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张瑜 《企业导报》2011,(18):113-114
随着旅游业的飞速发展,旅游商品已经成为旅游活动中的一个重要组成部分。但是,延安旅游商品生产存在老化现象,这势必阻碍延安旅游商品的发展。文章从延安旅游商品开发存在的问题入手,根据存在的问题提出开发策略,使其能对延安旅游商品的开发和发展提供理论意义。  相似文献   

刘慧 《现代企业》2014,(11):21-22
延安是中华民族的发祥地之一,历史文化遗产众多。延安红色旅游资源丰富,作为革命老区拥有极其特殊的纪念价值和政治地位。其风土民情、民间艺术种类繁多、风味小吃品种多样,使延安旅游呈现出丰富性、至高性、唯一性、垄断性的特点。随着延安旅游资源的不断开采,使得延安旅游成为延安经济的新亮点,但发展中存在一些问题,应予以调整并解决。一、延安旅游业的发展现状1.近年来旅游建设取得了较大成效。在治理生态环境上,给予了人力、物力、财力的极大投入,取得了良好成效,2003年被国家旅游局评为"中国优秀旅游城市"。  相似文献   

民俗旅游资源是旅游资源中极具活力的重要因素,民俗旅游日益成为现代旅游的一大热潮。延安民俗旅游资源丰富多彩,本文针对延安民俗旅游开发中存在的问题,提出了民俗旅游的发展对策,为延安民俗旅游发展的实践提供依据。  相似文献   

电子商务环境下的旅游商品物流体系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在物流业整体发展滞后,并日益成为旅游电子商务发展制约因素的情况下.建立完善的旅游商品物流体系是我国旅游电子商务发展的关键环节。文章给出了电子商务环境下旅游商品物流体系的完整架构.包括旅游商品展销系统、旅游商品运输和仓储系统、现代化物流信息系统和递送网络等四个子系统。并讨论了旅游商品的供应链、旅游连锁商业、旅游业虚拟经营与物流管理的关系以及旅游商品物流的现代化和规模化发展趋势。  相似文献   

刘晓华 《价值工程》2014,(11):206-208
民俗旅游资源是旅游资源中极具活力的重要因素,民俗旅游日益成为现代旅游的一大热潮。本文通过对延安民俗旅游资源全面的考察,着重探讨了延安民俗旅游资源的开发模式和方法,以期为延安民俗旅游发展的实践提供依据。  相似文献   

中部地区旅游商品开发与中部城市发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中部地区旅游资源非常丰富,旅游商品生产经营源远流长,但旅游商品生产经营的现状与旅游业的发展形势不协调。现代旅游商品的生产经营应从开发具有特色的旅游商品,融入现代经营业态,拓宽旅游商品的视野等方面着手,不仅能使中部城市旅游商品的开发生产与经营焕发出新的生机,也有利于中部城市的旅游经济发展、产业结构升级,进而促进中部城市社会经济的转型与发展。  相似文献   

党星 《价值工程》2011,30(4):163-164
假日旅游已经成为经济社会发展的一大亮点,并在扩大内需、促进假日经济发展和社会进步方面发挥了积极作用。延安发展假日旅游有着资源等各方面的优势,但也不容忽视的存在诸多问题。本文从延安假日旅游发展的现状,问题等方面进行分析,进而提出行之有效的对策。  相似文献   

江西旅游商品市场现状及其发展对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尹敏 《企业经济》2004,(8):110-112
旅游商品是江西旅游的一个薄弱环节,同时也是最具市场潜力的利润增长点。旅游商品的开发与发展对江西旅游业的发展起着十分重要的作用。本文通过对江西当前旅游商品市场发展现状及其原因分析,提出江西旅游商品发展创新的一些对策。  相似文献   

发展旅游商品是江西打造旅游业升级版的战略选择。当前,旅游业正进入标准化时代。江西旅游商品作为旅游业的重要组成部分,必须走标准化发展之路,全面推行"创意独特、底蕴厚重、外形美观、质量优良、价格实惠、携带方便"六大标准。同时,旅游商品发展还应牢牢把握"六个结合":旅游商品开发用途与日常生活相结合;旅游商品开发工艺与高新技术相结合;旅游商品开发内涵与景区文化相结合;旅游商品开发过程与游客体验相结合;旅游商品销售方式与互联网相结合;旅游购物场所布局与景区建设相结合。应采取强化品牌建设、政策扶持、人才保障、宣传推广、监督管理等多措并举政策,共创江西旅游商品新局面。  相似文献   

在收集旅游满意度调查历年资料基础上,通过与井冈山的对比,分析了延安旅游满意度的现状。发现延安红色旅游存在非盈利性观念误区、展示手段单一陈旧、旅游内容单薄、服务意识不强强、缺乏合理的服务体系、旅游环境意识薄弱、旅游人性化服务不完善等问题。针对这些问题探索提出了改变观念、深度挖掘文化内涵、创新展出形式、构造合理的旅游公共服务体系、优化内外部环境、形成良好的旅游氛围、加强和改善旅游的人性化服务等提升延安红色旅游综合效益的路径和方法,以期促进延安红色旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

