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This paper presents a framework for addressing normative accounting issues for reporting to shareholders. The framework is an alternative to the emerging Conceptual Framework of the International Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Accounting Standards Board. The framework can be broadly characterized as a utilitarian approach to accounting standard setting. It has two main features. First, accounting is linked to valuation models under which shareholders use accounting information to values their stakes. Second, the desirable characteristics of accounting information are inferred from the demand of investors and analysts who use the information in practice. This stands in contrast to the “qualitative characteristics” in the Boards’ Framework which are embraced largely on the basis of their aesthetic appeal. These features lead to a set of broad accounting principles that resolve “recognition” and “measurement” issues at the core of the Boards’ Conceptual Framework and also the central issue of a balance sheet approach versus an income statement approach. The framework in the paper also frames the research questions for researchers interested in accounting policy.  相似文献   

This article identifies common issues relating to management accounting education in order to determine whether using a competency‐based approach would assist educators in the design, delivery, and assessment of syllabi at educational institutions. A conceptual framework is developed and discussed with regard to the critical success factors methodology to design syllabi that assist educators in attaining the main outcomes in the delivery and assessment of the curriculum. This framework is applied to a typical management accounting curriculum to demonstrate how this approach will enable educators to design, deliver, and assess their syllabi in line with the critical outcomes required. In following this approach, lecturers would constantly have to focus on the knowledge and issues that are relevant and critical for students to understand and apply in order to achieve the aim of the syllabi.  相似文献   

政府会计概念框架结构研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文从基本理论上探讨政府会计概念框架应该回答的问题,从多个国家及国际组织公共部门会计概念框架的对比中寻找灵感,从企业会计概念框架中吸取养分,借助政府会计概念框架整体分析模型构建我国政府会计概念框架结构,试图为我国政府会计概念框架的建设提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   


Many of the problems associated with accounting education could be due to at least two reasons: inadequate attention given to the design of accounting programmes, and the narrow view of stakeholder approach adopted in examining education issues. The existing literature mainly focuses on students' perception about issues such as teaching quality, alumni experience in major accounting firms, and so on. This paper deals with the design of accounting programmes, and proposes to ascertain the views of an important stakeholder group (i.e. alumni) on this issue. The findings of this study give credence to some of the generally held views, e.g. that it is no longer appropriate for tertiary education providers to adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. However, in some other areas, the findings represent a stark contrast to the views on certain issues promulgated by the professional bodies in New Zealand and overseas including the USA, (for example, the issue of appropriate proportions of accounting, business and liberal studies in an accounting programme). Notably, the respondents in general placed a low importance on auditing as part of an education programme. Further, in terms of the emphases that should be placed in an accounting programme, contrary to the endorsement in the literature, ‘work experience’ was not considered as important as other areas of emphasis, (e.g. global perspective, local perspective, professionalism and social and environmental perspective).  相似文献   

基于成本视角对管理会计框架的重建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文针对管理会计的框架体系问题进行了深入探讨,并从一个全新的角度———成本视角对管理会计框架进行了重建。本文提出管理会计理论框架由成本信息的生成、成本信息的加工使用、成本信息的基础应用、及成本信息的拓展应用四个维度构成,并分析论证了这个新的管理会计理论框架应以成本信息的生成维度为逻辑起点。  相似文献   

The general nature of basic accounting measurement procedures is analysed from the perspective of their representational faithfulness rather than, as is normally nowadays done, from the perspective of relevance to user decision models. The character of accounting numbers is examined using an axiomatic framework based in statistical theory to demonstrate that statistical properties of the numbers are created by the process of preparing, constructing, the numbers. These properties, deriving from the process of constructing the numbers, are there regardless of the uses to which the numbers may be put, and therefore knowledge of them informs not only preparers of the numbers but also those who decide whether and how to disclose them to others, and those who make use of them for any purpose.
The article argues, with axiomatic analysis and examples, that accounting numbers are statistics having properties such as distribution and variance that affect their usefulness in general and that may be examined separately from any use. Such an examination is helpful partly because it then avoids confounding the understanding of accounting measures' technical nature with issues of disclosure choice and use. The necessary axiomatic framework is presented briefly to establish its perspective on measurement questions, then the value of the framework for examining vexing accounting issues is illustrated with examinations of accrual accounting and matching, cross-sectional and time-series allocation, and accounting-relevant market values.  相似文献   

This article speculates upon the evolution of accounting education in the 1980's. Ideas are presented which impact upon many facets of higher education including undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs, as well as research and service. Further, institutional issues concerning the role of academics are addressed.The paper begins with “wrongs” of accounting research, education, libraries, and continuing education. Particular stress is placed upon weaknesses in educating and motivating accounting faculty to teach and have primary concern for students. Promotion, tenure, expense support, and reward structures are biased toward research and publication rather than teaching. Funding and faculty attention are not directed toward innovation in accounting education and development of university libraries as learning centers. In short, accounting educators continue to “educate for absolescence.”The paper ends with some suggestions of how to turn “wrongs” into “rights.” More than increased funding is needed. Of primary importance is a shift in attitudes and reward structures.  相似文献   

