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在分析了在位企业创新路径特征及其衰亡过程的基础上,对后发企业在施行破坏性创新中的优劣势进行了剖析,为后发企业制定破坏性创新策略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

破坏性创新是中小企业在后发情境下实现突围的有效途径,却少有实证研究探索关于中小企业成长的破坏性创新机制。本文以破坏性创新理论和创新网络理论为基本依据,逐步建立"创新网络—破坏性创新—成长绩效"的分析框架,基于杭州市开发区400家中小企业数据构建回归模型,实证检验变量间定量关系。结果表明,破坏性创新对中小企业成长具有正向影响;创新网络对破坏性创新具有正向影响。研究成果能够帮助后发企业实现突破,助力中小企业成长。  相似文献   

破坏性创新作为一种新的战略管理和创新管理理论,为新进企业发挥后发优势,有效攻击和侵入在位企业市场从而颠覆在位者提供了一种新的发展思路。中国轿车企业作为汽车市场的新进入者,应当积极实施破坏性创新战略,并通过市场需求分析、技术研发和资源整合等方式不断提高自身的破坏能力,从而获取更多的市场竞争优势和战略利益。  相似文献   

本文通过对海尔“小小神童”洗衣机产品逆向创新的案例分析,总结了后发企业取得逆向创新成功的若干重要影响因素,即:选择同领先企业技术势差较小的产业领域,后发企业实现逆向创新的机会更多;后发企业在逆向创新过程中,必须充分发挥具有本土比较优势的创新资源要素;后发企业在逆向创新过程中需要依靠开放创新策略、技术与市场和管理创新紧密协同的策略支撑。  相似文献   

商业模式创新是后发企业竞争优势的重要来源,探明后发企业通过商业模式创新实现颠覆的"黑箱"机制,已成为亟待解决的关键性问题。本文基于商业模式创新的新视角,探讨后发企业颠覆式创新的内隐机制,揭示了颠覆过程如何启动、颠覆动力如何持续等内在机理。收集整理华为、小米、OPPO、vivo四家智能手机后发企业的案例资料,采用多案例研究与扎根理论结合的方法,构建商业模式创新视角下后发企业颠覆式创新的机理模型。结果显示:基于用户价值体系迁移方向的价值主张设计、价值网络重构、盈利模式创新、关键资源能力强化等构成了颠覆启动机制,而隔离能力和企业柔性则构成了颠覆长效机制。最后,本文为后发企业提出了强化用户价值体系迁移感知能力、建立多元化的柔性机制、促进技术创新与商业模式创新深度融合的建议。  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中,破坏性创新可能对领导型企业产生重大冲击,甚至颠覆其领导性地位。因此,研究破坏性创新对领导型企业的影响有着重要的现实意义。本文通过诺基亚在产品功能应用上的破坏性创新,谷歌收购摩托罗拉移动进而在生产方式的破坏性创新,以及360在商业模式上的破坏性创新这三个典型案例的评析,探讨了领导型企业破坏性创新的成败得失及其有益的启示。  相似文献   

外部经济环境的动荡变化,不仅可以使在位企业失去原有的战略优势,而且还会使这些优势得以存在的前提不复成立。中国的后发企业在全球发达经济体衰退的背景下,以资金换股权,通过海外并购的方式寻求企业的跨越式发展,是一种可以尝试的发展路径。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,中国后发企业从如何追赶到如何反超再到怎样继续保持竞争优势引起了广泛的关注。本文从互补性资产的视角出发,通过资源整合,实现区域资产内的"大众创业万众创新"。本文试图探讨如何以资产整合来实现后发企业的竞争优势。  相似文献   

论文首先对破坏性创新及企业竞争力理论进行分析,提出了破坏性创新的独特价值:一方面为企业提供新的技术发展方向,另一方面为企业核心竞争力的形成与培养提供一种新的机会。最后具体分析了基于破坏性创新的提升企业竞争力的方法,包括破坏性技术创新、破坏性产品创新和商业模式创新等。  相似文献   

企业可持续发展离不开营销、管理和人才。"营销是前提,管理是关键,人才是根本"。后发企业如何实现赶超,很关键的就是营销。本案例以我国著名中药生产企业——石家庄以岭药业股份有限公司(简称"以岭药业")为背景,描述该企业在实现弯道超越的过程中,如何抢抓机遇,借助于学术营销,实现企业跨越式成长,这种学术营销模式可以为类似企业提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Revolutionary innovations bring about drastically new ways of doing business that potentially challenge the dominance and even the survival of many powerful incumbent firms. The choice of the incumbent firms’ strategies in coping with a revolutionary innovation depends on the specific patterns of relationship between the revolutionary innovation and the incumbent firms’ core business, be it substitutive, complementary, or parallel. In the situation of a substitutive relationship, the incumbent firms could exit from the incumbent business through swift divesting or gradual harvesting before it is eventually displaced or eroded. In a complementary relationship, the incumbents could absorb the innovation into the incumbent business by embracing the innovation that enables them to add entirely new functions to their incumbent business or assimilating the innovation to enhance the value of the incumbent business. In a parallel relationship, the revolutionary innovation either results in the retrenchment of the incumbent business or leaves it undisturbed, which, respectively, calls for specializing in certain niches of the incumbent business or further solidifying the incumbent business. In addition to the above coping strategies focusing primarily on the incumbent business, the incumbent firms also need to deal simultaneously with the new businesses inspired and propelled by the revolutionary innovation. They could fend off the potential disruptions of the innovation by engaging in a competitive fight in the market domain or a nonmarket fight in the sociopolitical domain. They could also enter those new businesses through greenfield entry or merger and acquisition.  相似文献   

