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浅谈圆弧加工指令G02/G03的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对圆弧加工指令G02/G03分别在数控车床及数控铣床编程中的应用方面作了介绍,希望它能带给从事数控专业教学的同行们一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

直径较大的圆孔加工采用常用的镗削加工时,需频繁地更换刀具,从而降低了加工效率。采用数控系统的圆弧插补G02和G03来编写圆孔加工的数控程序,利用数控铣削的方法加工圆孔,则可以减少换刀次数,提高加工效率。  相似文献   

普通数控车床是两轴联动机床即X轴和Z轴,但是加工圆弧时如果不能正确判断第三个坐标轴Y轴方向,就会出现混乱。本文通过分析数控车床前置刀架和后置刀架的坐标系关系,从而掌握G02和G03的正确应用。  相似文献   

栾承志 《价值工程》2010,29(11):116-117
传统的螺纹加工方法主要为采用普通车床或数控车床车削螺纹、采用丝锥、板牙手工攻螺纹及套螺纹,但在产品结构和加工精度受限制的情况下,螺纹加工不能采用上述方法时,利用数控系统中圆弧插补指令G02/G03和宏程序来完成数控加工程序的编制并在加工中心上实现铣螺纹加工。  相似文献   

ASTM技术委员会G02“磨损和腐蚀”分委员会G02.40“非磨料磨损”日前制定了一项新标准ASTMG196《材料连接物抗磨损测试方法》。G02主席、拉斐特学院机械工程系主任、副教授Scott Hummel博士称,ASTM G196的主要用途将是对无润滑金属,特别是不锈钢的抗磨损性进行特征化。  相似文献   

马永博 《价值工程》2019,38(27):133-135
本文以石家庄市塔北路综合管廊工程DJ-03~DJ-04-02区间盾构下穿建筑物工程为例,深入研究盾构下穿建筑中掘进参数的控制策略,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

■卷首Preface01—012008,让我们用数据记录历史潘01—032008牵手《数据》马士龙01—042008,寄语《数据》杂志02—01以巩固、充实、提升推进北京统计新跨越崔述强02—02我的2008·新年寄语03—01价格·消费·民生云霞04—01建立科学完整统一的能源统计体系耿勤05—01信息公开政  相似文献   

【01】数据显示12月住宅成交量创半年新低,【02】受新政影响过半开发商对行业运行不乐观,【03】厦门启用新版土地房屋权利证书。  相似文献   

【01】07年11月厦门商品房集中成交均价全国排名第三,【02】房产均价近万元涨了四成,【03】07下半年楼市交易下滑价格仍高企,【04】海沧房价07年上涨1948元/平方米。  相似文献   

废止的企业产品标准名单标准编号Q/NQ01-91Q/NMLG01-91Q/NMLG02-91Q/NMLG03-91Q/NMLG04-91蒙Q/内粮饲01-90蒙Q/内粮饲02-90蒙Q/内粮饲03-90蒙Q/内粮饲04-90蒙Q/内粮饲05-90蒙Q/内粮饲06-90蒙Q/内轻艺01-89蒙Q/内轻艺02-89蒙Q/内轻艺03-89蒙Q/内轻艺04-89蒙Q/内轻艺05-89标准名称普通白酒优质葵花籽油优质大豆油优质标准粉优质内蒙精粉生长肥育猪优质配合饲料产蛋鸡优质配合饲料奶牛优质精料补充料生长肥育猪优质混合饲料牛羊抗灾保畜饲料牛羊抗灾保畜优质饲料优质手工打结丝毯优质手工打结仿古羊毛地毯优质手…  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1964,18(3):347-352
Book reviewed in this article:
Combinatorial chance, F. N. DAVID and D. E. BARTON
Numerical Methods of Curve Fitting, P. G. GUEST
Pratique des enquetes, G. R. CHEVRY
Quantitative Techniques in Marketing Analysis (Text and Readings), RONALD E. FRANK, ALFRED A. KUEHN and WILIJAM F. MASSY
Management models and industrial applications of linear programming (two volumes), A. CHARNES and W. W. COOPER
Lehrbuch der VVahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, B. W. GNEDENKO
The Theory of Probability, B. W. GNEDENKO  相似文献   

