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面对我国快速发展的经济,各种外在因素对企业职工的诱惑及影响,本文提出加强以社会主义荣辱观为统领的企业思想道德建设,引领全体员工形成相对一致的是非、善恶、美丑评价标准和赖以凝聚的道德遵循和精神纽带。同时,文章从多方面论述了企业思想道德建设这个主题。 相似文献
一、企业“一把手”素质的重要性领导者素质是领导从事各种领导活动的原动力 ,是适应领导岗位、履行领导职责、获得领导效能的资格和条件。它是领导者实施有效领导的基础和前提 ,也是一种重要的社会资源。它在领导活动乃至社会和组织的发展中均起着十分重要的作用。1 企业“一把手”的素质是企业的重要竞争力。虽然现在是一个普遍强调企业团队精神的时代 ,但在实际的企业经营活动中 ,企业家的作用几乎是决定性的。优秀的企业家能创造出优秀的企业 ,能增加企业的竞争力。在经济日益全球化、知识化、信息化、网络化、虚拟化的时代 ,世界范围内… 相似文献
<正>为了扎实有效地推进职工思想道德建设,原平昊华公司仪表车间党支部针对企业现状,组织了“职工思想道德建设的问题与对策研究”的问卷调查。问卷涉及职工对社会主导价值观念和职业道德规范的认知水平及其意识来源,职工在处理自我与他人、自我与企业、自我与 相似文献
管道运输企业专业技术性强,工种多,职工技术素质偏低的现状,不能适应当前形势的需要,如何进一步加强职工培训,提高职工素质成为企业亟待解决的课题。 一、加强职工教育培训的必要性 职工教育与现代企业发展之间具有密不可分的联系。大家知道,“科学技术是生产力”,但只有通过对劳动者的培训并使科学技术为劳动者所掌握应用,科学技术才能从间接的生产力转变为直接的生产力,也才能有力的推动现代企业的发展。 相似文献
中国工会十五大报告中指出:培养和造就数以亿计的高素质劳动者队伍,关系到职工全面发展,关系到企业竞争力和综合国力提升,是保持和发展工人阶级先进性的关键所在,也是中国工会的一项长期战略任务。通过教育培训,帮助职工树立正确的理想信念,推进职工知识化进程,全面提高职工素质,建设"四有"职工队伍,是企业实现可持续发展的必然要求和创新之路。 相似文献
如今,80后、90后的青年正在成为企业职工群体的主力军。他们有激情活力,也有个性飞扬。如何做好青年思想引导,激发他们身上的正能量,这是企业团组织需要关注的工作。习近平总书记在同团中央新一届领导班子谈话时强调,团干部要"充分依靠青年、一切为了青年,做青年友,不做青年‘官’",对团干部的素质与能力提出了要求与方向。赵凯就是这样一位团干部,他一心一意把职工当朋友,职工们也把他当成铁哥们儿。他的职业经历展示了一个能让青年职工信任为友的共青团干部的形象。 相似文献
Public policy towards youth employment and training in Britain during the past decade has been dominated by two themes: the quest to reduce youth relative pay, as part of a wider deregulation of the labour market, in order to increase access to jobs and training: and the neglect of apprenticeship in favour of the Youth Training Scheme. This paper analyses these policies in an institutional framework informed by the results of a recent research project on youth activity in industry in major EC economies (Marsden and Ryan 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991).
The policy debate in Britain has tended to focus upon the effectiveness of lower youth pay at improving youth access to jobs and training (Wells 1983; Jones 1985; Junankar and Neale 1987). We accept the efficacy of lower youth pay but question its institutional viability. Youth employment and training policies must be well grounded in labour market institutions in order to achieve success. We argue that neglect of the institutional context accounts for the lopsided and partial success resulting from current policies in Britain, and that the revitalization of apprenticeship, either as such or in the equivalent form of a strongly upgraded public training scheme, has a great deal to offer.
We begin with an outline of the relevant institutions. We trace their implications for outcomes in the youth market, contrast the divergent institutional directions taken by West Germany and the UK, and finally assess contemporary British policy towards youth activity in general and apprenticeship in particular. 相似文献
The policy debate in Britain has tended to focus upon the effectiveness of lower youth pay at improving youth access to jobs and training (Wells 1983; Jones 1985; Junankar and Neale 1987). We accept the efficacy of lower youth pay but question its institutional viability. Youth employment and training policies must be well grounded in labour market institutions in order to achieve success. We argue that neglect of the institutional context accounts for the lopsided and partial success resulting from current policies in Britain, and that the revitalization of apprenticeship, either as such or in the equivalent form of a strongly upgraded public training scheme, has a great deal to offer.