王欢 《价值工程》2012,31(21):286-287
西安是个文化历史名城,其旅游资源十分丰富,但在旅游商品开发上并没有体现出与其历史文化相匹配的水准,文化与旅游产业的相互关系已经得到证实,政策上也对其进行了扶持,但相关研究都没有在此得到整合,要想使旅游文化商品作为旅游产品的核心发挥更大的经济效益,相关领域的研究需要进行补充。  相似文献   

现代物流是企业的第三利润源泉,它能降低企业的经营成本,提高社会的资源利用率。被誉为“小商品世界”的天津大胡同商品市场应抓住当前有利时机,加快发展现代物流业,提高整体运行效率和质量。文中研究了大胡同商品市场的总体情况,着重分析了大胡同现有的物流模式中存在的问题,并提出改进的方法。  相似文献   

本文通过对延安市循环经济的基本情况深入调查了解,从工业、农业、服务业等方面分析了延安市循环经济发展的现状,并在此基础上,以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,对延安市发展循环经济进行了积极的探索研究,并提出了对策,对延安市发展循环经济有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

We assess how commodity prices respond to macroeconomic news and show that commodities have been relatively insensitive to such news over daily frequencies between 1997 and 2009 compared to other financial assets and major exchange rates. Where commodity prices are influenced by news, there is a pro-cyclical bias and these sensitivities have risen as commodities have become increasingly financialized. However, models based on news still do a relatively poor job of forecasting commodity prices at daily frequencies. We also find some asymmetries in how commodity prices respond to news, most notably for gold, which alone among commodities acts as a safe-haven when “bad” economic news emerges.  相似文献   

安塞腰鼓集舞蹈、武术、体操、打击乐、吹奏乐、民族风俗为一体,是流行在陕西北部的一种民间广场群体艺术,是陕北人文地理、风土人情、宗教信仰等的综合概括和反映,具有浓郁的地方特色和广泛的群众性。对其旅游利用进行探析,为延安旅游业的发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

旅游商品开发对促进广西药用植物园发展起着重要的作用。文章分析了广西药用植物园在开发旅游商品中存在的问题,从重视旅游资源调查、研究旅游者的购物需求、挖掘旅游商品的文化内涵、树立名牌意识等方面提出了对策。  相似文献   

The foundation, to be recognized as a commodity which is used for the sake of humanity, is to remove from being a special commodity and to carry on and develop as a resource that could be benefited by society eternally for people’s service. After Cyprus was received by Ottoman Empire, some foundations were installed in order that people could meet their religious and social needs. British-Ottoman defense treaty in June 4, 1878 did not mortgage in any way any either Turkish people or assets in Cyprus. Foundation commodities and Land Registry Office were under the sovereignty and supervision of Ottoman Empire. No change was foreseen on immovable properties and especially status of immovable commodities belonging to the Foundations which are under the property of Ottoman Empire through this treaty. The British Colonial Administration changed the provisions of this treaty unilaterally, and developed a series of transactions towards invading the island. It firstly intervened in Foundations, and it settled an English administrator in pious foundation management. In 1914, it changed the island to be Royalty colony, namely; it acquired the island. Thanks to the royal charter enacted in November 30, 1915, the foundations started to manage with commissioners assigned to the management and benefit from the institution in order to control the commodities of the foundation. The foundations were transformed into Government Offices in 1928, and all of the foundation immovables were left to face the threat of intervention. The Turkish Cypriot foundation commodities and foundations management were exposed to continuous interventions, thus administrative and financial power of foundation institution were weakened. As a result of the changes in law that were made by British Colonial Administration, many lands belonging to the foundations and Varosha (Mara?) Region which is the most important tourism center of Famagusta passed into the ownership of Greeks.  相似文献   

湖南湘西州地区旅游资源丰富,近年来旅游产业快速发展,旅游产业集群初露端倪。发展旅游产业集群目的是提高旅游产业的核心竞争力,促进旅游区域旅游产业的和谐共生发展;研究旅游产业集群及区域经济发展互动,是区域旅游产业与区域经济良性互动的必然要求,对促进后发地区经济发展、提高旅游地居民生活福利水平有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Our paper has two stages of analysis. First of all, we examine whether volatility spillover between US equity and commodity markets has significantly changed with the heavy influx of index traders in commodity derivatives markets, which is a phenomenon referred to as financialization. Given that previous findings show institutional traders enter into commodity markets at high liquidity episodes, in the second stage of our analysis, we investigate the particular impact of US quantitative easing policy on spillover between commodity and US stocks. Our results indicate that during financialization period, spillover from stocks to commodities have significantly increased for almost all commodities. More importantly, we show that quantitative easing is one of the underlying reasons for increasing volatility spillover between markets. Including interest rate, currency factors or default spread does not diminish the explicit role of quantitative easing on spillovers.  相似文献   

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