会计教育中重"教"轻"育"是长期以来的重要问题之一,其主要原因在于对会计教育理解的狭窄和会计教育理念的模糊与混乱。本文从会计的经济性质、管理性质、文化性质、信号性质、哲学性质等论证入手,探讨了会计教育的含义,梳理了人们对会计教育理念关注的内容,提出了会计教育理念的概念及其内涵、外延,构建了会计教育理念的内容框架,分析了现行会计教育理念中的问题、误区及对策。  相似文献   

管理会计理论框架的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对管理会计的理论框架问题进行了深入探讨,提出管理会计理论的框架应以管理会计目的为逻辑起点,管理会计理论框架主要包括管理会计基本理论、管理会计概念结构、管理会计应用理论及管理会计行为主体理论.  相似文献   

关于会计计量的几个理论问题   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
随着当代财务会计试图把越来越多的所谓“资产负债表外业务”纳入表内核算和试图在会计报表中反映资产、负债价值的变化,会计准则中已经越来越多引入了公允价值等除历史成本以外的其它会计计量基础,从而对现行的历史成本会计模式产生了很大挑战。不仅如此,由于过去的财务会计概念框架没有考虑这一新的会计计量发展趋势,也使得会计准则与概念框架之间、会计准则与会计准则之间因为会计计量问题而产生了诸多的不一致,十分不利于会计信息质量的提高和国际会计的趋同。为此,本文以现行国际财务报告准则中存在的会计计量问题为出发点,系统研究了当前会计计量问题的实质、理论基础、未来发展趋向及其国际努力,并进而提出了我国的因应对策。  相似文献   

The history of the conceptual framework (CF) exercise indicates more a search for a rationale for current practice than a re-affirmation of the legal, social and economic (especially financial) framework within which accounting is to function, and the necessary shape of a compatible system of accounting. Interestingly, issues similar to those presaging the formation of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Wheat and Trueblood Committees (antecedents of the formation of the Financial Accounting Standards Board in 1973 and its CF project in 1976) are evident again today. Such events led to a reconsideration of the effectiveness of CFs in their current form as 'constitutions'. Arguably, the framework of concepts underpinning ordinary, everyday commerce is the CF of accounting. The quest for a unique constitution-based CF of accounting, independent of observables, has been misplaced, insofar it is unnecessary. Arguably, if more attention had been given to the function of accounting the futility of the CF exercise could have been avoided.  相似文献   

The literature of social and educational research reflects the significance that issues of culture and ethnicity have gained in such research. This is evident, for example, in concerns to analyse and redesign social practices and to elaborate a critique of dominant Western institutions. In the research literature upon the accounting focus, evidence of such concerns has been comparatively scarce. While some research has been done@8ifor example, researchers have pointed to the Eurocentric character of accounting and critically analysed ethnic minority experiences of accountancy@8ithere is much more to do. Particularly scarce in the accounting literature have been studies concerned to focus upon accounting from an indigenous cultural perspective or to promote multicultural accounting education. Such a silence is of significance in the light of increasing worldwide concerns to learn from and to protect the cultures of indigenous peoples and to question the universal validity of Western practices, notably such as those of Eurocentric education. In this paper we focus upon Maori, the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, and critically assess and explore their participation in and experiences of accounting education. We concentrate upon university accounting education which is central to the process of gaining admission into the accountancy profession of Aotearoa New Zealand. We provide a historical and contextual analysis which elaborates upon the oppression and marginalisation of Maori people. The study reflects our concern that, in inquiring into why particular ethnic groups, including indigenous peoples, are under represented and lack influence in particular social activities and occupations, we need to give consideration to the role of cultural as well as socioeconomic factors. And in this respect we need to critically analyse the very institutions and practices of Western accountancy and Western accounting education as forms of insensitive cultural imperialism. These forms can change rather than the culture of peoples. For us, increasing the participation of Maori in accounting education and accounting practice and changing the character of these practices so that they are more reflective of Maori indigenous culture are two dimensions of the struggle for change which can be mutually reinforcing. We are supportive of such change and seek to bring this about in the Eurocentric institutions of Aotearoa New Zealand. Our contention is that a deeper critical analysis of issues of ethnicity in Western society can help to inform a critique of Eurocentric practices and institutions including in the sphere of accounting. In brief, we explore a range of interconnected themes: the complex character of the marginalisation and oppression of Maori; focusing in, the position respecting accounting education and the very practice of accounting; how this relates to ways forward and connects up with wider issues.  相似文献   