The simplex method for linear programming has always been very successful from a practical point of view. In the worst case, however, the method may require a computational effort that increases exponentially with problem size. Recently L.G. K hachian proposed an entirely different solution method whose running time is bounded by a polynomial function of problem size, thereby settling a major open problem in computational complexity theory. We review the developments preceding K hachian 's discovery, describe the algorithm and discuss its implications.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1966,20(3-4):399-414
Mathematical Foundations of the Calculus of Probability, J. NEVEU, vertaald door A. FEINSIHN, Holden-Day, San Francisco-London-Amsterdam
The Theory of Stochastic Processes, D. R. Cox and H. D. MILLER
Equilibrium, Stability and Growth - A Multi-Sectoral Analysis, MICHIO MORISHIMA
Problems for computer solution, FRED GRUENBERGER, GEORGE JAEERAY, John Wiley
Matrix Algebra for Social Scientists, PAUL HORST
Produktiebesturing en voorraadbeheer, algemene beginselen, R. N. VAN HEES en W. MONHEMIUS
Information Theory, ROBERT B. ASH, Interscience publishers, John Wiley & Sons
Principles of Statistics, M. G. BULMER, Oliver and Boyd
Basic Statistics: a primer for the biomedical sciences, OLIVE JEAN DUNN, John Wiley and Sons
A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, M. G. KENDALL and W. R. BUCKLAND
Statistical Tables for biological, agricultural and medical research, R. A. FISHER and F. YATES
Inleiding tot de statistiek, Deel I, derde herziene en uitgebreide druk; Deel II, tweede opnieuw bewerkte en uitgebreide druk
Introduction to statistics and correlation, CELESTE MCCOLLOUGH and LOCHE VAN ATTA
Inequalities on Distribution functions, H. J. GODWIN
Fifty challenging problems in probability, with solutions
Advances in game theory, M. DRESHER, L. S. SHAPLEY, A. W. TUCKER
Nonlinear and dynamic programming, G. HADLEY
Elementary Applied Statistics: for students in the Behavioral Science, LINTON C. FREEMAN
De input-output-analyse binnen de onderneming, P. A. VERHEYEN
Introduction to the Theory of Probability and Statistics, NIELS ARLEY and K. RANDER BUCH
De eerste ontmoeting tussen de wiskunde en de sociale wetenschappen, H. FKEUDENTHAL, Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen
Dynamic programming in chemical engineering and process control, S. M. ROBERTS
Allgemeine Methodenlehre der Statistik H, Höhere Methoden unter besonderer Berücksichti-gung der Anwendungen in Naturwissenschaft  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1961,15(2):211-223
Book reviewed in this article:
A history of the International Statistical Institute, 1885–1960, J. W. Nixon
Elements of mathematical statistics; D. R. Whitney
Introduction to mathematical statistics, R. V. Hogg and A. T. Craig
Contributions to Probability and Statistics, Essays in honor of Harold Hotelling, Edited by Ingrarn Olkin, Sudhish G. Ghurye, Wassily Hoeffding, William G. Madow and Henry B. Mann
Kompendium der Variationsstatistik, K. F. Zimmermann
Tabellen, Formeln und Fachausdriicke zur Variationsstatistik, K. F. Zimmer-mann
The planning of experiments, D. R. Cox
Messen und Regeln in der Betriebswirtschaft, A. Adam
Studies in the mathematical theory of inventory and production, Stanford Mathematical Studies in the social sciences I, Kenneth J. Arrow, Samuel Karlin and Herbert Scarf
Elementary mathematical programming, R. W. Mctzgr  相似文献   

We would like to insure against the risk that a geometric Brownian motion, correlated with the price process of a certain traded asset, is in a set E at time T. In this paper it is shown that the best action one can take to insure against this risk is to buy a binary option on the traded asset. We give explicit formulas in the case that E is an infinite interval. The setting of all our investigations is the Black-Scholes model. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 91B28, 60J65, 62P05, 91B30, 62F03 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G31  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1967,21(2):211-222
Book reviewed in this article:
More … through quality, J. VAN ETTINGER/J. SITTIG
Inleiding tot de Statistiek, Deel I, H. RIJKEN VAN OLST
Vraagstukken over waarschjjnLjjkheidsrekening, P. J- A. KANTERS
Cyfers in Ujnen, B. VAN DER MEER en G. S. E. MANDEMA
Linear programming, D. B. YUDIN, E. G. GOL'STEIN
Mathematical Theories of traffic flow, F. A. HAIGHT
Schattingsfunkties van storingen in economische relaties, J. KOERTS
Waarschynlgkheid en statistiek, H. FREUDENTHAL
The Design of Experiments, R. A. FISHER
Inleiding in de Wiskundige Statistiek, J. MUILWUK
De invloed van tramportkosten, heffingen en restituties op handelsstromen, G. HAMMING, W. HORN, H. NEUDECKER en J. NUHUIS
Quantitative decision procedures in management and economics, deterministic theory and applications, CHARLES R. CARR and CHARLES W. HOWE
Progress in Operations Research, volume II, edited by DAVID B. HERTZ and ROGER T. EDDISON
Mathematical Methods in Reliability Engineering, N. H. ROBERTS
Systematische Datenverarbeitung bei der Auswertung von Versuchs- und Beobachtungs-ergebnissen, A. ADAM
Cumulative Sum Techniques, R. H. WOODWARD and P. L. GOLDSMITH
Elementary Statistics, (2e druk), PAUL G. HOEL
Principles of Medical Statistics, A. BRADFORD HILL
Introduction to the theory of statistics, A. M. MOOD and F. A. GRAYBILL
Matrix algebra for the biological sciences, (including applications in statistics), S. R. SEARLE
A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, M. G. KENDALL and W. R. BUCKLAND  相似文献   

曹炼鹏 《价值工程》2013,(35):201-202
随着Android技术的日趋成熟和高速普及,其良好的兼容性、开放性、网络通信等特点使Android开发在各领域中将会有更广泛的应用。本文主要讲述了基于Android平台的地质灾害移动监管系统研发,使用智能筛选技术、Google Maps开发导航、手机拍照采样和服务器响应,通过网络编程使终端利用3G无线通信技术更新地质灾害信息,从而达到严谨防范、监管便捷,让监管部门及时动态的掌握灾害点信息。  相似文献   

公众参与城市规划是城市居民能够直接而积极地参与城市规划、成为规划制定和规划实施过程中一个重要的组成部分.它对于减少规划失误、促进规划的顺利实施及监督规划部门依法行政具有独特的法律价值.公众参与城市规划的原因在于解决规划失灵问题,是恢复个人利益与公共利益平衡的重要杠杆.借鉴各国公众参与制度,我国的公众参与机制应从城市规划信息公开、赋予社会公众参与城市规划的主体地位、确立公众参与城市规划的程序、明确公众参与城市规划的方式以及强化公众参与城市规划的司法保障等方面进行建构.  相似文献   

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