrating on understanding key territorial‐level innovation trends by country, region and technology field, using the US and the EU as benchmarks. We find significant contrasts between the geography of innovation in China and India and that of the US and the EU. First, the degree of concentration of innovative activities in both countries is extremely high. Levels of agglomeration of innovation in the coastal provinces of China, as well as in Delhi and the South of India, significantly exceed the levels of agglomeration found in the USA and the EU. Secondly, China has witnessed a more rapid increase in the degree of concentration of innovation than India. We posit that the differences in the geography of innovation between, on the one hand, China and India and, on the other hand, between these countries and the developed world are rooted in different institutional settings, different systems of innovation and different national innovation strategies.  相似文献   

The success of the new patterns of local governance depends on engaging communities in a range of partnerships at various geographic scales and administrative levels. In practice, this usually falls to a handful of community leaders in any given locality. Our research on area regeneration partnerships in the UK reveals a community leadership cycle, which proceeds through five phases. The first phase consists of the emergence of a first generation of leaders early on in a partnership, in the second phase their position in the partnership is consolidated and loyalty to the partnership developed, followed by a third phase of the cultivation of a second generation of leaders. Then comes a fourth phase in which the new generation of leaders raise their voices to challenge the established patterns of representation in the partnership. In the final phase, individual leaders exit from the partnership. This community leadership cycle is part of building multi-sector leadership coalitions in the neighbourhoods through strategies combining loyalty, voice and exit.  相似文献   

This article describes the current status of women in the workplace in Taiwan. Statistical evidence shows sex segregation in the labour market. Discriminatory practices in the hiring process are documented via a content analysis of 7,037 classified ads. Overtly discriminatory actions, such as blatantly stated gender requirements in the classified ads, are shown to be still common in hiring practices. Census data on a gender gap in compensation shows that women in Taiwan evidently get less pay than men do for the same work. The ratio of female to male employees is significantly and negatively correlated with the ratio of female to male in pay. The higher the percentages of women in an industry, the lower the pay women get compared to men. Also, the ratio of female to male in pay is negatively related to the turnover rate. Companies that pay women fairly tend to enjoy lower turnover rates. The implications of these women's issues in human resource management in Taiwan are presented.  相似文献   

蔡琳  崔波 《价值工程》2011,30(31):135-136
"逃遁"是美国社会生活中一个不容忽视的现象,美国文学中以"逃遁"为主题的文学作品异彩纷呈。马克·吐温笔下的哈克贝利·费恩与杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格笔下的霍尔顿是美国不同时期文学作品中逃遁者形象的代表。本文试从《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》和《麦田里的守望者》两部作品中主人公形象、逃遁原因及作品的现实意义三方面出发,进行分析,以展示美国文学中的"逃遁"主题。  相似文献   

This study examines predictors of work–care arrangements in South African organisations. It investigates the adoption of 23 work–care arrangements in organisations listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Organisational size, female presence in the organisation and in trade unions, female leadership and trade union density are tested as predictors of the adoption of these arrangements. In addition, foreign ownership, a previously untested variable predicting the adoption of work–care arrangements, is included in this study. The findings show that the level of adoption of work–care arrangements in South African organisations is low. Organisational size and female presence in senior managerial positions are found to be associated with the greater adoption of work–care arrangements. The study adds to existing work–family research by examining work–care integration in a non-Western context. Furthermore, the study is innovative in the addition of foreign ownership as an independent variable and the inclusion of a broader range of work–care arrangements in the study. The study is relevant for other developing nations and extends the existing research on employer involvement in work and care in developed nations.  相似文献   

史建波 《价值工程》2014,(6):106-107
我国建筑行业现在还处于管理比较粗放和落后的形式。在国外,数字化信息化的建设工程质量安全普遍得到运用。虽然我国对建筑施工安全生产也非常重视,但是在我国建筑行业施工现代技术运用就显得不够成熟,因此提高我国建设项目管理水平的必由之路就是掌握一套科学和实用性较强的数字化工程管理系统。这样在进行施工作业的时候,可以避免一些不安全的因素发生,所以如何做好安全生产工作就成为建筑工程施工的重中之重。  相似文献   

外商投资我国服务业:现状与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐婧 《价值工程》2007,26(4):27-30
20世纪80年代以来,随着全球产业结构调整和国际分工的日益深化,服务业已取代制造业成为对外投资领域的主流。与此相适应,我国服务业吸收的外商直接投资也呈现快速增长的态势。但由于我国服务业发展滞后,服务体系不完善,法律法规不健全,一定程度上制约了我国对服务业外资的吸收和高效利用。文中对我国服务业在利用外商直接投资中出现的问题及其应对策略进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The Sydney housing market peaked in 2003. The period 2001–2006 is, therefore, of particular interest since it captures a boom and bust in the housing market. We compute hedonic, repeat-sales and median price indexes for five regions in Sydney over this period. While the three approaches are in broad agreement regarding the timing of the turning point in the housing market, some important differences also emerge. In particular, we find evidence of sample selection bias in our hedonic and repeat-sales data sets (with the former focusing more on better quality dwellings and the latter more on lower quality dwellings). These sample selection biases could in turn cause bias (in opposite directions) in our hedonic and repeat-sales indexes. Median indexes may likewise be biased as a result of an apparent decline in the average quality of dwellings sold in the latter part of the sample. We also find evidence of convergence in prices across regions during the boom and divergence in the subsequent bust.  相似文献   

陈思源 《城市发展研究》2011,18(11):110-114
社会管理和公共服务是现代城市的两大基本职能.保障城市公共安全,实施防灾减灾是城市履行管理与服务职能的重要内容.首先,综述国际城市防灾减灾的合作和研究的主要进展;其次,基于城市生态经济系统特征,探讨城市灾害系统的结构功能和形成机制,分析中国城市灾害风险的特征;再次,提出中国城市防灾减灾体系的建设战略,包括:确立城市安全发...  相似文献   

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