Islamic banks have to abide by the revealed doctrines in Islam in conducting their business and financial transactions. They employ in-house religious advisers—often referred to as Shari'a Supervisory Board (SSB)—who issue a special report to inform users of financial statements whether or not the bank has adhered to the Islamic principles. Recently, a private standard-setting body—the Financial Accounting Organization for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (FAOIBFI)—has been set up to externally regulate the financial reporting by Islamic banks. The FAOIBFI has published two statements on the objectives and concepts of financial reporting to act as a framework in setting accounting standards for Islamic banks. This paper examines the FAOIBFI's approach for developing objectives and concepts of financial accounting and investigates its need for such a theoretical framework. It is argued that the FAOIBFI's objectives and concepts would not be useful in mandating accounting standards on issues that are affected by religious ruling. This does not necessarily mean that such a framework may not be useful in legitimating the FAOIBFI's role and in setting accounting standards for issues that are not governed by revealed moral doctrines although it will be subject to similar limitations to those found by other standard-setting bodies in utilising and applying their framework. However, it implies that the more the FAOIBFI sets accounting standards that incorporate religious ruling, the less it would tend to find its own objectives and concepts useful. The ambiguities that may arise from different interpretations of the religious rules will require resolutions primarily by reference to religious rather than accounting authority.  相似文献   

Michael E. Bradbury 《Abacus》2003,39(3):388-397
This article describes some of the issues faced by standard setters in developing guidance on accounting for financial instruments and the implications these issues have for the conceptual framework (CF). The objective is to outline issues, not necessarily to resolve them, and to consider the implications they have for further developing the conceptual framework.
Given the current trend of harmonization and convergence of accounting practice towards international standards, it seems reasonable to assume that any policy implications will be most relevant to the CF inherited by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). 1 Unless otherwise stated, references will be made to International Accounting Standards (IAS).  相似文献   

保险合同会计--进展、反思与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国际会计准则委员会近期发布的“国际财务报告准则第4号”(IFRS4)是保险合同会计第一阶段的成果。为了理解国际上保险合同会计的这一进展,本文首先从设问的角度界定了一个保险会计的框架;在此基础上,归纳和分析了IFRS4中的主要议题,并从概念与现实的权衡及会计错配两方面对其过渡特征进行了剖析;在界定的框架范围内,依据对IFRS4的分析评价,提出了我国保险会计规范中值得注意的几个问题。  相似文献   


This paper presents an exploratory study into the nature and patterns of usage of accounting education research. The study adopts the most accessible metric, Google Advanced Scholar citations, to analyse the impact of research published in the six principal English-language accounting education journals. The analysis reveals a global readership for these journals but evidence of relatively low citation levels. However, papers tended to be cited more than expected in cross-disciplinary education journals, discipline-specific education journals, and non-education journals. Guidance is offered to authors seeking to maximise the impact of their research, and issues of concern are identified for editors and publishers. This is the first paper to look beyond content at the usefulness of research in accounting education as indicated by citations. In doing so, it contributes to the current debate on the quality of this research, and of research in accounting and finance in general.  相似文献   

This empirical paper presents a study of the implementation process for International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in one of the accession countries, the Czech Republic. Based upon a review of the legislation, institutional framework and context, and drawing upon recent interviews with Czech companies required to prepare IFRS accounts, auditors and institutional players in the Czech Republic, the paper highlights some of the key issues that are arising with the move to the implementation of IFRS reporting for listed group companies and other enterprises in the Czech Republic.

The paper considers the issues that arise when implementing new accounting regulations, some of which are not new and have been well covered in the literature, but others of which are particular to the implementation of IFRS reporting. The method of implementation, the scope of IFRS, particular issues with local accounting practice and IFRS, the issue of enforcement of compliance with IFRS and its relationship with audit, the link between IFRS reporting and taxation and the provision of education and training are all considered. There is also a review of the state of preparedness of local group listed entities with respect to the implementation of IFRS reporting.

There are many potentially rich areas for accounting research where the work could also inform the practice of IFRS accounting. The paper provides a contribution by highlighting how one country has moved to implement the requirement for group listed enterprises to prepare IFRS accounts and the issues that then arise for legislators, preparers and users.  相似文献   

This case is based on the experience of one of the authors as financial director of the Birmingham, Alabama soccer venue site for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games held in Atlanta, GA, USA. Although many of the circumstances surrounding the case are based on actual events, the people, data and scenarios contained in the case are fictional. However, the case is written carefully to create as realistic an environment as possible. As the only member of the Birmingham Soccer Committee with accounting expertise, the financial director is responsible for identifying and addressing issues involving accounting and finance. The primary learning objective for this case is to provide students with experience actively making decisions in an unstructured environment in which they have sole responsibility for accounting and financial issues. When addressing the issues in the case, students are required to use a decision framework based on a comparison of personal principles and goals to the committee's mission and strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the conceptual framework, accounting standards and accounting information relevant to the not‐for‐profit (NFP) sector. Based on the responses of 242 Australian NFP managers, we find support for the inclusion of accountability in the conceptual framework, and for a common set of accounting standards across NFP and for‐profit sectors with additional standards or paragraphs to recognise NFP specific issues. Respondents also rated information within general‐purpose financial reports to be useful for decision making within their organisations. We offer suggestions as to what our findings mean for the development of accounting standards for the NFP sector.  相似文献   

A transformation of management accounting education is being driven by the changing role of the accounting educator and the increasingly controversial status of traditional management accounting practices. This paper discusses a variety of controversial issues and describes how controversy can be used to enhance management accounting education.  相似文献   

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