后发企业在经济上行时可以利用机会窗口有效扩张,在经济下行时抓住机会通过“窗口期”赶超领先企业。论文以音王集团为例,基于机会窗口的视角,从制度、技术和需求三个维度,分析其发展过程中的机会窗口以及与窗口相匹配的创新发展战略。  相似文献   

This study combines insights from the entrepreneurship, competency-based view and innovation policy literature to analyze the relationships among different types of public incentives designed to foster innovation and product innovation at both new ventures and incumbent firms. To test our hypotheses, we ran a system of regression models on a cross-national sample comprised of 5238 firms from 29 European countries and found a different pattern for new ventures and incumbents. Our results suggest that support for attendance or participation in trade fairs and networking with other companies are the most effective methods of promoting product innovation for new ventures. However, for incumbent firms, we found that the most effective policies consisted of tax reduction for R&D expenditures and subsidies for acquiring buildings or other infrastructure(s) for innovation activities. This distinction prompts interesting insights related to theory development in research on entrepreneurship and innovation policy.  相似文献   

在借壳交易中,对借壳方(非上市公司)财务报告执行审计的审计师可以是壳公司(上市公司)的现任审计师,也可以是新任审计师。以2011—2020年完成借壳上市并签订业绩补偿承诺的我国A股借壳交易案件为样本,检验借壳上市审计师选择对借壳公司业绩承诺实现情况的影响。研究发现,与保留壳公司现任审计师的借壳公司相比,借壳上市交易中选择新审计师的借壳公司更可能在业绩承诺期间精准实现业绩承诺,盈余管理是借壳交易中审计师选择影响借壳公司精准实现业绩承诺的作用渠道。此外,当业绩承诺补偿方式为股份补偿以及借壳交易双方为关联方时,借壳交易中选择新审计师的公司对业绩承诺精准达标的正向作用更加显著。进一步研究发现,借壳上市交易中选择新审计师的公司更可能在业绩承诺到期后经历业绩滑坡,且大股东更可能在锁定期结束后减持股票。结果表明,与保留壳公司现任审计师的借壳公司相比,借壳交易中选择新审计师的借壳公司的机会主义行为更严重。  相似文献   

The issue of the persistence of monopoly when at least one labour-managed firm takes part in an auction for a cost-reducing innovation is tackled in this paper. It is shown that (i) when the incumbent is a profit-maximizing firm while the entrant is a labour-managed firm, monopoly persists; (ii) when both firms are labour-managed, monopoly persists only if the technology initially employed by the incumbent is highly inefficient as compared to the new one; and, finally, (iii) when the incumbent is labour-managed while the outsider is a profit seeking agent, then entry always occurs and monopoly changes hands. Received: 3 July 1997 / Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

We study how vertical market structure affects the incentives of suppliers and customers to develop a new input that will enable the innovator to replace the incumbent supplier. In a vertical setting with an incumbent monopoly upstream supplier and two downstream firms, we show that vertical integration reduces the R&D incentives of the integrated parties, but increases that of the nonintegrated downstream rival. Strategic vertical integration may occur whereby the upstream incumbent integrates with a downstream firm to discourage or even preempt downstream disruptive R&D. Depending on the R&D costs, vertical integration may lower the social rate of innovation.  相似文献   

追赶企业通常面临技术和市场的双重壁垒,因此需要正确应对追赶战略选择和技术创新能力培养的挑战。深圳迈瑞医疗的成功为正在进行追赶的中国企业提供了三点启示:第一,企业的追赶已经进入了以国际市场和标准为初始起点的新阶段;第二,工业设计的创新可以成为中国企业走向国际化的新路径;第三,要以预先培养建设自身能力为核心,作为实现和提升技术引进效果的前提。  相似文献   

In general, studies on green innovation practices have primarily taken an innovation view to study the costs and benefits to firms. What has been less examined, however, is how green training spurs the intentions and advantages of green innovation. Thus, this paper explores how and when green training influences the likelihood of firms to achieve sustainability performance by using organizational learning theory. Using a dataset of 231 Chinese manufacturing firms, our work shows that green training is positively correlated to corporate sustainability performance via the indirect effect of green innovation behavior. We also find an increasingly positive indirect effect that is conditional on ambidextrous learning; specifically, this indirect effect is least positive for firms with lower ambidextrous learning capacity but stronger for those firms having higher ambidextrous learning capacity. We hold that the key to spurring corporate sustainability performance through green training lies mainly in advancing firms' green innovation behaviors and persistently enhancing their capacities for ambidextrous learning. Thus, this study offers not only new theoretical insights for understanding the effect of green training on corporate sustainability performance but also practical implications for improving corporate sustainability performance within a green economy context.  相似文献   

Given that entire industries face sustainability challenges, it is important to understand the dynamics that lead “firms‐in‐an‐industry” to engage in sustainable product innovation. To provide more insight into the question of how innovation activities spread from individual firm action to an industry‐wide engagement, this paper examines the automobile industry and the development of electric vehicles (EVs). The analysis covers automobile incumbents over a crucial decade for EV development in the industry, focusing on the different strategic motives that especially the so‐called “first movers” used to justify their earlier engagement. We find that EVs became a core pillar of the incumbents' technology strategies through a combination of coercive, normative, and mimetic pressures. Yet, the strategic motives to engage in EVs stayed poles apart between different companies. The insights from our study are relevant for those interested in the diffusion of sustainable product innovation and in incumbent behaviour in sustainability transitions.  相似文献   

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