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During the last decade, developing (and some developed) economies have accumulated large amounts of international reserves, mainly for precautionary reasons. This phenomenon has been coupled with insufficient economic growth. The resources being amassed largely overwhelm protective needs, there is an excess of resources that is being wasted, and which could be utilised for alternative productive projects, namely to promote growth. If insufficient aggregate demand can largely explain low growth, it is clear that this excess of international reserves can be used to stimulate aggregate demand. This paper argues that the excess of international reserves represents a potential resource to boost growth.  相似文献   

The paper presents a model of a small open economy with a fragile banking sector and imperfect international capital mobility. In this model, increased international integration of the market for bank deposits makes bank runs more likely, resulting in a welfare loss for the business sector. Bank depositors may gain or lose depending on the parameters. When depositors gain, whether the gains exceed the losses to the business sector depends on the size of the holdings of foreign assets relative to the deadweight costs of bank runs. Thus, limited international financial integration may not be desirable.  相似文献   

This paper uses a general equilibrium model incorporating rural–urban migration to analyze and contrast the short- and long-run effects of profit-sharing. Specifically examined are the effects of profit-sharing on rural–urban migration, the degree of competition among urban firms, and international mobility of capital. It is found that although profit-sharing may raise urban employment in the short run, the scheme reduces urban employment and lowers the inflow of foreign capital in the long run.  相似文献   

Eco-Dumping, Capital Mobility, and International Trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A small open economy’s optimal environmental policy is studied in a model with international capital mobility and local pollution. The country produces traded as well as non-traded goods. Is it in the country’s interest to engage in ecological dumping by choosing generous pollution allowances for the traded-good sector? The answer depends decisively on the policy regime in use. Dumping is not optimal if the country ensures that the implicit rent on pollution is completely appropriated within the country. However, if the implicit factor reward on pollution leaves the country because it accrues to (foreign) owners of mobile capital, the local welfare maximizing government tends to discriminate against the traded-good sector, the opposite of ecological dumping.  相似文献   

Social Security Policy and International Labor and Capital Mobility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the connection between social security policy and international factor movements within a two-country overlapping-generations model with production. Incentives for factor movements emerge because one country relies on private savings while the other country operates a social security system. The pattern of migration depends on the steady-state capital–labor ratios compared with the Golden Rule capital–labor ratios. Incentives to migrate do not vanish in the long run and one country might empty out. Capital always moves to the social-security country. Without compensation neither labor nor capital mobility represents a Pareto improvement for the economy.  相似文献   

Using a Heckscher–Ohlin model, this paper re‐examines Robert Mundell's famous thesis that free trade and unimpeded capital mobility are perfect substitutes. Under very general conditions which, according to many economists, have caused international convergence of factor rewards, we show that in a polluted environment free trade is inferior to free international investment. This happens even though commodity prices and factor rewards are the same with both policies. The practical side of our thesis is that the world will be better off by reducing the volume of trade while removing all barriers to foreign direct investment that at present hamper the service industries.  相似文献   

This paper introduces international capital mobility in a general-equilibrium model of a small developing economy which is characterized by a dualistic economic structure. The model is then used to analyze the positive and the normative aspects of development policies that are often recommended for achieving employment-related objectives in developing economies.  相似文献   

Termination of the Washington arrangements of 1968, whereby the participating countries agreed not to sell gold in the private gold market, resulted in two changes in international monetary environment. First, the market price of gold deviated from its official price. Second, countries were allowed to auction off gold component of their reserves. The supposition was that such changes will lower the demand for international liquidity. Using a simultaneous equation model of demand for and supply of reserves, it is concluded that indeed market price of gold exerts negative effects on the LDCs demand for reserves which is similar to the results obtained for DCs in the previous studies. [420]  相似文献   