We begin with an outline of the relevant institutions. We trace their implications for outcomes in the youth market, contrast the divergent institutional directions taken by West Germany and the UK, and finally assess contemporary British policy towards youth activity in general and apprenticeship in particular. 相似文献
The central issue in dispute is the relative merit of occupational and internal labour markets for youth opportunities, and for skill retention and employee motivation in general. We stress the critical importance of 'rate for job rules' in ILMs in regulating youth entry in Western countries, and suggest some reasons consistent with our basic argument why ILMs may avoid these in Japan. ILMs in Europe and the USA have generally produced lower-quality training and created serious problems for redeployment, without necessarily enhancing efficiency. We suggest that, under YTS, the transfer of government subsidy to trainees was more apparent than real. 相似文献
Paul Ryan 《英国劳资关系杂志》1995,33(1):1-33
The Youth Training Scheme presented British unions with a mix of opportunities and threats. Patterns of interest in and policy towards YTS among the 42 largest unions are studied for 1983–8. Most unions showed interest in YTS but they divided sharply on whether or not to oppose it. Statistical analysis indicates a role for both economic and political factors in determining differences between unions in interest and policy. Opposition proved most intense and widespread among unions that represented the lower-grade occupations in the public sector. Such unions were heavily affected by trainee-employee substitution and in addition were relatively well placed to enforce its exclusion. Left-wing political orientation was also associated with opposition to YTS, but at the level of principle rather than action. 相似文献
J. PAUL LEIGH 《劳资关系》1985,24(2):247-256
Paul G. Chapman 《英国劳资关系杂志》1991,29(3):491-495
This paper compares the merits of occupational and internal labour markets focusing on the issues of skills shortages, human capital theory, wage efficiency and youth training policy in the UK. 相似文献
MICHELE CAMPOLIETI 《劳资关系》2005,44(4):625-653
This paper examines the effect of union status on workers' compensation claim duration in Canada. I find that unionized workers have shorter claims than nonunionized workers and that relatively little of this difference can be attributed to differences in worker or job characteristics. I interpret this as being consistent with a strong union effect that reduces union member's claim duration. Plausible explanations for this finding and directions for future research are also discussed. 相似文献
Mari Sako 《英国劳资关系杂志》1991,29(3):485-490
This Comment questions the reasons why Marsden and Ryan (1990) have come to favour prescribing apprenticeship and occupational markets for reviving training in Britain. Their assessment failed to take account of (a) other advantages of internal labour markets over occupational markets, (b) institutions other than those in labour markets, and (c) training features common in well functioning occupational and internal markets as revealed by a comparison of Germany and Japan. The examination of these factors casts a doubt on the feasibility and desirability of Marsden and Ryan's policy recommendation. 相似文献
陈赓良 《石油工业技术监督》2011,27(5):18-20
随着国家标准"天然气能量的测定"(GB/T 22723-2008)的发布,天然气能量计量的实施已经进入倒计时阶段;与此同时,该标准实际上也明确了在实施能量计量之后,商品天然气的发热量与其体积流量一样,都将属于法制计量范畴。但就法制计量的要求而论,当前尚缺少一个有关天然气分析溯源准则的国家标准,建议尽快建立并发布。 相似文献
分析研究了国内外用气相色谱法测定天然气组成的方法标准,从适用范围、分析条件、对标准气的要求、计算方法、精密度和数据处理要求六个方面进行比较,为科学合理地转化国外先进标准提供基础研究,并可为天然气贸易双方对组成分析标准的选择提供参考。 相似文献
由于自动变速器(AT)的使用范围不断扩大,自动传动液(ATF)作为新的车用润滑剂产品,其消耗量在同步增长,本身的作用、性能、规格标准也正经历着一系列的变化。ATF产品规格标准的更新加快,导致认证难度和认证费用增加,并对基础油和添加剂产品市场产生了显著影响。ATF的市场结构正在经历着一系列的变革。基于众多的ATF标准,市场上正在不断出现各种ATF供应商、添加剂公司与AT制造商的竞争组合。 相似文献