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人才培养是企业可持续发展的关键因素之一。培养和发展好人才,可以为企业带来持续的利润和经济增长,提升企业的市场价值。TL公司是江苏省一家珠宝合资企业,随着公司经营规模的扩大,人力资源管理水平不断提升,通过人才培养助力企业可持续发展的实践效果十分明显。本文通过对TL公司人才培养模式进行研究,结合人力资源管理中的激励理论和职业生涯管理理论,阐述了对员工进行分阶段、分通道及引导员工自我培养的模式为企业带来的价值提升,旨在为企业提升人力资源管理水平提供有益参考。  相似文献   

王斯 《中国总会计师》2023,(12):106-109
合资企业指的是由两家企业出资组建的一家新企业,合资企业相对于大部分非合资企业而言,可以借鉴对方的先进管理模式,利用对方的资金扩大企业规模,获得更好的发展机会。合资企业最常见的管理形式可分为企业控股的管理模式、共同经营的管理模式。近些年国有企业通过积极设立合资公司扩大经营范围,实现了利润规模的增长。但是国有合资公司的监管不力也屡屡导致国有资产流失、国有资产管理混乱等问题。各类国资监管主体加大管控力度,对国有企业的合资行为、控股持股等做了进一步要求,国有企业设立合资公司的行为更加规范、管控力度大大加强,国有企业下设围绕主业的控股合资公司成为主流。本文研究的合资公司指的是国有企业为了扩大规模,引入其他公司股权参加的控股合资子公司。本文首先对国有企业合资公司现状进行了概述,以国有企业在内部审计过程中发现的合资公司存在的问题为抓手,分析了国有合资企业面临的困境,探讨了问题产生的底层原因,揭示规律性问题的成因,并探索问题解决方案。  相似文献   

在经济全球化,我国市场经济进入迅速发展的契机下,大量的合资企业进入我国市场。合资企业的特殊性,使得我国陈旧的管理思想和方法都面临新的挑战,特别是直接影响合资企业健康顺利发展的内部会计控制制度面临更重要的挑战,如果企业不能很好建立完善的适合企业的内部会计控制,恐怕难以应对挑战,抓住发展的机遇。因此,对合资企业内部会计控制的系统研究显得尤其重要。本文以DRS旅游合资公司为例,通过对内部会计控制相关理论的概述,分析DRS公司内部会计控制的现状,造成公司内部会计控制不到位的原因有内部会计制度执行不力,公司领导不重视、会计人员素质不高等,结合公司的内控现状和实际情况,探索出完善企业内部会计控制的对策,使企业能够平稳快速地发展。  相似文献   

现代企业的竞争,从本质上讲是人才的竞争。人才是企业的第一资源,科学、高效的人才管理有助于企业人力资源特别是人才资源的持续健康发展。本文通过聚焦能源类合资企业S公司,采用扎根理论方法,通过半结构式访谈对该公司人才管理现状进行了综合分析,并基于分析结果对S公司人才管理提出了相应的对策建议,希望对石油企业人力资源管理领域的未来研究提供参考和启示。  相似文献   

传统的会计利润对于现代企业业务评价已展现出不足之处,经济增加值(EVA)是评价企业经营和为其创造价值的指标,对企业更好的全面预算管理意义重大.本文通过对文献的梳理,希望可以透过预算管理让公司利用自身优势对资源进行有效整合,真正让公司价值可以达到最大化,从而能够证明应用EVA全面预算管理,对公司有着巨大价值.  相似文献   

本文以某一上市地产公司为研究对象,对于该公司利用公允价值增利的案例进行了研究。研究发现,该公司2012年度通过对增加投资的房地产项目采用公允价值计量,既从账面上改善了公司的财务状况,又方便了公司进行盈余管理。采用公允价值计量,一方面可以更加全面地反应企业的收益,但也存在公允价值难以确定、操作性差等缺点。为提高公允价值计量模式下的会计信息质量,本文最后给出了三点建议。  相似文献   

本文以某一上市地产公司为研究对象,对于该公司利用公允价值增利的案例进行了研究。研究发现,该公司2012年度通过对增加投资的房地产项目采用公允价值计量,既从账面上改善了公司的财务状况,又方便了公司进行盈余管理。采用公允价值计量,一方面可以更加全面地反应企业的收益,但也存在公允价值难以确定、操作性差等缺点。为提高公允价值计量模式下的会计信息质量,本文最后给出了三点建议。  相似文献   

洪建全 《企业导报》2012,(1):167-168
文章从企业人力资源管理的角度出发,结合绩效管理思想,通过对相关绩效管理工具的分析和研究,探讨基于BSC的KPI体系在东风日产乘用车公司的成功运用,期望论文的研究成果能为我国合资企业,尤其是乘用车企业提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

中德合资企业的人力资源管理既受到注重员工利益的德国人力资源管理模式影响,又深深打上中国的强调集体主义风格的人力资源管理制度的烙印。本文以中德合资企业扬子石化—巴斯夫公司为例,分析跨文化的人力资源管理实践,以期为在华合资企业,尤其是中德合资企业的人力资源管理实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文认为公司治理有价值,市场愿意为治理良好的企业支付溢价是公司治理的价值体现,公司治理之所以有价值是因为可以转化为公司价值。本文通过公司治理对MVA驱动因素的作用阐述了公司治理价值转化为公司价值的过程。  相似文献   