The paper develops a general–equilibrium model with layoff unemployment to examine the effect of different unemployment insurance policies on international capital mobility. Conditions are derived under which capital will flow to the high–benefit country. Incentives for international capital movements are unaffected by how the burden of financing unemployment benefits is distributed between workers and firms. It is shown that capital outflows might have positive welfare effects for workers. This contrasts with results from standard models of international factor movements.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper evaluates general equilibrium welfare effects of tariffs, quotas, and voluntary export restraints under different assumptions about international capital mobility. We show analytically that, when induced terms-of-trade and rental-rate effects are considered, the qualitative influence of capital mobility on the costs of protection cannot be ascertained unambiguously. Simulation estimates for the US indicate the practical importance of capital mobility, as well as of terms-of-trade and rental-rate adjustments, in determining the ultimate welfare effects of import restraints.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of North-South trade with a continuum of goods, external economies of scale and international capital mobility. The North-South wage gap must exceed any difference in labor quality for South to overcome the established external economies in North. In equilibrium North retains the goods with the largest external economies and South specializes in the remaining goods. While Northern product innovation leads to the production of additional goods in South, it is possible for South to experience a terms-of-trade deterioration, a reduction in foreign investment, and an increase in wage and income inequality.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the Feldstein-Horioka coefficients and evaluates the degree of international capital mobility for ten newly industrialized countries (NICs) over the different sub-periods from 1970 to 2010. By applying the Pedroni and Westerlund cointegration tests, we find that saving and investment are indeed cointegrated. The estimated FH coefficients using FMOLS and DOLS are 0.24 and 0.33, respectively, for the period 1970–1980. Furthermore, the estimated FH coefficients reduce from 0.80 (FMOLS) in 1991–2000 to 0.36 (FMOLS) in 1970–1980. The small FH coefficients suggest that international capital mobility increased in the NICs during the sub-periods 1970–1980 and 2001–2010.  相似文献   

Precautionary Demand for Education, Inequality, and Technological Progress   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper offers an explanation for the evolution of wage inequality within and between industries and education groups over the past several decades. The model is based on the disproportionate depreciation of technology-specific skills versus general skills due to technological progress, which occurs randomly across sectors. Consistent with empirical evidence, the model predicts that increasing randomness is the primary source of inequality growth within uneducated workers, whereas inequality growth within educated workers is determined more by changes in the composition and return to ability. Increasing randomness generates a precautionary demand for education, which we show empirically to be significant.  相似文献   


This paper highlights the rare conditions that lead to international cooperation, and the reasons why eliciting this cooperation may be beneficial in preventing adverse tail shocks from spiraling into global depressions. In normal economic times, deeper macro cooperation among countries is associated with welfare gains akin to Harberger’s second-order magnitude triangle, thus making the odds of cooperation low. When bad tail events induce imminent threats of financial collapse, the perceived losses have a first-order magnitude of terminating the total Marshalian surpluses. The apprehension of these losses in perilous times may elicit rare and beneficial macro cooperation. We close the paper by overviewing the obstacles preventing cooperation and the proliferation of precautionary policies of emerging market economies as a second-best outcome of limited cooperation.  相似文献   

Using a model with moral hazard and bankruptcy costs, we show that the direction of intertemporal trade between countries depends on differences in their autarkic distributions of wealth. We also examine the consequences of redistribution policies and bail‐out policies in this framework. We show that, in the presence of bankruptcy cost and capital market imperfections due to moral hazard, the very rich and the very poor do not undertake any risk and choose to be passive lenders. Only individuals whose wealth lies within an intermediate range choose to become entrepreneurs. Redistributive policies influence the supply of entrepreneurship and autarkic interest rates.  相似文献   

本文利用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2006年的城市调查数据,分别用企业任期和在职培训时间作为企业专用性人力资本的替代变量,分析它们对员工流动性的影响,结果显示,企业专用性人力资本与员工辞职概率显著负相关,企业专用性人力资本水平越高的员工,主动离开企业的可能性就越小.同时还发现,作为通用性人力资本的工作经验与员工辞职概率之间的关系不明确;受教育年限和工资收入与员工辞职概率显著正相关;企业规模与员工辞职概率之间不存在显著的相关关系;相对于女性而言,在其他条件相同的情况下,男性辞职的可能性更大.  相似文献   

Most models of tax competition assume full employment. Yet, actually one often observes that fiscal competition, particularly when it is aimed at attracting investment, is motivated by the concern of fighting unemployment and enhancing job creation. The present paper considers a multicountry model with capital mobility and unemployment. Fiscal policy has two opposing objectives: financing unemployment insurance and increasing employment. In each country there is a majority vote on this policy.
The purpose of the paper is to analyse how opening borders to capital flows modifies the median voter's choice of the employment subsidy. Assuming that capital and labour are complements, economic integration is shown to raise the employment subsidy with fixed wages. This agrees with intuition as a larger employment subsidy attracts more capital. However, when wages are set by labour unions economic integration can change the median voter's choice in either direction.  相似文献   

作为国际环境法的基本原则之一,风险防范原则在很多国际条约和协定中都有规定.风险防范原则从20世纪60年代发展至今已渐渐走入成熟.在当今环境问题日益凸显的今天,很多风险发生的原因我们在现有科学技术水平的条件下是无法准确得知的.面对这一情形,风险防范原则是我们应对这一问题的法宝.文章旨在阐述该原则的产生、分类、在国际条约中的运用以及分析欧盟国家对该原则的规定,进而提出我国应该确立风险防范原则的必要性分析.  相似文献   

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