Antecedents and Effects of Parent Control in International Joint Ventures   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Using a sample of 90 US–China manufacturing joint ventures, this study empirically tested a grounded-theory model of the antecedents and the effects of the structure of parent management control in international joint ventures. The results suggest that competitive and cooperative dynamics occur simultaneously between joint venture partners. On one hand, the relative bargaining power between the partners, derived from the negotiation context and from contributing critical resources to the venture, respectively, is a determining factor in management control; and the level of operational control exercised by a partner over the venture has a positive effect on the extent to which this partner's strategic objectives are achieved. On the other hand, the quality of the interpartner working relationship was found to have a strong, positive relationship with the achievement of strategic objectives for both partners.  相似文献   

Cooperation is the Holy Grail for inter-organizational relationships, and significant research effort has been directed towards understanding its antecedents. However, the extant literature on joint ventures indicates that relatively few researchers have attempted to measure either cooperation or its organizational consequences. This paper examines the thesis that the link between inter-parent cooperation and joint venture performance may be mediated by important conditions inside the joint venture. The findings suggest that the nature of relations between the managers transferred into the joint venture from the parents can help explain the link between joint venture performance and inter-parent cooperation. In that regard, this research highlights the mediating roles of interdependence, factionalism, and patterns of influence behaviour. A parsimonious model is offered to help understand joint venture performance.  相似文献   

联营体合作伙伴的选择作为组建联营体的基础,在联合投标承包工程风险管理中起着至关重要的作用。文章在提出联营体伙伴选择隐性风险定义的基础上,分析了联营体伙伴选择隐性风险存在的根源,并提出预防隐性风险发生的有效措施。  相似文献   

知识转移管理:中欧合资企业的关键成功因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何正确应对中西方文化差异,实施成功的知识转移管理是在华中欧合资企业面临的主要难题。论文在明确定义合资企业及其绩效、知识与知识转移等概念的基础上,指出知识转移是中欧合资企业获得成功的关键因素。同时,论文还阐述了合资企业治理框架下知识转移的复杂性。最后,提出中欧合资企业实施有效的知识转移管理的要点。  相似文献   

This study highlights the importance of social capital in international joint ventures (IJVs), and examines human resource practices as a factor shaping such social capital. Comprehensive measures of social capital are developed and tested, which extend prior work on ‘bonding’ and ‘bridging’ social capital. We also link social capital with its anticipated antecedents and consequences. The study's findings are based on data collected from 164 IJVs located in Vietnam. IJV performance was predicted by training and by the level of trust and cooperation between foreign and local personnel. Training (including acquisition of management skills, technology, and cross-cultural understanding) also was predictive of the measures of social capital. A key practical implication arising from this study is that the return on investment from training of joint venture personnel can stem not only from the transfer of technical and management skills needed for developing competitive advantage, but also from the positive impact on social capital, which further contributes to venture success. The establishment of written objectives and plans for the venture, as well as the IJV's level of control regarding its own HR functions also was found to be related to some components of social capital. The findings of this study reinforce the call to build on the contributions of local personnel in joint ventures, and in Vietnam in particular.  相似文献   

本文首先描述了创业企业通过吸收联合风险投资获得发展所急需的财务资本与智力资本而飞速发展的现象;然后阐述了创业智力资本的结构,探讨了基于联合风险投资的创业智力资本的导入机理;最后,进行了具体案例的剖析。  相似文献   

Organizing the productive efforts of firms participating in a joint venture involves assigning firms to tasks according to abilities. A multidimensional incentive problem arises when abilities are private information. In any equilibrium, it is better to be a firm who is a specialist rather than a generalist. However, generalists can expect to receive a larger allocation of revenue. If at least one firm is decisive to the profitability of the joint venture (i.e., if it can make a credible cost announcement that implies the joint venture earns zero profit), then the joint venture will not be able to implement a profit maximizing or cost minimizing production plan.Received: 21 March 2002, Accepted: 26 February 2004, JEL Classification: D82, C78, L23Any views expressed in this paper are not purported to reflect those of the United States Department of Justice. This paper benefited from the helpful comments of a referee and an associated editor.  相似文献   

郜春莲 《物流科技》2005,28(4):103-105
风险投资是一种创新的投融资方式,它是一种将资本与高科技企业结合的制度安排。本文提出应从制度安排,投资环境等几方面入手,充分发挥政府在风险投资中的作用,切实改善风险投资环境,设立前限合伙制的风险投资公司,加快法制建设,培养风险投资人才,使我国风险投资步入良性发展的轨道,真正起到促进高科技产业化,推动经济发展的目的。  相似文献   

Little has been written about enhancing human resource management effectiveness in joint ventures with China. This study presented a typology of potential relationships between Chinese and American partners in a joint venture based on goal congruence and cultural understanding. Each relationship is described, and implications for the management of human resources are discussed.  相似文献   

基于创业板上市公司数据,对风险投资机构参与及其特征对我国上市公司IPO前的盈余管理影响进行实证检验,结果显示:风险投资机构参与对上市公司IPO前的盈余管理起到了积极的认证和监督作用。在我国,政府性资本占主要地位的风险投资机构更多地发挥了正面认证和监督作用。风险投资机构的声誉和数量对上市公司IPO前的盈余管理发挥了较大作用,风险投资机构的声誉越高、数量越多,上市公司IPO前一年的盈余管理程度越低。风险投资机构总持股比例与盈余管理程度无显著关系。  相似文献   

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